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  1. Won't Get Fooled Again - Please join me in my quadrennial commemorative listen
  2. All References to ‘Climate Change’ Deleted From White House Website at Noon Today
  3. Obama Tearfully Shoos Away Loyal Drone
  4. Shia LaBeouf Launches 4-Year Live Stream to Protest President Trump
  5. Loserpalooza: 9 Craziest Scenes from Anti-Trump Protests
  6. Is Trump God's gift to Republicans?
  7. Trump Treasury Chief Mnuchin: Moar IRS Agents!
  8. Trump's Uneasy Gamble
  9. On My First Day In Office I Will.....
  10. Nigel Farage Moving to US; signs with FOX
  11. The Trump lobbying boom starts
  12. Donald Trump signs executive order on Obamacare
  13. Trump's FULL Inaugural Speech
  14. Trump Inauguration Attendance 2017: How Many People Watched Donald Trump Get Sworn In As Presi
  15. Obama: A Legacy of Ashes
  16. New whitehouse.gov site lies : "Wins his first ever run for office."
  17. Executive Order "Minimizing Effects of ACA"
  18. SNL writer tweets "Barron Trump will be country's first homeschool shooter"
  19. CNN - Polls show last minute "love" for Obamacare
  20. Again the hype was wrong... NO terrorist attack...
  21. The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun
  22. Is “all talk and no action” a copyrighted phrase now?
  23. In Mexico City, few pay attention to Trump Inauguration
  24. Trump calling out Islamic terror
  25. A stoic Hillary Clinton attends inauguration ‘to honor our democracy & its enduring values’
  26. Help Wanted: 4,000 Presidential Appointees
  27. Reason.com article: Donald Trump And The Libertarian Future
  28. Putin will soon call Trump to greet him on taking office — Peskov
  29. On His Way Out the Door, Obama Bombs Libya One Last Time
  30. Voter manual: Pacifier Do's & Don'ts
  31. Women's March
  32. How we got to here
  33. Lawyers align with Anarchists during "Trump Protests"
  34. Robert Reich Goes On Anti-Trump Hate Sewing Tirade
  35. Trump attends interfaith inaugural service with Islamic Imam's recitation of Quran
  36. Is Sean Spicer the new Baghdad Bob?
  37. Marijuana reforms flood state legislatures
  38. Will Trump be able to resist the pussy power?
  39. Trump's police state on display. New CIA director calls for massive new spying.
  40. Obamacare Is the Ultimate Death Panel
  41. Bill Submitted to withdraw the US from the UN: the 'American Sovereignty Restoration Act'
  42. Issue an International Arrest Warrant for George Soros
  43. Trump to CIA: Maybe We'll Build you a New Room, One Without Columns
  44. Trump to CIA on taking Iraq's oil "Maybe you'll have another chance"
  45. Trump to announce US embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Monday
  46. Conway: Trump "may stop enforcing the individual mandate."
  47. Pro-Life Feminists Blocked From Anti-Trump Women’s March
  48. Madonna Muses About Blowing Up The White House
  49. Yemen reports first drone strike under Trump
  50. Foreign Payments to Trump Firms Violate Constitution, Suit Will Claim
  51. Trump must support free speech
  52. Woman goes off on Trump supporter, gets kicked off plane
  53. WikiLeaks calls out Trump for refusing to release tax returns
  54. Jeff Deist's Postmortem Analysis Of The 2016 Election
  55. Trump / Mattis bomb ISIS 31 times on first day in office:
  56. Take their oil, take their twitter followers, destroy their legacy
  57. WA - Man shot in self defense while attacking man on street, no charges filed.
  58. "Someday women will have the same rights as guns"
