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  1. Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio, pardoned by Trump, plans to run for Senate
  2. Poll: Americans say 'fake news' is second most annoying phrase
  3. Trump signs order to promote broadband in rural areas
  4. New GOP-E Globalist Trump has arrived as Bannon Steps Down from Breitbart
  5. Trump contradicts self repeatedly in immigration meeting
  6. The writer of the explosive new book on Trump is getting eviscerated over its accuracy — and i
  7. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta calls for less occupational licensing
  8. Defying Jeff Sessions, New Hampshire GOP-led House Votes to Legalize Cannabis
  9. With Bannon pushed out, Trump will lean towards 'bi-partsian', 'democrats' agenda now?
  10. Dershowitz Defends Trump
  11. U.S. Has a National Mango Board With a $6.7 Million Budget
  12. Action alert: Amash, Paul, Others Trying to Stop Congress from Expanding Domestic Surveillance
  13. Darrell Issa Announces Retirement
  14. North Carolina Congressional Map Ruled Unconstitutionally Gerrymandered
  15. The New College Intellectualism: It’s Okay to Kill Young Children
  16. Trump Admin. Delays Obama Decree to “Diversify” Your Community
  17. Court Order Confirms DNC Fraud Lawsuit Appeal Will Proceed
  18. Interior plans to move thousands of workers in the biggest reorganization in its history
  19. Distrust Of US Intelligence Agencies Is The Default Position Of Sanity
  20. I Don’t Want Your Leaders
  21. Thomas Jefferson: Don't Trust Politicians.
  22. It's Not About Democracy: Control Fraud Is the Core of our Political System
  23. Trump pushes censorship as "libel laws" changes
  24. Fraud Upon the FISA Court Confirmed
  25. Neoconservative endorsed Martha McSally selected to replace Flake
  26. Jeff Sessions’ Marijuana Adviser Wants Doctors to Drug-Test Everyone
  27. The notion of Donald Trump colluding with the Russians makes no sense given his background
  28. Nuclear Deterrence Is A Myth
  29. Republican Lawmaker Says Black People Cant Handle Marijuana
  30. Trump Says America Gave Norway Fighter Jets From Call of Duty
  31. Twitter Engineers Admit Censoring Conservatives
  32. Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries in Oval Office meeting
