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  2. Joe Arpaio out as Maricopa County sheriff
  3. Roger Stone Pushing For Steve Bannon To be Chief of Staff
  4. Meet Trump's Cabinet-in-waiting
  5. Obama Invites Donald Trump Over for a Visit
  6. Maine Passes Ranked Choice voting
  7. Oathkeepers Race Riots etc.
  8. In retrospect, should Obama have spent more time on fixing Obamacare?
  9. Trumps's first 100 days.
  10. Both Pence and Trump have supported the idea of a gold standard
  11. Hannity: Ryan Won't Be Speaker
  12. U.S. spy agencies to begin top secret Trump briefings within days
  13. Trump invites Netanyahu to the US at 'the first possible opportunity'
  14. Will The Trump Cabinet Be Overrun With Council On Foreign Relations?
  15. Is Wikileaks holding back?
  16. Every FBI Agent...
  17. Amnesty prediction
  18. And The Winner Of The 2016 Election Is... Weed!
  19. Help Wanted: 4,000 Presidential Appointees
  20. Trump Said To Consider Jamie Dimon For Treasury Secretary
  21. Deep State Scrambling With Trump on the Horizon
  22. Trump and Obama
  23. The real Donald Trump begins to emerge
  24. The Int'l Spectator:Breaking.
  25. Trump's first 100 Days
  26. Police facial recognition cameras track our every movement
  27. Obamacare defenders vow 'total war'
  28. Donald Trumps Suggestion box (.gov)
  29. Dark days for Obama’s White House
  30. BOOM: Canada And Mexico Just Caved – They Are Ready To Renegotiate NAFTA
  31. PJB: Reject the Poisoned Chalice of Compromise
  32. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead, Schumer tells labor leaders
  33. What is going to be Obama's legacy?
  34. Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition
  35. STATE LAW TRUMPS OBAMA !!!!!! Obama can NOT pardon HilLIARy for state crimes.
  36. Who Said "Assad Must Go" And Where Are They Now?
  37. Steven A Smith Gets Triggered
  38. Low class
  39. The Unbearable Smugness Of The American Media
  40. Like this is a surprise... [Chelsea Clinton might run for congress]
  41. H.R. 5284 - World's Greatest Healthcare Plan Act of 2016
  42. Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Discussed As Possible Trump Transition Chair
