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  1. The Pros and Cons of Being Murdered by the President
  2. Seatbelt Laws and Gun Control , Precedent becomes practice.
  3. Kill Unarmed Man First, Ask Questions Later: Anaheim Cop Lawyer
  4. Freedomworks: Vote for the next Speaker of the House! (Help Amash, Massie or Labrador!!)
  5. Kerry Starts on an Imperial Tantrum, inadvertently citing Debt as a Looming Obstacle To Goals
  6. Nah, the police aren't being militarize: Army Gives Out 13k $500,000 Armored Trucks for Free
  7. MD Smartmeter WIN!!! (at a cost)
  8. Biden Opens Up: ‘I Was Given Every S*** Job in the World by Obama’
  9. Conservatives Will Embrace Libertarians When Libertarians Stop Embracing Government
  10. US and UK Hacked Millions of Webcams
  11. Autoblog details police abuse starting from traffic stops
  12. 13 DOE Workers Exposed to Radiation @ WIPP, Carlsbad, NM & Kirkland AFB Orders 1200 RAD Suits
  13. Will Grigg is being evicted.
  14. LIVE Congressional Hearing on Seal Team 6 Casualties
  15. The Dozen Dem Holdouts on Immigration
  16. Two thirds of American voters want a congressional investigation of Benghazi killings
  17. Astonishingly awful S.C. decision lets the government seize all your assets before trial
  18. Class Action Suit From Minorities in NYC Claiming 'Property Tax is Discriminatory'
  19. Officer Friendly: You have NO rights
  20. Eight Finalist Cities To Host 2016 GOP Convention Announced
  21. Sam Clovis Running For Iowa Senate Seat
  22. Tea Party Patriots Anniversary & Tea Party Movement Influence - Special Report All Star Panel
  23. "This Is How Hitler Got The Names And Addresses Of Innocent People To Then Go And Arrest!"
