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  2. Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Subsidies Unconstitutional
  3. FBI has more than 80,000 secret pages on 9/11 that could prove hijackers visited Florida
  4. State Department says 'glitch' responsible for missing moment from press briefing
  5. TN - Armed citizens recover abducted 9 year old girl
  6. How psychiatry turned the home of the brave into a bunch of quivering pansies.
  7. Member Of Congress: It’s Easy ‘To Manipulate A Nation Of Naive, Self-Absorbed Sheep’
  8. Obama commands no more sex segregated bathrooms in your local school
  9. Life in a Borderless World
  10. Pfizer blocks use of drugs for lethal injections
  11. Obama Broke Pledge to Demand Syrian Opposition's Separation From Nusra Front
  12. Hidden FBI Microphones Exposed In California
  13. Lockdown Over Paper Gun Illustrates Zero Tolerance Insanity
  14. U.S. court rejects bid to make full Senate 'torture report' public
  15. Lawmakers rush to read 9/11 pages
  16. Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy
  17. 'Chilling' details about alleged Saudi involvement in 9/11 revealed in declassified documents
  18. Morrow County Sheriff's Office Memorial Vandalized [by the police?]
  19. Oops! CIA 'Accidentally' Destroyed Its Only Copy of Senate Torture Report
  20. TSA blames you for longer lines at airport security checkpoints
  21. The Intercept Releases First Batch Of New Docs Leaked By Snowden
  22. TX - Man admits gay slur on Whole Foods cake was a hoax
  23. USA and Allies to arm Libya
  24. NYC-Cop, connected to "Red" Bill de Blasio corruption probe, commits suicide
  25. States strike a blow against corporate welfare
  26. 22 Percent of Resettled Refugees in Minnesota Test Positive for Tuberculosis
  27. Senate Defies Saudis by Passing Bill to Let 9/11 Victims Sue
  28. Destructive pranks called "IED's" by overzealous DA
  29. This U.S. Government Is The Most Corrupt In History
  30. Muslim states block gay groups from U.N. AIDS meeting; U.S. protests
  31. Indefinite prison for suspect who won’t decrypt hard drives, feds say
  32. Governor who called legalization 'reckless' now says Colorado's pot industry is working
  33. Police and Prison Guard Groups Fight Marijuana Legalization in California
  34. House oversight chairman moves to censure IRS chief, strip pension
  35. Google Salutes Marx Mao and Nation of Islam
  36. Sen. Tom Cotton; "If anything, we have an under-incarceration problem,"
  37. House Rejects Bill That Would Lead to Debate on ISIS War Authorization
  38. Agreement that could lead to U.S. troops in Libya could be reached ‘any day’
  39. Oklahoma lawmakers OK bill criminalizing performing abortion
  40. South Dakota Ranchers Question BLM Double Standards
  41. Shop owner's English-only ordering policy stirs controversy
  42. Pro-Life Doctor Buys-out Abortion Clinic
  43. Federal Judge in Texas Demands Justice Dept. Lawyers Take Ethics Class
  44. President Obama Signs Bill Eliminating 'Oriental' From Federal Law
  45. Target Sues Hero that Saved Teen Girl from Stabbing
  46. Shocking Details in the Secret 28 Pages (The CIA squirms, fumes, and lies about 9/11 document)
  47. Texas town elects pro-marijuana mayor; police chief and city leaders resign in protest
  48. The gentle sex
  49. Rubio wants Tim Tebow statue in US Capitol
  50. Biden at West Point: Diversity on battlefield an 'incredible asset'
  51. US Rejects Russia’s Call for Joint Strikes Against Syria’s al-Qaeda Forces
  52. Elijah Wood: 'Hollywood in the grip of child abuse scandal similar to Jimmy Savile'
