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  1. Question About "Obama's National Civilian Force"
  2. The Surveillance State Isn't Coming—It's Already Here
  3. Skittles + Arizona Watermelon juice + Robitussin = purple drank recipe
  4. 777 just went down in CA - no details yet
  5. Cop in Zimmerman trial shows up with "salad bar" including WWII medals
  6. Nevada Family Says Police Occupation of Homes Violated the Third Amendment
  7. Canada/Maine-Runaway freight train crashes near border. 1 dead, many hurt.
  8. How did America’s police become a military force on the streets?
  9. Copperhead, The Movie | "The neocons will throw a fit" - Thomas DiLorenzo
  10. TSA Now Has Instagram to Show Off Confiscated Items (what they don't sell at bulk warehou
  11. NYC-Woman sues NYPD over sexual assault during "Stop and Frisk".
  12. Bloomberg:I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little
  13. Greenwald: The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians
  14. Soccer referee decapitated after stabbing player to death in Brazil
  15. The Juan Williams: 'I think Snowden is a traitor'
  16. Best President
  17. General Warrants, NSA Spying, And America's Unappreciated Founding Father, James Otis, Jr
  18. IA-Cops arrest mother after refusing to consent to uneeded tests on their daughter
  19. NYC-New rule will require you notify cops if you have more than 40 people at your home.
  20. Another Judge that deserves to be fired
  21. Missouri governor vetoes bill that nullified federal gun laws
  22. First NSA spying was the story, then Snowden was, now the journalists are
  23. The age of revolution: 1989-2013, and counting
  24. Venezuela says no contact with Edward Snowden since asylum offer
  25. In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A.
  26. MasterCard breaks ranks in WikiLeaks blockade
  27. Did Goldman Sachs Declare War on Obama and Try to Defeat Him?
  28. VIDEO: Egypt sends a message to Obama & Americans
  29. 40 Best Signs From The “Restore The Fourth” Rallies (1-20 vote)
  30. 40 Best Signs From The “Restore The Fourth” Rallies (21-40 vote)
  31. Questions to Pro-Abortionist
  32. The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians
  33. Latin America: Heaven, Purgatory or Hell for Snowden?
  34. "Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book." Rise of warrior cops.
  35. Reverend makes inspirational stand against government abuse
  36. Sell ice cream from a bicycle and you will be arrested.
  37. Update on the worsening mental condition of Uncle Emanuel Watkins
  38. Study: Too Little Carbon Dioxide Will Destroy Earth
  39. I am really proud of our country and especially our college kids.
  40. Chicago more dangerous than Gaza?
  41. Mexican police chief killed with rifle lost in ATF gun-tracking program(Fast&Furious)
  42. Montana First to Require Warrants for Cellphone Location Tracking
  43. Rasmussen: Blacks Viewed as Most Racist
  44. D.C. : Metro rips out Phantom Planter’s flowers at Dupont Circle station
  45. Is my outlook too grim?
  46. VIDEO: Knife-wielding suspect grabs 2-year-old hostage. Claims to be illuminati.
  47. Richmond VA Times-Dispatch:It’s time to train cops not to shoot dogs
  48. CA considers condoms in prisons to cut STD rate
  49. Little Kid Discusses the Egyptian Revolution like a Boss
  50. Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In at Whistleblower's Law Firm
