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  1. NTSB Rules Drones are Aircraft and Subject to FAA Rules
  2. Insurers Will Fight Tooth & Nail To Make Certain that Obamacare is not Dismantled
  3. Cop Busted For Exposing Himself To Male Drivers
  4. Ferguson Police Throw Pregnant Woman in Jail for Traffic Stop, Raped By Officer
  5. Ted Cruz Headlining Zionist Org. of America Awards in NYC; Will Receive Shillman Award
  6. TPP in America: Judge blocks County from implementing law that would harm corporate profit
  7. Muslim groups seek to co-opt Ferguson protests, says watchdog group
  8. Harry Reid Wants To Attach Part Of SOPA To Surveillance Reform Bill
  9. Darren Wilson Supporters Crowdfund ‘#PantsUPDontLOOT’ Ferguson Billboard
  10. Keystone XL Vote Fails to Pass Senate - One Vote Short
  11. Jekyll Island - Official Trailer ... New Movie About the Federal Reserve Scam
  12. Thanks Army! Lawsuit filed over explosive chemicals found in Holston River
  13. Senate Defeats Bill on Keystone XL Pipeline in Narrow Vote
  14. Pro-government surveillance Congressman to chair House Intelligence Committee
  15. This One Police Department Shot 92 Dogs in Three Years. One of the Officers Has Killed 25 By H
  16. Poll : 75% of Tennesseans support medical marijuana
  17. President Obama To Dictate Immigration Executive Order In Vegas On Friday
  18. FAA Claim Federal Jurisdiction over Micro RC Helicopters and Planes
  19. There Was No ‘Right’ Vote on the USA Freedom Act
  20. There was no 'right' vote on the USA Freedom Act
  21. His Own Words: Obama Said He Doesn't Have Authority For Executive Amnesty 22 Times
  22. Declassified Israeli cables add evidence USS Liberty no accident
  23. Obama to announce immigration steps in prime time address TOMORROW
  24. Happy Belated Berlin Wall Day!
  25. Mike Enzi to challenge Jeff Sessions for Senate Budget chairmanship
  26. Could Illegal Immigration Open the Door to a Populist-Nationalist Movement?
  27. TPP getting slammed live now on House floor - C-SPAN
  28. Beefed up iPhone crypto will lead to a child dying, DOJ warned Apple execs
  29. More Policing for profit in Tennessee
  30. U.S. farmers set to get huge government payouts despite bumper harvest
  31. Enzi Plans to Oust Sessions from Budget Chair
  32. CA - Parents sue cops after they grenade their 2 year old in wrong home raid
  33. Red light camera vendor Redflex: America is a “low/no-growth market”
  34. Woman posts “love” of ISIS on Facebook, charged with “promoting” terrorism
  35. The USS Liberty Truthers Were Right. Guess What? So are the 9/11 Ones
  36. MA-Fifth grader suspended for pointing a finger gun, story has a good ending.
  37. Immigration Reform Proposal
  38. 3 Wounded, Gunman Dead FSU Citizen Disarmament Zone
  39. Lame-duck GOP House Approves Tax Hike on Duck Hunters
  40. Boogity- Power grid- boogity
  41. Drudge: The Libertarians planning to take over New Hampshire
  42. Commedian Bill Burr on Edward Snowden
  43. Not The Onion: Dem Congressman Suggests Building a Moat Around White House
  44. [PHOTO] Michele Bachmann smoking a cigar
  45. NYC reserves 100 rooms for homeless, gets banned by hotel
  46. Are Americans Useful Idiots?
  47. Obama Orders Amnesty for Millions
