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  1. 83% of Federal Government Still Operating
  2. Switzerland to vote on $2,800 monthly 'basic income' for adults
  3. School tells cop not to wear uniform to pick up his own kids
  4. Obama Doesn't Rule Out Using 14th Amendment To Raise The Debt Limit
  5. Kicked out of their home on federal land due to shutdown!
  6. Obama Closes Parts Of The Ocean As Government Shutdown Continues
  7. "Revenge Porn" is now illegal in California
  8. China's Web Surveillance System Employs More Than 2 Million
  9. Shutdown: Mount Rushmore highway viewing areas blocked by Feds
  10. Obama tweets laying shutdown blame on tea party / extremists
  11. Government Shutdown: 9 Million Moms And Babies At Risk As WIC Program Halts
  12. We Did Stop - SNL Highlight
  13. 'Cruz has become the face of GOP intransigence'
  14. How to let people know they "aren't the only one who feels this way"
  15. John Birch Founder Predicted Steps to America’s Destruction 55 Years Ago
  16. Four U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan on the eve of 12th anniversary of invasion
  17. Maureen O'Dowd: Welcome to Ted Cruz's Thunderdome
  18. 9% Have Considered Quitting Their U.S. Citizenship. Have you?
  19. 19th century Republican tyranny (article)
  20. [Video] Sen. Ted Cruz on CNN's State of the Union
  21. Man taken into custody after trying to set himself on fire in downtown Houston
  22. Last-minute Administration Payment Before the Shutdown: $445 Million for Friends at PBS
  23. Family Not Allowed To See Body Or Daughter Of Miriam Carey
  24. I wonder if Concord NH will receive its new police tank, now that gov. is closed?
  25. The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain
  26. Troops Forage for Food While Obama's Favorite Golf Course is Open during Shutdown
  27. Obama blink, SNL dig at Boehner show a winning GOP-Tea Party in battle over Obamacare
  28. Baby boomer SSI poll
  29. Taking Back Control of Your Data, With Fine Grained, Explicit Permissions
  30. TSA Cites Furloughs After 9-Year-Old Boards Flight Without Ticket
  31. Social Fixer Falls Victim To Facebook Legal Threats
  32. Terrorism is the main problem in Maine, millions may die!
  33. The Most Dangerous States in America
  34. Bentivolio Primary Challenger Reports Huge Fundraising Haul
  35. Amber Alerts: Another thing shutdown that is funded by states
  36. Elderly couple evicted from home over shutdown.
  37. Will Obama shut down the Interstates?
  38. Rep Ted Yoho (R-FL): "NOT raising debt ceiling would bring stability to the market"
  39. Can we still predict the weather without NOAA being open?!
  40. "Sinister And Sadistic" Obama Orders Shutdown Of AMBER Alert Website
  41. Galloping ground drones
  42. Prison on lockdown after threat from another state
  43. Burst Transmission Detected </s>
  44. Should this government worker be fired?
  45. ATF sniveling about whistleblower John Dodson
  46. Carey "investigation" according to the AP
  47. MA-Chatham refuses to close shellfish grounds, defying FedCoat order.
  48. Obama's "Shutdown" Shenanigans Stir Outrage, Defiance
  49. "Bikers" the next domestic terrorists
  50. One of Rand Paul's favorate commentator on now. John Leboutillier
  51. 60 Minutes Surprisingly Covers Widespread National Disability Scam
  52. George Will is a Big Improvement for Faux
  53. CNN keeps count: More members decide to donate their shutdown paychecks
  54. Interesting take: Why Republicans Shut Down the Government
  55. Free Vibrators for Furloughed Government "Employees"
  56. 'Truckers for the Constitution' Plan to Slow D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen
  57. The Swiss are kicking our ass (AGAIN!)
  58. Police Ticket Girl’s Pink Barbie Jeep For Blocking A Driveway
  59. Park Service OKs immigration reform rally on 'closed' National Mall
  60. Al Sharpton, ‘PoliticsNation’ Advertisers Targeted in New Boycott
  61. ‘Sugar Daddy’ Dating Sites Say Government Shutdown A Huge Boost To Sign-Ups
  62. Anonymous to March on DC on Guy Fawkes Day
  63. Supreme court declines case about YouTube video threat
  64. No Need to Raise the Debt Ceiling: The US Won’t Default
  65. social security judge accused disability scheme
  66. Arizona Holding Back Welfare Payments Due To Shutdown
  67. Sick of Your Local Police Force? Crowdfund Your Own
  68. Woman Called 911 for an Ambulance for Her Fiancée, Cops Came and Shot and Killed Him Instead
  69. Oakland, CA, Some residents want to crowdfund their own police force.
  70. Since Snowden Leaks, NSA's FOIA Requests Are Up 1,000 Percent
  71. Long Island Middle School Bans Footballs, Other Recreational Items
  72. Oath Keepers
  73. Brazil’s Leader Asks Canada to Explain Its Spying
  74. I Want Chinese Ant Chalk!!!! Stupid EPA!!!
  75. $50M a pop,planes funded for storage
  76. Ed Mitchell mayor is mad, so he writes a letter.
  77. Police Arrest Vietnam Veterans at NYC Memorial
  78. China: Get your house in order US
  79. Poll: Did Booker or Lonegan win the first U.S. Senate debate?
  80. IL Governor Bars Employers From Asking Applicants About Felony Records
  81. PPP: Republicans More Likely To Subscribe to Government Conspiracy Theories
  82. [Update Video Added] Oct 9th 7PM EST: Booker, Lonegan Set Senate Debate at Rowan University
  83. Pittsburgh high school to have Trayvon Martin day
  84. Is Debt Ceiling Fix Essential? 47% Yes, 39% No
  85. 'Shutdown' Day 7: Government Buys $47,174 Mechanical Bull...
