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  1. Petition to Hold Kansas City Southern Responsible for Trafficking Illegals
  2. We must destroy the children in order to save them
  3. Joe Biden in Nashville
  4. Free lunches! The taxpayers were just giving 'em away!
  5. You know those Snowden e-mails NSA say don't exist...
  6. US tax payers funded knock on Palestinian family's roof caught on camera
  7. Fed up: Anger rising across America
  8. 100 Years Ago, WWI Shut Off Immigration & Forced Employers to Hire U.S. Workers, Why Not Today
  9. Ben Swann reads us the fine print on illegal immigration
  10. Adelson, Buffett, Gates press the case for cheap labor
  11. Video: A Look At Liberty Candidate Andrew Hemingway for NH Gov
  12. IL-Homeland Security, Feds Swarm Small Town in Bizarre Unannounced Show of Force
  13. What kind of country is Obama transforming America into by immigration: Guatemala, Syria, Iraq
  14. Jeb Bush had to be the worst candidate in the GOP
  15. 11 Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent
  16. Israeli Supporters Trying desperately To Defend Israel's Actions in Gaza.
  17. Police lie about 9-1-1 calls to warrantlessly search homes
  18. William Binney on the NSA
  19. Outrage over hunting photos
  20. DEA may be losing the war on marijuana politics
  21. Boy, 17, sentenced to 23 YEARS for fatally shooting a retired police dog
  22. Ex-cop charged in Fla. popcorn shooting released on bond
  23. Obama Wants $67,912 for Every Illegal Alien Minor
  24. It's happening! 14k draft notices sent out targeting those born '93-'97.
  25. Ex-’Ghost Hunter’ Kris Williams grills GOP candidate Andrew Hemingway on Obamcare Voter Id
  26. Is r-word a racial slur for arabs like n-word is for blacks?
  27. It Took This Former Congressman Years Behind Bars To See The Need For Drug War Reform
  28. On Free Immigration and Forced Integration
  29. TX-"Zero Tolerance" grass height enforcement (And no, not an HOA, this is city code cops)
  30. CA-Drought Shaming Pitting Neighbors Against Neighbors On Social Media
  31. Killing IRS agents, they did it to themselves, Thank You IRS, Building Safety Issue
  32. Illegal immigrants allowed to board commercial aircraft without ID
  33. Liberals have reason to turn on Obama's use of executive powers
  34. Non-Violent Drone resister sentenced to one year in jail.
  35. The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control
  36. Family Calls Police For Welfare Check on Suicidal Family Member, With Predictable Results
  37. Senator Mike Lee: "Americans want a more conservative government"
  38. Holder and the race card
  39. VA - Target security guard turns in shoplifting cop. Gets fired.
  40. Rand Paul won't be the cure-all for American tyranny
  41. NSA Whistleblower Binney: NSA Recording 80% of U.S. Phone Calls
  42. Killing the messenger: the deadly cost of news
  43. OH - Dog gets loose while cop is on scene, cop shoots dog.
  44. We have become a nation of suspects.
  45. TSA: What WON’T You Let Your Government Do to You?
  46. Online rants, anti-government radicals fuel fear of U.S. cop killings
  47. ISIS Routs Iraqi Armored Column
  48. And now: The criminalization of parenthood
  49. US Media Admits Divine Right To Decide What Public Needs To Know
  50. Anti-Semitic graffiti puts man behind bars for three years
  51. Two-Thirds Of Republicans Think Impeaching Obama Would Be Justified
  52. Cashier Told Obama A Gay Sex Joke And Obama replied 'Bump me'
  53. "Your Problem with Guns or Gays Is Not Political"