  53. Snowden calls for whistleblower shield after claims by new Pentagon source
  54. Robert Gates: White House Doing Disservice To Troops By Avoiding The Term 'Combat'
  55. Ted Cruz, Nike Lee lead opposition to expanded draft registration, where is Rand?
  56. Susan Rice: "Too many whites in government"...
  57. Inside a Senator’s Crusade to Release the Missing 28 Pages of the 9/11 Report
  58. Captain Clay Higgins announces Congressional bid
  59. Trumpweiser?
  60. Bill O’Reilly Plans to Sue Ex-Wife for $10 Million, Accuses Her of Cheating
  61. Obama Hits Highest Job Approval Since Second Inauguration
  62. Japan asks U.S. to finally stop military-related rapes, deaths
  63. Shootings running 50 percent higher than last year as Chicago braces for the summer
  64. Top TSA official removed from his position in wake of scrutiny
  65. Don’t start a fire in Asia, China warns Obama after Vietnam arms deal
  66. VA Secretary Disneyland-wait time comparison draws ire
  67. General Petraeus campaigned for a dialogue with modern al-Qaeda
  68. Smaller cities opening surveillance centers
  69. Hate Crime Laws "To Protect Police"
  70. Degenerate #BLM storms stage to censor Milo; security does NOTHING
  71. Peter Thiel Is Said to Bankroll Hulk Hogan’s Suit Against Gawker
  72. Newz Ca. style
  73. ‘Blue Lives Matter’: Louisiana to become first US state to make attacks on police hate crime
  74. Land of the Free? Harvard Study Ranks America Worst in the West for Fair Elections
  75. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher uses cannabis to treat arthritis pain
  76. Former CIA Directors speak out:
  77. Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare
  78. Amash votes in Favor of Obama's Transgender Executive Order
  79. Judge slams justice system and long term effects of felony convictions.
  80. US Congressmen Seek to Create Ministry of Truth
  81. Long-Dreaded Superbug Found in Human and Animal in U.S.
  82. Special Operations troops assaulted downtown Tampa … all to thunderous applause
  83. Yes, this exists, and our government wants to spend your tax dollars on it.
  84. World's Largest Hedge Fund Receives $22 Million in Aid from Connecticut
  85. Louisiana State Rep Attacks Declaration of Independence.
  86. Silencing America as It Prepares for War
  87. New biofuels boost will worsen carbon pollution in spite of its 'renewable' brand
  88. Meet The White House’s New Muslim American Community Liaison
  89. No tears; Prison guard booby traped with 'bomb'
  90. Arpaio to face another hearing on Tuesday
  91. D.C. Metro chief downplays failure to alert public about rape
  92. Ammon Bundy trial interference
  93. 17-18 y/o's grafitti=hate crime=felonies
  94. Memorial weekend shooter was Afghan war vet, reportedly expressed anti-government sentiments
  95. Fla. Drug laws/enforcement cause more deaths
  96. Gunman shoots at least two people dead at UCLA: Campus is put on lockdown as SWAT teams hunt f
  97. Census: Illegal immigration up 57%
  98. Former Mexican Ambassador: 30 Million Illegals Living in the US
  99. Gitmo Judge Allowed Destruction of Evidence in 9/11 Case: Report
  100. Nebraska State Senator Leaves GOP, Joins Libertarian Party
  101. Victim Battered With American Flag
  102. IN: Montgomery County GOP Chair Steps Down To Join LP
  103. Teacher had sex with her 8th grade student for a year, turned herself in.
  104. America: Your Rage Over the Death of Harambe the Gorilla is Embarrassingly Misguided
  105. EPA/Army Corp. of Eng. reinterpreting CWA to strong arm farmers.
  106. 'White privilege' day
  107. Federal agencies knew airport guard was accused war criminal
  108. "We need socialism"
