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  1. Poll: N.D. accepts medical marijuana, not recreational
  2. Ebola could inflict Political damage to Obama's Democratic Party, loss of Senate control?
  3. TSA agent who patted down Ebola patient is sent on paid leave
  4. Bill O'Reilly Predicts Mitt Romney Will Be 2016 GOP Nominee; Coulter Replies She "Hopes So"
  5. #keenepumpkin #riot
  6. (Eric Frein)No one is suggesting that Pennsylvanians have suddenly become more law-abiding
  7. Facebook wants the DEA to promise that it won't create fake accounts
  8. In Barbara Streisand's World, President Obama has been a Smashing Success
  9. New Shocking Details in Michael Brown Investigation
  10. Federal and State Quarantine and Isolation Authority
  11. Innocent Durham man in prison for 1975 murder set free...
  12. Some animals....
  13. The worst race of 2014: Florida Gubernatorial Rick Scott vs Charlie Crist
  14. Mental Health Issues Put 34,500 on New York’s No-Guns List
  15. The Obama Adminstration has "everything under control"
  16. Government to Ordained Ministers: Celebrate Same-Sex Wedding or Go to Jail
  17. Cop coaxes friendly dogs closer with kissing noises before opening fire
  18. Soldier Doesn't Know Cop is Marine
  19. EO signed to require credit cards to rely on chip instead of stripe
  20. The Pentagon Will Use 30 Person "Quick-Strike Team" To Deal With Domestic Ebola Patients
  21. Robert Reich (Clinton ally) calls for mandatory national service
  22. Why Judge Reinhardt’s opinion on same sex marriage is dangerous to our Republic!
  23. Expelled Nazis got millions in Social Security
  24. So.....after Harvey Organ predicted the gold and silver price manipulation would come to a
  25. Internet Trolls Could Face Two Years In Jail in UK
  26. [VIDEO] Ted Cruz speech @ LPAC 2014
  27. Cato Institute launches policy center against the Federal Reserve
  28. Supreme Court Will Weigh In on Police Hotel Searches
  29. Florida court: Come back with a warrant to track suspects via mobile phone
  30. DC police’s “stingray” sat in a vault, unused for 6 yrs, now It serves a legitimate purpose
  31. Rubio to Introduce Legislation to Ban Travel from Ebola Stricken Nations
  32. Citizen pulls over cop for unlawful behavior, issues warning
  33. Bad news for Hillary Clinton 2016: Monica Lewinsky joins Twitter
  34. Poll: African Americans Think Race Relations Have Gotten Worse Since 2009
  35. 'These are are all folks who vote w/ me,' Pres Says of Dems Trying to Escape His Lethal Clutch
  36. Two Air National Guard F-16s Collide Over Kansas
  37. Americans trust Al-Jazeera more than MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, CBS News, ABC News
  38. Michele Bachmann given security detail over ISIL threat
  39. Police Harass Eric Frein Look-a-Like in Pennsylvania
  40. Black Open Carry Protesters Are Marching Against Police Brutality, and the Media Is Silent
  41. 2 Million Pakistanis will Fight India: Pervez Musharaff
  42. Obama: Bottom Line Voter ID Laws Do Not Stop 'Our Folks' from Voting
  43. CONFIRMED! ISIL is a wag the dog FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!
  44. Prison guard. 25 counts of sexual abuse. Running drug ring. No jail time.
  45. -from 'American Conservative': "Obama is a Republican"
  46. Reason.tv parodies Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off"
  47. California woman charged with using spyware to tap a police officer’s phone
  48. Man writing to Congress to make anti-tattoo discrimination illegal...
  49. $331,000: Spouses Stab Voodoo Dolls More Often When “Hangry”
  50. Preventing Taxpaying Milk Cows from Seeking Greener Pastures
  51. $371,026: Do Moms Love Dogs as Much as Kids?
  52. $307,524: Laser Guided Synchronized Swim Team of Sea Monkeys
  53. Arizona Vote Stuffing Caught on Tape
  54. Canadian Parlament under attack
  55. Teacher calls cops after student, 5, 'groped her...'
  56. Military Contractor Deagel forecasts US pop to decrease by 78% by 2025
  57. Why Hillary Clinton was not awarded Nobel Peace Prize but Obama was?
  58. $90,000,000: Dem Shawts, if you don’t want me looking, what the hell you wear ‘em fo?
