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  1. Sarah Palin: ‘Waterboarding is how we’d baptize terrorists’ in her administration
  2. Let a Thousand Home Businesses Bloom
  3. Russian spy ship has been 'eavesdropping' off the US East Coast for a MONTH
  4. UKIP/Farage polling at 30%, smears heating up
  5. Ron Paul Warned About Arming the BLM…in 1997
  6. Remember the Sheriff's Dept. that crashed the drone into the A.P.C.?
  7. Bundy Ranch: Great speech at Town Meeting
  8. You’d Have Better Luck Converting Them to Become Jehovah’s Witnesses
  9. My Dad fought against arming the BLM and exempting the SOI from 4th Admend in 1975
  10. Hell Freezes Over: Paul Krugman, Bill Kristol Agree That Cliven Bundy’s A Law-Breaking Jerk
  11. DAILYMAIL (photos): My college housemate getting choked unconscious
  12. Texas deputy sacked for shooting farmer's dog
  13. ‘NATO 3′ Sentenced to More Jail Time After Prosecutors Rabidly Invoke Boston Bombing
  14. Judge Jeanine Rips Dirty Harry
  15. Town Official runs over man's dog, owner shoots Official.
  16. New NRA ad: "Us against the world" - glorifies cops among other things.
  17. Plainclothes cops shoot 14 times Hoodie-wearing pizza delivery man...who was delivering
  18. GOP Plotting To Ram Amnesty Through in August
  19. Ya can't make this up - Pentagon to destroy $1B+ in ammunition
  20. Hollywood producer: Boston bombing was a "false flag attack"
  21. Gub-ment and race the last few weeks
  22. A social tipping point is when a government loses control over its people
  23. Pentagon to destroy $1B in ammunition
  24. SpaceX Sues to Shoot for the Stars
  25. Widow of Dead New York Cop Sues Over Her Failed Taxpayer Rip-off
  26. Witnesses dispute KY deputy’s account of teen’s fatal shooting after field party
  27. Vance McAllister won’t run for re-election
  28. "We in the law enforcement profession have complete power over you."
  29. Stefan Molyneux Youtube Channel Deleted
  30. Bob Schieffer: Romney May Run if Jeb Bush Doesn't
  31. Judge OKs decision to sell widow's home over $6.30 debt
  32. Police investigating Cliven Bundy-related threats to Harry Reid
  33. Milton Wolf (US Senate Candidate KS) "I Am not Going to Washington to make 99 Friends."
  34. "British Tea Party" UKIP Could Beat Out the Conservatives, Labour, and the Lib Dems
  35. ESPN Analyst: Where Was Outrage After Harry Reid Said Obama Had 'No Negro Dialect'?
  36. BLM vs Texas Showdown today
  37. And you thought the university cop spraying mace at students was bad
  38. Toyota delivered a surprise pink slip to California
  39. What's Going on at the Bundy Ranch?
  40. HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy’s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government
  41. LGBT Advocates Mock Virginian Christians, Hope They All Die From Suicide
  42. Sarah Palin to Jeb Bush on 'Act of Love" Remarks: "They're Called Illegals For a Reason"
  43. 20 miles over speed limit. Kill pedestrian in crosswalk. No charges.
