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  1. Trump Withdraws Endorsement Of G-7 Communique Over Trudeau Statements
  2. NJ - In This City, Police Cameras, and the Internet, Watch You
  3. State-level Dems funneled $84M to Clinton's campaign, lawsuit alleges
  4. Donald Trump's Presidential Library
  5. USA TODAY foreign affairs reporter Oren Dorell killed in hit-and-run
  6. Homeland Security’s Massive New Database
  7. Meet the guys who tape Trump's papers back together
  8. Non Partisan Majority of Americans Support Globalization
  9. What will be the outcome of the US-NK talks
  10. David Frum Lashes Out Against the Great Awakening
  11. Donald Trump Is Not Welcome at ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,’ Says Play’s Hermione
  12. LGTBQ++2TIPRINCESYMBOL Community outraged at Twitter CEO eating at Chick-Fil-A
  13. White House Official Defines the Trump Doctrine: ‘We’re America, Bitch’
  14. Schumer, Senate Dems have a Korea summit checklist for Trump
  15. Kim-Trump meeting: Who, where and what?
  16. Supreme Court gives green light to Ohio's voting roll purge
  17. US Trade Surplus with Canada?
  18. Trump admin to stop granting asylum to victims of "gang violence", "domestic abuse"
  19. Boris Johnson: "I Am Increasingly Admiring Donald Trump. There's Method In His Madness"
  20. Treasury Department Sanctions Another 5 Russian Firms For Cyberattacks, Aiding Espionage
  21. Trump EPA to Shred Rules on Toxic Pollution
  22. Gorsuch Watch: He votes right again
  23. Larry Kudlow Suffers Heart Attack
  24. Trump administration launches bid to catch citizenship cheaters
  25. Bushie Lifer Threatens FBI Agents if They Come Out with Corruption Testimony
  26. Barack Obama Is Quietly Getting into the 2020 Race
  27. Maine governor says he ‘probably’ won’t certify results of ranked-choice primary
  28. Seattle City Council Places Prior Restraint on Free Speech of Landlords
  29. Trump: 'Iran Is a Different Country Now Than It Was 3 or 4 Months Ago'
  30. EPIC FAIL! Trump's North Korean Meeting Trashed by MSM
  31. Radical plan to split California into three states earns spot on November ballot
  32. Mark Sanford Loses SC Seat In Primary
  33. CA breakup makes ballot in Nov.
  34. Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court
  35. China rolls out massive real time vehicle surveillance system
  36. U.S. aims for 'major' North Korea disarmament in two-and-a-half years: Pompeo
  37. Coaches killed in Parkland shooting to receive ESPY awards
  38. I thought the ObamaCare individual mandate went away?
  39. Trump’s North Korean Propaganda Reveals His Contempt for Democracy
  40. Liberals... Levi for Colorado
  41. Socialism: Govt Planned and Managed Housing Fails Again
  42. Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Price
  43. Dem senators move to halt potential US troop withdrawal from S. Korea
  44. U.S. Inflation Accelerates to Six-Year High, Eroding Wages
  45. Over 2,300 Online Pedophiles Busted in Operation ‘Broken Heart’
  46. Drudge coverage, pro MAGA or pro establishment?
  47. Democrats introduce an election security bill that proposes paper trails and mandatory audits
  48. Sessions announces initiative on zoning regulations for religious institutions
  49. Governor signs 6 gun control measures in New Jersey
  50. Congress bans child sex robots
  51. GOP Immigration Deal: Potentially ‘Biggest’ Amnesty in U.S. History
  52. Norway Wants To More Than Double The Number Of US Marines There
  53. Berkeley declares 'climate emergency', demands 'humane' population control
  54. Judge Swamp strikes again
  55. SCOTUS Rules For First Amendment Rights In Polling Places
  56. DOJ Inspector General report on handling of Clinton email probe released — live updates
  57. It looks like North Korea is coming through with a 'major' denuclearization step for Trump
  58. U.S. Solar Growth Undeterred By Solar Panel Tariffs
  59. What a Maroon!
  60. Taliban Leader Calls for U.S. Troop Withdrawal, Start of Negotiations
  61. 2018 Congressional Baseball Game - Toady!
