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  1. U.S. Subsidizes Soros Radical Leftist Agenda Worldwide
  2. Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Retaliate Against Trump Jr. Over Meme
  3. Senate heading for historic vote to pull US military aid to Saudi Arabia
  4. U.S. just became a net oil exporter for the first time in 75.
  5. Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers - Donald's Illegal Aliens
  6. Trump to appoint William Barr as new Attorney General
  7. George Soros’s Media Network Worked to Help Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Win Primary
  8. No, Trump and Nancy Pelosi did not watch midterm election results together or made secret deal
  9. Trump chooses chief of the Army to be top military adviser
  10. Morning Joe - Wedding - SNL - Ocasio-Cortez
  11. Trump : Tillerson dumb as a Rock
  12. Iran war coming ??
  13. Trump says John Kelly will be leaving at the end of the year
  14. US Spends $834 Billion A Year To Defend Europe
  15. Rasmussen Poll 2016: Most Accurate. Rasmussen Poll 2018: Least Accurate
  16. All clear given after CNN evacuated due to bomb threat
  17. The ‘America Last’ Express Hurtles On: Saudi Arabia, INF, Ukraine
  18. Scaramucci Talks QAnon
  19. More MKULTRA Documents Released
  20. Tucker’s Treatise
  21. New Sheriff Coming to Town (William Barr)
  22. How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s "Green New Deal" Might Help Save the Planet
  23. How GOP Congressman Chris Cox set the stage for internet bans of content
  24. Nick Ayers no longer in the running to be Trump's next chief of staff
  25. Yet Another Trillion-Dollar Unfunded Liability: Why California Is Burning
  26. The Case Against Meritocracy
  27. Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes fired from BlazeTV
  28. Adam Schiff says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office
  29. A New 9/11 investigation?
  30. High-Ranking Military Commander Busted in FBI Child Sex Trafficking Sting
  31. Teachers union: Tentative deal to end charter schools strike
  32. Senior Chinese military official urges PLAN to attack US ships in S. China Sea
  33. The Libertarian Party Future, Perennially Out of Reach
  34. Justice Kavanaugh already proven to be a lousy pick
  35. Mo Money Mo Money: Trump commits to $750 billion defense budget
  36. Russian "Troll Farm" Sues Facebook For Censorship
  37. Avoiding Women At Work Is A Childish, Cowardly Response To Me Too
  38. US Imposing Sanctions on NK Officials Over Human Rights Abuses
  39. James Bovard Discusses the FBI Making an Ass of Itself
  40. Only abortion provider left in Tennessee's capital suspends abortion services
  41. Roger Stone says Trump is ready to unleash
  42. Trump, at Hanukkah reception, condemns anti-Semitism
  43. Trump-Xi Meet: 100 Christians snatched in overnight raids on underground Chinese church
  44. Time Person of the Year: THE GUARDIANS AND THE WAR ON TRUTH
  45. Trump: The Wall Is Mostly Built- Military Can Finish The Rest
  46. WAPO: Gun Rights Are About Keeping White Men on Top
  47. Google’s Sundar Pichai was grilled on privacy, data collection, and China during congressional
  48. Harvard Study Concludes: Gender ‘Wage Gap’ Due Solely to Life Choices
  49. THE CHICAGO WAY: Thousands Of Residents Commit Fraud To Keep College Student Off Ballot
  50. Kremlin To Release US-Russia Communications On Election Meddling If Trump Agrees
  51. [Trump, Pelosi, Schumer meet] Trump threatens gov shutdown, Pelosi 'manhood' jab; Pence?