  59. Augmented Reality a Threat to Personal Freedom
  60. Trump, GOP set to battle on spending cuts
  61. Nobel Peace Prize for Donald J Trump
  62. Pro-Hillary Protester Lights Pro-Trump Protester's Hair on Fire (Photos)
  63. Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich
  64. America, You Look Like an Arab Country Right Now
  65. Sean Spicer Gives First Official White House Press Conference - Live Feed
  66. White House website warns of 'dangerous anti-police atmosphere' in America
  67. Donald Trump Executive Actions Kill TPP, Announce Federal Hiring Freeze, Restore Mexico City P
  68. Boom! - America Gets Greater
  69. Knowing what you know now, would you have voted for Trump?
  70. 30 March 1981
  71. Trump Plans a Major Naval Build-up; Possible BLOCKADE of Spratly Islands
  72. Transgender Activists Upset Over ‘White Cis Women March’
  73. Judge Nap: Trump’s executive order: It’s a first-ever, ‘TRULY revolutionary'
  74. Julia Hahn, Trump’s latest hire, alarms allies of Ryan — and bolsters Bannon
  75. #NotAllLiberals ; Can You ID This Person Who Set A Trump Supporter On Fire?
  76. New FCC chairman: Ajit Pai, who wants to take a 'weed whacker' to net neutrality
  77. CA - New poll shows 32 percent in favor of California secession.
  78. Poll: 74 Percent of Californians Want to End Sanctuary Cities
  79. "Routine US Eavesdropping"