  59. Military Briefing for Retirees: Claim Sleep Apnea for Automatic 50% Disability
  60. Lindsey Graham, Obamacare Supporter
  61. Premiums for the cheapest of ObamaCare's health plans are going to jump
  62. Illegals on NC voting rolls
  63. Can you build the biggest PLYSCRAPER? $2,000,000 USDA Contest!
  64. ObamaCare contractor pays employees to do nothing
  65. Three of four more ebola patients arrive in USA today?
  66. “Waste Report: Dept. of Defense to Spend $1 Billion Destroying $16 Billion Worth of Ammo
  67. There's been another WH fence jumper
  68. Homeland Security raids boutique over panties
  69. Pew Research: Liberals More Trusting of Media than Conservatives
  70. Handful of Virginia police agencies sharing seized phone data
  71. How government will take your assets under "Double Secret Sealing"
  72. Think the government must convict you of a crime before it can punish you for it? Think again.
  73. NYPD: When a cop is wrong... it is dangerous to be right
  74. Police Gone Wild: Domestic Terrorist Edition [2014 Full Documentary]
  75. Canada is talking guns again...
  76. James O'Keefe Strikes Again
  77. Hungary plans new tax on Internet traffic, public calls for rally
  78. FBI warns law enforcement of homegrown ISIS attacks on them
  79. Corporate giants funding state ballot initiatives
  80. Interpol Readying Launch of Global Facial Recognition Database
  81. OH-Cops tackle, taser doctor causing heart attack, at his terminally ill son's party.
  82. Police employ high-tech tool in pumpkin riot probe
  83. Mika Brzezinski hates men
  84. [VIDEO] Glenn Jacobs' speech @ LPAC 2014 (Kane)
  85. First Swiss Poll On Gold Backed Currency Shows Pro-Gold Side In Lead At 45%
  86. Awesome Will Grigg Comment
  87. MA - Gamer's prank call leads to SWATting of Dennis home.
  88. Either Praise the Police, or Shut Up
  89. Palin backs independent for Alaska governor
  90. BREAKING! - NYC MSF bowling doc is possitive for Ebola!
  91. North Dakota Set to Start Protecting the Right to Life
  92. Washington DC cops vs Canadian cops
  93. Tech Firm Fined For Paying Imported Workers $1.21 Per Hour
  94. Glenn Greenwald: Canada, at war for 13 years, shocked that "a terrorist" attacked its soldiers
  95. Obama’s policies open door for massive voter fraud in North Carolina!
  96. С юбилеем, товарищи!!!
  97. Government Is Collapsing -- The State’s center cannot hold.
  98. A Southerner Repents, A Confession By Fred Reed
  99. CITIZENFOUR - New Snowden Documentary
  100. 6 Shot, Shooter Dead: Marysville-Pilchuck High School (WA)