  62. Trump OKs tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese products
  63. Supreme Court Addresses Question of Foreign Law in US Courts
  64. Trump, Ryan, and Walker Want to Seize Wisconsin Homes to Build a Foxconn Plant
  65. Delaware Democrats aim to push ban on semi-automatic weapons
  66. IG Report Analysis: Comey/FBI Not Biased - They Just Did Things Differently
  67. US launches another trade case against China
  68. Court: Federal government doesn’t owe insurers Obamacare payments
  69. President Trump makes surprise appearance on 'Fox & Friends'
  70. Trump is a liberal or a conservative?
  71. White House defends "moral" border policy that leads to separation of families
  72. When has it ever become legal to shoot someone because they’re stealing your car?
  73. Trump says he wants 'my people' to 'sit up at attention' like North Koreans, later says he's '
  74. Andrew McCabe seeks immunity (?) from the US Senate
  75. Game over?
  76. 11 Quick Things To Know About The Inspector General’s Report
  77. EPA Moves To Replace Obama-Era Rule
  78. Steve King: House GOP 'considering' removing Ryan
  79. Call me any time: Trump says he gave North Korea's Kim direct number
  80. US expected to withdraw from UN Human Rights Council
  81. Air Force officer fired for losing grenades and a machine gun is getting a big new job
  82. "There's F**king No One Else"; DNC Strategist Laments Over Broken Party
  83. TV Poll: 71% Of Liberals Don't Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Take Credit
  84. The Texas Bullion Depository Officially Opened For Business This Week
  85. San Francisco 8th graders get a special treat: A visit from Hillary Clinton
  86. Trump Administration Will Build Tent City Along Border to Detain Migrants
  87. Trump told Shinzo Abe he’d ship 25 million Mexicans to Japan
  88. Minneapolis cops dosing folks w/ ketamine
  89. Smaulgld's Moronic a For the Week Ended June 16, 2018
  90. How much of the Trump supporters in the 2016 election we're Bush supporters from 2000/2004?
  91. It's Time For America To Cut Loose Our Useless So-Called "Allies"
  92. Democratic Rep. Admits The Child Migrant Crisis ‘Was Kept Very Quiet Under The Obama Administr
  93. Trump says WaPo staffers should strike: 'We would get rid of Fake News for an extended period
  94. McConnell: 'Why can’t the Mueller investigation finally wrap up?'
  95. Army narrows list of cities down to 5 for new command HQ
  96. Dems Gain Entry to NJ Immigration Center After Arguing With Cops
  97. California Elementary School to be Named After Illegal Alien
  98. On Donald Trump's "Madness" & A New Gold Standard
  99. The Key Word in the Trump-Kim Show
  100. NYC Majority Leader Cries Over calling Gangs and Crews..."Gangs and Crews"
  101. DOJ IG and FBI Director testify on Clinton email investigation, White House briefing
  102. The Death of Independence
  103. Clapper hopes Mueller will end Russia probe ‘soon’
  104. Trump to start US Space Force
  105. Texas GOP endorses cannabis decriminalization, rescheduling
  106. North Korea reportedly offered to abandon a key weapon — and it has nothing to do with nukes
  107. Florida activist is 2-0 at the Supreme Court after First Amendment victory
  108. Paul-Graham standoff threatens to derail Senate defense bill amendments
  109. Why is the Trump Administration allowing an ongoing invasion of our borders?
  110. Study Confirms Most Psychopaths Live in Washington D.C.
  111. Corey Stewart Angers All the Right People
  112. Pentagon confirms halt of August war games with South Korea
  113. Republicans demand names of unidentified FBI employees in IG report
  114. Trump threatens all-out trade war with China, tariffs on $200 billion worth of goods
  115. Judge strikes down Kansas law requiring proof of citizenship to vote
  116. Google/A.I. will predict when you die.
  117. Hillary Invokes Jesus in Immigration Dispute
  118. Richard Painter - Dumpster Fire Ad
  119. US government “releases” kids to child traffickers