  80. Trump Wins The Unions: Teamsters Praise TPP Withdrawal, Labor Chiefs Describe "Incredible" Mee
  81. Trump repeats debunked voter fraud claim at meeting with Hill leaders
  82. St. Martinville Police hope change comes with state's new hate crime law
  83. Okay now I'm impressed! WH opens 'English only' site
  84. If Trump funds Medicaid, it must be done by the rule of apportionment
  85. Conservative Colorado judge emerges as a top contender to fill Scalia's Supreme Court seat
  86. Trump Watch / Congress Watch
  88. Priebus hints Trump has no immediate plan to end Obama's DACA for young illegals
  89. Sources say Trump may have his Supreme Court pick
  90. Executive order for pipelines
  91. Trump's EPA choice mulls rescinding CA waiver that allows it to set its own standards
  92. Trump bans EPA employee updates via social media or reporters, no new Contracts or Grants
  93. Dems unveil infrastructure plan, reach out to Trump
  94. Donald Trump tells Detroit auto CEOs that environmental regulations are ‘out of control’
  95. Trump: I will appoint Justices “. . . who will uphold our laws and our Constitution."
  96. Jeff Sessions Provides Written Responses To Marijuana Questions From Senators
  97. Senior Secret Service agent suggests she wouldn't take 'a bullet' for Trump
  98. Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest
  99. Sales of George Orwell's 1984 surge after Kellyanne Conway's 'alternative facts'
  100. Might as well put FEMA camps to good use
  101. Trump threatens to "send in the feds" to Chicago
  102. Trump to restrict migrants from 7 countries w/EO
  103. Dick Cheney on Donald Trumps Inauguration speech: It's not the speech I would have given.
  104. Mnuchin Backs Fed Independence and Signals Reform Isn’t Priority
  105. Trump Is Said to Keep James Comey as F.B.I. Director
  106. Did Trump just open the door for cutting US taxpayers aid to Israel?
  107. Assault with a deadly weapon--- A tampon
  108. Designated Treasury Sec. Mnuchin OPPOSES Audit The FED! 'Reform not priority'
  109. Online etiquette used to try and impeach state senator
  110. Trump Poised to Lift Ban on C.I.A. ‘Black Site’ Prisons
  111. Donald Trump Promises Investigation Into ‘Illegal’ Voting He Made Up
  112. Breaking news. Trump "I've been told torture absolutely works"
  113. Interventionists, Establishment are Upset that TulsiGabbard had visited Damascus and Assad.
  114. A Tale of Two Cities
  115. Sanctuary Cities Argue it is Unconstitutional for Trump to cut their Federal Funding
  116. Evan McMuffin launches new conservative group opposing Trump
  117. And now for something completely different
  118. Campaign to Impeach President Trump
  119. The US has been downgraded to a 'flawed democracy'
  120. Am I imagining this?
  121. Afghan Taliban Writes 'Open Letter' to President Trump
  122. Tall Civilian punches antifa woman as commies chant: "This is what a police state looks like"
  123. Tulsi Gabbard back from Syria: The Syrian People Desperately Want Peace
  124. LIVE: Representative Ryan and Senator McConnell Remarks Hold Press Conference
  125. LIVE: PHOX PHEED - Philly Phun
  126. Mexican President Cancels Trip to US to Meet With Trump Admin.
  127. 11 y/o fire-starting protester is Drew Carey's son
  128. The State Department’s entire senior management team just resigned
  129. Tokyo Rose McCain will defy the Trump Administration
  130. Gitmo numbers likely to rise under Trump
  131. Border Wall will be Funded by 20 percent Import Tax on Mexican Goods WAPO
  132. Donald Trump said 11 false things in his first major TV interview as president
  133. Doomsday Clock just advanced, ‘thanks to Trump’
  134. White House denies offering Infowars credentials
  135. Trump Moving to Take Bids on Building the ‘Wall’
  136. Trump Revolution
  137. Sessions on Marijuana
  138. President Trump Readies Pen to Reverse Anti-gun Executive Orders
  139. Video Showing Teacher Screaming ‘Die!’ as She Acts Out Trump Assassination in Class
  140. Katie Couric Wanted Betty White To Trash Trump…Watch This Awesome Response!
  141. Michael Moore: Donald Trump Is 'Godfather' Of Fake News
  142. Study Finds Clinton Rec'd Up To 800,000 Votes From Illegals
  143. President Trump’s voters seem to be fine with him using a private email server: poll
  144. Fox news reporter harasses civil rights icon John Lewis over Trump comment
  145. executive order-new wars?
  146. Rep. Chaffetz: Investigation into Clinton is not over
  147. Trump and "Safe Zones" in Syria
  148. Vice President Mike Pence remarks at March for Life (C-SPAN)
  149. Eric Erickson: "if the rest of his term is like the first week, I’d vote for Trump in 2020"
  150. Trump and Peña Nieto Agree to Not Publicly Discuss Wall Payment
  151. Female only ride share service starts in Boston
  152. “Trump is here now. He will get rid of you”: Man attacks Muslim airline employee at JFK Airpor
  153. Trump fires opening shot in military buildup with presidential order
  154. At Sundance, an anarchist creates waves
  155. Trump signs executive order for 'extreme vetting' of refugees
  156. NYC - China Fun restaurant closes, leaves reason on the door.
  157. Large Pro-life March happened today, and the media by and large ignores it
  158. Poll: 36% approve of Trump's job performance
  159. Calexit - California Secession
  160. KGB chief linked to Trump file found dead amid Kremlin cover up claims
  161. Reed: Warren under fire from all sides
  162. Hillary Clinton Reportedly Considering Launch of Liberal TV Show
  163. Americans Think Trump Will Be Worst President Since Nixon
  164. Gov. LePage signs marijuana moratorium bill into law
  165. Ep. 833 Libertarians in a World Gone Mad: Trump’s Early Days and the Leftist Response
  166. Why Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama did not join "Women's March" last week?
  167. [VIDEO] President Trump's first Weekly Address
  168. Surprise! Massachusetts' Recreational Marijuana Law Is Facing Some Major Changes
  169. Ben Swann CBS: 5 CIA Lies Exposed
  170. New Data Shows 85% of Humans Live Under a Corrupt Government
  171. Tesla's Elon Musk floats carbon tax at WH meeting, gets cool response
  172. Fake News Demands Government Money
  173. Live: Anti Trump Protests Outside JFK Airport
  174. Trump sets 5-year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials
  175. "Mexico’s President Cancels White House Visit After Trump Hits Cartels"
