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  1. Interfacing with the Mentally ill - Police Training Video (1960)
  2. Police Refuse Court Order to Return Medical Marijuana
  3. New York sends $11.67M bill to estate of disabled man who was killed at state-run institution
  4. Ted Cruz interviewed on "This Week"
  5. Congressman Proposes Choking Off Funding For DOJ Program Targeting Gun Dealers-Op Choke Point
  6. Kentucky Senate: McConnell (R) 48%, Grimes (D) 41%
  7. Santa Claus and the Israel Lobby
  8. FBI finds ricin in raid of San Francisco apt, manhunt begins - Alleged Global Warming Fanatic
  9. New federal database will track Americans’ credit scores, financial history
  10. Police Officer With History of Child Rape and Molestation, Arrested for Killing 6 Dogs
  11. Cleveland police indictment part of wider deadly force investigation
  12. Police: One Dead, Others Injured During Large Fight in Cleveland
  13. Obama to Seek 30% Cut in Emissions at Power Plants
  14. For Libertarian Utopia, Float Away on ‘Startup’ Nation
  15. FBI & SEC investigating golfer Phil Mickelson for "insider trading"
  16. Hear Ben Bernanke Speak For Only $200,000 An Hour
  17. Planned Parenthood Points to BIBLE to Justify Abortions
  18. EPA hief just finished 30 minutes of lies and verbal diarrhea....
  19. Net Neutrality for the Crony Corporatist
  20. Memo outlines Obama’s plan to use the military against citizens
  21. No more Tea for Sen. Ron Johnson
  22. Off-duty cop tries to arrest drunk woman at Waffle House, bullets start flying
  23. Citizens in Senate
  24. RESET THE NET - June 5th
  25. Ignore the Kansas Senate Primary at your own Peril.
  26. Tea Party hits Reid with ethics charge over Koch brothers
  27. AG Holder announces "homegrown terrorist taskforce"
  28. Police Officer Fired For Secretly Filming Chief Having Sex In Ambulance -
  29. Man Breaks INTO Police Station, Beats Up Cops, Puts one in the Hospital Read
  30. New York school sets up security checkpoints, bans backpacks, restricts bathroom access
  31. Nancy Pelosi tells school kids the NSA is good for them...sorta - vid
  32. "Why UKIP?" - from Blue Repub. Founder Robin Koerner
  33. Gay marriage will destroy the GOP
  34. Man Arrested For Boating While Intoxicated Fall Off Police Boat While Handcuffed, Drowns
  35. Liberals are accidently making the case for Rand Paul by wanting to go back to Clinton years
  36. Rolling Stone credits Massie, Ron, and Rand for "epic hemp victory"
  37. New carbon emission regulations will hit hard economically
  38. McDaniel vs. Cochran
  39. Judge Assaults PD for not waiving client's 6th Amdmt rights
  40. Hillary Rodham Clinton defends prisoner swap
  41. Woman Who Tried To Cut Vermont Cop's Throat is Aquitted on All Charges
  42. ‘Reset the Net’ day of action Thursday, June 5, 2014
  43. Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oathkeepers, was right about federal gov't attacking Bundy Ranch
  44. Are foreign students the ‘best and brightest’?
  45. Data surveillance centers: Crime fighters or 'spy machines?'
  46. Export-Import Bank: See How Cronyism Affects You
  47. Chiquita aggressively lobbying against 9/11 victims' bill – report
  48. The Baby-Burning Stormtroopers of Habersham County, Georgia
  49. Hey Sacramento! All Out for Igor Birman Tomorrow! Primary Pro-NDAA Ami Bera! How to Help!
  51. The Washington “Foreskins”??
  52. GOP relieved as Tim Donnelly concedes in California
  53. Milwaukee police shoot, kill dozens of dogs each year
  54. A real knee-slapper
  55. In CA, 287,590 vote for criminal who had dropped out of race
  56. US Sends 36 F-16s to Iraq, Trains Iraqi Pilots
  57. Robin Koerner (Mr. Blue Republican) Spent a Weekend With Krist Novoseilc from Nirvana
  58. The Kennan Diaries - NATO, Russia
  59. Innocent man arrested, jailed 10 days for having same name as drug dealer
  60. U.S. Marshals Seize Cops’ Spying Records to Keep Them From the ACLU
  61. How Florida cops went door to door with fake cell device to find one man
  62. People Magazine Cover: Hillary and the Whitehouse
  63. California county votes to secede from the state
  64. Judge Nap: "Obama Impeachment Now a Very Valid Argument"
  65. Charity Guy Drives Cancer Patients for Free, NYC Taxi Commission Tries to Seize His Car
  66. "Are You a Feminist NOW?"
