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  1. "WHITE GENOCIDE NOW!" - 2019 Women's March in NYC
  2. Fauxchahontas Proposes 2% 'Wealth Tax' On Richest Americans
  3. Asylum seekers to wait in Mexico starting Friday
  4. DOJ Study: Gun Control Laws Won't Work Because Criminals Get Their Guns Illegally
  5. Trump on election night
  6. What's behind Maienschein's jump from Republican to Democrat
  7. Air Strike In Afghanistan Kills 16 From Same Family
  8. Roger Stone charged
  9. The Media Botched the Covington Catholic Story
  12. Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Venezuela Coup Circle Jerk
  13. Trump says federal government workers are Patriots
  14. H-1B Visa Program Outsources Hundreds of Media Jobs Amid Massive U.S. Job Losses
  15. China Threatens To Pull Money From Silicon Valley
  16. YouTube Says It'll Finally Stop Recommending Conspiracy Videos
  17. Draft Ann Coulter Committee Formed To Urge Her To Run (She declines)
  18. Bernie Sanders to make it official: running for president in 2020.
  19. Bill would regulate microchipping employees in Arkansas
  20. Labor board makes it easier for companies to treat workers as contractors
  21. Catholics Demand Governor Cuomo’s Excommunication Over NY Abortion Law
  22. Iraq invasion architect Elliott Abrams quietly slips into Trump administration
  23. Political criticism: Has Coulter crossed the line?
  24. Roger Stone's Emergency Msg to Trump: Make FISA Documents Public
  25. Prominent Neocon Elliot Abrahams named special envoy to Venezuela
  26. TSA in turmoil, experts 'worry'
  27. Tulsi Gabbard: The United States needs to stay out of Venezuela
  28. 58,000 noncitizens may have illegally voted in Texas
  29. Man of Unquestionable Character Launches "Drain the Swamp" Campaign
  30. Foreign troops to quit Afghanistan in 18 months under draft deal
  31. FBI Director Christopher Wray's statement on the Trump shutdown
  32. Congress’ Nonpartisan Research Arm Says Trump Could Build A Wall Without State of Emergency
  33. 35 Percent Of Transgender High Schoolers Attempted Suicide In A One-Year Span
  34. Spotify Removes All PragerU Content
  35. US Economic Freedom Rises Significantly Under Trump
  36. Congressman Walter Jones (NC) in hospice.....
  37. Democratic Candidates Kick Off Their 2020 Campaigns with an Apology Tour | The Daily Show
  38. Trump golf club reportedly fires illegal immigrant workers
  39. At SHOT Show 2019, Mike Rowe Shares Three Life Lessons He Learned From Gun Owners
  40. San Antonio: Illegal Immigrant Sentenced For Voting
  41. Incarcerated kids improperly held in isolation
  42. Make America Cadillac Again
  43. Steve King applauded at first Iowa event since House rebuke
  44. Donald Trump: In California, voter fraud is rampant
  45. Nancy Pelosi: Trump’s State Of The Union Still Off The Table
  46. Starbucks' Schultz to run in 2020, says $21 trillion national debt is the greatest threat
  47. Uncle Sam Wants Your DNA: The FBI’s Plan To Create A Nation Of Suspects
  48. Our Supreme Court, the rule of law and judicial tyranny
  49. Is Nancy Pelosi Fit To Be Speaker Of The House?
  50. Hillary Espionage Clinton may Consider 2020 Presidential bid
  51. Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — got thousands of vacancies instead
  52. Kelli Ward Wins Arizona GOP Chair Seat in Upset
  53. Army’s Long-Awaited Iraq War Study Finds Iran Was the Only Winner
  54. Pelosi To Block Trump's SOTU Address Despite Government Reopening
  55. Mulvaney says Trump OK with second shutdown over border spat
  56. Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - People Are Against Coup
  57. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Rachel Lears on Money, Diversity, & Progressive Ideology | THR