  52. Trump's AG nominee supported gun control!
  53. US judge tosses bulk of suit against Trump immigration move
  54. Rep. Zoe Lofgren grills Google CEO over images search results for "idiot"
  55. Gov Matt Bevin now supports higher gas tax
  56. Google: No Bias, Trump: No Border Wall, Gov't Shuts Down
  57. California considers text messaging tax to fund cell service for low-income residents
  58. Michael Cohen sentenced to three years in prison.
  59. Trump Signs Genocide Relief Act for Christians in Iraq and Syria
  60. U.S.: Pakistani Officials Help Muslims Force Christian Women into Marriage
  61. President Donald Trump Creates ‘Opportunity Zones,’ A Longtime Dream of Jack Kemp
  62. Migrant Caravan Members Attempt to Extort $50k Each from U.S. Government
  63. IRS Enforcement Arm Continues to Shrink
  64. Judge rules Americans can secretly record public officials
  65. House Passes $867 Billion Farm Bill
  66. CA - A "Right To Shelter" bill proposed: "Free" shelters for all homeless
  67. Critics reckless narrative comparing MAGA gov spending to business spending discipline
  68. Tabloid Company’s Admission Shows New Peril for Trump’s Circle
  69. Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony
  70. Georgia Charter School Reinstates Corporal Punishment
  71. DuckDuckGo CEO Claims Google Provides Results By Location
  72. Trump cancels White House Christmas party for the press
  73. What will be the fallout from the Cohen conviction?
  74. One Snub Too Many: Kremlin Ready to Turn Against Trump as Patience Coming to an End
  75. Police Joke about Murdering Citizens with AT-4
  76. Multiple Democrats Caught in Child Sex Abuse Scandals
  77. Elon Musk's SpaceX could disrupt construction of Trump's border wall with Mexico
  78. Fox News Poll: President Trump ends year two with 46 percent job approval
  79. Trump administration could deport thousands of criminal Vietnamese refugees
  80. Kind of Big Liberty Week
  81. Will Trump Be Indicted?
  82. House Democrats Plan New Traffic Tax
  83. House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes
  84. Trump Admin. to Slash Support for UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa
  85. Hemp Rider Isn't Stopping the Farm Bill
  86. Antifa Groups Are Using Patreon To Fund Violent ‘Insurrection’ Against America
  87. Fallout from US Senate declaring MBS 'responsible for murder of Khashoggi'
  88. Explosive Clinton Foundation Whistle Blower Testimony in Congress & Big Break in Flynn Case
  89. Immigrant Who Voted Illegally Gets 8 Years, Election Head Who Illegally Destroyed 50,000 Walks
  90. New California Education Law Bypasses Remedial Coursework for College Students
  91. Candidate Seeks Criminal Charges for Florida Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes
  92. BREAKING: Trump Names Mick Mulvaney Acting Chief of Staff
  93. California Eyes A New Group To Disarm
  94. "Inclusive" Hillary Tells Democrats: "If You Don't Support the DNC, Go Somewhere Else"
  95. Roger Stone believes Donald Trump might not run for a second term
  96. Congress Wants To Kill Protected Sea Lions For Eating Endangered Fish
  97. Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional
  98. Mexico Cracks Down On Illegal Immigration By Shutting Border With Guatemala
  99. Members Of Congress Will Now Have To Pay Out Of Pocket To Settle Sexual Harassment Claims
  100. Will Roberts resign from SCOTUS?
  101. Ohio lawmakers send Kasich pair of new abortion restrictions
  102. Judge orders Idaho to give transgender inmate gender surgery
  103. Jon Kyl resigning at end of year
  104. CA - Stockton plans to be first city in US to pass out Universal Basic Income money
  105. Coming soon to your town: 416 people leave NYC - LA - Chicago each day
  106. Arizona judge strips activist of green card, orders her deported to Mexico
  107. The Case of The Missing 302 in the Flynn Case
  108. Zinke to resign
  109. After losing court battle, DeVos to cancel $150 million in student loan debt
  110. Democrat State Senator Touts Martians to Unite Humanity
  111. Ohio Passes Bill Requiring Greater Food Stamp Oversight
  112. Rahm Emanuel: Pay Off Chicago’s $28 Billion Pension with Casinos, Pot
  113. Jerry Brown says Democrats moving too far left
  115. Nations agree milestone rulebook for Paris climate treaty
  116. Utah set to drop blood alcohol limit to .05
  117. Some L.A. pensions are so huge they exceed IRS limits, costing taxpayers millions extra
  118. Maxine Waters: President Trump 'Deserves to Be Impeached'
  119. Weekly Standard closes down
  120. California Devastated Utility Proposes $2 Billion Rate Hike To Fund "Wildfire Safety"
  121. Full Schumer: 'We should not let a temper tantrum' shut down government | Meet The Press
  122. Illinois Pension Shortfall Worsens To $134 Billion Despite Strong Markets, Increased Contribs
  123. Something very weird with Google's autocomplete, searching on google vs. duckduckgo
  124. Chicago, Suburban Mayors Call for Hike That Could Make Illinois’ Gas Tax Highest in Nation
  125. VA: Sheriff's Captain Gets No Jail Time For Kiddie Porn
  126. Lamar Alexander to Retire in 2020
  127. A Million New Jersey Gun Owners Ignore State’s Magazine Ban
  128. Trump: ObamaCare was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL
  129. oh my god, Lemar Alexander to retire
  130. NRA Exposed: they support red flag gun confiscation laws
  131. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) newest ally in the House?
