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  1. RussiaGate? 8 Months into This Sensational Crap No Evidence Offered.
  2. Roger Ailes Dead
  3. SPOTTED: VP Mike Pence Getting out of Bed This Morning
  4. SPOTTED: Prez Trump Getting out of Bed Yesterday Morning
  5. Jason Chaffetz Resigning Congress in a Couple Weeks (Way Early)
  6. BREAKING: US Bombs Assad (Again)
  8. Without naming any past/current insider sources, Greg Gutfeld compares Comey to ‘Mean Girls’
  9. Rosenstein Knew Comey Was To Be Fired Prior To Writing His Memo
  10. NYT claims February memo is “smoking gun,” but it contradicts Comey’s sworn testimony
  11. White House tells Congress it will renegotiate NAFTA
  12. MSM at the White House Today. MSM With Laptops and Twitter.
  13. What took the media so long to compare the new presidency to Watergate?
  14. #NeverTrumpers Are About to Take Over the White House
  15. Kucinich on Hannity on Fox: "Deep State" trying to destroy Trump
  16. I wrote ‘The Art of the Deal’ with Trump. His self-sabotage is rooted in his past.
  17. Why Won't Trump Release His Tax Returns?
  18. FBI agent hacked in dark web chat w/conspirators
  19. If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right
  20. Commander in Chief Trump sends second carrier to sea of Japan
  21. How did "Never Trumper" rino DeStefano become director of presidential personnel ?
  22. Swedish prosecutors drop case against Julian Assange - WikiLeaks
  23. All This Impeachment Talk Is Pure Trump Derangement Syndrome
  24. Trump and the market
  25. Anthony Weiner pleads guilty, will have to register as sex offender
  26. Watch Joe Biden give an endless hug to Hillary Clinton
  27. Is There a Coup Attempt Underway?
  28. What happens when a small band of angry legislators takes control of the Texas House?
  29. The Koch brothers launch campaign to pass President Trump's tax cuts
  30. Kushner Personally Negotiated MIC/Saud Arms Deal
  31. Bob Beckel says Trump is 'Starting to Lose It’; criticized 'Treasonous Comment' about Obama
  32. James Comey agrees to testify
  33. DOJ launches ‘Blue’ alert for threats against law enforcement
  34. Wikileaks Reveals Head of Russian probe Mueller Gave Russia stolen Uranium In 2009
  35. The upside to the Russia Investigation
  36. Dodd-Frank Has Crippled Our Economic Recovery. This Bill Will Unleash Real Growth Again.
  37. ‘People Here Think Trump Is a Laughingstock’ On the president’s ill-timed world tour.
  38. Gov Pays Debt Collectors $38 for Every $1 Collected
  39. MOAB aftermath not as great as I'd imagined...
  40. King Salman presents Trump with Saudi Arabia’s top civilian honor
  41. There are no anonymous leaks. They are socialist-media made up leaks.
  42. Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
  43. Think Progress Magazine miffed that Don Trump won't spend more time at Holocaust Memorial
  44. Al. says yes to Confederate monuments
  45. FEC boss who tried to muzzle Drudge now on Soros payroll
  46. Independent investigation into DNC's Seth Rich's murder/wikileaks contact/cover up claims ?
  47. Barnum and Bailey shutting down
  49. Alabama’s New “Midwife Decriminalization Bill” Actually does Opposite: Criminalizes Midwives
  50. Maxine Waters Has Evidence of Russian Collusion with Trump
  51. "America's Rabbi" compares Assad to Hitler; says saving Syrians is like saving WWII Jews
  52. Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent Of Anti-Trump Media Bias
  53. Democrat Campaign Worker Recorded Bragging about His Voter Fraud Schemes
  54. ND graduation: Snowflakes avoid Pence, run to safe spaces; Pence then speaks about safe spaces
  55. Trump Jr.'s Dubai commencement address raises new ethical questions about paid speeches
  56. Russia FM denies talking to Trump about Comey
  57. Donald Trump drops out of Saudi Arabia event due to 'exhaustion'
  58. Trump makes historic visit to Western Wall in Jerusalem 1st sitting US President to do so
  59. AP Source says Flynn will invoke Fifth Amendment
  60. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Condemns New U.S. Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia
  61. Trump Dropping the Hammer on Comey
  62. Kim Dotcom Claims Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks Source
  64. Trump Expands Order Banning U.S. Funds for Overseas Abortion
  65. Report: Regulation ‘Has Essentially Ground to a Halt’ Under Trump
  66. Leakers who revealed Israel as intelligence source did far more damage than Trump
  67. It’s Official! Infowars Receives White House Press Credentials
  68. Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Spending Cuts to Reshape Government