  48. FSU Shooter Posted Biblical Quotes, Mind Control Video Before Opening Fire
  49. Government is Good
  50. Michigan woman with unregistered gun arrested outside WH after Obama's immigration speech
  51. San Francisco's public defecation map highlights a $h1tty situation
  52. Unarmed Brooklyn Man Shot To Death After Startling NYPD Cops
  53. Amazing John F Kerry: You just don't invade another country on phony pretext
  54. Condaleeza Rice
  55. Audit the Fed!
  56. MO - 80 year old veteran beaten half to death by cops for failure to comply
  57. Sharyl Attkisson vs. Obama’s Police State
  58. BREAKING VIDEO: Police lied. Mike Brown was killed 148 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV
  59. *OFFICIAL* Ferguson thread
  60. Seattle police may dump plans for body cams, citing records requests
  61. Six journalists sue over surveillance by UK “extremist” police unit
  62. Welcome to The Wire Room
  63. Americans Died, Obama Lied
  64. 30k Lois Lerner emails recovered; same as claimed were beyond recovery
  65. Obama further destroy black america with amnesty
  66. Previously sealed court orders for phone surveillance released; stingray related
  67. Cloverific Grade School Primer
  68. Utah Considers Cutting Off Water to the NSA’s Monster Data Center
  69. Father Calls Cops On Son For Giving Cannabis Oil To Grandpa
  70. Man freed after two decades when molestation accuser recants
  71. Breaking: Ferguson almost blew up - literally
  72. Obama Extends U.S. Role in Afghan Combat
  73. #1in3Speaks: Coming out of Abortion Closet is "Just Pure Adrenaline"
  74. Zacarias Moussaoui: "Saudi Prince Paid Me To Train 9/11 Hijackers"
  75. Students sarcastically say '#THANKS Michelle Obama' and post photos of their 'healthy' lunch
  76. Human Rights Groups Ask Senate To Reject Proposed Sex Trafficking Law That Strips Long-Held Pr
  77. Georgia Man Shoots and Kills Driver Who Mistakenly Pulled Into His Driveway; No Jail
  78. Jonathan Gruber and the Superhero Oath
  79. Man faces possible jail time for not watering lawn
  80. Children Strip-Searched At New Philadelphia Family Courthouse
  82. UK Government Outlaws Phychological 'Abuse' (Irony Alert)
  83. EFF.ORG: When the Time Comes We'll Need to Step Up the Fight Against TPP's Secret Agenda
  84. SNL Obama skit : Spoof of Schoolhouse Rock "Only A Bill" - Executive order
  85. Republicans Huff and Puff Over Obama's Executive Order on Immigration
  86. Ex-Maine State Police chief pleads guilty to sex assault, will serve 4 years
  87. Sunday Morning Sit Down Stand Up Comedy
  88. shocker... RT: ‘Middle class would go to jail for what big corporations are allowed to do'
  89. WhatsApp Encryption Has Just Made It More Difficult for Gov’t to Spy on You
  90. So, what are the chances of a random encounter with a cop turning bad?
  91. No militarization here: ‘Ready to Serve’ on Disney Jr.‘s ‘Doc McStuffins’
  92. Killings By Police in Utah Outpacing Gang, Drug, Child-Abuse, and Spousal Homicides.
  93. Sen. Sessions confirms Republican Leaders may be submitting to Obama’s EO amnesty!
  94. Jerry Converse publicly honored 47 years after he was killed aboard USS Liberty
  95. 'This American Life' episode exposes security theatre checkpoints, ATF gun ops
