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  1. DOJ to enforce new gun control regulations
  2. Texas Governor Signs Bill Legalizing Cannabis Oil for Epilepsy Sufferers
  3. Trucking industry braces for new EPA rules for big rigs
  4. This Shadow Government Agency Is Scarier Than the NSA
  5. The USA "Freedom" Act Passes
  6. Amnesty International UK Q&A: Edward Snowden
  7. L.A. proposal would block Airbnb hosts from creating 'rogue hotels'
  8. School kitchen manager fired for giving lunches to hungry students
  9. Geraldo Rivera Compares Vince Vaughn to Timothy McVeigh on the Five
  10. Senator: Bring RICO Charges Against Climate Wrongthink
  11. Guns in public: Most Americans comfortable with public carry of handguns
  12. Blum votes no on Freedom Act
  13. California State Senate Approves Ban on Tobacco Products for Adults Under 21
  14. US officials to ask secret court to revive NSA surveillance so it can end it
  15. Referendum To Reinstitute Death Penalty Filed In Nebraska
  16. Are we: better off, the same, or worse off with the passage of the USA Freedom Act? And why?
  17. GOP Lawmakers Rip Obama for not Being Faithful Enough to Saudi Arabia
  18. White House fence jumper's weapons cache revealed
  19. Thomas Massie had a busy and productive day!
  20. You are all criminals in a mass surveillance world
  21. FoxNews avoids Fast Track Trade Authority is unconstitutional
  22. GOP open to extending ObamaCare subsidies
  23. Barack Obama: China might join trade deal — eventually
  24. EPA Chief: Just Trust Us On Climate Science
  25. Hunting for Hackers, N.S.A. Secretly Expands Internet Spying
  26. AP: Massive breach of federal personnel data
  27. Drunk proof cars ..........AF
  28. Edward Snowden: The World Says No to Surveillance
  29. Richland’s $4.1 million police station funded by civil forfeiture
  30. Honolulu upholds ban: don't sit or lie down where a tourist might see you
  31. Michigan House passes a comprehensive civil asset forfeiture reform package
  32. TSA has no excuse to continue the groping: Column
  33. Edward Snowden hails Apple as 'pioneering' for iOS 8 security measures
  34. Why is George Soros Dictating Obama's Foreign Policy in Ukraine?
  36. China invading Americans privacy, Obama team putting up defenses against attacks
  37. Yellen: Fed won't comply with House subpoena yet
  38. Scientists May Have Lied To Promote EPA’s Global Warming Agenda
  39. War Criminals Among Us
  40. Ed Schultz Finally Catches On About the Globalist Trojan Horse Known as Obama
  41. Sen. Cotton Confronted By Father Of Deceased Veteran
  42. It Begins! Montana Man Being Prosecuted for 'Hate Speech' and Holocaust Denial
  43. Nye county Nevada republican party slams governor Brian Sandova for fraud and betrayal
  44. How Reagan’s Propaganda Succeeded
  45. You Can Be Prosecuted for Clearing Your Browser History
  46. The Economist: Why America must stay engaged in the Middle East
  47. How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists - TED talk
  48. NBC Dateline episode on medical marijuana right now (7 pm ET)
  49. The Online Privacy Lie Is Unraveling
  50. State Dept. to require written permission before posting firearms data
  51. Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists
  52. Orange County DA's Office (Along With 250 Prosecutors) Kicked Off Murder Case
  53. Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new regulation
  54. The New World Order—A Faustian Bargain
  55. U.S. Official: Obama was Misquoted About 'Strong Dollar' Criticism to G7 Crowd
  56. Ex-Im Bank expiration 'inevitable' amid 2016 GOP fight
  57. What’s Happening At Bilderberg 2015
  58. G7 leaders bid 'Auf Wiedersehen' to carbon fuels
  59. Sen. Cotton Confronted By Father Of Deceased Veteran
  60. Feds plot course to resume NSA spying
  61. Gov't plans to erase student debt for Corinthian students
  62. Child is taken from his parents because they 'smoke too much'
  63. CIA director agrees with Ron Paul, admits bad foreign policy can make us less safe
  64. Abra?
  65. Hypocrisy in judgment on Petraeus for leaking "Unauthorized Disclosures"
  66. US Soldier Who Massacred 16 Afghan Villagers Grew Hateful of 'Everyone Who Isn’t American'
  67. Why John Cusack Thinks Obama "is as bad or worse than Bush"
  68. Families sue US govt, seek official apology over drone killings in Yemen
  69. Syrian hackers appear to vandalize Army website
  70. Emails Show How Industry Lobbyists Basically Wrote The Trans-Pacific Partnership
  71. Greenspan: U.S. is Signficantly Understating National Debt; S.S. Trust Fund Does Not Exist
  72. Wikileaks Posts Entire Secret Trade Deals OnLine - Liberals Stroking Out
  73. Is Obama’s strategy really “anti-ISIS strategy”?
  74. Republicans Secretly Agonizing Over Pending Obamacare Ruling
  75. For McDonald's Cook, LA Wage Hike Could Really Complicate His Life
  76. Obama’s First Gun-Related Action Under Loretta Lynch: 12 Anti-gun Regulatory Proposals