  33. White House Takes First Step To Attach Work Requirements To Medicaid
  34. Trump Tweets Against FISA- and then later For It
  35. Trump Admin. Begins Paving the Way for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to Go Free
  36. Seattle Subway can’t sell $5 footlongs because of big government.
  37. State Department Issues Rare 'Level 4' Warnings for Dangerous Mexican Locales
  38. Military investigating shooting in newly leaked Afghan combat video
  39. Oklahoma Attorney General files motion to pass utility tax savings to consumers
  40. MSNBC host goes low, dredges up Trump father's arrest at KKK meeting, grandfather brothel/hote
  41. US Supreme Court Will Revisit Ruling On Collecting Internet Sales Tax
  42. How the Government Hides Secret Surveillance Programs
  43. Theory that media will support Trump after his 'Jerusalem embassy call' not panning out
  44. Kentucky Senate OKs proposal to change years to elect governors
  45. Maryland transportation exec accused of bribing Russian official
  46. Trump Reportedly Waives Iran Sanctions "For Last Time"
  47. And just like that, they all forgot about Michael Wolff's book
  48. CNN: Joe Biden's f-bomb
  49. Trump asked why ‘pretty Korean lady’ analyst wasn’t negotiating with North Korea, report says
  50. Rep. Ted Lieu: Trump is absolutely racist
  51. Mike Rowe Destroys Woman Who Wants Him Fired For Being ‘Ultra-Right Wing Conservative’
  52. Patient Dumping: University of Maryland hospital apologizes (for getting caught)
  53. A 38 Minute 'Mistake': Hawaii sends incoming ballistic missile alert
  54. Moby Says CIA Agents Asked Him to Spread the Word About Trump and Russia
  55. Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript
  56. Lindsey Graham to Americans: Your Country Belongs to the World
  57. Bradley Manning to run for US Senate in Maryland
  58. Fresh Interview w/ Larry Klayman: Bundy Lawyer (what really went down)
  59. Positive piece on off grid living in NY Times
  60. Democrats exposing Democrats: Election Fraud In Debbie Wasserman Schultz 'Victory'
  61. Victoria Nuland named CEO of Center for a New American Security
  62. Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
  63. Do you believe Trump will complete his first term?
  64. Morning Joe Michael Wolff Cold Open - SNL
  65. Chelsea Manning releases first campaign ad in Senate run
  66. Trump Statement tonight.. DACA / N. Korea...
  67. "60 Minutes" confronts Russia's state-run media RT on election meddling
  68. CNN Says Socialism Is ‘Cool’ In MLK Day Tweet
  69. Rep. Mia Love has joined our Washington Swamp Creatures’ attack on Trump
  70. Military Preparing For Last Resort - War With N Korea: NY Times
  71. Trump survey on mainstream media
  72. How many people from shithole countries are good candidates for immigration?
  73. Four cops shot ( one's a dog!) in South Carolina, suspect in custody
  74. 538 Chart: Congressional "Trump" Ratings
  75. New California Declares Independence From Rest Of State
  76. Trump Boasts of ‘Very Good Relationship’ With North Korean Leader
  77. Trump says he wants immigrants 'who speak English' and won't 'collect welfare'
  78. DHS Is Planning To Arrest Sanctuary City Leaders
  79. Democratic Candidate For Illinois Attorney General Mugged At Gunpoint During Photo Shoot
  80. "Shutdown is the new 's-word' ", gov shutdown looms as deadline is only 4 days away
  81. Tennessee Bill Would Create Second Amendment Sanctuary
  82. No FISA 702 'Rand Filibuster' Possible... Senate Closes Ranks
  83. Girther movement after Trump weighs in at 239
  84. Ex-CIA Officer Suspected Of Helping China Assassinate US Informants Arrested At JFK
  85. Marijuana-friendly states ask Congress to make banking legal for the weed industry
  86. Bannon refuses to comply with House subpoena
  87. Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign
  88. Apple Censors Mensa's Music Video of any References to Palestine
  89. DOJ may grow a spine and arrest sanctuary city elected political hacks.
  90. Jared Kushner's High School Is Making Children Write Letters of Support to Donald Trump
  91. Adam Kokesh arrested in Texas
  92. Steve Bannon to meet with Mueller’s investigators instead of testifying
  93. No more catch and release in Florida, illegal entrants to be handed over to ICE
  94. Tillerson Unveils 'New' US Syria Plan: 'Assad Must Go!'
  95. Fact-checking President Trump’s ‘Fake News awards’
  96. Senate Democrats Make Hard Turn Left in Warming Up for 2020 Race
  97. Trump administration bars Haitians from U.S. visas for low-skilled work
  98. Cory Booker slammed for 'mansplaining,' insulting DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
  99. Never-Trumpers doing excessive Stormy Daniels porn searches?
  100. Manhattan D.A. raids Newsweek headquarters
  101. Science Panel Backs Lower Drunken Driving Threshold
  102. Was This Kelly's "Bannon Moment"?
  103. Chris Christie Refused At TSA VIP Line
  104. US denies Afghan President's claim that US created IS terrorist group
  105. Why some African Americans are moving to Africa
  106. There are 3.6M 'DREAMers' — a number far greater than commonly known
  107. New Trump office would protect conscience rights of doctors
  108. Russia accuses Washington of leaking diplomats' bank details
  109. California Democrats want businesses to give half their tax-cut savings to state
  110. GOP leaders promise to whip hard-line immigration bill
  111. EXCLUSIVE: Vermont Machete Attacker Is The Foreign-Born ‘Son Of A Somali Refugee’
  112. "A Night For Freedom" Under Siege As NY Venue Cancels Last Minute
  113. Gas tax should rise 25 cents to fund road repair: US Chamber of Commerce
  114. Trump Signs Surveillance Extension Into Law
  115. 95% of House GOPers (incl. 90% of Freedom Caucus) Vote For Increased Spending