  24. Ken Buck, Rep. Cory Gardner swap political races
  25. Court: School can ban US flag shirts for safety
  26. 18 Yr Old Rapper Faces 20 YEARS For Lyrics
  27. 25 maps and charts that explain America today
  28. CT State Police "You are the servant, we are the master"
  29. 30 Tragic Stories of Americans Murdered By Police
  30. Help create a national database of people killed through interactions with cops
  31. Educating Violent Statists
  32. Obama planning to murder another American via drone strike
  33. Police officer to disabled veteran denied service: “You’re not blind, you don’t need a dog”
  34. Hillary's Health is in Question?
  35. VIDEO: Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power (documentary)
  36. Chamber of Commerce Fights to SAVE Obamacare
  37. DAs and AGs getting their own SWAT teams.
  38. same set of news uploaded almost on every news site
  39. Salon Goes After Glenn Beck For Saying "Freedom is Ugly" in regard to Proposed Arizona Law
  40. Anyone see the documentary movie on Netflix?
  41. Outrage Abounds as Controversial Photo with 'Baby Holding Bolt Action Rifle' hits Facebook
  42. Ben Swann Video: John Paul Stevens Wants To ReWrite The Second Amendment
  43. Who Watches the Watchers?
  44. Senator John McCain: “We Are All Ukrainians”
  45. Reminder: LGBT advocacy groups in Arizona killed Equal Marriage Arizona ballot initiative.
  46. TSA agent didn’t know where DC was
  47. Q&A with a former TSA agent:
  48. Maine prison officials urge shoot-to-kill option for Windham facility
  49. Ted Cruz refuses to endorse fellow Sen. John Cornyn in GOP primary
  50. Citing UN Treaty, Scotland Assigns Overseer to Every Child
  51. Honorable men don't hide their faces
  52. Vindicated? Sarah Palin Mocked In 2008 For Warning Russia Could Invade Ukraine
  53. Psalm 666: The State Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want
  54. SAFE Act charges dismissed against Lockport man
  55. Gov. Brewer's attack on rights associated with property ownership
  56. NSA Spied On Porn Habits As Part Of Plan To Discredit 'Radicalizers'
  57. 1 Man Has Riled up the Entire Connecticut Political Class and State Police
  58. Obama & Biden use taxpayers' money to make video of them pretending to run around White House
  59. Police raid weed testing facility
  60. Meet The anti-fascist stilettos of the lady cops of Crimea
  61. Justice for Joe and Jerry Kane site updated
  62. Huckabee just praised Israel's conscription system (draft)
  63. The new Ukraine’s first law revokes Russian language rights
  64. Should Crimea become an independent nation?
  65. Google streetview censors the Ron Paul Liberty Corvette...
  66. Never heard of this till today - 'list' of accountability for LEOs
  67. Ted Cruz: 'Vague Threats' Not Enough; Suspend Russian G8 Membership Now
  68. Rep. Louie Gohmert: Tea Party was ‘An Answer to my Prayers’
  69. Louisiana Food Stamp Glitch -- Scammers lose benefits.
  70. The Tea Party is 6 years and 2 1/2 months old!
  71. Testimonials flood in on Custody4Cash scandal
  72. Kerry to Russia: You don't invade a country on a trumped up pretext
  73. Anti-Obama Street Art Hits Oscars
  74. Troy, NY's problem with their police department
  75. Texas Declares Independence
  76. Roadside adventures with small-town cops in Electra, Texas
  77. New Ukrainian leader promises Greek-syle economy
  78. Rep. Adam Kinzinger: House will back Obama on Ukraine
  79. Senators preparing Ukraine aid bill with $1 billion in loan guarantees
  80. Cops Say NDA Kept Them from Notifying Courts About Cell Phone Tracking Gadget
  81. It Takes Longer To Become Hairstylist Than Cop In NM
  82. U.S. TX Senate 'front-runner' Kesha Rogers wants to impeach President Obama
  83. Cops Pack Hunt Tobacco Smoker (Video)
  84. Amazon Warehouse Worker Case Accepted by Supreme Court
  85. Student Loans Entice Borrowers More for Cash Than a Degree
  86. TX-Man checks himself into hospital for hernia surgery. Gets locked up instead.
  87. March 4th is Texas Primary Election Day: Who to Vote For
  88. Team Obama wins fight to have Christian home-school family deported
  89. Even MSM & SPLC admit : hate groups, patriot groups are decreasing,
  90. NY: Police had no duty to protect subway hero that subdued murderer.
  91. RT host Abby Martin condemns Russian incursion into Crimea: on RT (firstlook.org)
  92. Erie County Sheriff Rebukes Cuomo and NY State Nazis for Enforcement of NY SAFE Act
  93. CA: Two shot in warrant search. No weapon found.
  94. Putin Adviser Urges Dumping US Bonds In Reaction to Sanctions
  95. T-shirt ruling discredits American flag and the rights for which it stands.
  96. Some on the Right having Difficulty with the End of Pax Americana?
  97. Ben Bernanke earns over $250k in first public speech
  98. Breaking: Romeike Family granted ‘indefinite deferred status’ and can stay in United States
  99. Putin Wields the Power of the Black Gold; Obama is Powerless to Act
  100. Los Angeles Approves Sweeping E-Cigarette Restrictions
  101. 1946 Film Proves Despotism Has Taken Over America (Video, obviously)