  43. Donald Trump Replaces Chris Christie With Mike Pence as Head of Transition Team
  44. TRUMP's border wall plan materializes - Construction to begin in March
  45. Maine Becomes the Eighth State to Legalize Marijuana
  46. This may now be the only way to tell if Trump is "for real"
  47. Trump already compromising on Obamacare repeal
  48. Broken Promises, THUMP edition
  49. Is this the future?
  50. Muslim Student Charged for fake hate crime hoax
  51. Champion of Liberty Mike Rogers Helping Trump Transition
  52. Syrian Civil War May Evaporate With Trump coming in
  53. Question to Trump supporters
  54. Meet Dr. Judy Shelton, Trump's economic advisor, fan of Ron Paul and Sound Money
  55. Trump’s Climate Contrarian: Myron Ebell Takes On the E.P.A.
  56. Rise of the machines: HATE ROBOTS are here and taking over the internet
  57. Before leaving office, Obama planning to apologize to children killed in drone attacks?
  58. 20 Americans killed/injured in attack at Afghan base
  59. Trump Confirms Intent to Abandon Obama Syrian Policy
  60. The Clintons And Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution
  61. American Conservative: A No Frills Businessman Could Do Wonders at the Pentagon
  62. MSNBC Suddenly 'Realizes' they're Propagandists?
  63. Eric Braverman is still missing.
  64. Death penalty gets boost in three US states
  65. Trump regarding Snowden, 2013
  66. Here we go: Mistrial ruling in case of Cincinnati cop
  67. Trump Not Breaking Promises, Media Lies Again
  68. Kids Win the Right to Sue the US Government Over Climate Change
  69. Obama Changes Syria Policy Because of Trump's Election
  70. Jason Lewis was elected to congress this week in MN-02. He has some interesting views.
  71. How Trump is helping Ryan keep his job as House speaker
  72. Trump seeking quickest way to quit Paris climate agreement, says report
  73. How to tell news are lying about Trump.
  74. What Trump Needs to Hear About Foreign Policy
  75. The very first thing that Trump needs to do...
  76. Obama Quietly Signs Executive Order to Advance Global Vaccination Agenda
  77. MSM Reporters complaining: No Access!!
  78. Trump says he will 'immediately' deport two to three million illegal immigrants with criminal
  79. Wifey reports snowflake in hysterics on flight.
  80. Trump 60 Minutes Interview: "They're Going To Be Gone"
  81. This Week in Stupid (13/11/2016) - Death of Social Justice Special
  82. Two questions
  83. Reince Priebus named Donald Trump’s chief of staff
  84. Donald Trump Adviser: U.S. Should Extradite Coup Suspect Fethullah Gulen to Turkey
  85. Kelly Ayotte Has a Better Chance To Win the Lottery Then to Serve in DJT's Cabinet
  86. Rudy Giuliani: Donald Trump Might Still Prosecute Hillary Clinton
  87. Greenwald: Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them.
  88. Trump says he's 'fine' with legalization of same-sex marriage
  89. Trump and Marijuana Legislation
  90. Newly discovered EPA report says ozone measurements may be way off – cities may be in complian
  91. Tolerant Left
  92. Limbaugh: Is Obama's Approval Rating 'Real'?
  93. Will both parties "Flip" yet again when we hit the debt ceiling in March?
  94. Soros and Fellow Donors 'Want to Take Back Power' From Trump
  95. Wikipedia list of possible Trump Cabinet Appointments has Rand Paul for possible Sec. of State
  96. Someone is Trial Ballooning Bolton on Social Media
  97. GOP President-Elect Donald Trump Says Same-Sex Marriage Is 'Settled' Law
  98. Trump and the Neoconservatives
  99. Former Goldman Banker Steven Mnuchin Recommended For Trump Treasury Secretary
  100. Special Forces soldiers killed in Jordan were working for the CIA
  101. TSA Employees Gets Cut Of Cash Seized When DEA Tipped Off
  102. Trump and what he is facing
  103. Joe Arpaio Homeland Security Director?
  104. Oregon Official Who Destroyed Christian Bakery Over Gay Wedding Cake Loses Election
  105. Two Americas: Liberal enclaves planning to keep 'sanctuary' status
  106. James Woolsey joins Donald Trumps team as senior adviser
