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  1. DiCaprio is a good liberal
  2. Reports: Trump picks free-market proponent Andy Puzder as labor secretary
  3. Obamacare is 'entering a death spiral', Paul Ryan says
  4. Debunked: Trump cancels Obama's muslim rituals in the White House
  5. Fremont student says school ignores his claims of being racially bullied
  6. Trump to name Carl's Jr. executive as Labor Secretary
  7. The FBI Is About To Get The Power To Hack Millions Of Computers And Congress refuses to even t
  8. Obama: Repeal Obamacare
  9. The Difference Between Trump and Obama On Economics
  10. Hillary Clinton: ‘Lives are at risk’ because of fake news
  11. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Says The U.S. Government Is Directly Funding ISIS And Al Qaeda!
  12. Hillary Clinton Calls Fake News an 'Epidemic' "Threat To Democracy"
  13. Trump likely to pick McDaniel to lead RNC
  14. Neocons Are The Swamp
  15. Trump: "We're going to work something out" with Dreamers.
  16. Trump picks Goldman Sachs chief for top economic adviser
  17. NY to allow Nurses, Physician's Assistants Prescribe Cannabis for Pain
  18. Brian Williams complains about fake news
  19. a government of generals and billionaires
  20. Giuliani withdraws from consideration for Trump’s Cabinet
  21. Marijuana Legalization Activist Could Lead Trump’s FDA
  22. Trump: Military Buyers Should Never Work for Defense Contractors
  23. Senate Passes Major Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill as Part of NDAA
  24. No Government Shutdown:
  25. Which of these two will die first: ISIS or Obamacare?
  26. Giuliani bows out of Trump administration. Cuz of Rand?
  27. NYT - Russia put the child porn on pizzagate computers
  28. Southern Poverty Law Center omits Trump-related ‘hate crimes’ against white children
  29. Washington Post - It Wasn't OUR List
  30. East Coast fishermen file appeal over cost of government-required 'at-sea monitors'
  31. BREAKING: New Obama Executive Action Opens Door to Unlimited Arms for Salafi Terrorists in Syr
  32. As CIA Blame Russia, GA Secretary of State Accuses DHS of Hacking its Election Systems
  33. Rex Tillerson Expected to Be Named Trump's Secretary of State: Sources
  34. Look Who Just Got Put In Charge Of The Fight For The Second Ammendment
  35. "Better" Online Ticket Sales Act
  36. Who do you think Trump respects more, Putin or Obama?
  37. Where's Rudy? Out in the Cold- Giuliani Not in Trump Cabinet
  38. Donald Trump at FOX News Sunday (Special) | Dec 11, 2016 | Russian Hacking
  39. Trump says U.S. not necessarily bound by 'one China' policy
  40. Trump: I'm Smart. I Don't Need No Intelligence Briefings
  41. John Kennedy wins Louisiana Senate runoff, giving GOP 52-48 edge
  42. CNN's Zakaria Dismisses Terrorism Threat As 'Trivial' In U.S., More People 'Drown In Their Bat
  43. Pelosi On Ryan's Medicaid Plan: People 'Won't Be Able To Go To Their Own Doctor'
  44. New Celebrity Apprentice in January
  45. Do you believe Obama and Bush politicized intel agencies?
  46. Illegal Immigrant Sworn in as Lawyer in New York
  47. Trey Gowdy Finds Out DEA Holds Underage Sex Parties
  48. Comedian Joe Piscopo Eyeing Run For NJ Governor
  49. Supreme Court turns away internet tax case, lets Colorado law stand
  50. PA Congressman Chaka Fattah, 10 YEARS Racketeering
  51. New York Times Hires Reporter Who Sent Stories To Clinton Staffers For Approval
  52. Mainstream Media Repeats Fake News to Discredit Wikileaks Podesta Emails
  53. Goldman Sachs president to play key role in setting Trump's economic policy
  54. Will Trump Defy McCain & Marco?
  55. Trump chooses Romney's niece (Michigan GOP Chair) as RNC Chairman.
  56. Obama continues to undermine Trump: Without Proper Intelligence ‘You Are Flying Blind’
  57. Anyone Done Any Digging Into the Dylan Roof Story ?
  58. Sanctuary Cities
  59. House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens With “Mental Disabilities”