  67. Florida officials take custody of child protection worker's kids
  68. Californian county votes for tax in health services measure for illegal immigrants
  69. Radley Balko discusses toddler burned during drug raid on The Independents 6/03
  70. More on IRS targeting scandal
  71. CA-Family calls 911 for help with 18 y/o "special needs" daughter. Cops show up and kill her.
  72. BREAKING: Canadian Cop Killer on the Loose... (New Brunswick)
  73. Putin on Hillary: 'It's Better Not to Argue With Women'
  74. DHS emails reveal U.S. has terrorist “hands off” list!
  75. Rat turned loose
  76. Iran battens down its border trying to slow smuggling from Afghanistan's opium boom
  77. Bomb Threats at Schools
  78. Weare, NH Police Settle with FSP President for $57,500!
  79. Obama: "Order can only come when Men and Women surrender their rights....."
  80. "non-presidential" workout video leaked
  81. Seven Americans being held overseas whom the White House has yet to free
  82. Obama is less competent than George Bush, say a plurality of Americans
  83. Indiana won't comply with prison rape act, will lose federal funding
  84. Is Michelle running for the Senate?
  85. Horrible. Obama to Leave US POW to Rot in Afghanistan After Withdrawal
  86. Democrats enter Colo. GOP gubernatorial primary, aim to tip race to Tancredo
  87. Shooting At Seattle Pacific University
  88. SATIRE - Former American P.O.W. Bergdahl Chartered Plane Back to Afghanistan - SATIRE
  89. Nurse Who Was Fired for Refusing Flu Shot Wins Lawsuit
  91. We Need to Have a “Short 5 Minute PRIVATE Conversation With Your Child”
  92. Court mistake sets man free, but he’s been sent back for 90 years after around
  93. Jack Hunter: Libertarian Republicans vs. “real” Republicans
  94. Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oathkeepers is joining us for a Q&A
  95. Police ask public's help to identify man related to gun found in Target toy aisle
  96. Drill goes live "Man in Gorilla suit during drill" gets shot with live tranquilizer.
  97. Vodafone admits governments use 'secret cables' to tap citizens' phones
  98. Common Core Is Corporate Welfare for Textbook Giants
  99. Maple Syrup Rambo Captured By Authorities
  100. Gun homicides down dramatically, Americans unaware
  101. Heavily Sovereign Citizen goes full retard and tries to take over the court house.
  102. NRA apologizes for calling open carry advocates "weird"
  103. PA-7 y/o boy reports toy gun left by mistake in his backpack. Will probably be expelled.
  104. Vodafone Reveals Existence of Secret Wires That Allow State Surveillance
  105. Parents Mobilize Against States' Student Data Mining
  106. Police ransack locked truck during warrantless drug sweep of concert parking lot
  107. Police to perform warrantless beverage inspections on ‘anybody’ visiting Florida beaches
  108. Government Defies Court Order & Destroys Evidence of NSA Spying
  109. Colorado the new ‘black market’?
  110. "Even the dead are affected." by "Climate Change."
