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  1. Illegal immigrants opting out of welfare programs
  2. Federal Prosecutors Demand Millions of North Carolina Voter Records
  3. Trump's military parade now estimated to cost $92M
  4. Kim Jong Un says he still trusts Donald Trump and 'never made a negative comment'
  5. Federal regulators give blessing to utility merger plan
  6. Illegal immigrants who exploited Motor Voter to register in North Carolina
  7. Trump demands anonymous source turned over to gov't for 'National Security'
  8. Rand Paul: Trump should use lie-detector tests to find anonymous op-ed author
  9. 'The Snakes are Everywhere!'
  10. Cory Booker tells Republicans threatening his expulsion to 'bring it'
  11. Twitter Permanently Bans Alex Jones, Infowars
  12. Another Great Immigrant Hero!
  13. Warren calls for 25th Amendment to be invoked against Trump
  14. FL: Ron DeSantis chooses anti-gun running mate
  15. Trump Hints At Japan Trade War Next
  16. U.S. compares Nicaragua to Syria, warns of potential regional crisis
  17. Levi’s Jeans Co. Declares War on Second Amendment
  18. LA Metro Transit Invites TSA to Begin Full-body Scanning of Passengers
  19. Haley warns Syria, Russia, Don’t bet against the US
  20. Kim Kardashian at the White House again for prison reform
  21. Trump Commits US to ‘Indefinite’ Military Presence in Syria
  22. Trump administration ends agreement limiting how long immigrant children can be detained
  23. The Other Side of John McCain
  24. CIA And Saudi Arabia Conspired To Keep 9/11 Details Secret, New Book Says
  25. Has Tucker Carlson ever read our Constitution? Maybe not!
  26. Ca. Loonies get out of jail free card
  27. Judge Nap: Kavanaugh is an Enemy of the 4th Amendment
  28. Audit finds Mass. RMV issued 1,900 driver’s licenses in dead people’s names
  29. Obama delivers diatribe against GOP: 'What happened to the Republican party?'
  30. Deliberate Provocation.
  31. Regressives Freaking Out about Zina Bash's Hand Gesture
  32. Botched Cook County Property Tax Relief Backfires On Working Class, Minorities
  33. Trump Touts GOP Bill To Deport Criminal Aliens That "Crazy Dems Opposed"
  34. 'Plaid shirt guy' removed from Trump rally for facial expressions
  35. Air Force is looking into Elon Musk’s pot smoking
  36. Not efficient managers.........Cytnthia Nixon is not concerned about Univ. Health Care Costs
  37. Political will to launch 'War on STDs' growing?
  38. Candace Owens Tours ICE Facility; Ends Up Stunned and Outraged
  39. Trump officials met with Venezuelan officers to discuss Maduro coup – report
  40. Administration Officials Should Be Tortured
  41. The Dwindling Trump Loyalists Within WH Fear the Worst
  42. Pieczinik: Pence & Bolton Plotting to Topple Trump
  43. The Day Liberty Died - Video
  44. Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole
  45. Donald Trump Jr. 'fixes' Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick
  46. 5 9/11 FOIA Videos (just enchanced/released this month)
  47. TWITTER SUSPENDS BENGHAZI HERO After Criticism of Obama!
  48. As Israel moves right, young American Jews target Birthright tours in protest
  49. 'Lyin Ted' could lose?