  102. Neo-conservatives coming out of the woodwork
  103. First Marijuana Commercial Debuts on Major Network
  104. Official Who Drew Up Guidelines for British Internet Filters Arrested for Child Porn
  105. Ugh, he won. George P. Bush Begins Political Career With Win
  106. Coming US air space invasion? Facebook is in Talks to Buy Drone Maker
  107. PA - Dog Owner Speaks Out After Police Shoot and Kill Her Dog
  108. Pentagon warns of climate change 'threat multipliers'
  109. VIDEO: 'House of Cards' Comes to Life
  110. Lois Lerner asserts 5th AGAIN, Issa Adjourns hearing, Cummings blabbers on...
  111. Barbara Bush relents a bit on 2016: ‘Maybe it’s ok’ if another Bush runs
  112. The Rise of Ukrainian Fascism
  113. Report: Border agents manufacture reasons to shoot at cars
  114. DEA Official: 'Every Single Parent' Opposes Marijuana Legalization
  115. Karl Rove tries to connect Tea Party groups to Texas primary
  116. War with Russia? Why Ben Swann’s Truth In Media Project Matters
  117. Why Does Lindsey Graham Suddenly Care About Online Gambling? A Few Million Possible Reasons
  118. Connecticut halts plans to round up firearms after finding most cops in the state... [satire]
  119. Florida Liberty Summit 2014! (Apr 4 - 6)
  120. OH-Suspended for a "level 2 look alike" finger gun.
  121. Supreme Court Appears Ready to Rule for Police in Deadly Car Chase
  122. Wayne Root: IRS and most government employees are good people
  123. Soros Heavily Invested In Ukraine Crisis
  124. I’m a cop, just like you guys: The Blue code of silence did not work for drunk driving cop
  125. Conversation with a Venezuelan.
  126. Exonerated death row inmate wants prosecutor investigated
  127. Man Could Face Jail Time for Using Metal Detector
  128. CIA Accused Of Spying On Senate Intelligence Committee Staffers
  129. A Fun Introduction to Bitcoin / Crypto-Currencies / Math-based Currencies
  130. Does the Supreme Court approve of kidnappings?
  131. 'Upskirting' is legal, Massachusetts top court says
  132. Fla. kops monitor cell phones
  133. Exclusive: Russia wants IMF to move ahead on reforms without U.S.
  134. Cruz's fear mongering on Iran
  135. New video from Ben Swann talking about the shenanigans at the 2012 Republican Primaries!
  136. House approves $1 billion of loan guarantees for Ukraine
  137. Judge Andrew Napolitano Goes #OffTheGrid | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV
  138. NJ Cop Sentened for Punching Handcuffed Man and Lying About It
  139. Sen. Ted Cruz is ok with the socialist/progressive’s tax on incomes?
  140. All our criticism of police is wrong (Sarcasm)
  141. The Revolution Continues, Founders, right and wrong
  142. Florida mayor fights backyard gun ranges in 'Gunshine State'
  143. The Liberty Scorecard - Liberty Ratings for all of Congress
  144. Poll: John McCain is the least popular senator in the country
  145. This Is Why We Will Never Have “Good Cops”
  146. Police officer beats, strangles, seven month puppy to death
  147. Forget Cruz and Christie, watch out for resurgence of Marco Rubio
  148. Bill of Rights 2.0: Protecting Individual Liberty & Preventing the Economic Collapse
  149. Why pot growers in California are dreading marijuana legalization
  150. Laura Ingraham asks Louie Gohmert if GOP would fund 1 Billion pet project for inner city
  151. N.Y. to Widow: Sorry About Your Husband’s Death, Now Hand Over $27k
  152. Color Revolution for Venezuela?
  153. Woman's Lawsuit Alleges Horrifying Abuse By Border Officers, Including Cavity Searches And...
  154. TX - Palacios police shoot, kill family dog
  155. MO-Cops kill unarmed man after chase.
  156. Indiana county finds 3,791 electronic early votes uncounted in 2012 election
  157. Family court and one Dads ordeal
  158. Maine company unveils high-tech SWAT team robot
  159. Colorado launches campaign to stop stoned driving
  160. 21 Technologies that could help decentralize the world
  161. I fell for their lies...
  162. SC Deputy Shoots and Kills Tied-Up Labrador Retriever During Welfare Check
  163. Rubio supports aid to Ukraine even if it's not paid for
  164. We're Just Not That Special ...
  165. A Cop's CUPID
  166. Does Marijuana Cause Violence?
  167. US bill 'dramatically strengthens' Israel alliance
  168. CPAC 2014: maybe the Republicans aren't so insane after all
  169. Gun Owners of America: Mitch McConnell’s Anti-Gun Votes
  170. Stephen Harper, John Baird compare Russia to WW II era Germany
  171. Bank told to pay $3.2M for 'shocking' foreclosure
  172. NASA Admits to Selling Discount Fuel to Google Execs
  173. Woman's Encounter With Feds Reveal Low Level Goons Reading Her Intercepted Sex Life Emails
  174. Vice magazine reporting inside Crimea, crazy $&^@!
  175. This Map Shows Why The Plan To Split Up California Would Be A Dystopian Nightmare
  176. @ DNC Winter Meeting: Ready for Hillary?