  111. Veterans Affairs Scandal
  112. President Obama encouraging aliens to invade U.S. borders!
  113. Atlanta Georgia Courthouse Attacked By Man Armed With Assault Rifle And Wearing Body Armor
  114. NJ - Police enforce mandatory dress code along New Jersey boardwalk
  115. New Law Enforcement Robot
  116. Texas GOP argue over proposed therapy to turn gays straight
  117. The Graphic Designer, LOL! [video]
  118. The Climate has ALWAYS Changed - Skyscratch Exposes Geoengineering agenda- Not what you think
  119. WATCH IT: South Carolina GOP candidates for U.S. Senate debate
  120. The Bergdahl Thing: One Vet's Take
  121. Official Stupid Stuff Liberals Say Thread
  122. Will Grigg is always great, but this is one of his best: - "The Future is Too Good..."
  123. WV - Cops pepper spray and beat fellow cop.
  124. To the Governor’s Desk: NH anti-spying bill passes unanimously
  125. Detroit threatens to seize billionaire's goats
  126. Baker Who Refused Same-sex Couple Must Take Sensitivity Training
  127. Adam Kokesh releases book entitled "Freedom!"
  128. Cleveland Pol Wants 'Win Tax' to Prod Losing Teams
  129. Unaccompanied Children Sleeping in Cages as Border Patrol Overwhelmed
  130. Metallica's Hetfield being crabbed at by anti-hunters for narrating bear hunt show.
  131. Hoplophobia and the hypocrisy of the ruling class.
  132. Joe "You Lie!" Wilson Facing Liberty Candidate Eddie McCain This Tuesday! (SC-2)
  133. Police officers shot in Las Vegas
  134. Who are your 3 favorite sitting members of the U.S House of Representives?
  135. What Do Numbers Tell Us?
  136. Multiple ChoicePoll who are your 3 favorite sitting members of the US House?
  137. Chris Christie To Campaign For NSA Contractor Havenstein
  138. Richard Mourdock says nation going way of Hitler's Nazi Germany
  139. How hard would this idea be?
  140. Government teacher kidnaps three students at knifepoint
  141. Ben Swann Drops Radio Show Moves to Live Video Streaming Shows
  142. Why neoconservative guests on Stossel and Cavuto?
  143. The Biggest American Heist
  144. Hillary Clinton's Goldman Sachs Problem
  145. Why Should Anyone Trust a Government That Kills, Maims, Tortures, Lies, Spies, Cheats, and...
  146. US Weapons Given to Taliban
  147. Documentary on the collapse of the Dollar: "America's Metldown" by Doug Casey
  148. Could Lindsey Graham lose in South Carolina? Democrats think so.
  149. SWAT-ing immorality one blasphemy at a time
  150. Three Murders in Las Vegas: Feeding the Beast, Rather than Starving It
  151. Drudge & Breitbart hit Mulvaney for palling around with Ryan and Diaz-Balart on immigration
  152. Gang members killed
  153. Sheriff Michael Gayer: "The United States of America has become a war zone"
  154. NJ town to borrow $347K for Chief Pig's retirement
  155. Obama Admin to Spend $2 Million on Lawyers for Illegal Immigrant Children
  156. Central America Calls BS on Obama's Amnesty Lie
  157. Bailed-out automakers to bail out pension funds desperately seeking bailout
  158. Feds: No, We Won't Stop Dropping Off Illegal Immigrants in Arizona
  159. Your very own weather modification report form from the NOAA!
  160. Cops bust into, raid wrong house
  161. Bill and Hill "dead broke" after leaving White House.
  162. Across America, Police Departments Are Quietly Preparing For War (stats on equipment, from ZH)
  163. 5 U.S. troops killed by U.S. air strike in Afghanistan
  164. Boogity-boogity Evil Weed propaganda
  165. Taking Aim at School Suspensions
  166. If they’ll do that to me, with my career in law enforcement, they'll do it to anybody.
  167. here we go again: school shooting in Oregon
  168. Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, captured by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