  69. Trump budget to cut FED Pensions
  70. Donald of Arabia: A Disgusting Spectacle. This is the worst yet.
  71. President Trump visits Christianity's holiest site
  72. The Donald’s Risible Rendezvous in Riyadh
  73. U.S. Trade Representative Seeks to Expand and Empower NAFTA
  74. Nearly 740,000 Foreigners Overstayed U.S. Visas Last Year
  75. Iranian president waiting for the Trump administration ...to become stable intellectually
  76. Melania Can't Take it Anymore.
  77. Trump's Orb Is Nothing More Than A TV Remote For Giant Threat Fusion Center
  78. U of Chicago demands segregation
  79. Manchester suicide attack lays bare limits of security measures
  80. A Special Prosecutor Is Needed... For Criminal Leaks
  81. Joe Lieberman's Benghazi Connection
  82. Congressional Aides Fear Suspects In IT Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data
  83. Looking for the best conspiracy documentary/videos made in the last few years
  84. Protecting the Internet for Consumers and Innovators
  85. Mulvaney Discovers 300 Billion In Unauthorized Government Spending
  86. De Blasio on Trump Budget: Children Will Die
  87. Hannity and Rich?
  88. More Leaks: Trump Private Call with Philippine Prez Duterte , 'You Are Doing An Amazing Job'
  89. Trump's hands on the orb...
  90. Real identity of man Trump will meet in Rome today. Do you know ?
  91. He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8M fine
  92. Wasserman Schultz Threatened Police Chief For Gathering Evidence On Her IT Staffer
  93. Quick fix for Trump's dropping media poll numbers: He should immediately hug Netanyahu
  94. Intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years
  95. The ‘War On Terrorism’ Isn’t Working
  96. Gabbard, Garrett Urge House to Pass Federal Marijuana Decriminalization Legislation
  97. Gabbard, Perry Introduce Bill to Permanently End Warrantless Collection of Americans’ Emails
  98. Trump wants to stop sharing Gulf of Mexico oil royalties with Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi
  99. Liberal Darling Chelsea Clinton: Climate Change Linked to Child Marriage (Video)
  100. OR - SJWs close white women's burrito shop
  101. Team Trump tries to block disclosure of ex-lobbyists working for administration
  102. The US Air Force Now Wants to Keep the A-10, U-2, and F-15C
  103. There’s Less than Meets the Eye in Trump’s Saudi Arms Deal
  105. Vermont DMV Caught Using Illegal Facial Recognition Program
  106. The Trump Administration Wants To Be Able To Track and Hack Your Drone
  107. Pro-Trump Congressional Candidate Body Slams Guardian Journalist?
  108. GA-Civil war museum closes rather than comply with demand to remove Con. flags
  109. TSA: Ratcheting up another notch, look for more intrusive bag checks coming soon
  110. America's military is built to help defense contractors, not troops
  111. A new GOP bill would make it virtually impossible to sue the police
  112. Obama’s NSA conducted illegal searches on Americans for years: Report
  113. NYPD, More Sponsors Drop Out of Puerto Rican Day Parade for Honoring Terrorist Freed by Obama
  114. GW Pharmaceuticals to file cannabis drug as journal confirms epilepsy success
  115. TX Republican Congressman just said something deeply irresponsible about Seth Rich's murder
  116. Trump directly scolds NATO allies, says they owe 'massive' sums
  117. In 1998, Maxine Waters Called Impeachment a 'Coup d'etat'
  118. Trump lawyers ask Supreme Court to reject 2nd Amendment claim by men who lost gun rights over
  119. Ben Carson’s poverty comments shake, shock — and bear true
  120. The non-MOAB bombs dropped in Iraq Killed Over 100 Civilians, disappeared another 36
  121. Nancy Pelosi complains Trump's trip not in alphabetical order
  122. DHS propaganda
  123. NATO was the only international body that stood with America during Iraqi Freedom war
  124. Trump moving in direction for Ron Paul and Robert Taft, backing away from NATO
  125. Inspector General Report: DEA Lied to Congress to Cover up DEA Murders in Honduras
  126. Trump’s Cult Was Designed to Withstand This Current Media Onslaught
  127. Media and Russia Hysteria
  128. Hillary Clinton's speaking fees may take another big hit
  129. Gary Cohn: Donald Trump’s ‘Views Are Evolving’ on Paris Climate Change Agreement
