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  1. Restaurant’s New Sign Has Gun Control Supporters Up In Arms
  2. How to win against gun control:
  3. The Persistent Myth That Trump Opposes War
  4. US shootings: Trump says 'serious' talks on gun control under way
  5. Coward Trump just caved to his enemies on guns so he could feel good about virtue signalling
  6. Mitch McConnell: ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban ‘Front and Center’ in Senate
  7. House Democrat calls for federal white nationalist list
  8. Son of Former Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Sentenced For Sex Trafficking 14-Year-Old Girl
  9. At Least 21 Alleged Sexual Predators Arrested in Massive Operation
  10. The VA “Red Flags” veterans for any reason they want, like complaining about service
  11. Trump seeks powers to rein in alleged tech bias
  12. Epstein Documents Hit; Accuser Says Trump 'Didn't Partake In Any Sex With Any Of Us'
  13. WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: My Confession About Guns
  14. Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials
  15. Mexican Cartel Shoots Over 50 Rounds at US Border Patrol Marine Unit in Rio Grande
  16. Red Flag: "Oppose a Disease at its Beginning"
  17. Mike Cernovich discussing new Epstein court documents just released via Parascope
  18. Every Mass Shootings Share One Thing In Common & It’s NOT Weapons
  19. New Hampshire governor vetoes 3 gun control bills
  20. Spend more on defence or we move troops to Poland, U.S. envoy tells Germany
  21. Nearly 84,000 duplicate voter records found in audit of California’s ‘motor voter’ system
  22. To keep this Texas county red, Republican says it's time to become politically intolerant
  23. Trump gets letter from North Korea, says more talks likely
  24. 8 Des left to debate
  25. Jeffery Epstein suicided in jail last night
  26. US House Of Representatives panel begins formal impeachment proceedings
  27. Over 100 immigrant hunger strikers tear gassed inside ice jail
  28. Wife of American Imprisoned in Iran Cites ASAP Rocky in Plea for Trump’s Help
  29. GOP lawmakers call for ethics investigation of Rep. Joaquin Castro's tweet on Trump donors
  30. Meet Con Artist Andrew Yang and his Freedom Dividend
  31. Shareblue Dispatches Urgent Talking Points For On-Line Activists….
  32. NBC Executive Takes Over David Brock’s Left-Wing Site
  33. Trump fan arrested for threatening to kill Ocasio-Cortez after Trump attacked her
  34. With Epstein Now Dead, Will Ghislaine Maxwell be Charged?
  35. Trump Orders the Freeze of Billions of Dollars in Congressionally Approved Foreign Aid
  36. Lew Rockwell on Amash
  37. Gun-control backers concerned about changing federal courts
  38. The Clinton Body Count
  39. Your reputation score
  40. The Trump pedophile accusation
  41. Uh oh! Brit Facebook usage plummets 38%
  42. Ponzi Scheme Victims Say Epstein Swindled Them
  43. Jeffrey Epstein: How conspiracy theories spread after financier's death
  44. Dirty Harry and Death Wish: Barr talks pop culture justice
  45. Navy ditches touchscreens for knobs and dials after fatal crash
  46. New Puerto Rico gov suspends contract to rebuild power grid
  47. [Parody] Biden Clarifies: 'I Like All Races, Even The Bad Ones'
  48. Alaska governor seeks to tighten work rules for food stamps
  49. HotAir's Allahpundit thinks Epstein isn't DEAD!
  50. The Feds Move Closer to a $15 Minimum Wage
  51. Jews against ICE
  52. Immigration and Freedom
  53. Trump administration boosts ability to deny green cards to immigrants using welfare programs
  54. Pentagon identifies Marine killed in Iraq
  55. Scaramucci no longer backs Trump's reelection, says change may be needed at top of ticket
  56. Trump acts to regulate social media!
  57. The Left is Panicking Over Much Needed Changes to the Endangered Species Act
  58. Boys as young as 10 sold into sex trade, dressed up as girls, across the US
  59. Trump wants South Korea & Japan to pay more to keep U.S. troops there
  60. --be careful Republicans!