  169. Cop SAVES dog!
  170. Parents investigated by child protective services after giving birth at home
  171. What makes poor people in this country so special?
  172. South Carolina Senate Race Results
  173. NSA's Novel Claim: Our Systems Are Too Complex To Obey the Law
  174. Lindsey Graham wins primary outright
  175. Newsmax TV Signs With DISH Network, Now Reaches 35 Million US Homes
  176. The State’s Criminal Conduct Dangerously Influences the “Weak-Minded”
  177. As long as we're playing the guilt by association game...
  178. Irregular Opposing Forces
  179. Who will be the next House Majority Leader?
  180. Coincidence: Las Vegas Shooter Jerad Miller Interviewed by NBC News During Bundy Standoff
  181. Privacy box for cell phone?
  182. Here is WHY Eric Cantor deserved to be thrown out:
  183. Erick Erickson @ RedState mad at Ted Cruz for failing to lead:
  184. Sen. Mike Lee Wants to take on Cronyism; While Skiing With Lobbyists? Ben Swann
  185. McCarthy Waiting in the Wings....
  186. 64% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track
  187. Afghans worry as U.S. spending boom comes to an end
  188. Central American Newspapers Tout Obama's 'Grand Opening' of Borders and Possible Amnesty
  189. Haha Prime Minister hopeful, Ted Cruz FINALLY gives up Canadian Citizenship
  190. Nevada Democrats Chose 'None of These Candidates' in Primary
  191. Astonishing level of arrogance, even for Graham
  192. LA-FL police reach and arrest wrong LA woman, jail her for over a month, she loses home.
  193. Chamber of Commerce CEO: We're going to miss Cantor
  194. Eric Cantor to resign as Majority Leader
  195. Eric Cantor supported Obama's gun control:
  196. Ken Cuccinelli New President of Senate Conservatives Fund
  197. Report: Cantor & Staff Universally Hated
  198. Father: Jared Miller Campaigned For Barack Obama
  199. Cruz officially gives up Canadian citizenship
  200. Update: Justina Pelletier Video Begging Mass. Judge To Let Her Go Home
  201. New Jersey CPS Threatens to Confiscate Pencil-Twirling Student from Dad - Vid
  202. The Ugly Side of Open Borders (2013 Blog post)
  203. Court rules collecting cellphone location without a warrant violates the Fourth Amendment
  204. Draft Dodger Romney endorses foreclosure king Dave Trott against Bentivolio
  205. Man Arrested for Shooting at the Moon
  206. rushbo limbaugh - how i hate thee
  207. US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto's GMO seeds
  208. PA Woman Jailed For Truancy Fines Found Dead in Jail Cell
  209. Rick Perry makes his alcoholism to homosexuality comparison (again)
  210. Pit bull shot in face, Hammond cop claims self defense
  211. Off-Duty Memphis Cop Attacks Family to Steal $1500 "Make-a-Wish" Gift Card
  212. Cutting spending is out of fashion for republicans.
  213. Are School Homicides 'Becoming the Norm'?
  214. Red Light Camers Illegal in Orlando Says FL Supreme Court
  215. Scott Brown says backing Obama on immigration cost Cantor and will cost Shaheen
  216. Adam Kokesh: Vegas Killers Were ‘Victims,’ Murdering Cops Saves Lives
  217. An Exclusive In Depth Interview With Dr. Burt Folsom
  218. Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking Ruled Unconstitutional in Federal Court
  219. Cop Suspended with Pay For Stealing Make-A-Wish Foundation Gift from 3-Year-Old (Vid)
  220. Raul Labrador WILL challenge McCarthy for Majority Leader!
  221. Yahoo!: News: Obama Is Now More Unpopular Than Ever
  222. Feds pushing local cops to stay mum on surveillance
  223. Stockman backs Gohmert for RSC Chair
  224. Rep. Cantor’s Defeat a Blow to Runaway Military Spending
  225. “This is America; someone is going to be spying on you for the rest of your life.”
  226. Court convicts Adam Kokesh; could serve 15 years in prison
  227. Cruz: Israel Strike Against Iran ‘Could Happen In A Matter Of Months’
  228. NM-16 Year Old Gymnast Shot Dead by Police For Holding a Stick, Cops Seize Video Footage
  229. Black Man Car Seized for Being "Illegal Cab" was driving wife to work.
  230. Off duty cop who shot teen in the back of the head gets probation
  231. Rush Limbaugh: Drop Off Illegals in D.C. Suburbs
  232. Cantwell 2014 would have shot Cantwell 2010
  233. A-10 Program Discontinued
  234. Why Did Bloomberg Donate A Quarter Mill To Thad Cochrane?
  235. Campaign for Liberty Endorses Raul Labrador for Majority Leader
  236. The U.S. spent $3 million on boats for landlocked Afghanistan
  237. What happened to SWAT?
  238. Dang! The IRS says Lois Lerner’s emails done got wiped out in one of them there computer crash
  239. Canadian Supreme Court Delivers Huge Win For Internet Privacy
  240. Stockman asks NSA for Lois Lerner metadata after IRS claims ‘glitch’ erased all incriminating
  241. Jamaica Poised to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession, Approve Medical and Religious Use and..
  242. Anyone in Memphs area want to ride in the Ron Paul Corvette to see Ron Paul and McDaniels?
  243. Drudge: "Green Smoothie Cleanse" tops Hillary's new book on Amazon sales list
  244. MD-Baltimore cops shoot escaped steer from moving patrol cars.
  245. Student suspended for paper clip
  246. C-SPAN Barry Goldwater and Modern Libertarianism
  247. Breaking: NJ to ban smoking on all beaches (edit: maybe)
  248. For cops, punching a hippie is like winning the lottery. The $120,000 a year for the rest of y
  249. Calif. naval base now home to detained children. 204 immigrant children filled base on Friday
  250. Bikers going to Mexico to free Marine