  58. The Body Bag Trail That 'Graces' the Clinton Careers
  59. Holocaust Memorial Day: Trump says ‘denial or indifference diminishes all men
  60. MMAGA
  61. The Kulaks Must Be Liquidated as a Class
  62. New Hampshire is a Socialist stronghold
  63. Self-Sufficiency and Autarchy
  64. Brokaw Backs Down after suggesting that Latinos don't typically ASSIMILATE
  65. Newt vs Ann in a Battle Royale
  66. Chess Master-in-Chief Laments Paul Ryan's Mischief with Wall Funding
  67. San Francisco Chronicle wants to get rid of all Sheriffs in California.
  68. Trump to Deliver State of the Union Address February 5
  69. AP Exclusive: Anti-Maduro coalition grew from secret talks
  70. China releases footage of ‘Guam killer’ DF-26 ballistic missile in ‘clear message to the US’
  71. Liberals have a new plan to save left's union cash cow
  72. Prez's ex lawyer's lawyer calls on House to censure Prez for "witness tampering"
  73. Investigation: Was Fire At Mormon Church Intentionally Set?
  74. Private company launches "largest fleet of satellites in human history" to photograph Earth
  75. Half Of Doctors Considering Leaving Medicine — Because Of Health Insurance Headaches
  76. 43 percent of illegal immigrants skip court hearings, 49 percent for minors
  77. CNBC Wants You To Know Kids Make You Poor
  78. They Can’t Drive . . . 50
  79. Top Obama Donor Indicted for Raping a Child
  80. Gun control "is not currently a first-tier story, but a new massacre would likely make it so"
  81. Venezuelan Invasion? End of Mueller Investigation and Conspiracy Videos Not Recommended
  82. Liz Cheney rises amid GOP rubble
  83. Youtube Ready to Crack Down on 9/11 Truth, USS Liberty, Other "Toxic" Narratives
  84. IL - Gay black actor beaten, bleached, attackers shout "This is MAGA country!"
  85. The Supreme Court may kill Roe v. Wade as soon as this week
  86. Feds crack down on human trafficking in Oregon
  87. Pentagon To Send "Thousands" Of Troops To Mexico Border As Wall Talks Begin
  88. Trump Met Putin At G-20 With No Note-Takers Present
  89. The ‘Adults’ in the Room Are the Problem
  90. The Virtual Perimeter Walls in Vietnam Worked Fine, Why Not That?
  91. Is Big Tech Merging With Big Brother? Kinda Looks Like It
  92. Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute For Marijuana Possession