  77. 73 airport workers with possible terror ties passed TSA background checks
  78. DoJ Subpoenas Libertarian Website REASON For Anonymous Commenters’ Identities
  79. Post DADT: Army General introduces his husband at Pentagon Gay Pride event
  80. Rumsfeld says GW Bush was wrong about bringing democracy in Iraq
  81. The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train
  82. Government Is Using Secrecy As a Weapon
  83. Obama administration lawyers ask FISA court to ignore appeals court rulings and Congress
  84. Leak Critics Ask Judge Not To Send Petraeus To Jail For Unauthorized Disclosures
  85. US facing 'dedicated' hacking enemy
  86. US to announce plans to deploy more troops and add military base in Iraq
  87. New York National Guard Practice Detainee Operations
  88. Jamie Dupree overlooks two thirds vote requirement for TPP deal while on Sean Hannity's show
  89. Army refuses to provide Honor Guard for church's July 4th celebration
  90. Keith Broomfield Dead
  91. Faux-Newz on data theft sniveling
  92. Secret service after agent for oral sex text/ hetrosexual
  93. L.A. Unified partners with city to provide 4.5 million free meals to students this summer
  94. Ironic: GOP Upset Over FOX Limiting Primary Debates
  95. Obama Goes Full Stalin on Bulk Data Collection
  96. The Madness of Political Correctness and "Trigger Words"
  97. Liz Warren joins GOP war on Obama's Trade deal secrecy, 'not a deal we can trust'
  98. Paul Ryan Channels Pelosi with Absurd Statement about TPP Secrecy
  99. Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
  100. Nigel Farage Warns About TTIP
  101. Dr. Greg Brannon: No Liberty is Possible Without Right To Life
  102. Another punished whistleblower
  103. Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years
  105. House Rejects Effort to Force Vote on ISIS War Authorization
  106. TX-Teacher fired for FedBook post suggesting racial segregation was a good thing
  107. House likely to vote on Fast Track TPA bill -TODAY-
  108. Obama set to force affordable housing into affluent communities
  109. Cato Institute advances myth about Pacific Rim Trade Agreement
  110. Skin color politics: America has not elected first Black President yet
  111. Democrats Rebel To Block Obama's Trade Deals
  112. Sheriff To Obama: Damn Right We Cling To Our Guns And Religion
  113. Treasury secretary Jack Lew booed at Jerusalem Post conference
  114. Everything You Need to Know About the ‘Transracial’ NAACP Activist
  115. Ex-CIA Contractor Confirms: Police Departments Use Tests to Ensure Applicants Lack ....
  116. Secret CIA effort in Syria faces large funding cut
  117. Pope Francis: Tax Collector for the U.S. Government
  118. Attack on Dallas PD
  119. Mark Levin says NO CONSERVATIVE can support fast-track!
  120. Did controversial movie "The Perfect Dictatorship" expose inner workings of CNN, FOX, NYT?
  121. Why Fast Track Isn’t Free Trade
  122. Britain pulls spies as Moscow cracks Snowden files
  123. Erickson agrees with liberals: Snowden is a traiter and should be shot
  124. Flavored Milk; Petition to Amend the Standard of Identity for Milk
  125. “Voluntary” Takings by Force
  126. Colorado court: Workers can be fired for using marijuana off-duty
  127. 100-year-old New York woman hits man, 84, with her car
  128. CA-Smart Meters Snitch on Water Wasters in a Drought

  129. Rachel Dolezal Resigns As President Of Spokane NAACP
  130. SC GOP Governor Nikki Haley Signs Bill Requiring Police to Wear Body Cameras
  131. Privacy Advocates Resign in Protest Over U.S. Facial-Recognition Code of Conduct
  132. Major Fraud Uncovered at Bronx VA Hospital
  133. DC Mayor Announces New Hands-Off Policy on Low-Level Drug Dealers, Crackdown on Suppliers
  134. Hilary to the rescue
  135. Retailers Want To Be Able To Scan Your Face Without Your Permission
  136. House to debate and vote on Iraq/Syria war on Wed. June 17
  137. Houston Astros hacked by St. Louis Cardinals? FBI & DOJ investigate ...
  138. Politicians hike property taxes to pay for police abuse lawsuit
  139. OMG! - is anyone watching C-SPAN now?
  140. Fred on Hollow Patriotism and the Pack Mentality
  141. The "Medical Marijuana Mom" Fights For Her Own Freedom
  142. Maine Legislature Nullifies Federal Hemp Farming Ban
  143. Government can't explain $3B in ObamaCare payments
  144. lawful acts now = reason for leos to detain you in MI
  145. California Says Uber Driver Is Employee, Not a Contractor
  146. Multiple fatalities at AME church shooting in downtown Charleston, S.C.
  147. Former NSA director mocks post-Snowden reforms
  148. Brad Hoff “The mainstream media writing about the conflict in Syria just completely failed
  149. Dana Perino blows up at Eric Bolling
  150. How the Confederate-license-plate ruling could affect Md. and Va.
  151. Video: CNN Live Interrupted By Heckler, ‘Obama Is A Puppet', ‘Obama Is An Uncle Tom!’
  152. 190 Republicans who voted to ignore 2/3 vote requirement for trade treaty (TPP)