  96. Sophisticated malware has been spying on computers since 2008(probably gov created)
  97. Ferguson just got more complicated...
  98. Police Fall Victim To Swatting Hoax In Wallingford
  99. UK wants internet providers to identify who's using their connections
  100. Canada heroin scripts
  101. Taxing your Weed by the Congressional Research Service
  102. Defense Secretary HAGEL STEPS DOWN
  103. Restaurant owner blasts city fines over single-gender ads
  104. Obama's Amnesty to cost $2 Trillion over the next 5 decades
  105. Louisiana Village Set To Confiscate and Kill "Dangerous" Dog Breeds on December 1st
  106. Giuliani Says “White Police Officers Wouldn’t Be There If You Weren’t Killing Each Other.”
  107. Regulation Without Representation.
  108. Local gun shops around Ferguson told by cops to move inventory off premises, halt sales.
  109. UK - Terrorism laws: 'Time is right' for new police powers
  110. Officer Darren Wilson gets married to fellow Ferguson cop
  111. Cruz endorses Joe Lieberman for next Secretary of Defense
  112. Evidence Photos of Darren Wilson After Shooting; Gasp At His Severe Injuries!
  113. Afghan war veteran shot, killed by police
  114. Police Chief Defends Officer for pepper spraying kid at Football game
  115. Michèle Flournoy , def sec frontrunner, supports involuntary servitude
  116. Darren Wilson and the Protocols of Official Exoneration
  117. Jon Stewart : Republicans win with Democrat playbook?
  118. Police actions illustrated
  119. D.C. Has Done Nothing About Its Role in Militarizing Police
  120. Elizabeth Warren’s hand-crafted agency suffers shocking slide in morale
  121. Mentally Disabled GA Man with Similar Name to Sex Offender Wrongfully Jailed for 525 Days
  122. *UN-OFFICIAL* Ferguson hypocritical outrage thread
  123. Mike Brown verdict Nationwide protests
  124. Massive additional deployment of NG in Fergasion tonight.
  125. Google bug? The king of the United States
  126. Was Grand Jury in Ferguson Case Lead To Their Decision By Prosecutor?
  127. Missouri Lt. Gov.: Nixon Bowed to Pressure from Obama and Holder to Not Send National Guard
  128. Fundraiser charged with child sex abuse frequently met with Obama
  129. Man arrested; deputies say he aimed banana at them
  130. Ted Cruz Wants Joe Lieberman for Defense Secretary
  131. Ted Cruz gets standing O from Zionist 'Satanist' Sheldon Adelson, then dine together...
  132. Cops viciously beat man, delete witness video, but it survived on the cloud
  133. How often are cops indicted? Almost never. How often are Mundanes? Almost always.
  134. The big lie: Obama’s 5 million illegal entrants cannot receive public benefits
  135. USA Today: Civil asset forfeiture is government at its absolute worst.
  136. Incoming House Chairmen: It’s Big Government All Around
  137. US courts hope an 1789 law will help them bypass phone encryption
  138. Federal officials issue new code of conduct for police highway seizures
  139. The problem, in a single phrase, isn’t “white privilege,” but rather “blue privilege.”
  140. FL-Cop fires on unarmed man and his 6 y/o daughter on their way to get asthma medicine
  141. Lawsuit: Cops Arrested WI Man for Posting Angry Facebook Comment Accusing Them of Racism
  142. Ferguson ruling sparks Oakland freeway shutdown, looting
  143. Oakwood school on high alert after racial tweet
  144. Russia and France troubled by US race problems
  145. Blatant State Worship
  146. Qatar & US run a training camp for Syria rebels in the desert,Islamic fighters Can Join.
  147. Voting Machines Malfunction: 5,000 Votes Not Counted In Kansas County
  148. Ferguson Witness Murdered?
  150. The Ferguson Trick
  151. Monitored!
  152. Happy Thanksgiving!
  153. Steven Pinker -- On psychology and human nature.
  154. Martinsburg WV Police Shoot Wayne A. Jones 23 Times for Walking Next to Sidewalk
  155. Collateral Damage: Police shooting dogs in line of duty
  156. PMO using Big Data techniques on mygov.in to translate popular mood into government action
  157. Ferguson & Kabul: Two stunning photos in news today
  158. What Does Feguson Have to do with 9/11?
  159. [Video] Judge Napolitano on The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart 12/1/14
  160. Obama: The only people with the right to object to immigration are Native Americans
  161. Shooter in Austin?
  162. Polarization by race
  163. Worst Police Brutality Video Thread
  164. Police Charge 9-Year-Old Girl With ‘Battery’ For Allegedly Punching Her Sister
  165. Is Barack Hussein Obama giving aid and comfort to our enemies?
  166. DAMNING: The Complete Benghazi Timeline Spreadsheet
  167. The US Foreign Service looked the other way while my friend was brutalized in Brazil
  168. 40 Cops in 30 Days Racked Up Dozens of Charges of Child Rape and Sexual Abuse
