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  1. US, UK spied on an Israeli PM’s office
  2. Federal court rules searching and seizing data on cell phones without warrant is a-ok
  3. CNN Busted Taking Money From Regimes To Bury News - Video
  4. Oh my State !!! the officer was not OK.
  5. Boys father killed in Yemen drone strike
  6. Write In Ben Swann In Mediaite Poll!
  7. Arsonist Targetting Marion County, FL Law Enforcement
  8. Radley Balko: Dire Civil Liberties Predictions For 2014
  9. Councilmen Say Their Wards Mass-Ticketed in Retaliation for Police Contract Vote
  10. American vs African Religion: Uganda Bill has life imprisonment for certain homosexual acts
  11. Google Reveals Sharp Rise In Requests For Removal of Political Content
  12. Report Suggests NSA Engaged In Financial Manipulation, Changing Money In Bank Accounts
  13. Why Cops Pull The Trigger: Pulling Back The Curtain On Police Shootings
  14. Steve Deace Worldview Wednesday - "What the Liberty Movement could learn"
  15. In Canada. Audiomaxxx founder fined $550,000 Big Brother Music Industry Wins Again
  16. Texas Father Barred from Taking Pregnant Wife Off Life Support
  17. Veteran in Stand Off in Ky, mentions Rand Paul
  18. Robot surveillance coming to a school near you.
  19. FBI Agent: Connection Logs Show Suspect's MAC Address, So Look For Apple Hardware
  20. MSM, New words and terms
  21. UofC study: K-9 drug dogs show 85% failure rate.
  22. Cop tells wrongful raid homeowner ‘You’re Lucky I Didn’t F--King Shoot You’
  23. SF - Top 14 city earners (over $300k) are firefighters and police
  24. Judge halts road scheme because it might have impact on ELVES
  25. Bigger, Badder NDAA 2014 Quietly Passed the House and Senate, On Its Way to Obama
  26. Americans Beginning To See Government Itself As The Nation’s Worst Enemy - Gallup Poll
  27. Who Owns Your Congressman
  28. There is no compromise when it comes between liberty and tyranny
  29. Silicon Valley investor wants to split California into six states
  30. Wyoming to fight U.S. over Indian reservation land grant
  31. Chicago town hall held by Al Sharpton gets angry and fiery - video
  32. PLEASE HELP: Funds needed for Lindsey Graham's Retirement
  33. 5 wild eyed conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.
  34. Woman tries to frame husband with kiddy porn
  35. The next Detroit? Atlantic City and Las Vegas facing catastrophic collapse
  36. "If America Doesn't ABOLISH The FED, The FED Will ABOLISH AMERICA" | G. Edward Griffin
  37. While media headlined "pussy riot" news, 8 troops killed in Afghanistan week of Christmas eve
  38. Was the Hunger Game Movie a Warning About the Elite Plan for American and the Earth?
  39. While You Were Debating Obama’s ‘Selfie,’ U.S. Drones Killed 13+ Yemen Wedding Guests
  40. American jailed over video mocking Dubai teens
  41. Member of President Obama's NSA Panel Recommends Increased Data Collection
  42. Utah Made It Easier For Cops To Seize Innocent People's Property.
  43. Computer programmer teaches a homeless man to code.
  44. Ben Swann on 100 Years of the Federal Reserve
  46. So MANY FRIGGIN COP SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  47. Bloomberg: Trans Pacific Partnership Is “Corporatist Power Grab”