  120. The Swamp - Documentary Series
  121. The Supreme Court Will Decide If Apple's App Store Is a Monopoly
  122. Trump rolls out rule for cheaper small business insurance with fewer benefits
  123. Berkeley Jury finds Antifa NOT GUILTY of Beating of Trump Supporter Despite Multiple Witnesses
  124. Hillary Clinton Was Not Formally Under FBI Investigation at Any Time in 2015-2016
  125. Trump says he'll cut off foreign aid to countries that send 'not their best' people
  126. 25% tariff on Chinese woodworking equipment
  127. Judge Rules Twitter Can Be Sued For Falsely Advertising They Allow Free Speech
  128. Eric Clanton - Berkeley Bike Lock Antifa Attacker
  129. SPLC To Pay Counter-Extremist Maajid Nawaz $3.3M Settlement Over Anti-Muslim ‘Hate List’
  130. Trump Administration Cancels New Protection for Endangered Whales, Marine Mammals & Sea Turtle
  131. Although NK's dictator visited China again, media's "Trump got played" narrative is overblown
  132. White House deputy chief of staff to leave in July
  133. TX-Austin declares itself "Freedom City" will direct cops to avoid arrests for petty theft
  134. President Trump must use fireside chats to win illegal immigration debate
  135. Trump signs executive action halting family separations
  136. Wonder if the Bolsheviks will get up in arms over real child kidnapping by government?
  137. Feminist Bookstore Closes From Lack of Sales, Blames White Men
  138. Peter Fonda wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
  139. Trump rescinds Obama policy protecting oceans
  140. West Virginia Supreme Court justice indicted on 22 federal counts
  141. Anti-U.S. Propaganda Has ‘Disappeared’ From North Korea, Tour Guides Say
  142. Corporate Progressive Media Lies Daily About Race Issues
  143. Trump Admin Pitches Idea To Combine Labor & Education Departments
  144. #TEDogate: TEDx Workshops Call on Public to Accept Pedophiles
  145. Merkel Caves to Trump: Germany to Scrap EU Tax on Cars
  146. Anti-Trump Professor Thwarted In Bid to Share ICE Employee Data
  147. Catholic cardinal in D.C. accused of sex abuse
  148. Flake threatens to block Trump's appellate court nominees over Cuba travel, tariffs
  149. DOJ requests military lawyers to help prosecute immigration crimes
  150. Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
  151. Trump tossed candy to Merkel at G-7, said ‘don’t say I never give you anything’
  152. Time magazine cover shows Trump looming over sobbing child immigrant.
  153. SCOTUS: Online/Internet shoppers can be forced (legally separated) to pay sales tax
  154. Federal court rules consumer bureau structure unconstitutional
  155. White House releases sweeping proposal to reorganize government
  156. Top Court Curbs SEC Judges
  157. The True Cause of the Border and Refuge "Crisis"
  158. Democrat Volunteer Threatens to Kill Republicans
  159. McCabe Pleads 5th While Comey and Lynch Don’t Even Come to Senate Hearing
  160. Intel's CEO Quits Over Relationship With Employee
  161. Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Suit Against Clintons, Soros, Podesta, Brock
  162. US Members Of Congress Must Now Disclose Crypto Holdings Above $1,000
  163. Melania Sent To Border For Charm Offensive As Trump Promises To Reunite Separated Families
  164. Charles Krauthammer died at 68
  165. TV Writer Threatens Four-Year-Old Daughter of Trump Jr.
  166. Inspector General Finds Clinton Broke The Law Three Different Times
  167. Michigan Refuses to Fund Warrantless Surveillance by Federal Government
  168. The feds are moving ahead with private land seizures to make room for Trump's border wall
  169. House GOP Leaders Forced To Again Delay Vote On Compromise Immigration Bill
  170. Education Department closes 1,200 Obama-era civil rights probes
  171. As Shutdown Looms, New Jersey Legislature Blasts Governor's "My Way Or The High Way" Budget
  172. Iran lists demands for improving relations with US
  173. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey will not debate his Republican primary opponent