  153. Office of Personnel Management IT Was Running Out of… China
  154. Interesting "turn in your neighbor" ad on RPF
  155. Franklin Graham: Government Needs More Laws Directed at Hollywood to Stop Gun Violence
  156. Mitt Romney: Take Down the Confederate Flag Immediately
  157. Delaware Decriminalizes Marijuana
  158. FBI Agent: The CIA Could Have Stopped 9/11
  159. Jason Riley at Fox News, skews truth about Fast Track Trade Authority’s opposition
  160. Charleston suspect Dylann Storm Roof: Trayvon Martin case 'truly awakened me'
  161. Getting married? Get ready for a new tax bill
  162. Presidential Candidate Rand Paul To Hold Reception At Marijuana Industry Event
  163. Woman Calls For Race War At Scene Of Charleston Church Shooting
  164. Federal Judge: Police Now Can Detain Gun Owners For Absolutely No Reason
  165. Karl Rove: Only Way To Stop The Violence Is To Repeal Second Amendment
  166. Louisiana governor vetoes license plate reader bill, citing privacy concerns
  167. Former red light camera CEO pleads guilty to bribery, fraud in Ohio
  168. Are prosecutors using a gag order to search for Reason.com commenters? [Updated]
  169. MI-Ten shot at birthday party
  170. Mandatory Gun Insurance Is Making A Comeback
  171. Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama: Ban guns
  172. NSA discussion on AJAM now
  173. Hawaii Becomes 1st U.S State to Raise Smoking Age to 21!
  174. Obama Uses N-Word on WTF Podcast
  175. Sen. Corker: Remove Confederate Flag In SC
  176. Popular Security Software Came Under Relentless NSA And GCHQ Attacks
  177. Governor Set To Remove Confederate Flag
  178. Coming soon: "The war on fatties"
  179. Three Men Convicted in One World Trade Center Parachute Jump
  180. Piers Morgan: "I would jail people who use slurs"
  181. Supreme Court sides with raisin farmer in victory for 5th Amendment, free market
  182. The ‘Southern Avenger’ Repents: I Was Wrong About the Confederate Flag
  183. FBI aerial surveillance revelations prompt backlash from US lawmakers
  184. Walmart to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise
  185. White Supremacist Who Influenced Charleston Suspect Donated to 2016 G.O.P. Campaigns
  186. Gun Show Defies State Law, Will Not Require Background Checks
  187. Divide and Conquer at Work - TPA advancing under Charleston Shooting Coverage
  188. BBC video: Afghan Parliament that extended US military stay is under Taliban attack
  189. Start listening at 48:00
  190. NY SAFE Act Revealed To Be a Massive Failure
  191. Walmart still sells the Japanese flag.
  192. Mitch McConnell shuts down representative government to pass fast track
  193. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, & artillery heading to Europe
  194. NATO Leaders Seek 40,000 Troops Along Russian Border
  195. Supranational Tribunal to Self Regulate Foreign Worker Visas
  196. An hypocritical, shameful conduct by SC Church?
  197. Rumors going around about CNN's Anderson Cooper have factual basis?
  198. Symbols No One Complains About
  199. eBay, Amazon and Valley Forge Flag Ban Confederate Flag Sales
  200. Why Do So Many Bad Cops Get Off Easy?
  201. Time to Pull Down the American Flag Too?
  202. ConFederate Flag: Why Not Take Down ALL Flags?
