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  1. So what is conspiracy nut if the official stance of the US gov. is JFK was killed by 2 gunmen?
  2. Head Of Ford North America "Leaving Immediately" For "Inappropriate Behavior"
  3. Florida witnesses say multiple shooters; Las Vegas Truth March Sat. Feb. 24
  4. Trump Open to Raising ‘Minimum Age for Owning Certain Firearms’
  5. Trump "Strongly" Considering Concealed Carry In Schools
  6. SCOTUS rules you have a right to challenge Constitutionality of law after a guilty plea
  7. Rubio does not support arming teachers because they might be shot by cops
  8. Rubio to challenge Trump45 at 2020 Charlotte GOP Convention (?)
  9. When does former AL Senator now AG Sessions fully unrecuse (?)
  10. USA Vice-President Mike Pence v. Dan Quayle v. Spiro Agnew . . .
  11. Flake intros gun control bill which Trump supports
  12. U.S. Says Troops Can Stay in Syria Without New Authorization
  13. CNN Townhall on Gun Control (aka hysterical mob rules)
  14. Reality Check: FDA's Disinformation Campaign on Kratom
  15. Look Out N.C.
  16. Congresswoman claims most mass shooters are Democrats
  17. CPAC Pence: "We stand UP to murderous dicktater ships!!!"
  18. Oregon bans unvaccinated children from school
  19. Big Banks in U.S. Forced to Reevaluate Hiring Foreign Workers
  20. McMaster Finally Out? Pentagon Paving Way For Return To Military: Report
  21. US May Open Path For Saudi Arabia To Acquire Nuclear Weapons
  22. Trump Admin Considering Student Loan Bankruptcy Options
  24. Mark Cuban In Hot Water For Allowing ‘Corporate Culture of Misogyny’
  25. Armed deputy who failed to confront gunman at Florida school resigns
  26. Hey, Mueller, Here’s Proof of Election-influencing Collusion With Foreign Nationals
  27. Call for FEDERAL investigation into link between psych drugs and school shootings
  28. Trump: Active shooter drills 'a very negative thing'
  29. Pence's intellectual dishonesty
  30. USDA wants ideas to get people off SNAP
  31. Benzodiazepines: The 'Other' American Drug Crisis
  32. 2017: Broward Sheriff discusses Progressive Policing & Mass Shootings!
  33. Anyone Else Hear the Gunshot Sounds During Florida Shooting Interviews?
  34. Should FISA Court meet en banc for second time in history ?
  35. Closing ICE in California - brainstorming this idea.
  36. Trump Announces 'Largest Evaaaa' NK Sankshuns: "All UR Boats R Belong 2 Us!" (target 56 ships)
  37. Obama Stimulus Dollars funded George Soros Empire!
  38. NRA: largest privately owned bank cuts ties; 3 major rental car companies end discounts
  39. BREAKING: Former Trump aide Rick Gates formally pleads guilty to two counts
  40. Governors ready to take action on gun control
  41. DOJ to prioritize prosecutions for those who lie on gun background checks: report
  42. $21 Trillion Missing From US Federal Budget
  43. Trump Points to Video Games, Movies as Possible Causes of Violence
  44. Neocon Nikki Haley attacks Russia
  45. Trump suggests rising star of Zionist movement Jared Kushner is being treated 'very unfairly'
  46. The new Bump Stock thread
  47. Real news thread
  48. Names of the 4 Broward Co Sheriff Deputies who waited outside?
  49. Oregon lawmakers pass gun-control bill
  50. Trump gun proposal meets conservative opposition
  51. Nigel Farage at CPAC
  52. Second Florida Survivor Family Now Alleging CNN Scripted Narrative to Push Gun Ban
  53. Liberal Loser Sheriff Israel BUSTED! ‘Dirty Secret’ Tying Him To School Shooter Just FOUND
  54. Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Fires Back At CPAC Comm. Director's "Painfully Stupid" Remark