  44. Sarah Palin on waterboarding: ‘Darn right’
  45. Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to NDAA Detention Power
  46. Are we officially enemies of the State ?
  47. Cop shoots and Kills Black unarmed Man in Hoodie. Houston, TX
  48. Going postal at Fed-Ex
  49. Feds want to scour Net, media for 'hate speech'
  50. Man Arrested After Taping Arrest With Cell Phone, Cop Was Scurred
  51. Alex Jones's Interview with Joseph Farah
  52. Juan Williams's Wife Wishes She Had a Gun After Being Victimized by Carjacker
  53. The Missed Point (Drone Strike)
  54. Operation Choke Point: DOJ going after legal but "undesirable" businesses
  55. A Call To All (poem)
  56. Sick Sociopath Pens Op Ed in WaPo "Wars Make us Safer and Richer"
  57. Glenn Beck's Strange Response To the Avalanche of Criticism levied against him
  58. FL-Light punishment for deputy who pulled gun during off-duty road-rage incident
  59. Obama scores rare environmental victory at Supreme Court
  60. David Geffen Looking To Buy Clippers (The Optics of This Is Horrible)
  61. FBI stops another bombing they where assisting in.
  62. "Libertarians Should Take Over The GOP" says Matt Kibbe of Freedomworks
  63. The Politics Of Science Fiction
  64. CO-Under new 911 plan, Dignitaries and Officials get better, faster, 911 response.
  65. Scourge of "Lesser Breeds Without the Law"
  66. Peacekeeper: An alternative to calling the police
  67. A California Jail Is Torturing My Brother to Death
  68. Bitcoin versus Political Power - The Cryptocurrency Revolution
  69. Dozens of military weapons missing from local police, sheriff's departments
  70. Poll: Millennials Leaving Democratic Party, Less Likely to Vote in Midterms
  71. Lindsey Graham, cruising to primary victory
  72. Funny campaign ad Ohio
  73. Oklahoma Put A Man To Death Yesterday
  74. A Study in Citizen Awareness: Are you Eloi or Morlock? (Time Machine Analogy)
  75. Elusive Fouke' Monster captured alive. School Bus driver bust for internet stalking of child
  76. Video of teen stripping brings kiddy porn charges against kid
  77. San Jose Leaders Look To Build ‘Pods,’ ‘Microhouses’ To Shelter The Homeless
  78. Nearly Half of New Yorkers Are Struggling to Get By, Study Finds
  79. New Hampshire couple, after Bundy standoff, married at Nevada ranch
  80. Postmaster General: ‘The American Citizens Aren’t Our Customers’
  81. CA Obamacare to Target Recently Released Prisoners
  82. NYPD Arrests Nearly 100 Subway Break Dancers
  83. If you are expelled for explosives, shouldn't you actually have some?
  84. Corporate Interests Punish Solar Power Users
  85. Guess who's running the latest Nevada checkpoints!
  86. Pennsylvania high court rules police no longer need warrant to search vehicles
  87. BUNDY RANCH: Desertion, Deception, and Destruction
  88. Border patrol article
  89. Mark Levin, "John Kerry is an Anti-Semite"
  90. Utah Congressman Makes Push To Disarm BLM, IRS
  91. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford gone to rehab after crack smokin video surfaces.