  54. Sunscreen Innovation Act
  55. Obama Administration Claims Jurisdiction: The World's Servers Are Ours
  56. Congressman - Tax Drivers For Every Mile They Drive
  57. Afghan war soldier Bergdahl could get $350G tax-free, if cleared by Army
  58. train loads of military equipment
  59. Yahoo! News Equates Videotaping Cops With Wanting to Kill Them
  60. The Real Purpose Of The IMF
  61. FL-Dying inmate refused medical treatment, thrown in solitary and gassed to death.
  62. Mike Huckabee's private jet is expensive... here are the numbers:
  63. NYC - Cop "I steal from the rich, the drug dealers, to give to the poor, the police"
  64. Urgent: your help is needed to keep an innocent mother out of jail
  65. Hey, Obama! Where's my mortgage payment?
  66. L.A. city attorney seeks court order to halt cannabis farmers market
  67. Facebook discussion on Dr. Ben Carson
  68. Good Samaritan comes to vagrants aid. Knocks off duty cop out.
  69. The big lie: under law, we can’t immediately deport the “children” from Central America
  70. Chicago Making Police Misconduct Files Public In Major About-Face
  71. Arrested for carving watermelon "aggressively"
  72. TSA Stops Reporter for Holding D.C. License; Doesn’t Believe D.C. Is a Real Place
  73. CBO: Current Spending / Deficits Cannot Be Sustained
  74. Cop shoots self trying to kill dog.
  75. Thought:What if all States primaries for the party nomination held all at once in the same day
  76. Remember the incident at Molly's Pub? Officer Robert Eloff’s Third Victim...
  77. Cops sue for loss of job after beating suspect. Because...
  78. Miami P.B.A. To Public – Arm Yourself Now.
  79. Anonymous Congress Wiki account is very busy editing Wiki entries, including Massie and AJ
  80. Pat Buchanan: Balkanization Beckons
  81. Police open fire on Palestine solidarity activists at Los Angeles rally for Israel
  82. Illegal Entry Accountability Act
  83. The States Where You're Most Likely to Be Wiretapped
  84. Cops beat man unconscious for not showing ID
  85. People opposed to illegal immigration are isolationists
  86. Republicans Against American Private Space Development
  87. Phil Berger Jr. concedes to Mark Walker in 6th District GOP race
  88. Appeals court: Texas can use race in admissions
  89. Conspiracy theorists proven right again by Snowden documents
  90. Ohio man (pedestrian) beaten unconscious by police when he declined to present ID
  91. RFID Chips To Be Used On County Buses To Track Students
  92. Bowe Bergdahl returns to regular duty
  93. Feds Commit 50 Million Dollars To Purchase Resort Hotel for OTM Care
  94. McDaniel Update: 8300 iregularities found in MS (More than margin of victory)
  95. Memphis Creates Task Force to Arrest, Fine Uber and Lyft Drivers
  96. Revealed! Senate Republicans Paid For Lowly Miss. Attack Ads
  97. White House Claims Migrants' Privacy Rights Supersede American's Concerns
  98. Immigrant kids not wanted, cities say
  99. MA Governor links southwest border crisis to Holocaust
  100. Meet CISA – Feinstein’s Latest Attack On Privacy, Civil Liberties And The Internet
  101. The facts are in: Obama’s invasion sparks rise in TB in States along border!
  102. How to Renounce America and Still Be Called a Patriot
  103. Disturbing interview with Hillary
  104. I survived my 2 weeks in the War Zone called USA
  105. VA - Cop shows up to deliver summons while nobody is home. Kills family dog.
  106. FL-Elderly man beaten, tased in the face for ‘aggressive’ walk, dies from injuries
  107. Maryanne Godboldo Triumphant: Another Victory for the Right to Resist
  108. KS - Police shoot dog, hit home
  109. New VICE documentary tells story of autistic teenager preyed upon by CA drug cops
  110. NC: Local newspaper decides to call out corrupt cops, gives citizens advice
  111. Affirmative Action May be Headed Back to the Supreme Court
  112. Edward Snowden: 'If I end up in chains in Guantánamo I can live with that' - video interview
  113. Malaysia Airlines passenger jet reportedly shot down in Ukraine
  114. Judge Napolitano: Obama's Failure To Uphold Immigration Law Violates His Oath
  115. NBC News Pulls Veteran Reporter from Gaza After Witnessing Israeli Attack on Children
  116. CT State Trooper Pleads Guilty to Stealing Jewelry and Cash From Dying Motorcyclist
  117. A Rising Generation of Libertarian Democrats
  118. Police: guy gets shot in the back while running away from cops (video)
  119. GA Grand Jury No-Bills Cop Who Shot Boy Who Was Holding Wii Controller
  120. Who's Responsible for the Flight of Honduran Children?
  121. 9 GOP Governors urge Congress to reauthorize Export-Import Bank
  122. Iran Air Flight 655 shot down by US Navy
  123. Kalashnikov Sanctions
  124. UN Report Finds NSA Mass Surveillance Likely Violated Human Rights
  125. Background Information/Perspectives on Arab-Israeli Conflict and It's current treatmet
  126. "His distance from reality is just bizarre"