  93. No Wall Needed: Two Courses Along The Texas Border Offer Splendid Golf Challenges
  94. Activist tells people to target old lady’s family, friends, old coworkers
  95. For Many People Along The Border, Trump's Wall Fantasy Is A Nightmare
  96. Social Justice Education: Creating Little SJW Marxists in the Classroom
  97. 2019 Democratic Response to SOTU
  98. #MeToo Movement Has ‘Set Us Back Decades’ Says Female Leadership Expert
  99. Administration gives Guaido access to frozen Venezuela bank accounts
  100. Pruitt’s Resignation Hasn’t Stopped EPA From Eliminating Regulations
  101. One Politician Lost BIG On The Government Shutdown
  102. NY extending statute of limitations for molestation
  103. NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling
  104. President Trump and the New World Disorder
  105. Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
  106. California set to seize 1,100 miles of coastline
  107. Indicted Pennsylvania Attorney General Releases More Scandalous Emails
  108. Globalists starting to wear down Alex Jones
  109. Mainstream Media Is Literally Making People Sick
  110. Roger Stone warns Trump's presidency is in peril
  111. A Wall, You Say? Would You Settle for a War in South America?
  112. Intel Chiefs Slam Trump before the Senate
  113. White suburbia is the source of Trump's Texas troubles
  114. Israel controls the Congress, not Russia
  115. Pelosi introduces legislation to assure Democrats Never Lose Another Election
  116. Sarah Sanders: God 'wanted Donald Trump to become president'
  118. Reverse Shadowbanning?
  119. Donald Trump and the Yankee Plot to Overthrow the Venezuelan Government
  120. NSA Clapper, CIA Brennan NOT charged for LYING to Congress, So why Roger Stone?
  121. FBI Arrests 2nd Chinese National For Stealing Trade Secrets From Apple
  122. Sex Trafficking Bust in California Nets Hundreds of Arrests
  123. Rashida Tlaib ‘Lied’ About Residency To Run For Office, Registered To Vote At False Address
  124. Joel Skousen
  125. Swalwell ‘Close To Making A Decision’ On Potential 2020 Presidential Run
  126. Colorado Dems Pass Bill To Eliminate Electoral College
  127. Trump Just Secured Another Major Trade Victory
  128. U.S. security aid to Palestinians to end Thursday
  129. Schumer calls for a coup against Trump
  130. Pentagon chief of staff resigns
  131. Pentagon developing plan to scrutinize recruits with green cards and other foreign ties, memo
  132. Scrapping the Per-Country Cap Helps the Companies that Shun U.S. Tech Workers
  133. Feds used fake Michigan university in immigration sting
  134. Iranians Posing as Anti-Immigrant Americans Online
  135. Immigration Reformers Applaud GOP-led Effort to Lift per-Country Green Card Caps
  136. The H-1B Program Facilitates Blatant Racial Discrimination
  137. Lindsey Graham Questions SWAT Raid On Roger Stone's Home
  138. On patrol with Washington’s plastic-straw cop...
  139. Caravans news covergae in media drops by 95% since Jan 19 White House diversity ceremony
  140. Roger Stone Wanrts OUT Of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq!
  141. Homeschooling Produces Better-Educated, More-Tolerant Kids. Politicians Hate That
  142. Court orders Palantir to let investor in U.S. fraud probe inspect emails
  143. AZ Republican Party Accuses Government Official of Coordinating with Democrats to Secure Votes
  144. Virginia Legislator Who Pushed Infanticide Law Also Filed Bill To Save Bugs
  145. DeSantis Signs Executive Order ENDING Common Core
  146. Libertarian Party Endorses Illegal Immigration
  147. Elizabeth Warren: ‘Capitalism Without Rules Is Theft’
  148. Criminal Complaints Filed Against Pittsburgh Mayor, City Council
  149. Do you think there will be another gov shutdown over Wall money?
  150. Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Shut U.S. Department of Education