  60. Rick Perry, Ex-Governor of Texas, Is Trump’s Pick as Energy Secretary
  61. Kanye West meets Trump
  62. Indiana town removes lowercase 't' from tree after ACLU lawsuit
  63. Trump's Cabinet: "It's been called the 'anti-government'"
  64. Global Warming: An Inconvenient Lie (A Message From G. Edward Griffin)
  65. AJ+ Ultimate Fake News Site
  66. Ex CIA Michael Scheurer - We are fighting and creating an enemy that doesn't exist
  67. The Hill - Fake News Hunt = New McCarthyism
  68. Trump’s national security adviser shared secrets without permission, files show
  69. Trump compares Ryan to 'a fine wine'
  70. Lindsey Graham says Russians hacked his campaign
  71. NYPD Arrests Muslim Girl Who Claimed Attack by Trump Supporters
  72. Town’s entire police force quits
  73. Test Your Skills!! Collage of Real v Fake HaHaHa!!!
  74. Thank You, John Stossel
  75. Powerful Veterans Group Pushes Trump On Marijuana Rescheduling
  76. EXCLUSIVE: FBI New York Field Office Told To Continue Clinton Foundation Probe
  77. "Neocons Are The Swamp" by Chuck Baldwin
  78. A navy SEAL for interior secretary?
  79. Fedbook is going to use Snopes and other fact checkers to censor "fake news"...
  80. Judge Napolitano meets with Trump for a full hour
  81. DEA Tries to Make Cannabis CBD Oil Illegal
  82. Foreign Policy Hawks Not Ready to Give up Turf
  83. NY Times Says PizzaGate "Poisonous Nonsense", Widely Accepted Russians Hacked Podesta
  84. Trump team 'bounced' Twitter from tech summit over 'Crooked Hillary' emoji flap
  85. Libertarians emerging as Trump resistance
  86. Bulletproof evidence Obama's Birth certificate was forged
  87. Barbara Walters feels ABC execs have ‘ruined’ legacy of ‘The View’
  88. Obama administration responded to Trump’s demands to hand over the names of climate scientists
  89. Report: Trump Considering Richard Haass as No. 2 at State Dept.
  90. Trump's pick for envoy to Israel expects embassy in Jerusalem
  91. The most bizarre interview ever: Tucker Carlson vs Kurt Eichenwald
  92. Governor To Pardon Thousands Of People Convicted For Pot
  93. Rambo goes to Washington!
  94. Obama vows action against Russia for hacks
  95. Chinese warship stole US underwater drone
  96. Ten Signs the Global Elite are losing control
  97. CIA Caught Lying: leaked DNC emails came from whistleblower, not Russian hackers –
  98. Assange interview: "Our source is not the Russian government"
  99. Facebook to Fact Check News Using Left Wing Sources
  100. Mainstream Media Gets Reprimanded by its Masters
  101. Obama has turned out to be a very low energy Prez
  102. North Carolina WTF?
  103. Trump Picks Mick Mulvaney, South Carolina Congressman, as Budget Director
  104. Trump's new conspiracy theory, suggests White House spokesman does not get orders from Obama
  105. How do you view Obama's Foreign Policy.. smart or stupid?
  106. FBI backs CIA report on Russian interference
  107. DOCTOR NEEDED: Reporter Gets Sick at President Obama's Year-End News Conference
  108. Donald Trump promises Syrian safe zones
  109. Obama: Election Hacks Stopped in September After I Told Putin to ‘Cut It Out’
  110. Seth Rich Hacked the DNC.
  111. Bill Gates compares Trump to Kennedy
  112. Kushner: We struck deal with Sinclair for straighter coverage
  113. Philippines' Duterte to US on aid issue: 'Bye-bye America'
  114. We Live in a Hopeless World . . .
  115. DHS Hacked Atlanta Area Voting Systems 2 Other States Also Report Same
  116. Rapper with ties to suspected war criminal given $1 Million State funds to "promote tourism"
  117. Philippines Duterte Says ‘Bye, Bye’ to US, Its Aid
  118. Access to Insurance Doesn't Guarantee Access to Care - Video (5 Min)
  119. AP Joins Battle Against Fake News & PizzaGate
  120. Washington Post Complete List of "Fake News" Sites, Includes Ron Paul Institute
  121. 16-Year-Old Jackie Evancho Harrassed for Singing at Trump Inauguration.