  86. Colorado farmer harvests first U.S. commercial hemp crop in 56 years
  87. BenSwann.com: Trans-Pacific Pact Negotiations Should Finish By Year's End
  88. TSA might allow passengers to board planes with marijuana
  89. This is health care in America: Nursing home patient left to burn up and die by medical staff
  90. Did Japan's finance minister just tell Obama to blink ?
  91. Obama Sends Errand Boy To Assuage Concerns of Asian Leaders
  92. Gestapo Tactics Meet Seniors At Yellowstone
  93. At This Rate It Would Take 26 More Years to Release All Snowden Documents
  94. NSA's Utah Spy Supercenter Crippled By Power Surges
  95. 10 Percent of U.S. Youths Cause Sexual Violence
  96. REPORT: US adults are dumber than the average human
  97. Jerry Brown Vetoes Bill To Allow Non-Citizens On Juries
  98. Anthony Gregory on America’s Prisons: The Worst National Disgrace
  99. Soon, Drones May Be Able to Make Lethal Decisions on Their Own
  100. Man Fined $100 At Valley Forge For Running During Government Shutdown
  101. On-Body Police Cameras... The next revolution in law enforcement?
  102. The government has closed the forest
  103. Jessie Ventura On the View
  104. How will the time change be affected by the govt shut down?
  105. Major Protests in San Francisco
  106. Major Airport Disaster Drill Scheduled for Tomorrow
  107. Emperor Obama To His Debt Ceiling Opponents: YOU'RE A DEADBEAT!!!
  108. Speaker Boehner's ultimatum to Obama: "There will be negotiations"
  109. Man exposing murder coverup of family member, death by cop.
  110. POLL: 90% of Native Americans NOT Offended By 'Redskins'
  111. The smearing of Miriam Carey: How the media bungled the Capitol Hill shooting
  112. Lindsey Graham Censured Again
  113. Pentagon freezes death benefits for fallen soldiers' families
  114. Shutdown mess creates contrast for Chris Christie
  115. Mike Lee: Public Land vs. Government Land
  116. Priests Risk Arrest for Offering Sacraments to Catholic Troops During Shutdown
  117. Shutdown Not About Obamacare?
  118. Man who self-immolated on the Mall - "government did not care about us"
  119. Mark Levin: So-called Oct 17 debt limit deadline is "a bunch of crap"
  120. Dems campaigning to "shut down" the Tea Party
  121. Tonight, Google Hangout with Judge Jim Gray (Ret.)
  122. Obama Doesn't Answer Question About Breaking International Law During Capture Of Anas al Libi
  123. Disgusting! Obama administration tells park rangers to make life 'as difficult as possible'
  124. Steve Stockman on Twitter
  125. Congress to Probe Govt. Attacks on Homeowners, Businesses During Shutdown
  126. Government Shuts down...THe Ocean...
  127. Obama/ Osama and why it matters - strange background and coincidences
  128. Valerie Plame has joined libertarians?
  129. Rep. Hunter: Denying Death Benefits 'Dishonors' Troops
  130. Weed, cops helping kids rat on their neighbors.
  131. Prosecutorial discretion?
  132. Cal. on spanking misbehaving child
  133. Restauranteer F/U feds
  134. TX-Cop shoots Lab dog in road.
  135. [Video] Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Martial Law Will End the Government Shutdown
  136. What Ron Paul Told Me About the End of Dollar Hegemony
  137. Mustard Gas Leak at Colorado Chemical Weapons Facility
  138. New York school bans most physical activity.
  139. McConnell implicated at contentious Senate meeting
  140. You're still legally dead, judge tells man
  141. NJ city passes food and lodging for homeless
  142. Eight Democratic Congressmen Arrested Outside Capitol Building
  143. Members Of Congress Seen Partying, On Capitol Hill All Week During Shutdown
  144. CSPOA Sheriff on Political Talkshow - [Gun Rights, Constitution]
  145. Missing person-Body found in Hospital stairway
  146. Hackers in the electric grid? Meh—fear the dude with the stolen tractor
  147. The Tom Woods Show the #5 podcast on iTunes for News and Politics
  148. Authorities Tell Memorial Mower: Get Lost
  149. Heritage Action Bails On Debt Ceiling Fight
  150. Conch Republic gears up over Florida Bay closure
  151. Handcuffed Man Shot By Police in Squad Car
  152. Grand Canyon cites people for entering closed park
  153. Beck Interviews Matt Bevin
  154. Sarah Palin Calls For Civil Disobedience ... From Obamabots
  155. President Barack Obama names Janet Yellen as his nominee to be the next chair of the Federal R
  156. Targeted Advertising Considered Harmful
  157. Obama - Raise Debt Ceiling Or Risk US Credit Rating
  158. Hemp Farmer Makes History with First US Crop in 56 Years
  159. 5 Mind Blowing Weapons Police Use on Protestors - Video
  160. SHOCK VIDEO: College students blame Obama and Democrats for shutdown
  161. Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!