  116. California abuse case sparks calls for home-schooling oversight
  117. CA Attorney General threatens prosecution of businesses that supply info to feds
  118. SCOTUS blocks order to North Carolina to redraw congressional map
  119. Bills In Congress Would Defund Federal Civil Forfeiture, DEA Marijuana Seizures
  120. US Government Shuts Down (2018)
  121. To get access, author pitched “The Great Transition: The First 100 Days of the Trump Admin
  122. British teen pretends to be John Brennan, gains access to intel on Iran, Afghan operations!
  123. Feds to retry Senator Bob Menendez in bribery case
  124. Calif. AG Xavier Becerra says the law is the law. But is his law tyranny?
  125. NSA "Sincerely Regrets" Deleting All Bush-Era Surveillance Data It Was Ordered To Preserve
  126. Our Fifth Column’s government shut down over DACA
  127. Republicans Have Four Easy Ways To #ReleaseTheMemo...Not Doing So Will Prove Them Frauds
  128. Baltimore's Top Cop Fired After Out-Of-Control Homicides
  129. Doctor in the US for 40 years arrested by ICE for misdemeanor 25 years ago
  130. Duckworth slams Trump: I won't be lectured on military needs by a 'five-deferment draft dodger
  131. Senator Schumer's list of demands to end government shutdown
  132. #GAGTHEMEMO :)
  133. Charles Koch donated $500K to Ryan days after GOP tax plan passed
  134. CA - Illegal immigrants who can get a D/L will now be registered to vote
  135. After disturbing tour of Hebron, NYT's Roger Cohen takes a step away from Zionism
  136. What’s Behind the Coming Democratic Wave
  137. How Much Will Trump Grow The Debt By The End Of His First Term?
  138. Largest East Coast oil refinery goes bankrupt, blaming 'broken' EPA rules
  139. Dallas County Republicans file lawsuit to kick 128 Democrats off election ballot
  140. Vermont becomes 9th state to legalize cannabis, first by way of state legislature
  141. Trump Hasn’t Destroyed Obama’s Legacy. He’s Revealed How Impressive It Was.
  142. Alleged payment to porn star was illegal donation to Trump campaign, watchdog says
  143. Will Presidential debates should have a game show format?
  144. Rand Paul Gets It Wrong Regarding the Opioid 'Epidemic'
  145. VP Pence Confirms US Will No Longer Certify Iran Deal
  146. US Coast Guard Adds Cruise Missiles To Ice-Breakers
  147. Judge Nap On A FISA Rant
  148. Trump imposes 30 percent tariff on solar panel imports
  149. Top FBI, DOJ Officials Use Drug-Cartel-Style Burner Phones to Dodge Federal Investigators
  150. Democrats just got rolled. They can blame Barack Obama.
  151. Most American's say we are full and want massive cuts to legal immigration
  152. 10 best countries in the world
  154. I got your memo right here (grabs crotch)
  155. Food stamps for dogs
  156. Border Patrol Guards Cartel Wedding Arranged by "Border Angels"
  157. Exhibit of Art by Guantanamo Terror Suspects Sparks Outrage
  158. Birth tourism brings Russian baby boom to Miami
  159. ALSO MISSING! NSA surveillence data intercepted between 2001 & 2007
  160. "Dreamers" protest all night outside Schumer's home.