  50. Trump Administration Cuts $25 Million In Medical Aid To Palestinians
  51. Rep. Nunes up for re-election
  52. Ann Coulter, much like Ron Paul, calls for bringing troops from Afghan to US border.
  53. Michael Moore takes mic away after David Hogg urges foreign meddling in American elections
  54. Native Americans in the Unites States
  55. California Governor Signs Anti-Offshore Drilling Law
  56. Did Sexism Cost Serena Williams U.S. Open Title? | The View
  57. Trump Weighing Sanctions On Chinese Officials, Seizure And Freezing Of Chinese Assets
  58. Are New York’s Free LinkNYC Internet Kiosks Tracking Your Movements?
  59. Libertarian running against Spreitzer
  60. Trump to Close Palestine’s DC Office
  61. Google Was "Working To Get Hillary Clinton Elected" According To Leaked Email
  62. Trump Administration Wants to Ease Methane Pollution Rules
  63. Federal court ruling could limit abortion in Missouri
  64. Federal judges: Missouri PAC donation ban unconstitutional
  65. New Mexico plans checkpoints during hunting season
  66. Joe Rogan interviews Tulsi Gabbard
  67. Hollywood’s Jim Carrey and Bill Maher: socialism for thee but not for me
  68. US threatens to arrest ICC judges who probe war crimes
  69. Trumpet Threatens Russia with 'Total Economic Isolation' if Putin Cleans Out Idlib Rat Nest
  70. Never Forget: Thomas Young's Letter to Dick Cheney and George Bush
  71. Attempted assassination of CA GOP congressional candidate Rudy Peters
  72. Washington state: Carbon fee on fall ballot
  73. 9/11 Justice: Support the Bobby McIlvaine Act
  74. US Army to boost strength in Germany by 1,500 troops
  75. Amazon Begins Banning "Controversial" Books
  76. Border Patrol and ICE Agents Face Increasingly Violent Illegal Immigrants
  77. Mad Maxine Waters: I'll Get Pence, Too!
  78. America moves closer to being a cashless society
  79. Democrats pick Kelly for New Hampshire governor
  80. Americans Need Social Media Guided by the Rights Enshrined in the U.S. Constitution
  81. The U.S. will increase the number of immigration judges by 50 percent
  82. FLASHBACK: Alex Jones on Flight 93 Fiction
  83. US Senate candidate accuses Netanyahu spokesman of sexual assault
  84. Ken Starr: I almost charged Hillary Clinton with perjury
  85. Belongings of missing WikiLeaks associate found in sea off Norway
  86. Donald Trump on 9/11: "You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center"
  87. Trump Signs Order to Sanction States Responsible for Election Meddling – Bolton
  88. '60 Minutes' honcho Jeff Fager out at CBS
  89. FDA May Pull Flavored E-Cigarettes To Fight Youth Vaping "Epidemic"
  90. Chicago "Task Force" Looks At Implementing Universal Basic Income
  91. Becoming: An Intimate Conversation With Michelle Obama To Make Limited Run Across The U.S.
  92. Wyoming GOP Office Set On Fire Less Than Two Days After Opening, Police Say It Was Intentional
  93. WaPo - Hurricane Florence "Trump is complicit"
  94. NV - Report: Las Vegas professor shot himself in arm to protest Trump
  95. Dalai Lama: 'Europe belongs to Europeans'-'Refugees should rebuild their own countries'
  96. LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election
  97. DC police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at a MAGA event
  98. 'Threats of Rape and Strangling' Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet
  99. Why This Thread on Zionism and 9/11 Get Censored Into Miscellaneous? Ron Should Pull His Name
  100. Kaepernick Donates to Pro-abortion Cause
  101. ThinkProgress Censored By Facebook After Cheerleading Facebook Censorship
  102. Twitter Rejects Ads Using the Words ‘Illegal Alien’ Calling That ‘Hate Speech’
  103. John Kerry Accused Of Violating Logan Act After He Admits To Secret Iran Talks
  104. California Just Signed The World’s Most Aggressive Climate Bill
  105. U.S. Slaps Sanctions On Libyan Militia Strongman Over Oil Attacks
  106. Free Man Beyond the Wall: Episode 154: Taxation is Theft, Here's How You Can Minimize It
  107. FL-Bernie endorsed, Soros backed communist leading by four points in Gov. race
  108. 'FBI Leak' Reporters Identified
  109. Trump Economic Advisor Drops A MOAB On Obama’s Economic Policies
  110. Dianne Feinstein Acknowledges Having A Secret Brett Kavanaugh Document
  111. Watch As Thousands of Camouflaged Men, Armed With Assault Rifles Cross Border From Mexico
  112. California gun dealers win suit over window advertising argument
  113. US Destroyer Enters Mediterranean As Syria Tensions Build; Carrier On Standby
  114. U.S. foreign-born population swells to highest in over a century
  115. Report Of Possible Lifetime Travel Ban For Toking Canadians
  116. Facebook Starts "Fact Checking" Photos And Videos Using AI
  117. Eating dogs and cats banned in U.S. in House-passed bill
  118. Cynthia Nixon Loses To Andrew Cuomo In NY Gov Primary
  119. GOP candidate in NH 2nd House District might seek recount
  120. Afghan refugee wins New Hampshire statehouse primary
  121. Moscow ready to make steps to improve Russia-U.S. ties - Lavrov
  122. Saudis Hire Ex U.S. Solicitor General To Campaign Against NOPEC Bill
  123. Tulsi Gabbard Using the Bully Pulpit to Counter the Mass Psy-Op
  124. Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes Through August; Still Run $898B Deficit