  92. Tennessee just became the first state that will jail women for their pregnancy outcomes
  93. Why did you shoot? He disrespected me: Teen crews linked to 40 percent of NYC shootings
  94. The feds and their secretive "raids"
  95. Man says officer ‘fought back a smile’ after shooting friendly dog in the head
  96. 'Stand your ground' laws tested in US shootings
  97. Thomas Massie's Raw Milk Freedom Bill
  98. Milgram Results Estimate Military Compliance to be at 66%
  99. Massachusetts Town Legalizes Arcade Video Games
  100. Federal Regulators Could Be Empowered To Enter Your Property To Inspect Your Cars
  101. Roseville Business Owner Sues City After Arrest For Allowing Customers To Dance
  102. Driver caught using cell phone jamming device
  103. Deputies punch, face plant man, then lie in report
  104. Obama administration proposes allowing tolls on federal interstate highways
  105. The heavy hand of the IRS seizes innocent Americans’ assets
  106. Cops to live tweet prostitution sting
  107. Cop Allegedly 'Fought Back A Smile' After Fatally Shooting Friendly Dog
  108. MSNBC Laments Pro-Life Laws Could Close 75% of Abortion Clinics in Some States
  109. FBI may put alleged Anonymous member behind bars for 440 years
  110. WI Dem governor candidate to hand out KKK hoods to GOP convention goers
  111. Why Rush Limbaugh Says This 'Patriot' Franchise Owner Will Be Targeted by the NBA Next
  112. Why is John Bolton bad?
  113. Glenn Greenwald to debate former NSA/CIA Director Michael Hayden at 7 pm ET
  114. Metro Police Still Shaken Up After Bundy Standoff
  115. A Year Ago Snowden was hanging out at a bar I frequent.
  116. Driving one’s hands at the “ten-and-two position” is reason for pull over
  117. "Electile dysfunction" Boehner's challenger
  118. Second-Grader Says School Put Him In Handcuffs For Misbehaving
  119. Boogity-boogity Minn. school bombing plot foiled
  120. "Rogue" Mexican Army troops crossing the line
  121. Video: Ben Swann on RT - Why RT Has The State Department So Concerned
  122. Snowden: Why hasn’t the Director of National Intelligence been punished for lying to Congress?
  123. Is Edward Snowden a Hoax ?
  124. Floyd Mayweather Draws Ire For Stating the Obvious on the Abortion of his Twins
  125. What's really going on at the Bundy Ranch.
  126. Rob Schneider: We are Sliding Very Fast Towards Fascism
  127. Seattle Plans $15 minimum wage
  128. Future of the Internet: Biometric ID Permit and Liability Insurance?
  129. NYPD Can't Stop Drunkenly Shooting - Reason
  130. PA-Cops, serving warrant for somebody not there, shoot and kill family dog.
  131. Teen guns down two ALASKA STATE TROOPERS as they tried to arrest his dad.
  132. PPP: Where should we poll this weekend?
  133. After 49 Years In Congress, John Conyers May Not Make The Ballot
  134. House Committee passes legislation to force VOA to become explicit propaganda tool
  135. Game Studio Fires Employee For Making Liberty Comment About Sterling Controversy
  136. Mark Levin endorses liberty candidate (interview)
  137. Sober driver arrested for drunk driving after deputy runs stop sign and crashes into her car
  138. Voice of Russia: Orwellian US Propaganda Tool Voice of America finished in Russia
  139. Baggage Locks Sold, TSA having the Master key
  140. Crowd funding campaign for movie about serial killer abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
  141. Cop gets 30 days in jail for framing wife on Drug charges
  142. Kops killing monkeys now
  143. North Korea releases list of US 'human rights abuses'
  144. Mark Levin: Beating Your Chest On Fox Is Simply Not Enough Anymore
  145. Jury Seated, Trial Starting for Former Beaumont Cop Accused of Blinding Woman in DUI Stop
  146. Getting Out of Dodge by Doug Casey
  147. Cop knees law student, shatters his testicle
  148. N.M. State trooper behind bars after assaulting repo driver.
  149. File under: "Some are more equal...."
  150. Concerned citizen pays $15k after judge sets "cash only" bail.
  151. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch to be on Fox News tonight.
  152. Deputy Delaware AG charged with rape of boy, 16
  153. Condi Rice forced to cancel Rutgers commencement speech due to her Iraq war role
  154. Boehner announces special committee on Benghazi, Kerry subpoenaed
  155. OH-SWAT raiders shoot dog from outside fenced yard, before raiding home.
  156. Nancy Pelosi on Benghazi
  157. Cop Shoots Dead an Unarmed, Tased and Subdued Teen, “We don’t have time for this” Bang!
  158. White House Correspondents Dinner
  159. Grown Adult Republicans arent Ready For Debating In World Affairs After This Response.
  160. Was wondering what specific domestic freedoms have been lost while troops fought overseas....
  161. “Younger people more accepting of the science and facts than older people,”
  162. IL-Two 14 y/o boys charged with felony possession of child porn over "sexting".
  163. Politicians and celebs flip the annual bird at the rest of us - WH correspondents dinner
  164. ALT & MSM. News Items That Cannot Be Coincidence- Implication Of Fact When Compiled
  165. Why Obama's national security policy is the same Bush's
  166. Charge: Alaska man, 19, shot troopers from behind
  167. NV-Man’s Las Vegas casino winnings confiscated by police without any criminal charges
  168. 44 Years Ago Today - "Four Dead in Ohio" - The Kent State killings.