  161. Will The US Attack North Korea By Year's End?
  162. NSA Deletes 'Honesty' and 'Openness' From Core Values
  163. New Federal Taxes On Consumers Just Announced
  164. DOJ and FBI Demand Access To Nunes Memo
  165. California firearms manufacturer moving to Wyoming
  166. Clapper Plotted To Stop Trump’s Inauguration Using A Supreme Court Justice
  167. Trump: Sure, I’ll Talk To Mueller. Trump’s Lawyer: Oh God, No
  168. Rep. Luke Messer: Ending child tax credit for illegals will help pay for border security
  169. Kerry to Abbas Confidante: 'Stay Strong and Do Not Give in to Trump'
  170. DOJ Has Found and Is Recovering Missing FBI Text Messages…
  171. Meat "sin" taxes coming soon
  172. A National Defense Strategy Of Sowing Global Chaos
  173. The Doomsday Clock Just Ticked Closer To Midnight
  174. Why Try to Fix a Corrupted FBI When We Can Cut it Up “Like a Pie”?
  175. Shock Video: Nevada Voter Registration Promoter Recruits Citizen From California
  176. Puerto Rico: Governor Says Country Won't Be Able To Make Debt Payments For 5 Years
  177. Megadonor Tom Steyer Won't Give to Democratic Groups Because of the Shutdown Deal
  178. Kansas Gov. Brownback to resign Wednesday; Lt. Gov. Colyer will inherit office
  179. Trump says he wants to talk to Mueller, would do so under oath
  180. Right wing of GOP starting to turn on Trump?
  181. Senate panel to release interviews with Trump Jr., others involved in meeting with Russian law
  182. George Soros at Davos: Trump 'a danger to the world'
  183. MSU president resigns amid widening calls for accountability over Larry Nassar abuse scandal
  184. Paid FBI Provocateur Bill Fulton losing his mind on Twitter
  185. Spokesman for Trump campaign adviser among 4 Americans killed in Kabul hotel attack
  186. Decade-old photo of Obama with Louis Farrakhan surfaces
  187. High school will fly Black Lives Matter flag for February
  188. U.S. Justice Department sides with conservative students in UC Berkeley free speech suit
  189. DAVOS: President Trump Addresses the World Economic Forum
  190. How Mick Mulvaney is dismantling a federal agency
  191. The minimum wage was abolished in NH but is still increasing this year in 20 states
  192. Trump condo sales indicate possible money laundering, says report
  193. California: make it a crime to serve plastic straws at restaurants without a customer request
  194. ICE Is About To Start Tracking License Plates Across The US
  195. Trump Officially Restores Cold War
  196. Middle School Tells Students That Islam is the “True Faith”
  197. Haley addresses 'disgusting' rumor ; Melania Trump aide blasts ‘salacious’ reports
  198. Washington state bill would make hard-to-repair electronics illegal
  199. USAF Begins Massive GPS Blackouts In The Western US During Largest Ever Air War Drill
  200. INTERVIEW: Davos/Trump/CNBC
  201. Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born: Study
  202. ‘It’s a cover-up from the FAA at the highest level’
  203. Family of rancher killed in Bundy standoff sues the U.S., Oregon police
  204. AL Committee Passes Bill to Eliminate Marriage Licenses, Nullify Federal Control
  205. Steve Wynn, RNC finance chairman, faces allegations of sexual misconduct
  206. Hillary Clinton Refuses To Apologize For Not Firing Adviser Accused Of Harassment
  207. Washington State Changes Driver's License Requirements To Foil ICE
  208. Trump Demands Memo to be Released; Overrules Sessions
  209. Guns Are How A Civil War Ends... Politics Is How It Starts
  210. Donald Trump Has Made America a Back-Row Kid
  211. ICE is about to start tracking license plates across the US
  212. NAFTA Round Six Continues – Canada and Mexico Hope To Manipulate Their Way To Round Seven…
  213. Mike Pence's Holocaust Day Message With 'Christ Imagery' Sparks Jewish Outrage
  214. FISA highlights hypocrisy
  215. FBI Releases Docs Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself To Death In His Hotel Room
  216. Slow Sundaze
  217. State of the Union 2018
  218. Maxine Waters Is Giving A National Address On BET After Trump’s State Of The Union
  219. Russiagate Isn’t About Trump, And It Isn’t Even Ultimately About Russia
  220. Stockton, CA & U.B.I. (its coming)
  221. White House Is Planning To Nationalize 5G Network
  222. Jerry Brown’s Senate Bill 54, protecting illegal entrants, violates federal law!
  223. FBI deputy director McCabe to step down.
  224. Indians removing Chief Wahoo logo from uniforms
  225. Americans who practice yoga contribute to white supremacy, Michigan State University professor
  226. House Intel votes to make Nunes memo public
  227. White House Tells Congress Russia Sanctions Aren't Needed
  228. Gillibrand: You are racists and don't care about children
  229. Idaho told insurers they could ignore Obamacare
  230. House GOP Appropriations chairman calls it quits
  231. RealID redux: H.R. 4760, the "Securing America's Future Act of 2018."
  232. Freedom Caucus may oppose next stopgap funding bill
  233. Autoworkers sue UAW, FCA
  234. Robert Mueller's Felonious Surveillance Criminal History
  235. Chinese solar panel manufacturer announces plan to open factory in the US
  236. Amazon health care could shake up industry
  237. Second "Trump Dossier" Emerges One Day After FISA Memo Vote
  238. 2018 Democratic Response to SOTU
  239. Bernie Sanders Cancels Interview Because He Didn’t Get To Control The Questions
  240. Alabama Bill Would Encourage Use of Gold and Silver in Trade
  241. At least one dead after train carrying GOP lawmakers slams into garbage truck
  242. Rep. Trey Gowdy to leave Congress, becoming latest high-profile committee chairman to retire
  243. U.S. Raises Longer-Term Debt Sales as Budget Deficit Worsens
  244. Trump imposes limited censorship on Afghan war reports, Newsweek says U.S. Is Losing Badly
  245. Republican memo likely to be released Thursday -Trump administration official
  246. Idaho Moves Bill Nullifying NDAA Indefinite Detention
  247. California professor encourages 'abolition of white democracy'
  248. Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of General Mike Flynn Sentencing...
  249. Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Yea
  250. CDC Director Resigns, But CDC Conflicts of Interest Are Par For The Course