  122. The "Elite" Coup Of 2016
  123. Deep Freeze mission to Antarctica begins
  124. "Bring Back Our Girls": Aleppo Girl Appeals to Michelle Obama for Help
  125. Obama appoints Mumia Abu-Jamal’s attorney to Civil Rights Commission
  126. Cost of citizenship to rise after the election
  127. Trump has opportunity to fill international vaccum Obama left
  128. Senator Feinstein "Not The 9/11 BOMBING But The One That Took Place Earlier"
  129. Gov. Jerry Brown to Climate Scientists: We Will Persevere
  130. Scrub-A-Dub. There's an intelligence PURGE coming.
  131. Fox guest calls Obama "pajama boy", explains why Obama uses the term ISIL instead of ISIS
  132. Obama did not lie.
  133. Will Obama be booed during the Trump inauguration ceremony?
  134. McCain: Obama’s Lack of Leadership Causing ‘Unraveling of the World Order’
  135. Thought provoking video: The Privilege Game
  136. A Message From the President to America's Federal Workforce
  137. Obama greeting people from around the world
  138. Trump backed by blood consuming Bilderberger
  139. Richard Spencer considering run for congressional seat left open by Zinke
  140. Progressive group mails graphic photos of gunshot wounds to push for gun control
  141. How will US media cover attack that killed Russian ambassador, "Je Suis Russia"?
  142. U.S. judge orders unsealing of Clinton email probe search warrant
  143. Obama Pardons
  144. Electoral College now to blame for global warming
  145. Poor Liberals, Nobody to Blame But Themselves
  146. After the EC win, Trump has to start showing up for intelligence briefings, eh?
  147. Egyptian police arrest five people for using children to stage fake 'Aleppo' footage
  148. Inauguration Performer
  149. Glenn Beck on Samantha Bee show
  150. UN push to prosecute extrajudicial killings could be bad news for Obama
  151. Obama, by last minute kingly decree, permanently shuts off Atlantic and Arctic drilling
  152. It’s Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Totalitarianism, and I Don’t Mean Russia
  153. Obama, by last minute kingly decree, declares CO2 to be a pollutant.
  154. Tucker Carlson Debates Jessica Tarlov Over MTV " White Guy " Resolutions Video
  155. Who will be the next Secretary of State ?
  156. Sen. Joe Manchin; 'We need to declare a war on drugs'
  157. Obama and the Power of Risotto to Alter Elections
  158. John McCain Is Wrong About the Russia Hack
  159. Market Borders, not Open Borders
  160. Trump says "drain the swamp" was cute but no longer needed
  161. Why US liberals are now buying guns too
  162. 6th Circuit Court: Police can shoot dog if it moves or barks when cop enters home
  163. Arrest made in ‘Vote Trump’ burning of Mississippi black church
  164. Greenwald: 'Stop the Russian Blame Game'
  165. The Real Saboteurs of a Trump Foreign Policy
  166. GOP considers holding off on repealing ObamaCare taxes
  167. President Obama Leaves Behind a Deplorable Civil Liberties Legacy
  168. Terrorists use political correctness to 'spread their jihadi message'
  169. You Don't Have To Live Like a Refugee
  170. Cold war . . . is "frozen"
  171. The US is No Stranger to Interfering in Elections
  172. Tulsi Gabbard Hands CNN Tapper: His Ass
  173. RPI: The Fraudulent Obama War on Corruption
  174. Missing child rates MUCH higher near DC/Pentagon than rest of the country
  175. 6th circuit appeals court: cops can legally kill your pets if they do anything but sit quietly