  125. I feel this is day ONE of either the best or worst week of DJT's long life...
  126. Paul Manafort Pleads Guilty, Agrees To Cooperate With Prosecutors
  127. GOP lawmaker wants to drug test Congress
  128. Mexican citizen pleads guilty to voter fraud in Texas
  129. Libertarian candidate seeks Secretary of State position
  130. Congress passes spending deal, bids to avert gov't shutdown
  131. ICE won’t arrest or detain evacuees in the Carolinas escaping from Hurricane Florence
  132. A $280 Million U.S. Aid Program Was Supposed To Help 75,000 Afghan Women. It Helped 60.
  133. Video: Why We (as Asians) Hate The Progressive Left
  134. Why Asians are shifting away from the Republican party.
  135. Trump isn’t ‘unpredictable.’ He’s doing everything he said he would
  136. Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, advocates mob rule government
  137. The Diminishing Returns of Donald Trump's Tweets
  138. Days After 9/11 Tulsi Gabbard Slams "Betrayal Of American People" Over Syria
  139. FEMA soon will test 'presidential alert' system for national emergencies
  140. US Washington Uses Banned White Phosphorus Again:
  141. Fox's Tucker Carlson invites Porn Star Stormy's lawyer, cat fight ensues
  142. Taco Bell Employee Kicks Customer Out For Ordering In English
  143. Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
  144. China To Take Over Israel's Largest Port, Could Threaten US Naval Operations
  145. Performances By A President's Party In His First Midterm
  146. Fear mongering over cocaine
  147. Impoverished Texas school district that is 90% subsidized built a $20 million water park
  148. Trump wanted $4 Billion from Saudis to fund CIA terrorist army in Syria.
  149. Neocons Plan: War in Syria, then Iran
  150. Human Rights Campaign honors Raytheon for LGBT equality
  151. No proof that GOP-Jarvanka wing secretly on the side of liberal socialist Dem in FL gov race
  152. Are Teachers Really 'Not Paid for the Work [They] Do'? Time Says Yes, Reality Begs To Differ
  153. Netherland Ends Support For "White Helmets" Terrorist Propaganda, U.S. bombing campaign
  154. CNN Ratings Collapse, Losing To Nickelodeon And Fox News
  155. Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion Found
  156. Supreme Court to Hear Indiana Civil Asset Forfeiture Case
  157. 2 Jewish Billionaires Leave GOP Donor List
  158. Biden refers to Trump Voters as 'Dregs of Society'
  159. Sean Penn in Crosshairs After Giving his Opinion on 'Me Too' Movement
  160. Trump directs FBI, DOJ to declassify Russia-related documents, Comey texts, etc.
  161. Faux to Unveil Shapiro Election Special
  162. Steve Ballmer: Just the Facts | Real Time with Bill Maher
  163. Florida Appeals Court Opinion Upholds Fourth Amendment
  164. Yet Another Trump Official Investigated for Misusing Government Funds on Travel
  165. U.S. to sharply limit refugee flows to 30,000 in 2019
  166. FBI: The New TV Series
  167. "Unprecedented" Government Spending Spree Picks Up Speed
  168. DEA approves major cannabis study....by importing it from CANADA
  169. Project Veritas 'Deep State' Expose
  170. Chaffetz: Deep State is REAL and far worse than you could imagine
  171. Black Man Verbally Attacked by the Zombie Horde For Interning at WH
  172. Senate approves $854B spending bill
  173. Ben Swann: Bernie's "Stop Bezos Act" Doesn't Work, Here's Why!
  174. Senate panel formally postpones Kavanaugh vote
  175. Ivanka Tells Daddy to Cut Kavanaugh loose; Trump uncertain about Kavanaugh's Bush Background
  176. Gov. Moonbeam: Trump Sabotaging World Order, Something Must Be Done
  177. Police sergeant among 24 alleged child predators arrested in sting operation in New Jersey
  178. So what's the latest from Qanon?
  179. "Terrifying": New Documents Reveal Secret Gov't Rules For Spying On US Journalists
  180. Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts To Blackmail Him
  181. Sherrod Brown Faces Heat For Assault Allegations From Ex-Wife
  182. California Bill Passes Providing Hormone Treatment, Gender Surgery to Foster Children
  183. UMD Starts White’s Only Club in the Name of ‘Social Justice’
  184. No Jail Time for Bronx Teacher Who Sexually Abused 14-Year-Old
  185. Recusal Of Mystery Judge Stalls DNC Fraud Lawsuit Appeal
  186. Feds Spend $1,009,762 Training ‘Social Justice’ Math Teachers
  187. $5.7M in Taxpayer Funds for Study to Justify Sterilizing Gender Confused Children