  132. The word "Marijuana" is racist
  133. New York Subway Facing "Death Spiral" Without $40 Billion Upgrade
  134. Newly-elected M.D. Member Of Congress To Challenge CDC About Fraudulent Vaccine Research & Dat
  135. Judge rules against New York state ban on nunchucks
  136. CA - Presidential primary now moved to 3 March
  137. Ron Paul on CNBC: Market Meltdown Coming
  138. Credit goes to Trump for bringing more diversity to GOP
  139. Trump Foundation reaches deal to dissolve amid lawsuit
  140. Trump demands you turn over your bump stocks
  141. Cortez taking a week off for "self-care": Says it's political because...
  142. Growing Bureaucracy: Trump Creates "Space Command"
  143. US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico
  144. Jack Phillips Strikes Back at Colorado's Anti-Christian Attacks
  145. NAACP Launches Facebook Boycott
  146. FCC Weighing Model Legislation for State Internet Tax
  147. McSally Appointed to Fill McCain’s Senate Seat in Arizona
  148. Cuomo calls for legalization of marijuana in NYS
  149. Veteran tech columnist Mossberg quits Facebook
  150. Cher Boycotts Google, Facebook Because "Russia Used Them In 2016"
  151. U.S. to give $38 billion aid to Israel
  152. Don’t Laugh – It’s Giving Putin What He Wants
  153. Incoming Democrats Ready Bill That Will Criminalize Private Gun Sales
  154. $215,000 Raised for Border Wall in One Day via GoFundMe
  155. Media pushing "ship is sinking narrative"
  156. MAGA bends to Dems
  157. Donald Trump: Facebook, Twitter & Google are biased
  158. A Crisis in the Making: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them
  159. Mnuchin Hints at Fannie-Freddie Changes to End U.S. Control
  160. Rep. Walter Jones is ill
  161. WSJ: U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Northeastern Syria
  162. Alex Jones: Trotskyite Ben Shapiro To Replace Top Rated Michael Savage
  163. CA - "Free" college for first two years ready to be approved by state legislators
  164. Van Jones praises Trump
  165. Neocon Tom Cotton defeated by Senator Mike Lee
  166. NY - State Senator tells intern to "Kill Yourself" after exposing parking scam
  167. Tucker Carlson in hot water for remarks on "dirty" immigrants
  168. Los Angeles catholic bishop resigns over sex abuse as crisis spreads
  169. Treasury Drops Sanctions Against Rusal After Striking Deal With Russian Oligarch
  170. Facebook Shares Plunge After D.C Sues Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal
  171. Bernie Sanders SUED Over Claims He Used Government To ‘Punish’ A Political Opponent
  172. Trump Shocker: 'We're Leaving Syria!' Does He Mean It?
  173. Coulter: Trump Will Not Finish Current Term, "joke presidency who scammed the American people"
  174. U.S. imposes fresh Russia sanctions for election meddling
  175. US official says Washington reviewing North Korea travel ban
  176. Trey Gowdy says he’ll return to politics if Tim Scott runs for president
  177. Senate Passes Stopgap Funding Bill To Avert Government Shutdown
  178. CA-Leads nation in residents who have no HS diploma or never finished 9th grade
  179. Rush Limbaugh on Border Wall: Trump Got ‘Less Than Nothing’
  180. Trump praise from left? Good or bad?
  181. Bump-Fire Demonstration Proves Beyond Shadow of Doubt Las Vegas Was False Flag (M240 Bravo)
  182. White House School Safety Commission Recommends Gun Confiscation
  183. Bad week for the Neocons
  184. Putin is a Constitutionalist!
  185. Trump tells Congress to pound sand on CR without Wall Funding
  186. Appeals Court Rules Colleges Must Censor, Block Online Services If They Offend Someone
  187. Mattis out!
  188. North Korea says it will not denuclearize until the US does
  189. Trump Signs Tibet Bill Into Law
  190. DNC Holding 12 Debates During 2020 Primary In Major 'Grassroots' Concession
  191. Trump Orders Major Afghan Drawdown: 7,000 Troops To Return Home In Coming Weeks