  176. Federal judge blocks Trump's immigration ban
  177. Canada's Justin Trudeau Wants All Muslims and criminals to Come to Canada.
  178. California Could Cut Off Feds In Response To Trump Threats
  179. "67-year-old Yemeni citizen coming to live with family in the U.S. because she is sick"
  180. Cakes vs Picture framing
  181. States rural vs cities PEW article
  182. DNC Chair Debates Discuss Contempt For White People
  183. Commando dies in U.S. raid in Yemen, first military op OK'd by Trump
  184. Trump to Federally Deputize Local Police
  185. Trump puts Bannon on security council, dropping joint chiefs
  186. Chuck Schumer gets emotional over immigration
  187. Sen. Mike Lee: Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will be confirmed
  188. Trump vs Soros
  189. EPA Offering Free Counseling To Employees Traumatized By Trump Presidency
  190. BREAKING NEWS..Journalist calls for assassination
  191. WH: No mention of Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day because others were killed too
  192. Trump Recently Told Congress He Wanted to Abolish Electoral College
  193. Trump strikes back at neocon warmongers
  194. Trump’s Only Master: Cable News
  195. Does a nation-state have the right to limit or restrict immigration?
  196. Muslims Call to Prayer Protests in US Airports
  197. Trump ban is not anti-Muslim, but anti-Iranian, pro-Israel
  198. Trump chats with Saudi, Abu Dhabi leaders about 'safe zones'
  199. The Non-Aggression Principle Knows No Borders
  200. ....instead of always looking to start World War III
  201. The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave
  202. David Brock of "correct the record" memo's leaked. Here is their strategy:
  203. Kellyanne Conway: Barack Obama Started Muslim Ban
  204. The Empire Has No Clothes
  205. Game Over for Democrats?
  206. Duterte accuses US of building 'permanent' arsenal in Philippines
  207. DeBlasio to CNN: It's OK to shield undocumented drunk drivers
  208. The Truth About Trump's 'Muslim Ban'
  209. Trump Signs EO On Regulation: "For Every New Regulation, Two Regulations Must Be Revoked"
  210. Whom do you think The Donald will nominate to SCOTUS?
  211. Steve Bannon is an anarcho-capitalist?
  212. Senate Dems will filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
  213. Airport Detainees ****COERCED***into relinquishing Visa Status
  214. The McCain Malady
  215. BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
  216. It was an Illegall Immigrant who attacked DPS in Arizona
  217. Did President Trump Just Save Western Civilization?
  218. Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties
  219. Democrats rally outside Supreme Court with protesters who want them to do more
  220. Constitutional Carry bill in South Dakota
  221. Trump to go after H1B visa abuse next.
  222. Alwaki's 8 Year Old Daughter Murdered In Yemeni Raid
  223. Ron Paul on the immigrant travel ban
  224. Is The Left Over?
  225. LEAKED David Brock confidential memo: "Strategic Plan for Action" to fight Trump - Must read!
  226. The Left is No Longer Liberal - Interesting Video
  227. "Boy" Scouts to allow transgenders.....
  228. Obama Selected The List Of Muslim Countries in Trump’s Executive Order
  229. President vows to crack-down on illegal immigration
  230. Obama’s Protections for L.G.B.T. Workers Will Remain Under Trump
  231. US border agents checking Facebook profiles, lawyer says
  232. Libs Who Want To Move To Canada Blocked By Its Strict Immigration Policies
  233. Saul Alinsky in the White House...Still?
  234. Trump’s Immigration Ban Is Illegal
  235. Has anyone seen any protests over killing of 8 year old refugee girl in US raid?
  236. If leaks to WaPo, NBC etc suddenly stopped after Obama exit, what would that mean?
  237. Executive Order on LGBT Adoption?
  238. WATCH LIVE: President Trump will announce his Supreme Court nomination at 8 p.m. EST
  239. POTUS nominates 10th Circuit Court Judge Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS
  240. Papa John’s CEO: US Needs ‘free markets with limited government’
  241. Smaller states rejoice as Amazon finally collects sales tax
  242. Trump's Supreme Court nominee doesn't support the 2nd and 4th Amendments:
  243. Army Corps Of Engineers To Proceed With Pipeline
  244. Is Ginsberg about to retire?
  245. "Trump Told Me To Investigate Whatever I Want" Jason Chaffetz Shocks Democrats
  246. Gowdy / Chaffetz Prove Why Travel Ban Is Needed (aka Refugees 'Cannot Be Vetted')
  247. Donald Trump Liked to Bash San Francisco on the Campaign Trail. Now the City Is Suing Him
  248. Do permanent residents who are not inside the United States have Constitutional rights?
  249. Incredibly Dangerous Rhetoric
  250. Supreme Court Ages