  55. Smaulgld's Week in Moronica - February 24, 2018
  56. Compilation of Students and Teachers Who Said There Was a Shooter Drill @ Florida School
  57. Memo By House Intelligence Committee Democrats Released As Nunes Addresses CPAC
  58. FBI Caught in ANOTHER Clinton Scandal Cover-Up
  59. Trump Weighs ‘Red Flag’ Orders to Take Guns Away Quickly
  60. Claims of kids shooter in JROTC shirt, Army using video games to recruit 13+ yr olds correct?
  61. A Coup Review 4 U
  62. Michigan lawmakers: Get rid of mandatory auto insurance
  63. "CalPERS Is Near Insolvency; It Needs A Bailout Soon"
  64. Despite conspiracy theories, no evidence that WH welcomed anti-gun protests & media coverage
  65. CA-Democrats reject Feinstein, embrace ultra leftist Kevin de León for US Senate
  66. CPAC UNBUCKLED: Speaker criticizes attendees for ‘brainless, sinister, clownish' Trumpism
  67. Oakland mayor warns of Bay Area ICE sweeps
  68. Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment
  69. The Trump Administration Has Just Made the H-1B Visa-Approval Process Even Harder
  70. North Korea Offers To Open Talks With U.S.
  71. "Never Seen Such A Large Crowd": Record Numbers Flock To Florida Gun Show After Shooting;
  72. Pro-liberty Donald Trump loves another pro-liberty position
  73. The Illusion of Security - Video
  74. Pat Buchanan: ‘The Bush Party Has Become a Trump Party’ on Immigration, Trade, Staying Out of
  75. California Governor Signs Legislation Preventing Teachers from Shooting if Attacked
  76. State of Idaho House passes H473 Restoring Constitutional Governance Act
  77. Criminalized Poverty: LA Making It Illegal To Sleep In Cars And RVs
  78. Bank of America says it’s reexamining its relationships with gun manufacturers
  79. Donald Trump says he will 'do something' to stop danger of violent video games
  80. Trump admin passes rule requiring sounds in 'quiet cars' by 2020
  81. Post still can't tell increases from cuts'
  82. CENSORSHIP: YouTube And Twitter Scrub Users Who Question Florida Shooting Narrative
  83. Meet The California Special Agents Who Are "Coming For Your Guns"
  84. Trump says he would have run into Florida school without a weapon
  85. In blow to Trump, Supreme Court won’t hear appeal of DACA ruling
  86. Trump Pushes to Allow Troops to Carry Personal Weapons on Bases
  87. CDC Official Who Handled Zika, Ebola Outbreaks Mysteriously Disappears Without A Trace
  88. Possible GOP foe for Sen. Roger Wicker 'looking for a fight'
  89. Survey: Roughly half of Americans in favor of UBI welfare
  90. House Democrats Back New Ban On Semi-Automatic Weapons
  91. Trump strikes $3.9 billion deal with Boeing for new Air Force One
  92. DEMS & Liberty Caucus Join To Repeal AUMF (Use of Force)
  93. Monica Lewinsky says Bill Clinton affair was ‘gross abuse of power’
  94. Google Censors Guns, Removes Shopping Results
  95. Twenty states sue federal government, seeking end to Obamacare
  96. Trump to Defund Planned Parenthood With Budget Maneuver
  97. Hatch says Congress will defy the president on NAFTA
  98. Man arrested on six charges four days after publicly criticizing Etowah County sheriff
  99. Arlington, VA: 11 Ill After Suspicious Letter Arrives at Military Base
  100. SDSU Offers Course On "Removing Trump From Office"
  101. Jeff Sessions Lives! General Council for Comey’s FBI and FISA Abuse to be Investgated!
  102. Book timing suggests Michelle Obama running for president in 2020
  103. Judge Rules to Remove Tarps From Charlottesville Confederate Statues
  104. Michael Savage weighing U.S. Senate bid in California
  105. California lawmakers push 10 new gun control bills
  106. 2018 Reality Check: No Sarin Gas Used by Assad in Syria? (Welcome back Ben)