  61. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'I Have a Lot of Common Ground With Many Libertarian Viewpoints'
  62. CNN's Chris Cuomo loses his mind because someone called him "Fredo"
  63. Epstein's Death May Be A Turning Point In The Public's Willingness To Accept Official Bullshit
  64. ‘Creepy Dershowitz’ Trends And You Really Don’t Want To Know Why
  65. Iraq Accuses Pentagon Of "Extremely Exaggerating" Numbers Of ISIS Fighters
  66. Rand Paul signals support for Red Flags
  67. Federal Judges Are Waging War on the Fourth Amendment
  68. Ca. Roadside theft didn't turn out as expected
  69. Support for allowing Central American refugees into US up 6 points since December
  70. ICE Crackdown Puts Businesses and Families on Edge
  71. RCD DESTROYS AOC: No One Comes Here To Find Socialism, They Come Here To Escape It
  72. Illinois adopts law requiring LGBT history lessons to be taught in public schools
  73. The Gender Unicorn worksheet...
  74. Trump says he delayed tariffs because of concerns over Christmas shopping season
  75. Trump Agriculture Secretary Jokes about Whining Farmers- In Front of Farmers
  76. VA Attorney General office responds to evidence of former news reporter Brian Hill's actual in
  77. Leftists Threaten Contractor in Fla; Day Before ICE Facility Shot at in Texas
  78. El Paso gun class attendance skyrockets after mass killing — and gun sales double
  79. What Will Epstein Prosecutors Do With Photo Evidence of Illegal "Client" Activity Already?
  80. New York Times: Lawns Are Symbols of Racism and Bad for Global Warming
  81. Trump: Voter ID must play 'very strong part' in deal on election security
  82. Poll: Bernie Sanders Surging in New Hampshire
  83. Petition Calls For Joe Rogan To Moderate The 2020 Presidential Debate
  84. Shooting of two ICE offices in San Antonio was a ‘targeted attack,’ FBI officials say
  85. Gang member’s mother worked for U.S. Attorney in N.J., outed people who were ‘snitching’
  86. Greta the climate change extremist is on her way to New York
  87. Democrats Threaten Supreme Court: Reject Second Amendment or Face Court-Packing
  88. Average U.S. Farm Is $1,300,000 In Debt, And Now The Worst Farming Crisis In Modern History
  89. A Few Words About Guns and Personal Liberty
  90. Another Drudge hit piece on MAGA Economy
  91. AG Barr said there must be 'zero tolerance for resisting police' in a heated speech to the FOP
  92. Stop! You Need a License To Do that Job!
  93. [Edit: 2 Days ago] Epstein Autopsy "Inconclusive"
  94. Ghislaine Maxwell is NOT feeling the heat at Boston mansion
  95. It's a bird... It's a plane... No, it's... Well, what IS it, exactly?
  96. Google sends LE & FBI to whistleblower's home, with SNIPERS
  97. US teen in Ohio arrested for threats
  98. Steve King: Rape and incest 'aided population growth'
  99. Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos to speak at QAnon Conference