  107. Alex Jones for Department of Justice
  108. Wikileaks proves Clinton Foundation used as front to sell weapons to ISIS
  109. First time in US history, majority of Presidential team may consist of "conspiracy theorists"
  110. Is 60 votes really needed to stop a filibuster in the senate?
  111. Trump's kids seeking security clearances
  112. Trey Gowdy on the Rule of Law and as Possible Attorney General
  113. Rudy Giuliani Says Defeating ISIS to Be Early Focus of Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy
  114. Defcon nuclear threat REDUCED to safest level following Donald Trump victory
  115. Alex Jones Calls on Trump to Pardon Snowden
  116. Dave Brat Urges Delay on Speaker Vote; A ‘Better Way’ Did Not Animate This Historic Election
  117. Denver Votes To Make Marijuana Cafes A Real Thing
  118. Mike Rogers booted off Trump transition team
  119. Neocon Eliot A Cohen badmouths Trump transition team, claims they screamed YOU LOST
  120. Reason article on kops killin' dogs
  121. Establishment Media Declares War On Their Competition As “Fake News”
  122. Why Would Anyone Want a President?
  123. McCaul on DHS chief: 'I’ve expressed my interest'
  124. Kobach Being Rumored for AG Post
  125. Globalist plan for human control
  126. MRC/YouGov Poll: Most Voters Saw, Rejected News Media Bias
  127. Lets be real . The presidential election was not won
  128. NYT: Globalism Conspiracy Isn't Real
  129. Sancturary Cities
  130. MILO Receives Annie Taylor Award For Courage at David Horowitz Restoration Weekend
  131. WaPo: States are an Unnecessary Relic of the Past
  132. Lyin' Ted Cruz met with Trump today 11/15/16
  133. Colin Powell (R) as Sec. of State a possibility?
  134. Aide: Carson declined cabinet position offer from Trump
  135. Sen. Tom Cotton Trump's Defense Secretary?
  136. California Sen. Barbara Boxer files long shot bill to scrap the Electoral College system
  137. A small in stature black muslim man wants to head the DNC
  138. Ted Cruz Considered by Trump for Attorney General
  139. Ommarosa for Attorney General
  140. The Planned Counter Offensive to the Trump Coalition in the U.S.
  141. Mike Pence claims he is purging lobbyists from cabinet, Swipes at Christie picks.
  142. UVA President In Hot Water for Quoting Jefferson
  143. Congress presses Trump administration to stop Syrian atrocities
  144. Politico trashes Trump for saying he will only take $1 a year salary
  145. McCain Lashes Out at Recent Positive Developments with Russia
  146. Dana Rohrabacher Emerges as SoS Possibility
  147. NBC Tweets: Trump leaves press behind for steak dinner, showing lack of transparency
  148. Transition THIS: FED Rate Hike in December
  149. Latest Short List For Trump Cabinet Positions - It's A "Knife Fight"
  150. Trump Considering Ted Cruz For Attorney General
  151. Baltimore OKs ban of replica guns
  152. Fox's 'Lucifer' Insinuates that Trump is Definitely 'Going to Hell.'
  153. Mike Lee is on top list for Supreme Court Justice
  154. People at UVa Object to Quotes by Thomas Jefferson, the Founder of UVa
  155. Chuck Schumer Is New Senate Minority Leader
  156. Scalia Linked to Pedophile Ring Before Death
  157. Red-light camera exec gets $2M fine, 30 months in prison...
  158. Cummins diesel and Dodge accused of emissions "cheating"
  159. How Steve Bannon and Breitbart News Can Be Pro-Israel — and Anti-Semitic at the Same Time
  160. Three things that make Donald Trump an honest President
  161. House Votes to Extend Iran Sanctions for 10 Years
  162. Officer charged with manslaughter in Philando Castile killing
  163. Why is NYT's David Brooks not in a mental hospital?
  164. Kirby: 'A Name You can Trust to Absolutely Suck.'
  165. Firefighters Say Rudy Giuliani "Ran Like a Coward" on 9/11, Now for Secretary of State?
  166. Muslim registry? Internment camps as precedent?
  167. and the Dems want a radical Islamist as DNC chairman
  168. Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser desognate has to be asked about conscription