  127. Man poses as TSA agent, gropes women
  128. PA-Cops tackle, rough up and hospitalize teen girl for curfew violation.
  129. NYC - Man choked to death by cops over (unfound) untaxed cigarettes.
  130. Vladimir Putin denies Russia will soon reopen spybase in Cuba
  131. Did Kiev Air Traffic Control Divert MH17 Over The Zone Purposely
  132. The US government thinks Aereo is and isn't a cable company
  133. Why Big Business Loves Desperate Workers
  134. All Quiet on the Eastern Front
  135. UK employers must accommodate 'severely' fat workers as disabled
  136. Nj teacher asks students to bring semen-stained tissues for art project
  137. Dick Morris: Border Crisis Could 'Wipe Out' Democrats in Midterms
  138. Mad McCain: Only an Open Borders GOP Can Defeat Hillary
  139. Jose Antonio Fernandez Threatens Miami Dade Officials At Property Tax Hearing
  140. Justice Dept. Investigating Missing IRS Emails
  141. Israel seems to have a problem with free speech.
  142. Interesting video from border control agent on border crisis
  143. Some of Israel’s Top Defenders Say It’s Time to End U.S. Aid
  144. My anti-establishment brothers and sisters, let us rejoice at this possibility
  145. Flashback: President Reagan's Address to the Nation on the Soviet Attack on KAL 007
  146. Retail Level Tyranny
  147. Nutroots Nation 2014 Parties Like It's 2007
  148. FL:Dad beats perp or Daytona Police Chief condones violence against gay teenagers
  149. How petty tyranny has made it so even grand jurists flog the innocent
  150. TN Police Stockpile Grenade Launchers and other Weapons Of War
  151. TARP Administrator Elizabeth "I dont know where it went" Warren has concerns about Wall St
  152. FedEx indicted for shipping drugs sold online
  153. Second NOPD Officer Faces Felony Domestic Abuse Charges
  154. New push for Fed Govt to regulate Photoshopped images
  155. Will Grigg interview (Mises Weekends)
  156. CA-Couple threatened with fines and arrest for complying with watering ban.
  157. Stossel episode at FreedomFest on Fox News - 5 pm ET
  158. CNN removes journo after she called Israelis cheering missile strike in Gaza as “Scum."
  159. Local News: TN police stockpiling Weapons of War - M16s, M203s, etc
  160. Father of Six Dead Following NYPD Street Choking Incident
  161. No, the cops don't work for you (epic Will Grigg piece)
  162. Churches Collusion.
  163. The Role of Austrian Economics in the Liberty Movement | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.
  164. Cities without Traffic Rules
  165. KS-Kidnapped girl dead after Kansas shootout between police, suspect
  166. When the U.S. Navy Shot Down a Civilian Airliner
  167. RT Interviewer Becomes Very Defensive About Her Employer Being Called A Propaganda Operation
  168. Texas Town Enforces ‘ZERO Tolerance’ Policy on Grass Length Requirements
  169. I may have seen the future
  170. Harry Reid Tied to Utah Bribery Case
  171. John Kerry Caught on Fox News Hot Mic Criticizing Israeli Strike
  172. Obama to Sign Order Barring Federal Discrimination against Gays
  173. 11 Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent for the Oligarchy