  101. Will Grigg: Resistance is Futile... (re: Mother Jones article "The Making of the Warrior Cop")
  102. New Jersey and New York: 21 Days if You're Coming from West Africa
  103. Legal Victory for the IRS
  104. Tribalism and code words
  105. Here's why the already bloated Farm Bill is getting more expensive
  106. Eric Frein false reports steered troopers wrong in search now six weeks old, state police say
  107. Breaking: Mississippi Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Thad Cochran (Chris McDaniel Loses)
  108. Here we go again? Passenger quarantined at Newark Airport after treating Ebola patients in Afr
  109. Yardarm will tell dispatchers when and where police fire guns
  110. Paul ally Jesse Benton made more than $500K working for Mitch McConnell
  111. Silicon Valley startup unveils Internet-connected smart guns for cops
  112. Ca. kop steels "sexy" photos from cell phone
  113. Crazy Story about RPF Member
  114. Sen. Hatch calls high-skilled worker shortage ‘a crisis’
  115. Former RPF Member Iyad el Baghdadi Seeks Asylum in Norway
  116. Local paper has hissy fit at people funding the Frein "lookalike" new car fund.
  117. Obama worse than Nixon on Harassing Journalists?
  118. What do Democrat leaders have in common with communist China? A minimum wage!
  119. Hillary Self Destructs
  120. Cop Who Stole Nude Photos From Woman’s Cellphone, Says It’s A “Game” Among Police
  121. Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required
  122. Man Calls a Suicide Prevention Hotline, SWAT Team Shows Up and Kills Him
  123. Obama Administration Prepares for Creation of 34 Million Green Cards Following Midterm Electio
  124. Man is Shot By Police For ‘Threatening Gestures’, Wife Found Dead on the Same Day
  125. NYPD Calling Hatchet Attack on Police Officers an “Anti-White” Act of Terror
  126. SWCville blues: Poll: Republican Advantage Solidifies, Voters More Positive About GOP Campaign
  127. How to win over an audience! Skills to persuade voters more effectively.
  128. Trans Pacific Trade Pact - BigPharma Genocide for profit
  129. High-paid consultant to plead guilty in Chicago red light camera case
  130. Live Like You're Free
  131. George P. Bush says dad (Jeb) 'moving forward' on 2016
  132. Police Infuriated About New “Cop Detecting” Device That Warns People When a Cop is Near.
  133. Bundy Ranch post: Federal retaliation against the Bundy's and people
  134. Kids in restaurants, Aussi says control 'em!
  135. Establishment Flipping Out About Comments Made By Iowa Senate Candidate
  136. McDaniel Denied Again in Miss. Supreme Court
  137. WATCH: DNC chairwoman agrees 'Republicans scarier than Ebola and ISIS'
  138. SC - Local cops have "security-gasm" at high school football game.
  139. Whistleblowers: IRS officials behind ‘fraudulent’ multi-billion dollar corporate tax giveaways
  140. I guess that's just how the police treat people in America.
  141. Minnesota Debate with Stewart Mills
  142. Military Ebola Mission: Mandatory 21 Day Quarantine
  143. 24 Armed Cops and a Military Truck Dispatched to Take Money from Old Man
  144. 'Internet tax' sparks huge protests in Hungary
  145. Atlas Shrugged movie?
  146. Google rolls out censorship!
  147. CIA "Impersonated" Senate Staffers ...
  148. Love Is the Answer to Empire
  149. Feds identify suspected 'second leaker' for Snowden reporters
  150. Chicago Black Pastor Receives Death Threats, Church Vandalized After Endorsing Republican for
  151. California's war against black licorice!
  152. Seattle Socialist Party demands $20/hr minimum wage, Ban PT Jobs
  153. Went to Vote today......
  154. Flight cancelled when hotspot “Al-Quida” Wi-Fi network became available
  155. AZ Prop 122-nullificationish stuff. :)
  156. Ebola virus praises Obama in open letter to humankind (satire)
  157. STUDY: Ebola can survive on surfaces for 50 days...
  158. FBI Searches Home Of Suspected Post-Snowden Intelligence Leaker
  159. Hawaii: After Month Journey, Lava to Begin Destroying Homes Today
  160. Colorado Ganga Oil "miracle in a bottle" Could Land Minnesota Mom in Jail
  161. School Cop Demanded To Smell Woman's Socks, Underwear
  162. Blacks turn on DEMS for abusing them
  163. TX-Cops chase driver of stolen car into yard. Kill the dog there.
  164. Santa Fe sheriff’s deputy fatally shot in the back by partner after alcohol-fueled fight
  165. On Duty Federal Cop Allegedly Pulled Gun on Uber Driver, Asked “Do You Want to Live or Die?”
  166. Preibus Pleads For Voters To Support GOP One Last Time; Vows To Stop Amnesty
  167. Former CBS Reporter Claims Government Bugged Her Computer
  168. Who has a better chance at the Dem presidential nomination?
  169. BREAKING: ANTARES rocket just blew up!
  170. FBI says it faked AP story to catch bomb suspect
  171. Poll: Hickenlooper Trailing With A Week To Go
  172. CHP officer returns $120,000 found in roadway
  173. British Spies Allowed to Access U.S. Data Without a Warrant
  174. FBI created fake Seattle Times web link infected with tracking software
  175. Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN
  176. US SS and its whores
  177. These two lived through air-soft possession
  178. Red Cross paid $7.00 per danish after Hurricane Sandy, then tossed them
  179. What Will Republicans Do WHEN They Win? Gridlock ain't what it used to be...
  180. Surprise! Controversial Patriot Act power now overwhelmingly used in drug investigations
  181. Ebola Easing In Liberia
  182. Frontline: The Rise of ISIS
  183. FL-Cop Explodes & Threatens a Man With Jail For Saying “God Bless You”
  184. Attack ad in FL against Scott
  185. Akin to Porcupines Mating--Russia/China Rapprochement
  186. FREE ADVERTISING!!! #DearCongress
  187. Netanyahu is 'a chickens**t prime minister' and 'coward', says US official
  188. Nurse refuses quarantine, State seeks to force her isolation
  189. Eric Frein Manhunt Hopes Deflated by Balloon's Failure
  190. [VT] Bloomberg pouring money into Republicans Gov's Snyder, Kasich & Scott (gun grab coming)