  188. Michigan Official: Ban Bullet Sales by Anyone but Police
  189. Sessions Fines Housekeeping Company for Importing Foreigners Instead of Hiring Americans
  190. Texas Has a Voter Registration Problem
  191. Any allegation at any time = stagnation
  192. N. Korea's Kim to visit Seoul, shut missile site
  193. California writes bill touting benefits of its relationship with China
  194. Ben Swann Reality Check - Establishment Purging Dissent
  195. Trump: Expect Decision On US Role In Syria Soon; Calls Russian Plane Downing "Very Sad Thing"
  196. It’s obvious why Christine Blasey Ford does not want to testify
  197. HRC: Trump will Purge Government Mainstays After Midterms
  198. FBI Director and $100 billion money laundering
  199. Libertarian: End Taxation Of Currency, Gold, Silver
  200. Philadelphia To Dismantle Asset Forfeiture Program, Pay Damages To Victims
  201. Trump on Sessions: 'I don't have an attorney general'
  202. US Senate passes bill modernizing music licensing and payouts
  203. Germany Blinks First In Ongoing European Gas War
  204. The UN braces for Donald Trump's second appearance - and he should prepare for blowback
  205. Putin warns of financial crisis the world ‘has not yet seen’
  206. Cody Wilson charged with sexual assault on a child
  207. FBI Source: Exhausted Flynn 'May Take a Flamethrower to this Town' Before He's Done
  208. George Washington's Farewell Warning
  209. Dem Leader Tells Crowd: “Vote early and often – whatever you can get away with”
  210. Trump slams Bush for going in to Iraq!
  211. Huge Upset for GOP in Texas: Seat Flips Red For First Time in 139 Years
  212. California Republican Leads Obama-backed Democrat Accused of Sexual Misconduct
  213. Dem Candidate Struggles to Hold off Republican Opponent in District Clinton Won by Nearly 20
  214. Hispanic Economic Surge: Could This Change Political Dynamics?
  215. Forget Putin, Trump is Acting in Every Way Like Netanyahu’s Manchurian Candidate
  216. A View of the Deadly World Order
  217. The REAL reason for the coming wave of bans and censorship: what you aren't being told
  218. Chicago could double taxes on vape-ware, require e-cigs be kept behind counter
  219. It’s time For Republicans To Grow A Pair
  220. Zionists Trying to Outlaw First Amendment Speech Against Israel. Rand?
  221. Gov. Jerry Brown: President Trump 'Sabotaging The World In Many Respects' | Andrea Mitchell
  222. Russia Election Hack Explained in 3 Minutes
  223. Trump blasts 'ridiculous' US spending bill, revives shutdown threat
  224. US Places 33 Alleged Russian Spies And Military Officials On Sanctions Blacklist
  225. Sessions limits U.S. judges' ability to dismiss deportation cases
  226. Muslim-American can sue over 'no-fly list': U.S. appeals court
  227. Sheriffs Launch Border Wall Crowdfunding to Counter Congress
  228. New Study 1 In 5 US Prison Inmates, An Illegal Non-Citizen
  229. Paypal Terminates Infowars from Their Service
  230. Editor retweeted 'women don't have penises' is fired from university journal
  231. Yale study finds illegal migrant numbers twice the accepted norm of 11 million
  232. The Rise and Fall of Kent Sorenson, Tea Party "Hero"
  233. Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
  234. Video : Ted Crus vs. Beto O'Rourke - Debate #1
  235. Libertarian Candidate Looks to Give Voters Third Choice
  236. "No You Can't" - Broad Coalition Rallying Against Obama Center
  237. Gun Control Crowd Silent After Black Female Kills Three in Maryland Shooting
  238. James Woods Locked Out of Twitter for Satirical Election Meme
  239. AJ and Q, Hicks and DJT
  240. Trump may hold 2nd meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un in 'near future'
  241. Trump vows to rid Justice Department of 'lingering stench'
  242. Is Trump going neocon on Syria?
  243. Revealed: Russia’s secret plan to help Julian Assange escape from UK
  244. Libertarian candidate for Senate says national debt is biggest threat facing U.S. today
  245. Trump urged Spain to 'build a wall' across Sahara, says minister
  246. How Russia Sanctions Are Perversely Helping Putin Achieve His Most Desired Goal
  247. Medea Benjamin Shows America What Real Resistance Looks Like, nonpartisan
  248. Whoops, CNN just lost another pro-Trump commentator down the scandal chute
  249. Just Two NY Times Paragraphs On Russiagate - A Striking Admission
  250. 'Code for no black people': New York bar's 'racist' dress code