  48. T'was the night before Obamacare
  49. British doctor branded his initials on patient's liver
  50. Red Light Camera Controversy Drives Mayoral Race In Florida:
  51. The Psychological Profile of President Obama
  52. White is 4 Jesus cause he's white and red is 4 Jesus'blood and the candycane makes a J 4 Jesus
  53. 12-Year-Old Arrested for School `Hit List`
  54. Snowden to Give UK Channel 4 'Alternative Christmas Address'
  55. Amish and the Government
  56. Mystery Illness kills more Bald Eagles
  57. How to explain Edward Snowden to Obama supporters
  58. REPEAT DRAMA libya from a website run by somewone in libya on what is really going on there
  59. The Ruling Class Establishment in the United States
  60. UK Internet Filter Goes Beyond Porn and was ALWAYS The Intent
  61. The Federal Reserve's Authority Gets Expanded. Here's how:
  62. [Video] Peter Schiff: Unbelievable Liberal Reaction to my Walmart Video
  64. Netanyahu: Any US Spying on Israel Is Not 'Acceptable to Us'
  65. NYC-Knocked over clothing rack in mall causes loud noise.Panic, lockdown follows.
  66. Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco! (Dec 2013)
  67. YAL: Have a holly jolly Christmas
  68. Congressman Stockman Christmas card
  69. 222,000 Californians facing loss of jobless benefits
  70. The Dangers of Smart Meters & the Trojan Horse Called "Sustainable Development"
  71. Have you thanked the troops for protecting our freedom this Christmas?
  72. Exclusive: Assad's secret oil lifeline: Iraqi crude from Egypt
  73. Did the NSA sabotage WABC interview of Larry Klayman?
  74. Edward Snowden For Congress!
  75. Snowden Delivers Christmas Message - Video
  76. The TSA's 12 Banned Items of Christmas (Video)
  77. [Video] Stefan Molyneux: Don't Feed the Libertarian Trolls
  78. Glenn Jacobs at LPAC 2013
  79. EPA Falsifies Data
  80. 60% of Americans Unaware of Looming Incandescent Bulb Phase Out
  81. Christmas Day in Libya
  82. TX- Mayor says: "So don’t call me and complain about an officer not being very pleasant.”
  83. Lon Snowden For Congress! (Edward's father if you don't know)
  84. Burglar finds child sex abuse on tapes he took, so he points out suspect, police say
  85. For my post #666: Trivia- A flashback to a bizarre coincidence re: Ronald W Reagan
  86. Cop shoves 89 yr. old man, breaking hip, for telling him to "Calm down."
  87. Off duty cop assaults motorist for sassing him. Then motorist is arrested.
  88. S.C.: AG calls for recusal of Justice for threatening punishment for AG abuses.
  89. WSJ: GOP Estab, Corporatists, Rove, Aim to Diminish Conservative/Tea Party Members & Activists
  90. Good Cops?
  91. Taki's Mag: "When Ducks Cry"
  92. Ya know what makes me sad? You do you jackwagon!
  93. A difficult question on American morality
  94. what is really going on in libya from a website run in libya
  95. Libya‘s Brigades (Is Qatar worried? Do they regret what they did to Libya by
  96. McDonald's removes workers McResource site listing cheeseburger,fries as "unhealthy choice."
  97. “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
  98. NYPD's cruiser of the future knows if you're on the lam, can detect radiation
  99. Default Anyone see this poll after Huckabee included?
  100. 72-year-old woman arrested for 2008 seat belt ticket
  101. Albert Einstein: “A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”
  102. Houston Expands Downtown Surveillance, Unsure If It Helps
  103. Who do you consider the biggest existential threats (or has done the most harm) to America?
  104. Judge Timothy S. Black engages in judicial tyranny in “same sex” marriage case!
  105. Glenn Greenwald to MSNBC: I Defend Snowden Like You Defend Obama
  107. Remember Al Gore said that the Arctic Ice would be gone by 2013. Guess what? it is not and
  108. Obama's latest lie
  111. Priest in jail for covering up child molestation let free
  112. Mich. lawmaker-Miss (public school)Indoctrination and Lose Licence
  113. All Episodes of the Tom Woods Show
  114. GREENWALD TO MSNBC: I'm Defending Snowden Like You Defend Obama '24 Hours A Day'
  115. Man kills police officer during no knock search warrant, believing it was a home intrusion
  116. Residents protest against cop who accidentally shot himself.
  117. N.C. Ruling allows rent-a-cops to make stops that would be illegal for police.
  118. We're The Good Guys
  119. TX-"Knockout Game" attack leads to hate crime charges.
  120. Business Insider: Nine Government Conspiracies that turned out to be true.
  121. Chicago Public Workers/Vehicles Caught Running Red Lights 11,500 Taxpayers Pickup Fines!
  122. 12yo smuggles 80lb weed on back, months after Rep King blasted for saying kids smuggle 75lbs