  162. Democrats crack open in debt-limit fight
  163. Do you really own your land, or just the topsoil?
  164. Dr. James Fetzer on the JFK Assassination (WIBA RADIO AUDIO)
  165. Obama's tea party cousin to primary Kansas Republican for Senate seat
  166. Republican Party's Rating Plummets To 'Record Low'
  167. Oathkeepers call to action at the memorials by Stewart Rhodes
  168. Nanny State: Mandatory Helmets For Walking
  169. The Obama Effect - We Are All Doomed
  170. Mark Dice - Repeal the First Amendment - Video
  171. Adam Kokesh's Lawyer Cites 2nd & 5th Amendments at Pretrial Hearing - 10/7/13
  172. Politicians Joke About Torture, War Crimes at Private Cheney Roast
  173. Repudiate the National Debt
  174. Moody's Says No Default If Debt Limit Not Raised
  175. Buy a shirt and help advance liberty in the Christian community at the same time!
  176. Insane Tourists defy Feds: Lots of LOL's
  177. Weekly Idiot Roundup: Rev. Jesse Jackson And Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
  178. Probation officer fatally shoots 12-pound dog.....
  179. Fed.Gov blinks: Pisgah Inn back in business...
  180. DC Police Chief Covered Up Giving Assault Weapons To Feinstein
  181. Just another dog shooting, but ohh the admissions....
  182. Did you know 2/3rd of cops are exempt from Social Security and 50% of teachers as well?
  183. BREAKING: PM of Libya has just been kidnapped!!
  184. Azerbaijan Election Results Released Before Voting Had Even Started
  185. How come the GOP didn't negotiate well before the shutdown?
  186. Christie will run for president
  187. Civil Disobedience. From Parks Shutdown.
  188. Anti-Bullying Programs Causing More Bullying
  189. $2 Billion NSA Spy Center is Going Up in Flames
  190. White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info
  191. Boogity-Krokodil-boogity
  192. Drug-free job applicants denied positions over urine that is too healthy
  193. Can a congressman change party affiliations while holding office ?
  194. Dave Duffy, Government intimidation
  195. Democrats to America: We own the government!
  196. Cop smashes tiny middle-aged mother's face into concrete bench
  197. Nashua, N.H., school bans students from playing tag during recess
  198. Rasmussen: GOP Wants Shutdown To Continue Until Obamacare Defunded
  199. John Boehner To Ask House GOP For Short-Term Debt Ceiling Increase
  200. Report: Obama brings chilling effect on journalism
  201. Immigration Agents Rip House Lawmakers Pushing Amnesty
  202. Boehner want to cave on the debt ceiling
  203. CNN Crossfire...tonight...
  204. How Undercover Cops in a Florida City Make Millions Selling Cocaine...
  205. The Real Dysfunction: A $17 Trillion National Debt
  206. Letter to Fellow Americans By Adam Kokesh
  207. What the Capitol Hill Police Shooting of Miriam Carey Means For America
  208. Cullman city police department gets an armored vehicle
  209. House GOP unveils six-week debt hike that continues shutdown
  210. Million Vet March On The Memorials
  211. Feds to Let States Pay to Open Parks
  212. #ShutDownICE - Planned Civil Disobedience in Phoenix 10/14/13
  213. 4 Americans Meet Snowden to Give Him an Award
  214. Jezebel: Ayn Rand is Gateway Drug to Ron Paul
  215. White House calls debt plan ‘encouraging’ (Good Faith Says Obama)
  216. Ted Cruz is growing his national profile. (Gallup poll)
  217. Hard truths: Obama's report card 1,724 days in
  218. Arizona Students for Liberty
  219. Breaking:Sen Harry Reid Won't Negotiate Until GOP Opens Government
  220. How Argentina's Currency Crisis Inspired a Fight Scene in the Movie 'Silver Circle'
  221. Minnesota cops busted for snooping
  222. Mark Levin Vs Ron Johnson on Obamacare
  223. Who won the last Booker-Lonegan debate? That depends on how the turnout turns out
  224. Sen Mike Lee + Glenn Beck clean up National Mall
  225. Libertarian excluded from Va. gov debate
  226. Colorado initiative proposes $200+ an ounce tax on pot
  227. Big Government Is the Disease that Enables Corruption
  228. Poll: Democrats Losing Their Edge
  229. Downsize DC on the Shutdown Theater
  230. Obama Negotiates With Screaming Goat
  231. POLL: 60% say fire every member of Congress
  232. More Evidence of Drug War Failures
  233. Egypt, Israel Lash Out Over US Military Aid Cut to Junta
  234. "Most Transparent Administration in History" Called "Control Freak" by Journalists
  235. 15-year-old who streaked at football game commits suicide, faced sex offender reg. & expulsion
  236. [Video] Mark Sanford speech at LPAC 2013
  237. Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Over Google’s Ad-Targeting Tactics
  238. The W3C Sells Out Users Without Seeming To Get Anything In Return
  239. IRS, White House officials that shared confidential taxpayer
  240. Collapse of the Industrial Civilization - RT Video
  241. Women gets Restraining order...FOR Haunted Garden in her Backyard.
  242. LIRR disability fraud case
  243. Perceived Need For Third Party Reaches New High
  244. Booker and Lonegan Exchange Barbs in Heated NJ Senate Race
  245. USPS to destroy "unsafe" stamps ...
  246. Snowden: My Laptops Were Decoys
  247. White House Gift Shop Goes Bankrupt
  248. James Woods adopts courageous Anti-Obama stance, doesn't expect to work again. Country 1st
  249. Prominent Florida Attorney Bankrolling Pot Measure
  250. Madagascar crowd burn alive two Europeans over 'organ trafficking'