  203. Epic Argument over use of the N-Word by two black CNN anchors
  204. Without a 2/3 approval vote the Pacific Rim deal is not binding law!
  205. White-nationalist group that influenced alleged Charleston shooter is subsidized by American t
  206. Black city councilman breaks the silence on black on white crime
  207. Senior WH Official Says White Male Disenchantment Has Thwarted Admin's Goals
  208. Violent thugs run out of peaceful gathering in Keene.
  209. Fox Fires Sarah Palin- Again
  210. U.S. will not prosecute families for paying hostage ransom
  211. Arresting Officers Bought Dylann Roof Some Burger King
  212. New Obama policy to negotiate with terrorists holding U.S. hostages is good or bad?
  213. Scott Walker will sign 2 bills expanding gun rights in Wisconsin today
  214. Kids blackmarket salt-n-sugar at school
  215. Senate approves fast-track, sending trade bill to White House
  216. BREAKING: Theres been another shooting at the SC courthouse!
  217. 464 South Carolinians killed/wounded during Operation Iraqi Freedom
  218. FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family
  219. Found the worst website ever!
  220. Study: US Domestic Extremists Are More Deadly Than Islamic Terrorists
  221. Ex-Black Panther Chairman: “finish the mission” of killing “slave masters”
  222. Boehner punishes conservatives for upholding Constitution RE: Fast Track
  223. Behind John Boehner's crackdown on conservatives
  224. UT/TT Poll: Texans Wary of Domestic Use of Military
  225. SCOTUS saves Obamacare in 6-25-15 opinion
  226. Obama's Commies
  227. Nick Gillespie: How the Feds Asked Me to Rat Out Commenters
  228. In letter to John Kerry, 19 reps stand up for Palestinian children behind bars
  229. Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11
  230. IRS Workers 'Accidentally' Erased Backups of Lois Lerner's Emails
  231. Baltimore Ex-Cop Tweets Claims of Eye-Witnessed Police Misconduct
  232. Kansas judge blocks Kansas 2nd Tri Dismemberment Abortion ban
  233. Cliven Bundy. News round up June, 2015.
  234. Apple bans Civil War themed video games from showing Confederate flag
  235. Thoughts on the Trade Promotion Authority?
  236. The War on Some Drugs - Doug Casey
  237. SCOTUS legalizes Gay Marriage - 10th Amendment Obliterated
  238. Washington National Cathedral To Remove Small Confederate Flag From Stained Glass Window
  239. Al 'Tax Dodger' Sharpton Demands U.S. Military Bases To Erase Ties To Confederacy
  240. Secretary of Interior Says Cliven Bundy Will be Held Accountable
  241. Memphis Mayor Wants To Dig up the Grave of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest
  242. SCOTUS Okays Liability for Unintentional Housing Discrimination
  243. Time to Remove the Confederate Flag From Museums
  244. USA Today - Ban NASCAR fans from flying Confederate flag
  245. The Idiocy of Obamacare
  246. Courts Not Even Pretending Constitution Matters Anymore
  247. If the 17th Amendment Wasn't Passed, the Supreme Court Impeachment Would've Started Today
  248. ‘The Reverend President’: Obama sings ‘Amazing Grace’ in Charleston eulogy
  249. the next president will appoint at least 4 members of SC
  250. Why no news of Christian/Muslim groups celebrating historic gay marriage ruling?