  109. DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads of Illegal Aliens Away from Border
  110. Trump protester proclaims U.S. belongs to Mexico
  111. Have Washington Military Planners Gone Mad
  112. Obama Hands Corrupt Ukraine Another Billion US Dollars
  113. Have we crossed the Rubicon?
  114. Two Little War Mongers Over Looking South China Seas.
  115. The Pentagon spent $170K on a study called 'Walking with coffee: Why does it spill?'
  116. Non-Bias Language Guide
  117. Cross Talk: Stupid Wars
  118. The Stasi are here: FBI Orders Teachers To Report Students Who Question Government
  119. Obese woman starts trashing store after EBT card gets refused
  120. Documents reveal feds' effort to discredit Snowden, reveal CIA ties
  121. Katie Couric Regrets Editing Film to Discredit Gun Rights Supporters
  122. Obama ties G.W. Bush on Article III Judicial confirmations today
  123. Propaganda Bill In Congress Could Give America Its Very Own Ministry Of "Truth"
  124. GA city demands homeowner remove Confederate display from yard
  125. Record Gun Sales Continue Through May
  126. Officially, Your Employer Can’t Force You To Be Happy At Work
  127. California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico
  128. Renee Ellmers loses North Carolina GOP primary
  129. Congress Quietly Introduces Propaganda Bill: H.R. 5181
  130. Californians likely headed for Democrat vs. Democrat Senate race
  131. Bilderberg 2016 To Talk Trump, Riots, Migrants & Brexit
  132. First GOP Incumbent Is Ousted As Conservatives Defeat One-Time Ally
  133. Arpaio plants one of his stooges as a ringer on the Libertarian ballot line
  134. Detroit Free Press Calls For Murder Of GOP Legislators
  135. Andrew Napolitano On Warrantless FBI to ISP Internet History (Video)
  136. $20k per "refugee"
  137. Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee
  138. Truth in Media: The Revolving Door Between The FDA and Big Pharma
  139. Up to 12 States Could Vote on Marijuana This November -- Here They Are
  140. Susan Rice Assures Israel of ‘Largest Military Aid Package in American History’
  141. Bilderberg: Still Powerful But Perhaps a Bit More Anxious This Year
  142. A New Think Tank on Defense Issues
  143. Ohio becomes 25th state to legalize medical marijuana
  144. Appeals court rules no right to carry concealed guns
  145. Gov. Cuomo’s Anti-BDS Bill is a First Amendment Nightmare
  146. Arkansas is voting. 3rd 'pot' measure meets deadline It would legalize recreational use
  147. Illegal Immigrant Brags About Getting Free Ride to UT
  148. Victory in California: Santa Clara County Votes to Adopt Landmark Surveillance Technology Ordi
  149. Nancy Pelosi: Federal government, not Steve Jobs, ‘invented’ iPhone
  150. Gen Petraeus forms new gun control group
  151. DEA Wants Inside Your Medical Records to Fight the War on Drugs
  152. House passes bill to help ease Puerto Rico's debt
  153. Congress eyes $1 billion to aid at-risk families
  154. Got Milked? US ‘Defense’ Spending 2017 - Thomas L. Knapp,
  155. Reporter Chases Gen. David Petraeus Through The Streets of Germany: Bilderberg 2016
  156. Islamic extremist kills 50 at Orlando gay nightclub
  157. President Obama Endorses a Two-Party System for the U.S.
  158. Aren't you tired of paying for Former Speaker John Boehner's flush fund?
  159. The Curse of 9/11: How to Stop The Dissipation of American Military Power
  160. Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of 'Compassion'
  161. CIA chief: Missing report pages exonerate Saudi Arabia in 9/11 attacks
  162. 'At the limit,' Mexico buckles under migrant surge to U.S.
  163. Texas Governor Faces Backlash for Bible Verse Tweet After Attack at Orlando Gay Club
  164. Bilderberg Group 2016
  165. O'Reilly calling for declaration of war, suspension of civil rights
  166. Durbin calls for Congress to pass gun control laws
  167. McConnell calls for next president to be more 'assertive' on foreign policy
  168. What Indian Newspapers Wrote About Modi’s Speech to the U.S. Congress
  169. PC jerks pull the Last ship from schedule, but its up on line
  170. Why it is Worse That The Orlando Shooter Was Born in the US
  171. Judd Gregg pushing "currency modernization" - Dollar coin, NO more pennies!
  172. Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims
  173. Gun control votes this week!
  174. State Dept, under Hillary, blocked investigation into Orlando's shooter's mosque.
  175. Orlando shooter looked up to Anwar Al-Awlaki as a martyr
  176. The worst night club mass murder in the US
  177. House erupts into shouting after moment of silence for Orlando
  178. Shooter Mateen Gay? Questions Grow on Orlando Shooter, a ‘Regular’ at Attacked Nightclub
  179. (Caution language) Wayne Allyn Root after Orlando shooting: "Mr. President, You Disgust Me"