  169. The ATF's Fake Retail Stores
  170. +News: Under Pressure From Uber, Taxi Medallion Prices are Plummeting
  171. Nashville Police Chief Refuses to Crack Down on Ferguson Protesters, No Violence Ensues
  172. Police shoot PTSD Marine after he has a panic attack and flees a police stop
  173. Why Darren Wilson was right ...
  174. Does the media divide us with "victim selection"
  175. Canada Cop
  176. Ron Paul Institute: We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?
  177. Should Alex Jones have a national televised tv show?
  178. Walgreens liable for employees big mouth $1.4M
  179. Scalia, on the 1992 Supreme Court case United States v. Williams
  180. Mysterious ‘Oath Keepers’ guard rooftops in downtown Ferguson
  181. NC man charged with child porn production life destroyed; no evidence of involvement
  182. Mulvaney pushes amnesty, loses King Caucus and RSC bid
  183. Christie vetoes Pig bill after pushing from Terry Branstad and Steve King
  184. Darren Wilson resigns in wake of shooting Michael Brown – attorney
  185. Man Stopped in Michigan for Walking with His Hands in His Pockets (Video)
  186. If the IRS fines me for not having insurance... I want to sue them.... who should I call?
  187. Breath test for pot being developed
  188. Texas Court: Warrant needed to draw blood in DWI cases - no more vampaire cops
  189. Hilarious Response By John McCain, McCain Claims Iraqis Wanted Americans.
  190. Ferguson
  191. Reserve Deputy Charged in Road Rage Shooting $200,000 bond.
  192. Supreme Court to Consider Limiting First Amendment Over Internet
  193. TN-These Lying Cops Show Exactly Why So Many People are Losing Trust in “Law” Enforcement
  194. Ecopop referendum: Swiss reject immigration curbs
  195. This Comprehensive Database Shows What Military Equipment Your Local Police Department Has Bee
  196. America's Tax-Free Zone - Documentary Film OFFICIAL TRAILER (Peter Schiff, Doug Casey)
  197. Will Copyright Law Stop You From Working On Your Car In The Near Future?
  198. 'Guardians of Peace' hacks Hollywood movies
  199. Republican aide faces backlash for criticism of Obama daughters' 'classless' dress
  200. Has Obama violated both the text and intent of our Constitution with immigration?
  201. MO - St. Louis Rams players enter stadium in "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!" pose
  202. VA - PETA workers steal man's dog and have it euthanized without his consent.
  203. Is Disarming a Cop a Capital Offense?
  204. Teens allegedly beat motorist to death with hammers in St. Louis
  205. Bush vs. Clinton in 2016 is the perfect way to make millennials hate politics even more
  206. White cops sue "racist" city, for lost wages, after shooting unarmed couple
  207. Bone Thugs-n-Harmony album opens with Judge Napolitano speaking
  208. It's Cyber Monday!!!!
  209. Time Magazine Flirts With Idea of a Race War
  210. Need help designing an ad
  211. Obama to fund more militarization of police, despite FBI's data showing reduced cop violence
  212. US-Funded Iraqi Army Spent Over $380 Million Per Year Paying 50,000 Nonexistent Soldiers
  213. Obama Planning To Increase Funding For The Militarization Of America's Police Force
  214. President Obama 'Fixes' Ferguson
  215. Russia Easing Gun Restrictions Nationally
  216. I'm sick of Ferguson
  217. 101 Reasons: Liberty Lives in New Hampshire (Full Length Film)
  218. White Progs Berate Black Cop
  219. Cleveland cops who shot black suspects sue over suspension, discrimination
  220. John McCain Agrees With Ted Cruz: Lieberman For Sec. of Defense
  221. TX - "Welfare Check" on man not taking his meds results in a SWAT raid killing him.
  222. Shocking mistake in the Darren Wilson grand jury
  223. Justice Scalia explains how grand juries are supposed to work (and Ferguson didn't)
  224. Human Rights activist Snowden wins "Alternative Nobel Prize"
  225. Forced Sobriety Checkpoint , "Just enforcing the laws" "Just doing my jawrb"
  226. Cop fired for beating handcuffed man gets job back, back pay
  227. Ret. Philly Police Captain: Cops Oppressive Mercenaries for the 1%
  228. California will send a man to Jail for Revenge Porn
  229. A photo that sums up American Politics
  230. Hillary Clinton pokes fracking monster in conservation speech
  231. Mind Control in American Politics (Video)
  232. The Senate was in session yesterday - with only one senator...
  233. Oath Keepers Surrounded by 50 Police Told To Stop Defending Building in Ferguson.
  234. Where did all the unity vanish that made America strong during GWOT?
  235. UK Independence Party Leader Talks How To Take Back Control of America!
  236. NV-Lawyer, pulled over for traffic warrant, tasered, shot, now going to prison.
  237. Faux-Newz unreported killed by kops
  238. NY Kop of the year busted
  239. Hundreds of homicides committed by police not included in national crime statistics
  240. Type carefully, they'll indict!
  241. L.A. school district halts iPad contract as FBI seizes documents
  242. I don't answer questions - video
  243. Barkley Cuts Through All the Racist Claptrap That Has Emerged After Ferguson
  244. Cop cleared in chokehold death of Eric Garner
  245. Sessions: House GOP Is On the Verge Of Breaking 2014 Campaign Promises
  246. [Video] UKIP's Nigel Farage gives youth Q&A on Youtube 12/02/14
  247. Judge Napolitano: Unlike Ferguson, Eric Garner’s Killer Should Have Been Indicted
  248. Why I Spend Millions On The Cause of Liberty
  249. Multistate coalition sues over immigration order
  250. Eric Garner: It wasn't a "choke hold." It was a "headlock" that was applied.