  51. IVF baby born using revolutionary genetic-screening process
  52. Supreme Court rules Drug Companies exempt from Lawsuits
  53. SAURON is Watching You?
  54. US citizens are enemy of the government -- Well researched and easy to grasp.
  55. The World Is Rooting for an Edward Snowden-Anna Chapman Romance [VIDEO]
  56. Nevada police get sued for violating the 3rd amendment
  57. Survive a fiery plane crash? Get interrogated for 5 hours.
  58. Cop pepper sprays squirrel - just because
  59. Michael Hastings Crash Investigation Heats Up, Police and Fire Told Not to comment!
  60. America's Worst Enemies Power Rankings
  61. Snowden Safely Lands In Venezuela [Hoax]
  62. Osama bin Laden records ordered removed from DoD to CIA
  63. SFO Crash: TSA interrogated, searched family members of victims
  64. It was 66 years ago today, alvin and his friends came down to play...
  65. Labrador: Bad immigration bill the "death" of the GOP
  66. VIDEO: Discussion on Libertarianism (RT News)
  67. Snowden's Venezuela offer 'last chance' for political asylum
  68. NH-Hero eight old seized by CPS for being out so late with his father.
  69. 72% of Americans believe NSA is blackmailing judges and Congress
  70. NYC cases show crooked cops' abuse of FBI database
  71. Feel good mini revolution of the day! (With an awesome ending)
  72. We Need To Get On This: National ID Directive Hidden In Immigration Bill
  73. Part 2 of Guardian's Interview with Edward Snowden (video)
  74. This Week: House Considering Energy and Water Development Appropriations FY 2014!
  75. High Court refuses to grant arrest warrant for Snowden
  76. Mark Dice's Petition To Nullify Bill of Rights Gains Eager Supporters
  77. Glenn Greenwald: Edward Snowden "Satisfied" By Global Outrage Over U.S. Surveillance Opera
  78. Corzine Cleared
  79. Obama lies, and MSNBC is his mouthpiece
  80. Poll: DUI Checkpoint video
  81. traffic camera company getting it's *** kicked by a judge
  82. user Come Saturday Morning: Reclaiming Our LIBERT-E
  83. Bradley Manning Trial
  84. Video: This One Time At Anarchy Camp...
  85. Ron Paul Super Brochure Creator Endorses “Truth in Media” Project
  86. Turkish police fire water cannon to prevent park protest
  87. Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) force-fed Gitmo-style
  88. First Annual Ex-Gay Pride Month Celebration on July 31
  89. IRS Has Posted Hundreds Of Thousands of SSNs Online
  90. Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal the BILL OF RIGHTS to
  91. Become a Founding Subscriber - The Ron Paul Channel
  92. Snowden reveals Australia's links to US spy web
  93. The Pentagon Is Spending Your Tax Dollars to Keep You in the Dark About Its Sprawling Empi
  94. Law Firm Representing State Department Whistleblower Burglarized
  95. Pakistan releases official account of OBL raid as SOCOM erases all
  96. Egyptian Uprising 2.0: Message to Obama & Americans
  97. Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal Bill of Rights
  98. Alexander Vargas Llosa on C-Span Book TV
  99. Plant obliges, will not cut off aid to Egyptian military dictators
  100. Sam Adams Awards
  101. He’s about to tell us all what REALLY HAPPENED at the Osama Bin Laden raid (the one that…
  102. Can Government Allocate Funding Better Than the Free Market?
  103. Congress objects to G.W.Bush but Gore+Senate won't support it. Proof the Congress is 100%
  104. Polygamy Pride celebrations are imminent in America?
  105. Judge: Lawsuit alleging illegal NSA spying may continue
  106. Probable hoax - twitter: Snowden applies for Nicaragua asylum
  107. Cops Shoots Unarmed Woman Motorist To Death For Rolling Up Her Car Window
  108. Cop claims to smell marijuana in car "I DO NOT CONSENT I DO NOT CONSENT!"
  109. About Snowden...
  110. [VIDEO] Live from the Bradley Manning Trial with Alexa O'Brien
  111. The Top 5 Lies About Fracking
  112. MA newspaper says "Granite State recklessly puts pedal to the metal"
  113. We get our weed delivered now.
  114. Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he won't run again
  115. C4L Fights Against Garage Restrictions in Arab Dearborn, MI
  116. Mexico Surpasses The U.S. To Become The World's Fattest Nation
  117. [Video] Mos Def Subjected To Guantanamo Force Feeding Procudures