  177. College Worker Attacked by Police and Arrested For Using Marker to Correct Map
  178. Doing a presentation on State remedy
  179. Philadelphia Judge Issues Ruling That Could Give Anonymous Online Commenters Second Thoughts
  180. Malaysia Airlines flight missing, terrorism not ruled out; confirmed hijacked
  181. House delivers for AIPAC, 410-1, passing Israel as ‘strategic partner’ bill
  182. Ask Glen Greenwald Anything
  183. Conservative Skepticism About 'Tough On Crime' Policies Gets Its Turn At CPAC
  184. Pug Versus Half a Dozen SWAT
  185. AJ Spiker stepping down as Chairman of Iowa GOP
  186. Children are being indoctrinated... with libertarianism
  187. Candidate Andy Ostrowski has ballot petitions seized by Lou Barletta (PA-11) hometown police.
  188. John McCain: Lack of US military option in Ukraine is "tragic"
  189. NH to Utah: The first-in-the-nation primary is ours, back off
  190. McCain Says Cruz "Crossed a Line," Should Apologize to Dole
  191. Going Limp
  192. Interesting...Feds prosecute contractor, silencers
  193. Token arrest; US Marshal
  194. Rafael "Ted" Cruz's Foreign Policy is a Deal-Breaker
  195. Pew Research - Millennials in Adulthood
  196. Libertarians Move In To Make A Small N.H. Town Even Smaller
  197. CT CT Cop To Defiant Vet/FF: "I can't wait to get the order to kick your door down!"
  198. Mitch McConnell - We are going to crush the Tea Party
  199. N licences & IDs to carry veteran designation
  200. [Video] Judge Napolitano debates Lincoln on The Daily Show 3/11/14
  201. Mexico's vigilantes: the aftershocks of ousting a cartel
  202. Iron Tent Curtain Falls
  203. Obama's Muslim Terrorist Connections Exposed Further By Walid Shoebat (Audio)
  204. You Know Who Else Collected Metadata? The Stasi
  205. Acclaimed National Journalist Ben Swann Investigating Bill Greiner
  206. Blue Dog Democrat running for the Senate in Mississippi
  207. LEAKED Custody4Cash video: Lackawanna courts want this video taken down … why?
  208. How about if people just start running around here, policing the city on their own?
  209. Snowden Says No One Listened To 10 Attempts To Raise Concerns At NSA
  210. A Virtual Conversation With Edward Snowden - Live Feed
  211. [VIDEO] Rep. Jeff Duncan defends the 4th amendment in committee
  212. Milton Wolf Moneybomb!
  213. Making Cop-Worship Mandatory - Will Grigg
  214. Help me vote in 2014
  215. CNN Poll: 59% approve of sanctions against Russia
  216. FL-"Serve and Collect" - Welcome to the most corrupt town in Florida.
  217. CA-San Diego cops SWAT raid strip club to check stripper's licenses.
  218. Edward Snowden Had Better Never Come Home
  219. Police: Homeless man shot, killed by NLV officer
  220. No jail time for former Collier deputy in molestation case
  221. Ukrainian gold reserves loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airpor
  222. GEORGIA: First to pass Convention of States Application
  223. The Con-stitution and the power to confiscate
  224. The Growing American Police State
  225. National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day
  226. MSM News Outlets Taking No Time On Blaming Iran For Downing Malaysia Airlines flight (Terroris
  227. Guy murders 7, prison guard beats him, guy gets $500k, taxpayer gets the bill
  228. Judge sides with Kansas doctor in abortion case
  229. Pontiac Woman Votes Two Years After Death
  230. Southern Poverty Law Center's Criteria for Naming 'Hate Groups' Subpoenaed
  231. U.S. senator says CIA spied on Senate panel, possibly broke law
  232. Big Brother, Small City: River Islands Will Feature Heavy Surveillance
  233. Bomb Squad Destroys Pressure Cooker On East Boston Street
  234. Rand Paul calls out Ted Cruz in op-ed
  235. Man Beaten By Police For Mowing His Neighbor’s Lawn.
  236. Michael Savage: “King of the Neocons” Dick Cheney profits from Russia conflict
  237. New bill aims to rein in police militarization
  238. 70% of U.S. Government Spending Is Writing Checks To Individuals
  239. Lockerbie - what really happened (ON NOW!)
  240. Senate Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein: The CIA is breaking into my computers
  241. Ukraine crisis: Russians opposed to Putin
  242. We have 3 white guys trying to put handcuffs on somebody. Who else could it be but police?
  243. Marvin didn't Gave: Court rules for landowner in trail dispute
  244. GOP win: SWC Obama association/Obamacare just sunk Alex Sink in Florida Special Election?
  245. Immigration detainees want better food and pay or they will continue hunger strike
  246. Kid Cupcake Creator Back in Business Thanks to Generous Donations
  247. Why Expats are ditching their US Passports
  248. The Boston Policestateathon
  249. Octogenarian thwarts home invasion...
  250. Boogity- Denver kids, pot arrest-Boogity