  123. Michigan Nullifies NDAA Indefinite Detention?
  124. Cop stops man from walking by, detains & harrasses him for 9 minutes then writes him a ticket
  125. Greenwald: US, British media are servants of security apparatus
  126. Huckabee endorses Lindsey Graham
  127. Washington Post Urged to Disclose New Owner's CIA Ties
  128. PA State Trooper w/ Mental Health Problems Allowed to Carry Firearms on Duty, But Not Off-Duty
  129. Was this anti-semitism motivated detention by TSA?
  130. Winter Olympics Wimp-out: Is Obama Afraid of Putin?
  131. The Year of the Zombies!! Dave Barry
  132. OR-Cops arrest arrest elderly man for delirium attack.
  133. Ben Franklin, whistleblowing leaker of government secrets
  134. Sen. John Cornyn: NSA Phone Tracking a Useful Tool (2006)
  135. Cornel West - Epic video against establishment
  136. Snowden poster sports Ron Paul quote
  137. Keynote Glenn Greenwald 30C3
  138. Ted Cruz wins The Hill's "Person of the Year"
  139. Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues
  140. Guy gets rejected from the U.S military, Al Qaeda, turns to FaceBook for recruitment
  141. France ponders extending 'culture tax' to YouTube and Facebook
  142. IN-Cops hold fundraiser to buy more SWAT and military gear. Huge success reported.
  143. Some neocons think Obama does not deserve Nobel Peace Prize.. because he did not attack Syria
  144. NSA's Legal Win Introduces a Lot of Online Insecurity
  145. Is This Still America?
  146. 1.3 Million Jobless Americans Lose Benefits Today
  147. Conspiracy: The U.S. vs. Soviet Union Mind-Control Arms Race
  148. MSNBC Host: Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty Part of Majority White Supremacist Culture
  149. Exposed: The Soviet Union spent $1 billion on mind-control program
  150. One out of Every Four Activists Could Be a Corporate Spy
  151. Dallas County judge arrested in assault
  152. Ron Paul channel
  153. America, A Rich Country With Poor People - Video
  154. FDA to Require Calorie Labels on Vending Machines
  155. New York Soon to Trail Florida in Population
  156. Dog shot by police serving search warrant at wrong address.
  157. Research shows eye-reflections in photos could be used to identify criminals
  158. Drug detection/DNA swab roll-out L.A. sobriety checkpoints.
  159. CA-"Security" at Rose Bowl Parade means your car is subject to search.
  160. TN-Cops roll out numerous "No Refusal" checkpoints.
  161. Wake Up America- MARTIAL LAW COMING SOON (Video)
  162. ... incarcerated 14-year-old consented to be raped by a corrections office
  163. Kerry reportedly says he will consider freeing Jonathan Pollard as part of prisoner swap
  164. NSA can reportedly bug computer equipment before it reaches buyers
  165. WI: Cop sentenced to 2 years in jail, less than 1 month per rape
  166. Glenn Jacobs: "A Century of Destruction" (The Federal Reserve)
  167. LAPD Cracks Down On Jaywalkers - $197 Fines
  168. NSA Whistleblower Binney: “National Security is A Scam”
  169. Lawmakers Blast Snowden’s Call to Stop Surveillance
  170. Obama’s Vacation Rattled by Protests
  171. Utah Gets Ready To Do Without the Feds:
  172. New York Times - Benghazi attack carried out by NATO Freedom Fighters!
  173. Former AFA track star killed in Afghanistan
  174. Establishment Terrified Tea Party Won't Back Unnecessary Wars
  175. Gun Ban At Country Star Toby Keith's Newest Restaurant Causes Outcry
  176. I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on
  177. The Latest Terrorist Group - Almanac Readers
  178. NSA Intercepts Laptops Purchased Online To Install Spy Malware
  179. Faux-Newz blatant propaganda
  180. France: Taxi drivers hate competition, asked the government to bully other companies
  181. Cops would love this "toy" to kill your dogs
  182. What the government does with data
  183. 5 Years of Obama
  184. Libertarians vs Tea Partiers within the GOP - statistics
  185. Iran months away from a Nuclear weapon (2ys ago, Bachmann)
  186. Democrats Turn to Minimum Wage as 2014 Strategy
  187. British Ex-Spy Launches Fund to Support Whistleblowers Like Snowden