  180. Gingrich calls for reviving House Un-American Activities Committee
  181. Breaking: NSA Veteran, of 28 years, reveals that 9/11 was a forced stand-down
  182. SWAT team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say
  183. You Can't Make This Up: Kerry and Saudi Prince Pledge to Fight Extremism After Orlando Shootin
  184. We Need the Police Because...
  185. Senate just passed draft for women and NDAA
  186. Orlando club Witness: Fla. gunman attacked to get US 'to stop bombing his country'
  187. People Will Die Unless Senate Acts on Afghan Proposal, McCain Says
  188. Newspaper bought by Sheldon Adelson does complete reversal on marijuana legalization
  189. U.S. plans billions in Afghan funding until 2020, seeks allies' help
  190. Academy Sporting Goods pulls ARs
  191. Mitch McConnell: "We Are Open To Gun Control Suggestions"
  192. DHS: "Gun control now matter of national security"
  193. Syrian Immigrant Who Said 9/11 ‘Changed The World For Good’ Is A Homeland Security Adviser
  194. Obama Administration No Longer Pursuing EO To Shut Down Guantanamo
  195. Violence Begets Violence: The Orlando Shootings and the War on Terror
  196. Google backs Obama on the trade deal that some tech advocates hate
  197. Orlando Shooting Staged By Government - Press TV (????)
  198. How the FAA Shot Down "Uber for Planes"
  199. FBI swamped by an avalanche of terror tips
  200. FOX "news" comes out against the 2A.
  201. Clinton approved CIA drone assassinations with cellphone
  202. The Fraud of War
  203. "No one gives a sh*t here, everyone's just out to get paid. They want more disaster to happen"
  204. Can Kamala Harris Lose The Latino Vote And Still Win The California Senate race?
  205. Extremist terrorist suspect's ex-boyfriend: 'It didn’t surprise me at all'
  206. FBI says utility pole surveillance cam locations must be kept secret
  207. Father of Shooter a CIA Asset?
  208. Led Zeppelin copyright case.
  209. Sen John McCain is getting Drilled and Harmed by his recent comments!
  210. John Cornyn (R-Texas) meeting with Feinstein to discuss disarming Americans.
  211. Biden: If a woman strips naked and walks to the U.S. Capitol, no man has a right to touch her
  212. U.S. State Department Officials Call for Strikes Against Syria’s Assad
  213. US incarceration is 5 to 10 times higher than that of other NATO countries
  214. RPI: State Department 'Diplomats' Demand War on Assad (and Russia)
  215. A Very Heavy Agenda
  216. Rubio is going back to the Senate
  217. Crisis actors wanted in Vermont
  218. House nixes bid to bar illegal immigrants from military
  219. Americans now think it’s okay to say what they really think about race
  220. 23 Jihad Training Camp Locations Inside The U.S. EXPOSED – Obama And FBI Turn A Blind Eye
  221. Wireless Net Neutrality: You Were Warned
  222. Going Inside America's Secret Prisons With Will Potter
  223. In 2013, FBI dispatched an informant to "lure Omar into some kind of act"
  224. No one knows how to define an 'act of cyber war' and that's becoming a big problem
  225. Japan PM Shinzo Abe slams Obama over "despicable" Okinawa murder
  226. Partial transcript of calls with Pulse shooter to be released
  227. Caution graphic language: Did NRA News video cross the line in attacking Obama?
  228. How the FBI Could Have Stopped the Orlando Shooting, and Why it is Criminal They Didn't
  229. ‘Clerical error’ on Orlando killer’s psychological eval named wrong doctor
  230. Senate to vote on gun control at 5:15p today (VIDEO LINK) - OFFICIAL THREAD
  231. FBI Tried To Lure Omar Mateen Into a Terror Plot
  232. Who is G4S and why is DHS Contracting them to funnel in Illegal Immigrants?
  233. Annual Irony Day
  234. Here are the gun control roll call votes from today:
  235. Sotomayor dissent on probable cause: Bearded Spock Universe?
  236. Yep, "Boots on the ground" US forces in Iraq & Syria
  237. Biden: Diplomats Critical of Syria Policy Don't Have 'Single, Solitary Recommendation'
  238. "Stop the illegal wars" - US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D)
  239. Senate to vote on browsing history without a warrant
  240. U.S. Homicide Rate Hits 51-year Low as Gun Ownership Increased 141%
  241. Hillary Clinton’s Likely Defense Secretary Wants More US Troops Fighting ISIS and Assad
  242. Senate vote on expanding FBI surveillance without warrant fails by one vote
  243. Democrats Staging Sit-In On House Floor To Protest 2nd Amendment
  244. Bill Kristol: 'We Beat Back Ron Paul and Rand Paul'
  245. Lynch: Best Response to Terrorism Is Love and Compassion
  246. Orlando cop says they were told to stand down.
  247. Narrative #6: Orlando gay club shooting was "HIV revenge"
  248. Ted Cruz voting record showing true colors (again)
  249. There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines
  250. "Texit?"