  192. 5 Billion Border Wall Funding Approved
  193. CFR Gabbard on Trump ending wars
  194. Twitter Suddenly Locks @WikiLeaks And Multiple WikiLeaks Staff Accounts
  195. New policy will force migrants seeking asylum to wait in Mexico — for years
  196. Labrador Could Bring New Kind of Conservatism to Interior Dept.
  197. Trump administration seeks food stamp curbs via rule change
  198. Trump legalizes Industrial Hemp
  199. South Korea seeks smaller military drills with U.S. amid North Korea talks
  200. Social media giants censor user content at Israel’s request
  201. Google’s Earth: how the tech giant is helping the state spy on us
  202. Democrat Tech Experts Posed As "Russian Trolls" To Influence Alabama Senate Elections In 2017
  203. Deep State Minions Feeling Frisky After Mattis Firing
  204. Budget Drama Over Potential Government Shutdown
  205. Cohen Accidentally Discovers Pedophile Ring; FBI Disregards
  206. Dave Smith on Trump's Christmas Surprise in Syria and Afghanistan
  207. US Arrests Chinese National Charged With Theft Of Trade Secrets At Phillips 66
  208. Democrat "Blue Wave" House Victories in Question, Elections Opaque
  209. N.Y. to Have Public Schools Decide if Private Ones May Operate
  210. Planned Parenthood, Other Feminist Orgs Accused Of Discrimination Against Pregnant Workers
  211. R.B.G. Death Poll
  212. Crop picking robots
  213. FDA to consider new cannabis policy
  214. F.B.I. raids home of DC Solar CEO
  215. US willing to discuss trust-building with N. Korea
  216. Ocasio-Cortez calls for congressional salaries to be furloughed during next shutdown
  217. Government Shutdown Means the Violence Against Women Act is Expired
  218. George Soros named Financial Times' 'Person of the Year'
  219. Trump to end even more wars???
  220. Trump Administration Revokes Obama-Era School Leniency Policy for Minorities
  221. It's a Wonderful Lie - 100 Years of the Federal Reserve
  222. WikiLeaks Reveals US Embassies Stockpiling Spy Gear And Hacking Tools
  223. LA Increased Homeless Budget, Increased Homeless Crime
  224. Group that escorts migrant caravans draws more scrutiny
  225. Otto Warmbier's Parents Sue North Korea For $1.05 Billion (2.5% Of Total GDP)
  226. Rep. Gohmert Introduces Bill That Would Expose FB, Twitter/Social Media Co. to Liability
  227. Mnuchin Did Not Preclear Big Bank/Plunge Protection Team Calls With Trump
  228. Women’s March Organizer: ‘White Jews, as White People, Uphold White Supremacy
  229. Baltimore: "Fires And Explosions Turned A Quiet Neighborhood Into A War Zone"
  230. Youtuber Law: there is now a case for anti-trust violations against Patreon and Paypal
  231. Anti-Trust Law Is...
  232. 'I'm Cheered' if Military Doesn't Listen to Trump
  233. Let Me Be Frank
  234. Kevin Spacey to face sexual assault charges
  235. 2020 Primaries, CA moved forward
  236. YouTube Search Results For 'Abortion' Change After Leftist Complains They're Too Pro-Life
  237. Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Wage War Against Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke
  238. 2nd Guatemalan Child Dies in US Immigration Custody, CBP Says
  239. Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States
  240. Shutdown stories: Federal employees share anxiety via Twitter
  241. Media restarts 2019 impeachment rumors
  242. Trump to expand presence in Iraq!
  243. Twitter Bans Popular Conservative Account On Christmas Eve For Criticism of Pedophilia
  244. In Attempt To Change Gun Culture, Toy Gun Buyback Programs Hit The Streets
  245. Chicago Women’s March CANCELED
  246. Most people who sat out the 2018 elections now say they wish they'd voted
  247. Trump to American troops in Iraq: U.S. no longer 'the suckers of the world'
  248. U.S. Foreign Policy Created the Migrant Crisis
  249. The Trump Administration’s New Africa Strategy
  250. Jailed Russian Businessman: Revolution in U.S. is Inevitable