  169. European leaders and Obama to discuss Russia sanctions in Berlin: sources
  170. Jim Webb supports conscription and should not be defense chief
  171. Mike Rowe's latest
  172. Bankers celebrate dawn of Trump era
  173. Google To Use Brainwash Techniques to Counter ISIS Brainwash Techniques
  174. Don Lemon shows Reagan assassination attempt video while talking about Trump
  175. Storming Schumer's Office
  176. Trump supporter cites Japanese internment camps as ‘precedent’
  177. James Clapper Resigns
  178. Jimmy Dore Breaks Down Trump's 4D Chess Game
  179. The 60 Minutes Interview George Soros Tried To Bury
  180. Romney To Meet Trump This Weekend, Reportedly To Discuss A "Potential Role" In The Administrat
  181. An Unexpected $12 Trillion Hole Emerges In Donald Trump's Plan To "Make America Great Again"
  182. 3 Green Berets Killed in Strange Incident in Jordan
  183. Behind the scenes, is Trump a Uniter?
  184. Trump meets with Kissinger
  185. 6 Senate Republicans Who Could Make Life Very Difficult For Trump
  186. Trump Team Source: Chelsea Pleading To Ivanka for Her Daddy To Be Merciful
  187. Bolton Rumored To Be Nixed From Consideration
  188. 45 Journalists Who Colluded With Hillary inc & CGI
  189. Ford CEO Folds? Trump Confirms Carmaker Won't Move Production To Mexico
  190. Jeff Sessions Accepts Trump's Offer To Serve As US Attorney General
  191. Rep Mike Pompeo appointed CIA Director
  192. How good is the Mike Flynn Appointment?
  193. 30,000 people just lost their jobs because EPA
  194. Trump adviser Michael T. Flynn on his dinner with Putin and why Russia Today is just like CNN
  195. On The Razor’s Edge
  196. Why Sessions will likely be an awful AG
  197. So, when is Trump going to start bringing down the establishment?
  198. Trump Picks Marijuana Opponent Jeff Sessions for Attorney General
  199. [False] Trump Taps Mike Huckabee to be Amb. to Israel
  200. Obama’s World: Utopian Myth?
  201. Source: Trump To Visit Putin in Russia After Inauguration
  202. How Can You Tell Fake News?
  203. Trump administration taking shape; Romney, Giuliani, Palin possible picks for key roles
  204. The Truth About Fake News
  205. Will San Diego Help End the NFL's Addiction to Taxpayer Money?
  206. Pompeo: Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed
  207. Tucker Carlson GRILLS Jonathan Allen On Jeff Sessions Being Racist
  208. Donald Trump Agrees to Pay $25 Million in Trump University Settlement
  209. David Frum: Remove Trump with the 25th Amendment Article 4
  210. Bannon calls for "trillion-dollar" public works projects "rebuild everything"
  211. Snowden's Advice: Look to Yourself and Stop Obsessing over Presidents
  212. Tom Cotton as possible defense secretary
  213. For all those "literally shaking" About a Trump Presidency, CNN's Jack Tapper Has Your Back
  214. Snowden To The World: Stop Letting Facebook Control Your News
  215. National Policy Institute Washington DC event livestreaming right now
  216. Bannon: "Darkness is good. Darth Vader, Satan, Dick Cheney, that's power".
  217. REVEALED: The Real Fake News List
  218. Steve Bannon: Hamiltonian Nationalist
  219. Ron Paul Liberty Report Publishes Fake News List
  220. Actors heckle Pence about "diversity", the same group who had a casting call for "no whites"
  221. NY Times mocks Johnson for "Aleppo", then makes 4 corrections, getting it wrogn 4 times
  222. Oxford U. and DC think tank panel suggests "food tax" to combat global warming
  223. Pence - Whom to emulate as VP? Dick Cheney!
  224. Donald Sutherland ‘Ashamed’ of Being ‘White Male,’ Who Are All ‘Misogynist Racists’
  225. Sum Ting Wong?
  226. Chuck Schumer on MTP
  227. War Breaks Out Between Neo-Cons And Libertarians Over Trump's Foreign Policy
  228. Finally Translated: Pedophile Criminal Networks of the Elite Exposed
  229. Staples in trees=$41,000.00 fines, NY
  230. Hillary Violated State Policy to Get Child Trafficker Out of Haiti. Activist Found Dead
  231. Media scramble: Change of headlines
  232. Bwhaahahahaaa The Pale Rider is Going to France :)
  233. Jeff Sessions And Donald Trump Both Back A Tough Gun Prosecutions Program
  234. Pence: Mitt Romney Under 'Active Consideration' for Sec. of State
  235. A flurry of fatwas
  236. Portland: Welcome to City Hall
  237. Donald Trump Hopes to Abolish Intelligence Chief Position, Reverse CIA Reforms
  238. Math proves society to complex to have a president. (Mises references)
  239. Movement to disrupt the inauguration
  240. Trump vs UN - Is it on now ?
  241. Newt Gingrich on Not Joining Trump Admin
  242. Billionaire, Wall Street Democrat Added To Treasury List As More Clues Emerge On Trump Cabinet
  243. Trump to meet with Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
  244. What Donald Trump Just Said About The Federal Reserve Will Have Everyone Smiling!
  245. Watch Cannabis Nasal Spray Stop Grand Mal Seizure in its Tracks
  246. Obama’s Dangerous Executive Power Legacy Bestowed to Successors
  247. Left Should Leave Trump Alone or Else
  248. Liberals are Anti-War Again!
  249. An "Anti-Establishment" Trump Would Pardon Edward Snowden
  250. The heiress quietly shaping Trump’s operation