  174. Has anyone seen the film "America: Imagine the World Without Her?"
  175. State Policeman Answers For Stealing Dead Motorcyclist's Crucifix, Cash
  176. No charges for Florida man who beat man molesting his son
  177. Two of 13 Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza were U.S. citizens
  178. Investigation Proves NSA Spies on Americans Beyond Metadata Collection
  179. The War on Women
  180. #MisesU 2014 Video Recordings Thread
  181. Sample Response to IRS
  182. Disclosure: Reagan NSA Executive Order Worse Than Patriot Act
  183. Pirate Bay traffic has doubled post-ISP blocks
  184. Has anyone seen the movie "Alongside Night"
  185. Katherine Albrecht: Your House Is Spying On You (Video)
  186. Mystery: Posters in NYC, D.C. call Clintons 'America's Lannisters'
  187. New Federal plan to reduce the deficit - double TSA security fees on tickets
  188. Huge Increase to TSA & Airport Fees Starts Today 7/20/14: 100%~300% Depending On Flight
  189. U.S. Turning Screws on Russia Conveniently after MH17 Tragedy
  190. Separatist vs Terrorist
  191. TN - 76-Year-Old Veteran Arrested for Asking City Official to Please Speak Louder
  192. VA - Meet the luckiest man alive.
  193. [Veterans Today] Mitt Romney et al launder drug money, traffic drugs & humans, etc
  194. Remember the cop plotting to kidnap, kill, and eat women?
  195. ‘Lone Star America’ Author: Rick Perry is ‘Seasoned and Prepared’ to Run for President
  196. Michael Savage Trashes Ted Cruz & Glenn Beck, Applauds Rick Perry Taking Action Securing Borde
  197. City Block Evacuated After Bus Passenger Finds Police Training Pipe Bomb
  198. Review of D'Souza's America: Rose-colored glasses are not what is needed right now.
  199. Ted Yoho’s Drone Reform Act for real congressional oversight of Obama’s drones program
  200. Drug Legalization Gone Global - A Massive Wealth Generating Opportunity
  201. FBI pushed Muslims to plot terrorist attacks: rights report
  202. Capital and Entrepeneurs Leaving France at an Astonishing Rate
  203. Russian media on downed airliner: The CIA did it. -- CNBC article
  204. "Sharing" And Brainwashing Children
  205. WA: Police response after training bomb (?) found on public bus
  206. Anonymous Message to Barack Obama: Do You See What We See?
  207. Texans, question on immigrant media
  208. GOP Leader Resigns to Protest Mitch McConnell
  209. Widow, 73, dies after police dog savages her in her home
  210. Gov. Perry calls out National Guard to protect Texas, but is this constitutional?
  211. Dash Cam shows cops plotting to kill dog before shooting it 15 times.
  212. Border Patrol Agent: UN Exerting Authority At Border
  213. White flags flying from Brooklyn Bridge, cops probe breach
  214. Ten Thousand Commandments
  215. Newspaper Article: "Working-class whites lose voting dominance in Ohio"
  216. MN-Family dog gets out from gate broken by car thief, gets shot by cop, cops blame thief
  217. Border Agent points gun at Boy Scout
  218. Guards Accused of Faking Suicide Attempt to Cover Up Beating
  219. The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, Corporations and Congress
  220. The National Guard vs. State Defense Forces
  221. Putin Increases Penalties For 'Illegal' Street Rallies
  222. OFFICIAL Georgia Runoff Election Results Thread
  223. religious exemption forms and rules post em here.
  224. Bob Barr Getting Crushed
  225. North Carolina, meet George Orwell.
  226. Bill O'Reilly Attempts to Belittle the Positive Impact of Copblocking
  227. UN Pushes to Designate Illegal Immigrants From Central America as Refugees
  228. Another cop shoots self instead dog he was trying to kill.
  229. Hamas Warriors ***SHUT DOWN****Ben Gurion Airport
  230. Planes Are Still Being Shot Down in Ukraine
  231. Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Eggs
  232. Agents able to get Obamacare subsidies using fake IDs
  233. US Just-us department to monitor Newark NJ Cops
  234. [VeteransToday] I’d fire rockets at Israel, if I lived in Gaza
  235. Feds releasing immigrant kids to people they know little, if anything, about.
  236. Conservatives, libertarians and liberals should all worry about the militarization of police
  237. IRS Lawyer: Lerner Emails Still Could Be Retrievable
  238. [Gordon Duff] 30K people in DC/NY need to be arrested/tried for treason & more...
  239. National Review Article : "It's Time for Conservatives to Stop Defending the Police"
  240. Sheriff's Department from Battle of Athens Now Among Most Militarized in US
  241. Teen forced into foster care when mom sought 2nd medical opinion
  242. MSNBC Guest Scolds Network for Lack of Palestinian Views: 'Disgustingly Biased'
  243. Police department tries to arrest one of their own. State Attorney says no.
  244. Highway Robbing Highway Patrolman - The Daily Show
  245. Hundreds of Marijuana Arrests One Month After Decriminalization
  246. Michael Moore owns 9 homes....
  247. [Gordon Duff] Ron Paul is totally, totally naive. All those years in congress... :(
  248. Map of San Diego's Surveillance Network
  249. The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist
  250. 'I Will Knock You Clean F***ing Out' - UK Cop To Woman (Video)