  107. US Announces $40 Million for Troll Farm
  108. Mexico tried to manipulate Jared Kushner
  109. Su-25 v. USA recon planes over Black Sea
  110. Dick's, and subsidiary Field & Stream, make their gun stance known.
  111. More kids die playing football than from mass school shootings
  112. Heritage Foundation: 64% of Trump's agenda already done, faster than Reagan
  113. BI: Trump's family is reportedly furious with John Kelly, the sides may enter a 'death match'
  114. Peter Thiel attacked by Silicon Valley for being too libertarian
  115. Medical Pot Bill Clears TN House Subcommittee with GOP Speaker’s Support
  116. Jared Kushner's security clearance downgraded
  117. Trump about to push hard for gun control:
  118. Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump
  119. Palantir Has Secretly Been Using New Orleans to Test Its Predictive Policing Technology
  120. NJ - Gun Control coming fast!
  121. Pennsylvania State Dept. Sued for Hiding Noncitizen Voting Records
  122. Another Liberal-Created Failure
  123. Another One Bites The Dust: White House Communications Director Hope Hicks Resigns
  124. #Trump's #DOJ Fires a Shot Across #BigPharma's Bow in Operation PIL
  125. Hope Hicks: Close Trump aide and White House communications chief resigns
  126. Supreme Court: Does a T-Shirt or Campaign Button Violate "No politicking zones"?
  127. Trump hails dropping illegal immigration levels
  128. Gunshot at Georgia school ignites debate on arming teachers (another)
  129. Nearly 60 percent of adults blame the Florida high school shooting on government failures
  130. Congress Quietly Pushing Bill to Require National Biometric ID for ‘ALL Americans’
  131. Hillary Clinton supporter leaving White House within few weeks
  132. Hillary Urgently Calls for Confrontation Against Russia
  133. Putin Speaks Direct to the World's Most Arrogant Bully (Relax.Best News U Could Possibly Hear)
  134. John Kelly: Leaving DHS to Work in Trump’s White House Was Punishment From God
  135. Bernie Sanders Fined For Illegally Coordinating With Australian Labor Party
  136. Sharyl Attkisson Accuses Obama DOJ of Secretly Swapping Out Her Computer Hard Drive
  137. EU Wants World Trade Organization to Punish U.S. for Tax Cuts
  138. Mexico: U.S. Ambassador To Resign
  139. Taiwan Travel Act Passes Congress
  140. Walmart Will Raise Gun Buying Age To 21 and Ban Sale of Toys That Resemble Assault Rifles
  141. Kroger announced it will no longer sell guns to to customers under age 21 at its Fred Meyer's
  142. These Groups Make the NRA Look Like a Bastion of Moderation
  143. FL Lawmakers Say NO To ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Say YES To Armed Teachers
  144. The George Webb Summaries
  145. In your view, current White House staffing is based on meritocracy or nepotism?
  146. Senate to consider bill next week easing bank rules
  147. Teen investigated for pro-gun Snapchat
  148. Iran may pull out of the nuclear deal before the US
  149. Holder on why he might run for president in 2020: 'I think I've got the guts'
  150. Are Retailers Breaking the Law?
  151. Another school shooting in Michigan
  152. L.L. Bean will no longer sell guns, ammo to those under 21
  153. ‘Google Fired Me For Not Rejecting White & Asian Job Applicants,’ Ex-Employee Alleges
  154. REI to Stop Selling Products of Major Outdoor Company with NRA Ties
  155. Victory in Legal Case to Force the EPA to End the Addition of Fluoride to Water
  156. Number of NICS checks for gun purchases since 1998 comes to 280,482,910
  157. Justice Department "Reviewing" Actions Of "Gang Lookout" Oakland Mayor
  158. Donald Trump, Steel Tariffs, and the Costs of Chaos
  159. Trump Pal Sold Millions in Steel-Related Stock Days Before Tariff News
  160. Mooch attacks Trump's WH Chief of Staff General Kelly
  161. DACA Schemers are over Monday
  162. Person with forged identity nominated Trump for Nobel peace prize, officials say
  163. MEC drops U.S. brands linked to gunmaker in wake of Florida school shooting
  164. BlackRock turns up the pressure on gun makers
  165. Walter Williams questions Mark Levin’s desire for an Article V Convention
  166. Incredibly brave, heroic survivors school shooting on Bill Maher to discuss guns
  167. "I am a Russian Bot"