  191. FL-Mother calls cops for help with mentally ill son. Cop shows up and kills him.
  192. Frein Reward Just Keeps Going Up; Now $1,600,000
  193. Audit of USPS reveals the regime's mass surveilance doings
  194. Amid Protests, Sheriff Ends Participation in “No Refusal” Blood-Draw Checkpoints
  195. Former Ohio State Trooper Admits Coercing Female Motorists into Sex Acts During Traffic Stops
  196. CA-SWAT cop shot by suspect while raiding home at 0400
  197. Peter Thiel: We live in an Anti-Tech world, thanks to Hollywood and D.C.
  198. Surveillance Begins at Home
  199. "The same bland men, authoritarian but ditherers, unable or unwilling to take the next step"
  200. NYPD Assault, Arrest, Strip-search Man for Jaywalking After He Filmed Them
  201. Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
  202. Two Sovereign Citizens on Trial for ‘Paper Terrorism’
  203. Politics, not race or religion, is the most common factor for discrimination in America today.
  204. Reaction to Mutilated Animal Imagery Accurately Predicts Political Leanings
  205. Inmate Freed in Landmark Illinois Case
  206. Frein Captured
  207. HI - National Guard deployed to fight...
  208. Policing America - Stossel
  209. US military blames "friendly fire" incident on "budget cuts" ...
  210. Mitch McConnell widens lead over Alison Lundergan Grimes in final Bluegrass Poll
  211. Lindsey Graham makes racist comment
  212. NYC-Cop 1 pepper sprays cop 2 accidentally during arrest. Cop 2 then sprays cop 1. Cop 1 sues.
  213. Manhunt ends with suspect placed in slain trooper's handcuffs
  214. Hut! Hut! Hut! Kissimmee FL SWAT team can hit "don't hesitate" at 700 m.....
  215. Immigration Concerns Suddenly Bubble After Police Killed
  216. 'Explosions' in France
  217. It's time for an 'American jihad'
  218. Virginia court says U don't have to give UR phone's passcode,but U have to put a finger on it
  219. Ray McGovern, arrested, roughed up, by NYC cops.
  220. City Sends 6 Cops to Enforce No Dancing Rule at “Monster Mash” Dance Party
  221. Undercover sting: FBI agents posed as Internet repairmen -after sabotaging internet connection
  222. Sheldon Adelson Behind 85% of Florida’s Anti-Medical Marijuana Campaign
  223. The day Israel attacked America
  224. 40 Kilograms of Cocaine, McConnell's Father-In-Law
  225. Mexican Court Orders US Marine Reservist Released
  226. AZ-Cop arrested for terrorizing fomer state rep. in road rage incident.
  227. Democrats: Vote or we’ll kick your a**
  228. FL-School cop roughs up 15 year old girl, breaking her arm, for refusing to give him her phone
  229. American Political Factions
  230. Potentially dangerous taxpayer
  231. Portland woman being monitored for Ebola taken to Providence Milwaukie Hospital
  232. Blue Oregon voting to keep illegal aliens in the shadows in perpetual state of defacto amnesty
  233. Democrat Michelle Nunn Backs Amnesty, Relocating Massive Numbers of Illegal Immigrant Children
  234. do any of the new senators/governors excite you?
  235. Cop Headed to Trial for Raping a Child While Other Officers Watched
  236. Cop Secretly Filmed At Least 21 Women In Tanning Salon: Arizona Police
  237. Heaven and Hell
  238. Leadership, is this the best US can do?
  239. Sen. Coburn: "I’m not against the military. I don’t think they should be triple dipping"
  240. Google apologized for results of 'Michelle Obama' image search, but offensive videos remain
  241. Patient in Durham, NC - recently from Liberia - being monitored for Ebola
  242. SC-Dog owner confused after Charleston police officers shoot and kill his pets
  243. AP: Ferguson no-fly zone was reportedly aimed at media
  244. NYT Op Ed: Time To Cancel Midterm Elections
  245. Oregon To Roll Out 'Mileage Fee' Trial Run with 5000 participants
  246. 'Moderate' Rebels Surrender & Defect WITH Weapons Caches Given By U.S. Government
  247. "Ebola is Africa's problem"
  248. Biden Deftly Waves Surrender Flag; Wants to Compromise with Republican Houses
  249. Ferguson no-fly zone during protests aimed at media: report
  250. Will Liberty Win this Election?