  130. For The "Never Talk To The Cops" File: "I guess you're here for the opium"
  131. The Bread and Circuses Continue
  132. Federal prosecutor found dead on Hollywood Beach
  133. US Plans First Ever ICBM Intercept Next Tuesday
  134. CA-Law firm sues Huntington Beach because too many white people are elected
  135. New Survey shows that Global Population Overwhelmingly Rejects Freedom and Self Determination
  136. Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin
  137. Trump of Arabia
  138. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89
  139. John Boner: Aside from foreign affairs, Don Trump's presidency "complete disaster"
  140. Mark Zuckerberg calls for new equality, new social contract, and universal income
  141. Disrupt for America: You Can Now Donate to a Mark Zuckerberg for President Campaign
  142. GA Thousands drop out of food stamp program due to work requirement.
  143. Hillary Boasts That Trump will be Impeached
  144. How Gary Cohn Could Sell U.S. Infrastructure To Goldman Sachs
  145. State Dept. lifts limit on refugee admissions
  146. Tulsi Gabbard: Break Up the Big Banks
  147. Trump fails to commit to Paris climate agreement as he concludes first overseas trip
  148. Hillary Had Another Coughing Fit - Blamed Allergies Again
  149. Trump administration to nearly double number of refugees taken into the US
  150. Largest Sex Trafficking Bust In US History, Dozens Of High-Level “Slave Traders” Indicted
  151. Trump Anticipated To Pull the U.S. Out of Paris Climate Agreement
  152. Is America's "War on Terror" working?
  153. Could Kushner leaks be an "inside job"?
  154. Don Rumsfeld Destroys The View's Delusions of Russian Collusion and Impeachment
  155. Trump's obsession over Russia probe deepens
  156. US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms & equipment in Iraq, Kuwait
  157. Trump Administration Seeks To Deny Gun Rights To Non-Violent “Criminals”
  158. Neocons Aghast at Europe Breaking Away from American Hegemony; Cite Russia as #1 Threat
  159. Syrian Army will continue Iraqi border offensive, US warnings ignored
  160. Maxine Waters: American Public ‘Getting Weary’ That Trump Not Impeached Yet
  161. Trump's Trip Was a Catastrophe for U.S.-Europe Relations
  163. TX Legislator Gets Death Threat From Legislator After Calling ICE
  164. Both Hillary Clinton and "Manchester Fighters" played a role in Libya regime change?
  165. Memorial Day
  166. Obama appointed Judge dismisses lawsuit against Clinton by Benghazi families
  167. In groundbreaking resolution, CA Democratic Party decries US support for Israeli occupation
  168. Trump to reverse Obama's Cuba policy
  169. John McCain Warns The World: "Democracy-Destroying" Russia Is Bigger Threat Than ISIS
  170. Portland Mayor Aims To Nix Free-Speech Rally, Fears 'Hatred'
  171. Former CIA and White House drug "cut out" man, Manuel Noriega, dead at 83
  172. The Nuclear Option - Filibuster Ending?
  173. Russia investigation expands to include Donald Trump's personal attorney
  174. White House Communications Director Resigns as Shake-Up Begins
  175. Supreme Court rules against police use-of-force 'provocation' rule
  176. Kathy Griffin poses with bloodied, decapitated head of Donald Trump
  177. Snowden telling the truth again
  178. State Dept Official Stumped When Asked About U.S. Ignoring Saudi Arabia’s Lack Of Democracy
  179. Trump may turn to Vietnam for help on South China Sea
  180. Immigrant student's arrest scuttles Connecticut legislation
  181. There will be no "Blue Wave"
  182. Supreme Court overturns Lexmark’s patent win on used printer cartridges
  183. Afghan Surge 2: Electric Boogaloo
  184. Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal
  185. Philippines President uses Lewinsky affair to hit back at Chelsea Clinton over rape remark
  186. Report: 5,500 Noncitizens Discovered on Virginia Voter Rolls One-third illegally cast ballots
  187. Putin Identifies the Core Problem in the U.S. Government
  188. Breaking: House issues 'unmasking' subpoenas
  190. Per Capita Taxes Have More Than Doubled Since JFK
  191. "House of Cards" Shows Bohemian Grove Comparison "Camp"
  192. Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey .. few of celebs whose careers destroyed by Obama