  100. Bullets From Heaven
  101. Abolish the Federal Death Penalty
  102. The Dangers of Defamation Laws
  103. Fox News Poll: Most back gun restrictions after shootings, Trump ratings down
  104. Feds bust men who ran a global child porn website that was a haven for hundreds of thousands o
  105. Kid Rock 2020 (please)
  106. The 99% Get a Bigger Raise
  107. Import, Export Prices Deflate For 3rd Straight Month
  108. Foxnews is turning on Trump
  109. "He's Doing The Right Thing": Iowa Farmers Back Trump, Brush Off Trade War
  110. Trump Jr. is Advising His Father to Stand Against Gun Control
  111. Broadway Producer Ben Sprecher Nailed on Child Pornography Charges
  112. Immigration as Punishment
  113. Trump threatens to leave WTO
  114. The Dangerous Urge To Do Something
  115. The Sackler Family – A Secretive Billion Dollar Opioid Empire
  116. Twtter going Ape**** over Neil Degrasse Tyson Tweet on Gun violence
  117. The Problem with Private Prisons Is Not that They Are Private
  118. That Executive Order To Stop the Censoring of Conservatives Isn’t What You Think It Is
  119. Agenda 2030: The Next "Great Leap Forward" - Behind the Deep State
  120. Israel blocks US congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from country
  121. Scaramucci
  122. Jews vs ICE kops
  123. Does the name Seung-Hui Cho ring a bell?
  124. America's Little-Known Mission to Support Al Qaeda's Role in Libya
  125. Police Fire Blank Rounds in Active Shooter Drill
  126. Media Assails Epstein Suicide Skeptics as "Conspiracy Theorists"
  127. Sheila Jackson-Lee: holding incorrect thoughts "can no longer be allowed".
  128. Donald Trump reportedly wants to purchase Greenland from Denmark
  129. Federal Court Orders Maryland to Produce Voter Registration List Data to Judicial Watch
  130. Trump threatens to use red flag laws against political enemies
  131. Amash Stands with Anti-Jewish Congresswomen, Demands Open Border in Israel for Omar and Tlaib
  132. Pennsylvania governor announces 'sweeping' executive order on gun control
  133. Google "Machine Learning Fairness" Whistleblower Goes Public
  134. Trump rally breaks NH venue's attendance record, beating Elton John.
  136. White Collar Welfare: What It's Like to Work for the Federal Government
  137. U.S. Envoy 'Disturbed' By Afghan Government's Stance On Graft
  138. YouTube & Google Says They Will CONTROL ALL NEWS No independent Voice. MSM Narrative Only.
  139. Finally a judge rules sensibly in a Civil Asset Forfeiture case
  140. To Prevent Cyber Snooping, the U.S. Navy Is Relying on WWII-Era Communications
  141. Where Are the Workers? A Farm Crisis in Washington
  142. Peter Thiel talks anti-conservative bias in Silicon Valley
  143. Stossel On Minimum Wage
  144. Judge Orders Georgia To Switch To Paper Ballots For 2020 Elections
  145. Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court To Legalize Firing Transgender Workers
  146. Assault weapons ban of 2019
  147. Strange Jeep Followed ICIG Investigators Probing Hillary
  148. Should We Trade With Dictators, Slave Owners, Nazis, etc.?
  149. US issues warrant to seize Iranian tanker off Gibraltar
  150. "Sanctuary Sheriff" releases illegal arrested for rape/indecent liberties w/ minor.
  151. American Tragedy
  152. Workers had 3 options: Attend Trump's speech, use paid time off or receive no pay
  153. Trump: Michigan Man of The Year
  154. Austin Slammed By Crippling Ransomware Attack
  155. Colorado OKs electric car requirement to fight air pollution
  156. The Answer to All of Americas problems: A primary Trump vs Gabbard debate, hosted by Joe Rogan
  157. Senate report finds Clinton emails sent to cryptic Gmail
  158. Alarm as Trump Requests Permanent Reauthorization of NSA Mass Spying Program
  159. Protesters run over in R.I.
  160. 2019 ISIS Rebirth: Who is the 'founding father' of ISIS in Afghanistan?
  161. Political upheaval over Tlaib/Omar shows power of BDS, more than liberal Zionism
  162. Rival gun groups look to fill the NRA's void
  163. Trump calls Juan Williams 'pathetic,' 'always nasty and wrong'
  164. Trump slams Fox News over recent polling
  165. Trump's Sr. Advisor Ivanka is Advising Her Father to Stand For Gun Control
  166. AP Exclusive: US talks secretly to Venezuela socialist boss
  167. La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein
  168. Embedded Reporter Shows Israel Rescuing ISIS Fighters, Kabul Wedding Attacked by ISIS
  169. Extra Sensory Politically Correct Perception
  170. Does the name Floyd Lee Corkins ring a bell?
  171. MSNBC Tells White People To Shut Up About Race
  172. 3 mass shooting plots stopped around the country in separate incidents, police say