  174. Bill allows union membership mandate for Delaware workers
  175. Puerto Rico gov signs bill to privatize power company assets
  176. Unarmed black teen killed by cop was shot in upper body while fleeing; death ruled homicide
  177. GOP leaders in Pennsylvania appeal to Supreme Court on new congressional lines
  178. Crisis actor spotted at Texas child migrant detention center
  179. Does the West have the will to survive?
  180. ACLU about to cave in to SJW over defending 1st Amendment and free speech
  181. The 50 worst cities in the United States
  182. Wikileaks just released and Published the Names of ICEPatrol Agents.
  183. SCOTUS Says Warrant Necessary for Phone Location [NO thanks to Gorsuch]
  184. Don’t Worry, The Republicans, And Your President, Will Fix It!
  185. President threatens tariffs on European cars, tells Republicans to stop ‘wasting their time’ o
  186. NATO Chief Warns "Alliance May Not Survive"
  187. Congress Is Considering A Bill Enabling Anti-Trust Litigation Against OPEC
  188. McCain Office Involved In IRS Targeting Scandal; Pushed Financially Ruinous Audits Of 501(c)s
  189. FBI Won’t Reveal Extent of Illegal “Geek Squad” Spying
  190. The Rockefeller-Connected Cronyist Origins Of Social Security
  191. Pentagon Investigating Chinese Research Partnerships With U.S. Universities
  192. Gun-Rights Group Files Motion to Block NJ Ammunition Confiscation Scheme
  193. Chinese leaders ‘absolutely confused’ by Trump’s demands on trade
  194. Gallery Owner Arrested After Dropping Sculpture Of Giant Drug Spoon At Purdue Pharma
  195. Immigration To The United States Is A "Human Right"
  196. Tom Arnold says he's teaming up with Michael Cohen and 'taking Trump down'
  197. Mexico’s Next President Declares That Immigration To The United States Is A “Human Right"
  198. Congress To Give Jeff Sessions More Power To Ban Whatever Substance He Doesn't Like
  199. NJ Governor Pitches 2,400% Tax Increase On Firearms
  200. Syrian rebels say Washington tells them it won't intervene in southern Syria
  201. Trump Facts
  202. Why do We Need More People Anyway?
  203. Washington State: Anti-Gun bill and its Lying, cheating Backers
  204. What's Next For Mueller?
  205. Trump Calls For “Immediate” Deportations Of Illegals With “No Judges Or Court Cases”
  206. Justice Gorsuch & The 4th
  207. New Bill of Rights (list)
  208. Trump Drops New Bomb In Trade War: Plans To Restrict China Investment In US Firms
  209. Laura Ingalls Wilder's name pulled from library award over 'stereotypical attitudes' in her po
  210. Maxine Waters Calls For Attacks On White House Employees
  211. Americans Now Own 40% Of The World's One Billion Guns
  212. An 8-year-old tried selling water for a trip to Disneyland. A white woman threatened to call p
  213. Harley-Davidson to Shift Production Overseas to Offset EU Tariffs
  214. Supreme Court backs American Express in merchant fee dispute
  215. Why should Americans trust that 'Rank and File' DOJ employees aren't biased?
  216. How Comey intervened to kill WikiLeaks' immunity deal
  217. EPA to consider changes to smog standard
  218. FDA approves first drug derived from marijuana
  219. Burned & Decapitated Animal Carcass Left On DHS Employee's Porch
  220. Most Americans Want Illegal Aliens Either Deported Or Detained, CBS Poll Says
  221. The DNC’s Lawsuit Against Russia Undermines Their Own Defense In The DNC Fraud Lawsuit
  222. Writer Suggests Anti-Trump Protesters Should Carry Out Domestic Terror
  223. Insider: Dem Party has been taken over by the Freaks
  224. IRS nixes California’s federal tax dodge scheme
  225. US freezes Palestinian aid funding
  226. AT&T collaborates on NSA spying through a web of secretive buildings in the US
  227. Resist too far? Pelosi tries to tamp down progressives' public shaming of Trump officials
  228. Steve King: America Headed Towards Civil War
  229. Liberals, Media Ignore Detention Facilities Under Obama
  230. Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban
  232. Jones: Institutional Left Plans To Incite Race/Sex War on Eve of Midterms in Sept
  233. Maxine Waters' Wig Is Better Than Bill O'Reilly's Entire Career
  234. Is The Government Using Spy Hubs In 8 AT&T Buildings Across The Country To Intercept Our Email
  235. Judge Rules Big Oil Can't Be Sued For Climate Change Costs
  236. [Video] Crowder Confronts Unhinged Liberals
  237. Canada Is Preparing Steel Quotas, Tariffs on China and Others
  238. Why The Trump Travel Ban Was Upheld By The Supreme Court
  239. NY: Prog takes out 10 term incumbent
  240. The Left in 2018: Unhinged
  241. Army to Ditch Social Issues, Focus on Actual Battlefield Skills
  242. A Double Injustice Throws a Scare into the Nation's Judges
  243. Oklahoma becomes 30th medical cannabis state
  244. California Governor, Lawmakers Get 3 Percent Pay Boost
  245. The Danger Is Real: We Need a New Declaration of Independence for Modern Times
  246. Four Presidents Conspired To Give $100 Billion to Israel
  247. Will the titanic NY election upset yesterday do longterm damage to neocons movement in NY/US?
  248. North Korea making ‘rapid’ improvements to nuclear reactor despite Trump-Kim agreement
  249. SCOTUS Rules Against Big Labor in Janus Case
  250. SCOTUS: Kennedy Announces Retirement