  169. Re: Bundy Ranch - Oath Keepers vs. Militia
  170. The Empire & Its Big Steaming Piles
  171. Libertarian Invited to Florida’s Biggest Gubernatorial Debate
  172. Boehner vulnerable, drops below 50 percent support
  173. NY TIMES: Libertarians Trail Meter Readers, Telling Town: Live Free or Else
  174. Will.i.am on Meet The Press video
  175. Princeton Freshman Sick Of Being Told To 'Check Your Privilege'
  176. "No agenda" is a great podcast on current affairs
  177. Expect the police state in the US to be ramped up
  178. Citizens post their own traffic signs
  179. Commiefornia, no US flags for Cinco De Mayo
  180. Storied CIA Weapons Depot Located in Camp Stanley Texas
  181. Breaking — Supreme Court upholds legislative prayer in Town of Greece v. Galloway
  182. Nancy Pelosi to GOP Honor Cinco de Mayo by Passing Amnesty
  183. CA Congresswoman, Raise State Minimum Wage to $26 an Hour
  184. Western wildfires keep getting worse — and climate change is a prime suspect!
  185. Sanity Check Radio Show: May 3, 2014 episode now online
  186. Happy (Belated) 新年! Buy Something Made in China!
  187. Lindsey Graham must be replaced!
  188. TN State Senator Compares Obamacare to Nazism
  189. Fairfax, VA. aims to downsize home assemblies
  190. PPP poll today: Momentum with Brannon!
  191. McCain: Young people upset about NSA spying because we’ve forgotten 9/11
  192. Armstrong: Republican Party Civil War & Protecting the Banks
  193. Sovietized Prison Food.
  194. USA Today/Pew Poll: GOP Midterm Gains Could Be Largest in Two Decades
  195. BundyFest - Sep5 to Oct5 - Organizer: "Total Freedom"
  196. Slavery?
  197. If you forced a naked, under 18 y/o girl, to the floor what do you think what happen?
  198. One Killer Cop, One Black-Bag Job, One Terrified Wife: The Ordeal of Patrice Teuton
  199. Self serving report of "flaws" during Dorner manhunt
  200. NYPD Shooting Rampage
  201. Why I Filmed My Abortion
  202. "ITT: A doomed presidential ambition" - Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's Disastrous Reddit AMA
  203. Kerry Slams Boko Haram Jihadists For Not Offering...A Health Care Plan
  204. US Government Begins Rollout Of Its 'Driver's License For The Internet'
  205. Obama Skips Self-Deprecation, Lashes Out at Republicans in Vicious WHCA Dinner Monologue
  206. Boogity-boogity, Hash oil explosions
  207. Check Your Privilege
  208. John Kerry Trashes Christianity, Bible: 'Not The Way Most People Want To Live'
  209. Laura Ingraham: Correspondents' Dinner Celebrates Obama's Media Lapdogs
  210. Cops keep raiding man's home, even though he's been dead for eight years....
  211. Video: How will libertarians impact the midterm elections? (Ralph Nader)
  212. Oregon governor performs CPR on woman
  213. US Army Testing Pilotless Black Hawk Helicopter
  214. Hero has $48,000 in “Comp time” pay postponed.
  215. So much fail in one heroin story
  216. Pat Buchanan: What Would America Fight For?
  217. She looked worriedly over my shoulder and said, “ATF. They’re here.”
  218. Santorum Dismisses Rand Paul: ‘The Republican Party Is Not a Libertarian Party’
  219. Monica Lewinsky Opens Up
  220. Hillary Clinton NYC $5K/Plate Fundraiser for Relative Marjorie Margoli @ House of de Rothchild
  221. Government drone mistakenly delivered to US college student
  222. CHP Aircraft Catches East Bay Motorcyclist Going 120 MPH On The Highway
  223. UK Independence Party (Anti-EU) Set to Overtake Liberal Democrats
  224. Pastor DUI Crashes Motorcycle with His 8 Year Old On Board
  225. Group of Nobel Prize winners warns: The ‘war on drugs’ has failed
  226. Which do you think is a bigger deal?
  227. Confidential Document Exposes one of the Left's Most Powerful "Dark Money" Groups
  228. Russia bans cussing in films, books, music
  229. Federal Judge Says NAACP Parody Not Funny
  230. Pete Santilli's call to Harry Reid's Office
  231. Protesters takeover Albuquerque City Council meeting
  232. Opinion: Obama Prepares to Smash BRICS
  233. Daily Beast Exclusive: CIA Falls Back in Afganistan
  234. Video: Man gets arrested for defending his daughter at school meeting
  235. 10 Examples Of How "Big Brother" Is Steadily Creeping Into Our Daily Lives (Zero Hedge)
  236. Republican Establishment Sweeps Tea Party in First Round of Primaries
  237. Judge Napolitano: House Benghazi Special Committee on Benghazi Can SUBPOENA OBAMA (Video)
  238. DEA Head Refuses to Support the Smarter Sentencing Act
  239. Elderly Woman Shot & Killed By Hearne Police Officer in her own home.
  240. Steve Wynn Questions the Artificial Nirvana Created By the Federal Reserve
  241. [Dominican Republic] 4mo old baby dies as cops raid ambulance for drugs
  242. Property Rights and Property Taxes—and Countries That Don’t Have Them
  243. Reid: Kochs ‘main causes’ of climate change
  244. Feds Warn Drudge Faces Regulation
  245. Dow Jones Companies Funnel Money To The Clintons
  246. NEVER Let Your Kids Talk to the Police
  247. Cop Tases Man Reading a Book (Video)
  248. Gun Control by Mark Steyn
  249. Teacher fired for stopping fight
  250. Wasserman-Schultz: Tillis's win means victory for Tea Party