  168. Delegate Nick Freitas Speech on Floor of House of Delegates-Gun Control
  169. NJ Students protest teacher’s suspension for his support of arming teachers
  170. Youtube Drops Hammer on Infowars
  171. FedEx won’t drop the NRA so these companies are dropping FedEx
  172. In calling for end of Jewish state, Burg painted as ‘troublemaker’ at liberal NY synagogue
  173. A presidential milestone: Trump has spent 100 days in office at one of his golf clubs
  174. Man dead after shooting himself outside White House, authorities confirm
  175. Trump Praises China's Xi, 'jokes' We Should Have a President for Life
  176. Membership in Gun Groups Is Spiking After the Florida Shooting
  177. Trump campaign polls supporters on spread of Sharia law, making English official language
  178. Things That Make You Go HMMMMM...
  179. US special forces films moment he and 3 soldiers were killed in an ambush by ISIS near Niger
  180. Trump Shill Calling Itself Economist Attempts To Trumpsplain Tariffs on FOX
  181. Delta Reveals Only 13 Passengers Used NRA Discount Which Cost Airline $40 Million Tax Break
  182. Could liberal democrat icon Chuck Schumer join Trump administration?
  183. Study: DACA increased immigrants’ education, labor force participation, and productivity
  184. Conservative leader on Trump: 'He's a fraud and has betrayed us twice now'
  185. Why Did It Take Two Weeks To Discover Parkland Students’ Astroturfing?
  186. Chaos, chaos, chaos and Trump
  187. Survivor David Hogg In CBS Video 6 Months BEFORE Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Event
  188. Trade Argument
  189. 'Stop Blaming White People' sign at post office draws ire, prompts investigation
  190. Lindsey Graham: Fighting A War With North Korea Would Be "Worth It"
  191. They Don’t Hate The NRA. They Hate You.
  192. Mexican man assumes American's identity for 37 years, steals $361,000 in government benefits
  193. Happy Cinco de Marzo !
  194. ‘Kill all white people’: Accused killer now charged in six murders
  195. Maxine Waters: Trump Questioning My IQ Is ‘Racist’
  196. Rand to Introduce ‘Audit the Fed’ as Amendment to Senate Banking Bill
  197. Lyft will give free rides to gun control rallies
  198. Tariffs: Ryan Rejected: Trump Says "Not Backing Down"
  199. Police just raided Trump’s hotel in Panama
  200. Stosscars (Political Oscars) Ron Paul wins for Lifetime Achievment
  201. Prepare for War: Globalism, Socialism, and Communism vs. Freedom
  202. Shootings at Chicago gang members' funerals getting 'out of control', police say
  203. The primary cause of the west's demographic problem is kleptocracy
  204. Republican Senator Thad Cochran To Resign Next Month
  205. FL Senate passes gun control!
  206. Rhode Island Bill Would Impose Fee For Accessing Online Porn
  207. Civil and Criminal Asset Forfeiture Attacked on Grounds of “Excessive Fines”
  208. Social Media Censorship Is Vastly More Dangerous Than The Censored Material
  209. How Close Is America to Outright Gun Confiscation? Very Close.
  210. SF Mayor Requests Millions to Defend Every Illegal Immigrant ICE Detains in Bay Area
  211. L.A.'s Massive Homeless Problem
  212. Electoral College Under Fire Again
  213. New NRA ad warns media, politicians, and ‘every Hollywood phony’ their ‘time is running out`
  214. College librarians argue Christians who say 'God bless you' are Islamophobic
  215. Facebook asked users if pedophiles should be able to ask kids for 'sexual pictures'
  216. Democrats, Media Just Don't Know Guns
  217. President Trump is right about taxing at our water’s edge.
  218. Donald Trump’s wealth has fallen for second year running – Forbes
  219. Gary Cohn, White House chief economic adviser, to resign
  220. Arctic Oil Lease Sale Could Come Next Year
  221. US Considering Broad Curbs On Chinese Imports
  222. Brown Course Blames "Whitelash" For Trump's Election Win
  223. Conservatives push for new check on IRS rules
  224. ”This culminated in police officers falsifying documents, hiding criminal activity, lying on o
  225. NYPD’s Secret Tribunals May Keep Guilty Cops on the Job
  226. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Visit Sacramento, Make Lawsuit Announcement
  227. Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses
  228. Stormy Daniels sues Trump...
  229. Gun Confiscation Has Begun.
  230. AIPAC Returns to Washington
  231. Google helps Pentagon analyze military drone footage—employees “outraged”
  232. Immigration showdown / smackdown
  233. Ron and Rand's Security Guard Exposes Drug War Flaws, John Baeza
  234. Nick Freitas speaks...
  235. Connecticut Governor: NRA Is A "Terrorist Organization"
  236. White House Staff Turnover Was Already Record-Setting. Then More Advisers Left
  237. Rubio teams up with Sen Bill Nelson to push gun control bill
  238. Trade is good, tariffs are bad:
  239. Sessions Warns California of Civil War
  240. Trump’s Tariff Turducken
  241. Video: Students hope to change the name of Patrick Henry High School
  242. FBI Has Been Paying Geek Squad To Spy On Customers For Over A Decade
  243. Trump praises Florida gun control bill
  244. An Amazing Cabinet Meeting
  245. Trump: Outgoing Economic Adviser Is ‘A Globalist, But I Still Like Him’
  246. Did Mark Cuban Hire a Black Woman CEO as a Positive Publicity Stunt?
  247. Ben Swann Video: Internet Purge of Dissenting Voices
  248. Trump Signs the Section 232 Proclamations on Steel and Aluminum Imports
  249. Romney is under attack in Utah for ‘liberal Massachusetts values’
  250. True Pundit: Senate Officials Confirm McCain Expected to Step Down from U.S. Senate