  193. Republican Congress & President Pull Another Fast One On Voters
  194. New taxes could fund universal California health care
  195. Guy Drives Into Bohemian Grove 2017
  196. Military Spending is the Biggest Scam in American Politics
  197. Why Federalism? Thomas Jefferson's Warning
  198. Jerry DeLemus, Bundy supporter, sentenced to more than 7 years.
  199. Multnomah County GOP Chair suggests hiring O.K.s and 3%'rs for security.
  200. American Measles Epidemic
  201. Trump Flip Flop on Israeli Embassy
  202. Is US responsible for protecting civilians of other countries?
  203. How Tiger Woods' DUI is going to lead to more roadblocks and forced blood draws
  204. FedGov regulations cost each US family around $15,000 in 2016
  205. Infowars/Cernovich Put up $1 Million for Charity Debate at Madison Square Garden
  206. DNC Still Pays Donna Brazile, Rewards Wasserman Schultz for Establishment Loyalty
  207. Three Dead in Drug Case Fugitive Apprehension
  208. Dallas City Council member infuriated that the city can't just take his land
  209. Cops rethinking Swat raid tactics due to fentanyl.........
  210. Can Trump Unilaterally Withdraw from International Climate Agreements?
  211. Democratic Data Gurus to Hillary: The Numbers Didn’t Lose, You Did
  212. Pulitzer Prize winner David Garrow's new book: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
  213. Bilderberg Meeting 2017
  214. Maxine Waters, May 29, 2017, speaking to a voter, in her district.
  215. Zakaria: Liberals think they're tolerant, but they're not
  216. Chelsea Clinton On Kathy Griffin Controversy, Running For Office | The View
  217. Business license required for teens to cut grass...
  218. Wasserman-Schultz Uses Voice Changer - Forgets To Disable Caller ID
  219. Maybe Private Russian Hackers Meddled in Election, Putin Says
  220. Putin: We don't protect Assad, we protect Syria from becoming Libya
  221. Domineering, Arrogant White Male Elitism in Display at Bilderberg 2017
  222. FBI's Comey - The Real Story, 1653
  223. Putin : Don't Worry, Be Happy
  224. Graphic Language: Civil Rights activist calls for Cancellation of Bill Maher show
  225. Donald Trump Won’t Move Embassy to Jerusalem, at Least for Now
  226. Prosecutors Already Cracking Down On Undocumented Immigrants In Arizona
  227. Trump: Government Not to Fund $1 trillion Infrastructure Improvements
  228. Macron Invites All Americans Disappointed With Trump To Flee To France
  229. Trump Calls Ghani Following Deadly Kabul Attack That Killed 90
  230. Why Enron Wants Global Warming
  231. How the Trump-Russia Data Machine Games Google to Fool Americans
  232. FNC "The Next Revolution" host Steve Hilton calls for national involuntary servitude
  233. Pelosi: Withdrawing from Paris agreement dishonors God, how will Trump's grandchildren breathe
  234. Dangerously Addictive Painkiller Prescribed for Patients Who Shouldn’t Have Received It, Says
  235. Portland Police Confiscate DYNAMITE, Brass Knuckles, Knives and Sticks from Leftists at Violen
  236. Theocracy Advances in Utah… And Soon Near You, Too
  237. Yes, Mr. Putin, America HAS lost its mind.
  238. My Hometown is Gone
  239. Signed as Law: Nevada Legalizes Commercial Hemp Production, Despite Federal Prohibition
  240. ‘This occupation must end,’ Bernie Sanders says on 50th anniversary of Israeli occupation
  241. Top-secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election
  242. Let's Show the USS Liberty Survivors Some Support - 50th Anniversary
  243. The Internet Will Soon Change Forever If Trump's FCC Has Its Way
  244. Democrats Plot Debt Ceiling Fight And Government Shut Down To Thwart Trump Tax Cuts
  245. $75,560: The Cost Of Housing A Prisoner For One Year In California
  246. Judicial Watch Sueing Rex Tillerson
  247. Work for your food stamps
  248. New “Nada Nada” Ringtone Reminds Immigrants Of Their Rights
  249. The Dangerous Idea of the Greater Good
  250. Flint Water Crisis ..... ‘N***ers’ Who ‘Don’t Pay Bills’