  176. Ivanka Trump Accosted by Passenger on JetBlue Flight
  177. New Arms Race? Trump Tweets US Must ‘Greatly’ Expand Nuclear Arsenal
  178. Neocon Triumph? Trump Calls For 'Safe Zones' in Syria
  179. Trump's Schizophrenia
  180. Radio City Rockettes will perform at Trump Inauguration
  181. CNN Liberal Dolt Gets Frustrated and Confused After Jeffrey Lord Gives Her a Civics Lesson
  182. Bill would block computers bought in S.C. from accessing porn
  183. NPR's Exit Interview With President Obama
  184. Putin says ready to visit US , calls democrats sore losers
  185. Trump's invite to Putin a good idea (given his stances on Obama, ISIS, Syria)?
  186. Revenge Gifts for Trump supporters
  187. Abolish NSEERS Muslim registry, NY attorney general tells Obama
  188. Cowardly exit as Obama gov allows first UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements?
  189. School to prison pipeline, new law makes schoolyard fights a felony...
  190. "Kerry working on a text to recognize the State of Palestine"
  191. INGSOC to proactively advance fact-based narratives that support U.S. allies and interests
  192. Obama's exit interview: I could've won again
  193. Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers
  194. Obama Administration Nearly Doubles Number of Refugee Arrivals So Far in FY 2017
  195. Is the Obamacare tax indirect, or direct and requiring apportionment?
  196. 25 Real Fake News Stories
  197. Alt Right & Pickup Artist Community feud with Mark Zuckerberg's sister
  198. Trump to Lift Russia Sanctions on Kissinger Advice
  199. Trump pick for US ambassador to Israel sparks another debate
  200. US #1 Arms Supplier to the World; France #2
  201. Following the money, arms, oil and kids. Add: NATO
  202. Appeals court revives suits over Hillary Clinton emails
  203. Rep. Maxine Waters On Trump: I Have No Intentions Of Sitting Down With Him !
  204. Hillary Negotiating Secret Pardon With Obama’s White House Counsel
  205. The Obamas’ parting shots diminish them
  206. 8-year-old transgender ????
  207. Only 5 Obamacare Co-Ops in 2017
  208. Police want Alexa Data in Murder Case but Amazon.com Won't Give it Up
  209. Cities install "begging meters" to redirect handouts to gov't programs for homeless
  210. Lindsey Graham: 99 of 100 senators think Russia hackers targeted U.S. election
  211. California Man Arrested, Charged With Driving Under The Influence Of CAFFEINE!
  212. Court rules dogs can be shot if they bark when police enter home
  213. Obama Administration Yanks Second Amendment Rights from SSI Recipients
  214. Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats
  215. Robert Reich Says Trump Is "The Most Illegitimate President In American History"
  216. Tom Cotton attacks massive unskilled immigration
  217. More "War on Cops" B.S.: Officers Killed in the Line of Duty Rose in 2016
  218. Firearms Freedom Act in Kansas not being enforced
  219. Obama seizes Bundy Ranch area in massive last minute land grab
  220. Eight years ago: Swear In Obama Early!
  221. What is the Obama Regime Up To?
  222. Flake, Graham and Murkowski join Democrats to protect "Dreamers" from deportation
  223. Who’s Most Oppressed? Tensions High at Students of Color Conference
  224. Malik Obama: Trump will 100% deliver 'awesomely and bigly'
  225. If Russia had announced sanctions when America was mourning Boston Marathon deaths
  226. WaPo refuses to add disclosure about $600M CIA contract
  227. Alex Jones Instrumental In Changing Russians' Perception of Americans
  228. "Just Stop Daddy" 911 Tape: SC Rep Charged w/ Domestic Violence
  229. Dave Barry's Year in Review: 2016 — What the ... ?
  230. R2D could be problematic for US economy, war on terror
  231. DO NOT RESIST - Full documentary available online
  232. Trump Is Exactly Where The Elites Want Him
  233. Putin Hacked Mariah Carey's New Year's Eve Performance
  234. This Is What It’s Like to Read Fake News For Two Weeks
  235. The CIA, Washington Post, And Russia: What You're Not Being Told
  236. Trump to Continue "Freaking Mainstream Media Out", Will "Boldly Use" Twitter
  237. Mark Levin launches "Liberty's Voice" media network on crtv
  238. Yes, US Government Propaganda Use Against American Citizens Is Officially Legal Now
  239. #FakeNews: WaPo Forced to Correct Its Russian Hacking Story Inaccurate report claimed breach
  240. Status report please - 16 years of the War of 2001
  241. Obama quietly signs "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act"
  242. Assange To Hannity: Source For WikiLeaks Was Not Russian Government
  243. With one tweet Trump smacks Congress upside the head
  244. Caught! HouseGOP Tries to Neuter Ethics Watchdog Office Between Congressional Sessions
  245. Utah may lower the legal alcohol limit to .05% -- a first in the nation
  246. The lone GOP dissenter on Speaker Ryan vote
  247. Fake Libtard News
  248. Constitutional Carry bill in North Dakota
  249. Thank You, Gary Johnson, for Being the Best Thing in 2016!
  250. Mike Huckabee SLAMS Obama for His “MIDDLE FINGER” to Israel