  173. US delays Huawei trade ban for another 90 days
  174. Justice and Safety for All - The Bernie Sanders Plan
  175. Trump hits out at Google
  176. Lincoln Chafee on why he joined the Libertarian Party
  177. Trump: Cut Rates 100 Basis Points, Restart QE
  178. BREAKING: Epstein Signed His Will 2 Days Before He Died
  179. Electro shock therapy to erase prejudices and bigotry
  180. Team Trump eyes payroll tax cut to spur economy: report
  181. Kentucky cabinet denies Planned Parenthood abortion license
  182. Epstein-Pal And His Modeling Agencies Come Into Focus
  183. Left Corners Pelosi’s Deputies, Lines Up Primaries Against Seven Democrat Committee Chairs
  184. Pelosi, Schumer press for gun screenings
  185. When State Governors Tried To Take Back Control of the National Guard
  186. Trump's Deregulation
  187. Republican Amash is sole vote against Trump's anti-Semitism monitor
  188. Jewish groups condemn Trump's 'disloyalty' remark
  189. No charges, no trial, no evidence, no due process. Innocent man hands over guns.
  190. They called you a troll, deal with it—court slaps down libel lawsuit
  191. DOJ Backs Trump’s Termination of DACA
  192. Are illegals causing new Measles outbreak?
  193. Trump to Stop Fast-Tracking Work Permits for Migrants to Take U.S. Jobs
  194. Trump says he wants Russia to be invited back to the elite G7
  195. NSA Spying: They're Trying to Make Warrantless Surveillance Permanent
  196. NY Times Piles Hate on America with the 1619 Project
  197. Trump seems to backtrack on gun control
  198. Parkland students unveil sweeping gun-control proposal
  199. Donald Trump calls Jews who vote Democrat 'disloyal'
  200. Mitt Romney Wants a Carbon Tax, Says Climate Change is Happening
  201. Not MAGA: The Donald's Visible Economy Scam and Invisible Policy Disaster
  202. King of Israel?
  203. President Trump says he is no longer looking at a payroll tax cut
  204. How Greenland explains Donald Trump's entire presidency
  205. Trump Claims He Is ‘Seriously’ Considering Ending Birthright Citizenship for Children of Illeg
  206. President Trump praises Sr White House advisors: 'Few work harder' than Ivanka, Jared
  207. In New "Mind-Blowing" Study, Planting Trees Reduces Carbon Better Than Carbon Taxes
  208. When, If Ever, Can We Lay This Burden Down?
  209. Ben Swann - Google's Immunity Must Be Stripped After Leaks
  210. Court rules Electoral College members aren't bound by popular vote
  211. Larry Swearingen Executed, Says "Lord forgive them. They don't know what they are doing."
  212. In hindsight, was not attacking Drudge a mistake?
  213. New Meme released asking to make viral, asking for President Trump to meet Political prisoner
  214. Taliban Peace Talks Must Not Ignore CIA-Funded Afghan Militias, Report Says
  215. The Federal Budget Deficit Is Getting Bigger As Spending Grows
  216. Brazil arrests Algerian, Iranian, Somalian for smuggling Africans through country to U.S.
  217. NYC Rules Ease Affordable Housing Path for Illegals
  218. ‘It’s my God-given right to have a gun,’ “and that’s how this all started.”
  219. Secretive warfare training being staged in 21 North Carolina counties
  220. Congressional Research Service On National Emergency it's 4th time this year.
  221. ANTIFA Attempts to SHANK Marine Vet, thwarted right before stabbing.
  222. Spending on Defense Is One Great Big Lie
  223. White House won't move forward with billions in foreign aid cuts
  224. Libertarian/Overstock.com CEO : Patrick Byrne in middle of Barr probe of Russia/Clinton
  225. Florida to Share Voter Registration Data with Other States
  226. Jason Lewis announces run for U.S. Senate
  227. Joe Walsh to mount primary bid against 'absolutely unfit' Trump
  228. Four shot in mass shooting at Historically Black University; media and leftists silent
  229. Ninety-three percent of our prisoners are male, but of those 93% males, more than 90% of them
  230. Trump Administration Considers Letting States and Localities Reject Third-World Refugees
  231. Fake News Can Create False Memories, New Research Suggests
  232. White House mulling tax cuts but not to counter short-term weakness
  233. Reporter testing the 'availability of guns at Walmart' fails background check
  234. Michigan Court Case Shows the Right of Armed Self-Defense Is Broad
  235. Approximately 36 Department of Defense staff read email about [USWGO] Brian D. Hill’s plight
  236. Texas governor expresses concern about private gun sales
  237. Targeted in Walmart attack, Hispanics in El Paso flock to firearms classes
  238. Trump Admin Is Considering Using Amazon Echo/Apple Watch To Determine If You Should Own A Gun
  239. Emails Show Monsanto Orchestrated GOP Effort to Intimidate Cancer Researchers
  240. Armed woman shoots four in LA, Skid Row
  241. David Koch: Billionaire Republican donor dies aged 79
  242. Trump vows retaliation as China escalates trade war
  243. Sanders Calls for Nationalization of Energy Production
  244. As Trade War Escalates, Trump Has Impotently 'Ordered' American Businesses Out of China
  245. Obama buying $15 million Martha's Vineyard mansion on 29 acres
  246. Hero of Deliberate Israeli Attack on USS Liberty Passes
  247. Texas raises the legal smoking age
  248. Christianity “which set the stage for modern white supremacy.”
  249. FAA threatens $25,000 fine for weaponizing drones
  250. Federal Court Strikes a Powerful Blow for Free Speech and Religious Freedom