  151. South Dakota Allows Constitutional Carry, Mississippi Fights “Bump-stock” Ban
  152. Bernie Sanders Estate tax plan - 77%
  153. Pennsylvania admits to 11,000 noncitizens registered to vote
  154. Ryan Zinke Gave Ranchers That Inspired Oregon Standoff Their Grazing Rights Back
  155. 63 Of America's Largest 75 Cities Are Completely Broke
  156. Senate votes to "rebuke" Trump troop withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan 68-23
  157. We're getting murdered in the tax debate
  158. The Left’s War on Normal
  159. Trump Considering Herman Cain for Federal Reserve Board, Sources Say
  160. VP Pence Assures U.S. Action on Venezuela
  162. VA-Dem Gov in hot water for "maybe" being in blackface or KKK outfit in yearbook
  163. Denver to vote on decriminalizing psychedelic mushrooms in May
  164. LA-Typhus epidemic worsens, strikes city prosecutor
  165. In layoffs, Buzzfeed is protecting whites, axing minorities and LGBTs
  166. Trump: On second thought, never mind a DACA-for-wall swap
  167. Cory Booker launches 2020 presidential campaign
  168. Harris, Feinstein fume after White House re-nominates two conservative California judges
  169. Mountain of mendacity: Trump lives in 'no-fact zone reality bubble all to himself'
  170. California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
  171. Democratic official in Stamford charged with ballot fraud
  172. Universal Rent Control
  173. Donald Trump: "Take the Oil"
  174. Pa. Dems Rocked by Indictment of Top Political Boss
  175. Liberal Billionaire’s Alleged Role In A False Flag Operation Puts DNC In The Hot Seat
  176. US lifts UN freeze on North Korea aid
  177. Barack Obama's New Year's Resolution Tweet Is An Inspiring Call To Action For 2019
  178. Snopes Quits Fact-Checking Partnership With Facebook
  179. Email Service Providers Tossed GOP Candidates’ Emails Into Spam Folder During Election
  180. It Sure Looks Like This Obamacare Program Has Led to More People Dying
  181. Is this a Howard Dean moment for Kamala Harris?
  182. Pelosi puts tight grip on talk of Trump impeachment
  183. Is America Still a Country?
  184. Arkansas court rules city can’t enforce LGBT protections
  185. Remy/Venezuela
  186. Being the gender you are is now a “privilege.”
  187. Tennessee Considering Bills Restoring Gold and Silver as Sound Money
  188. Details of Fusion Center Surveillance Revealed
  189. New Jersey Becomes Second State Mandating Middle Schoolers Learn About LGBTQ Achievements
  190. U.S. imposes visa restrictions on Ghana
  191. U.S.-Funded Afghan Security Chiefs ‘Often Controlling’ Opium Trafficking
  192. I came here looking for
  193. Trump talks race, football, foreign policy and more ahead of the Super Bowl
  194. Cubs co-owner takes over President Donald Trump's re-election fundraising
  195. Trump: ‘We have to protect Israel,’ shifting again on Syria withdrawal
  196. Schumer aide dismissed last year over 'inappropriate encounters'
  197. Another Illegal Alien from Trump N.J. golf course will attend SOTU address
  198. A domestic terrorist slaughtered 5 women in a Florida bank and hardly anyone noticed
  199. Where is the coverage of the MASSIVE Pro-Maduro Rallies in Venezuela?
  201. American anarchist 'John Galton' shot dead in Acapulco
  202. Another Quote by Goebbels on The Big Lie in Our Age of Empire
  203. Appeals Court: Police Don't Need A Reason To Place Americans On 'Suspicious Person' List
  204. 63 Out of 75 Largest Cities Can't Pay Debt
  205. Welcome to the Literal Nanny State
  206. Muslims Form Community Patrol. Some Neighbors Say No Thanks.
  207. Soak the rich? Americans say go for it
  208. Electric "smart" meters to monitor in home activities of dementia patients.
  209. [Edit: Rotation?] Trump begins bringing troops home from Afghanistan!
  210. Gavin McInnes to sue the SPLC
  211. 65% jump in number of armed contractors in Afghanistan since Trump took office
  212. Nancy Pelosi's favorite bible verse? Not in the bible...
  213. US arrests ‘birth tourism’ operators linked to China for the first time
  214. Washington Post Super Bowl Ad was for the TRUE BELIEVERS
  215. Dem Candidate Williamson Wants 100 billion gifted to blacks , Reparartions.
  216. Utah Republican Pushing ‘Common Sense’ Gun Confiscation Bill
  217. Psychiatrist says that being transgender is a mental disorder and sex changes are impossible
  219. California Tailpipe Emissions Problem Worsens Despite Best Efforts
  220. Top-neocon reverses course, says Trump's ‘most pro-Israel president ever’
  221. Greaseball Governor Astounded by Lost Tax Revenue; Will look to cut back on planned budget
  222. ‘Self-Identified Female’ Or ‘Male/Other Than Self-Identified Female’
  223. Newly elected NH Bolsheviks get right to work
  224. Baker's Private 'Build the Wall' Cookies Evokes Liberal Outcry
  225. Fake News Ignores Video of “Drunk, Naked” Bernie Sanders Singing With Soviet Comrades
  226. Ginsburg makes 1st public appearance since cancer surgery
  227. Stacey Abrams’ Full Embrace of Identity Politics Is a Recipe for Disaster
  228. They're All to Blame for Massive Federal Spending
  229. Trump inaugural committee subpoenaed by federal prosecutors
  230. Pro-life Activists Attended The Women's March and Leftists Went Nuclear
  231. Metadata ; FBI/CNN Collaboration in 'Gestapo Arrest' of R. Stone
  232. ‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey
  233. Vermont Abortion Bill Goes Further than Virginia and New York’s
  234. Donald Trump, Dictator
  235. Alabama Supreme Court Rules Unborn Baby is a Person
  236. Daniel McAdams with Scott Horton
  237. Oregon Defies Logic With Statewide Rent Control
  238. Florida Rep. Files Bill to Repeal Last Year’s Republican Gun Control Law
  239. SOTU 9PM tonight ; Theme: Bipartisanship-Compromise
  240. Pop Quiz - Name the 5 Things Protected by the First Amendment
  241. Asset Based Currency, Crypto Currency, Fiat Currency, Cashless, Federal Reserve
  242. NJ Dems Propose Legislation To Potentially REMOVE Trump’s Name From 2020 Ballot
  243. Illegals More Likely To Be Jailed Than Citizens, Legal Immigrants
  244. The Ruthless Turtle and his Senate Whores Threaten DJT on Middle East Drawdown
  245. This CT LAwmaker is Concerned About You OWNING TOO MUCH AMMUNITION
  246. China 'theft' of U.S. jobs and wealth must 'come to an end' – Trump
  247. Trump Pledges to Stop ‘Endless Wars’ in Syria and Afghanistan
  248. US plan for Latin America: ‘Venezuela is just the beginning’ – Daniel McAdams
  249. Elizabeth Warren's Bar Registration
  250. HI is considering a bill that bans cigarette sales to anyone under 100