  188. The most unpopular U.S. war in history
  189. Unreported Robot Surgery Injuries Open Questions for FDA
  190. Conn. Brave gun owners rush to register weapons, ammo and their babies
  191. Pregnant Nurse Fired After Refusing Flu Shot
  192. US cracks open the skyes to drones
  193. Number of Law Enforcement Officers Killed by Firearms Drops to Lowest Level Since 1887
  194. Catalog Reveals NSA Has Back Doors for Numerous Devices.
  195. MSM Glosses Over Irony of Global Warming Scientists Trapped in Antarctic Ice
  196. Ideas for a village, pop 600+
  197. Fukushima Radiation Now Seems to Be Affecting Bald Eagles
  198. Walter Block is still Defending the Undefendable
  199. The police state moves in next door: St Louis to become the newest "no-rights" zone
  200. Turning backs on Al Sharpton, Chicago revolution: You need to watch this!
  201. Russian TV got stuck on terrorist attacks?
  202. Trending on twitter: #LibertarianismIn4Words
  203. Dronesplain, v.
  204. USA Today Names Edward Snowden Tech Person of the Year
  205. New NY Gun Law Results In 1,146 FELONY Charges
  206. LAPD To Take Blood, Saliva At New Year's Checkpoints
  207. Six States Chosen For Extensive Drone Testing
  208. It's a Wonderful Lie - 100 years of the Federal Reserve. Based on the Capra film
  209. New U.S. 2014 Tax Regime is "Devastating," Experts Say
  210. Obama poised to win "Hypocrite of the Year" award also
  211. Since 2009, Republicans growing more skeptical of evolution
  212. High Prices for Getting High Expected as Colorado Opens Legal Pot Shops
  213. Can Robots Better Spot Terrorists at Airports?
  214. R.I.P.: Photo montage of dogs shot by cops in happier times.
  215. Woman's Arm Amputated After Police Make Handcuffs Too Tight
  216. U.K Guardian Reporter Aboard Icebound Antarctic Ship Goes Stir Crazy
  217. NSA has complete control of your iPhone, can activate your microphone and camera covertly.
  218. MSNBC host apologizes for attack on Mitt Romney's adopted black grandson
  219. [Tube] If you had any doubt TV News is scripted propaganda taking orders from single source
  220. Report: 3,520 Killed By Drones
  221. And The Country Posing The Greatest Threat to Peace as 2013 Ends is …
  222. Hillary Clinton’s unlucky year
  223. Democratic Lawmaker Admits Mowing Down Flock of Ducks with BMW
  224. Middle-Class Heroes? To take on Big Business, the GOP needs more than rhetoric.
  225. Apple: We have never worked with the nation's Hacker group to create backdoors in our products
  226. The Complete List of Everything Banned by Mayor Bloomberg
  227. Happy New Year Afghanistan
  228. Fast food CEO: How govt regulation is driving us abroad
  229. Arizona mother admits to killing daughter, poisoning other kids
  230. Top 10 Neocons of 2013
  231. US HHS procuring 14 million doses of anti-radiation pills by Feb 1
  232. Stacy Dash slams MSNBC's left wing racism
  233. Happy New Year!
  234. Pot Opponents Predict 'Hogwild' Colorado Trainwreck
  235. 40,000 new laws take effect in 2014
  236. Will Senator Ted Cruz and “conservatives” offer real tax reform this coming election?
  237. Never talk to cops. Derp.
  238. HuffPo: Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie Run Neck And Neck In 2016 Poll
  239. US judge rules warrantless gadget searches at the border aren't unconstitutional
  240. 10,988,269: 2013 Closes With Record Number on Disability Getting Highest-Ever Monthly Benefits
  241. NSA Locks San Antonio Residents Out!
  242. Iraq war vet makes Colorado's first pot purchase
  243. 'Yeah, I shot the dog. What the f--- you gonna do about it?'
  244. “move just a little bit, I’d like to splatter your head across the floor.”
  245. Obama to Americans "you don't deserve to be free. "
  247. Mark Levin vs. BenSwann.com: Levin Just Called Evan Mulch a "Dummy"
  248. Keene, NH: Last statement sent to Sentinel from self-immolation victim
  249. NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio - "march toward a fairer, more just, more progressive place"
  250. Deputy gets his blood drawn and his patrol car impounded. WTF ? Search it LTR ?