  118. VIDEO: We Steal Secrets The Story of WikiLeaks 2013 (documentary)
  119. In Secret"FISA Court", Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A. (The NY Times)
  120. Video: Border Patrol Smashes In Window, Unconstitutionally Searches Car
  121. Breaking: Snowden agrees to asylum in Venezuela (false alarm?)
  122. King Obama Acting Above the Law YET AGAIN
  123. Shoutout for Ben Swann all the way from Chile!
  124. Adam Carolla: Jim Carrey is inadvertently making gun owners' point for them
  125. National Scout Jamboree 2013 False Flag Insider Warning...
  126. Obama's support for Muslims fails on Twitter
  127. Greenwald Goes Off on Washington Post "journalist"
  128. A Nice Code Enforcer
  129. 'End the Fed' Film Silver Circle: Showing Now on Satellite, Cable On Demand Networks
  130. A Study in Institutional Rot --- Detroit Bankruptcy Revealed
  131. Who all is going to Freedom Fest/Anthem Film Festival?
  132. Patient awoke to doctors mistakenly preparing to remove her organs
  133. WikiLeaks: Snowden hasn't yet formally picked Venezuela
  134. "Obama’s plan to predict future leakers unproven, isn’t likely to work"
  135. NDAA amendment?
  136. Off-duty cop shoots family's 'big softie' in front of 12-year-old owner
  137. NRSC would back Sen. Mike Enzi over Liz Cheney in possible Wyoming primary
  138. Cops swarm lawful open carrier; serious abuses follow
  139. Illinois finally enacts concealed-carry permitting after Gov. Quinn’s veto
  140. DOJ - Public No Right To Know Secret Public Spy Laws
  141. Ron Paul on Computer Surveillance in 1984 / Obama Campaign in 2007
  142. Streaming Video Sites Threaten And Had Shut Down, Government hates Competition
  143. Palin: I'm considering a Senate run
  144. Police serving search warrant at home of pro-gun activist Adam Kokesh
  145. LOL@Obama Tweet
  146. The NSA Has Inserted Its Code Into Android OS
  147. Bill O'Reilly: It should be illegal to tell a gay person "you are going to hell"
  148. bad news guys. gonna have to get some private non-government work ASAP
  149. Town plans for Riots if Zimmerman walks free
  150. Great convo I had converting a statist! (a pic of the dialogue)
  151. Urban military training -and- false arrest double whammy video!
  152. WikiLeaks’ Money Trail: How It’s Raising Money for Snowden & Assange
  153. Public bailing on gvmt terrorism theater
  154. Pirate Bay Co-Founder Wants to Build an NSA-Proof Messaging App
  155. Thomas Sowell: Who Is Racist?
  156. Dems pitch national park on the moon
  157. Phone companies cash in on surveillance
  158. Denver considering 5% tax on pot sales, comparable to cigarette tax
  159. Greenwald: Edward Snowden likely to Venezuela
  160. Black Education Tragedy
  161. Reid ready to go Nuclear over nominee's
  162. [Satire] CIA: Facebook is the reason we created the internet
  163. Preview Screening: We Steal Secrets - The Story of WikiLeaks + Q&A
  164. Judge Orders U.S. to Release Aaron Swartz’s Secret Service File
  165. VIDEO: Testifying for Manning's Defense, Ex-Guantánamo Prosecutor Says Leaks No Harm to US
  166. I need help with a speech....
  167. US backs military junta with F-16's
  168. Justice Department facilitated anti-Zimmerman protests
  169. Chile's president praises 11yr old for going ahead with pregnancy resulting from rape
  170. Bernanke is going to be having a press conference about release of minutes...
  171. U.S. Border Agency Loans Out Drones to Spot Fishing Violations
  172. VIDEO: The Resident: Enough "Founding Fathers" Crap
  173. "Restore the Fourth Rally" Against NSA Surveillance video footage
  174. End the Fed film 'Silver Circle' releases on iTunes in Canada, UK, NZ, Ireland, Australia
  175. The NSA Slide You Haven't Seen
  176. Only One Big Telecom CEO Refused To Cave To The NSA ... And He's Been In Jail For 4 Years
  177. Hundreds Race To Adopt Down Syndrome Baby & Rescue It From Abortion
  178. Beck Says to Shoot Gitmo Prisoners in the Head
  179. Memorial for killed US troops & Afghan children in US Congress or White House
  180. Have you all heard of the Obama whistleblower protection policy?
  181. Radley Balko/HuffPo: 7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization
  182. Monique Davis (D-Chicago); Call The National Guard "for the Children"
  183. Ben Swann's National Tour - NH, ME, IL, ID and more
  184. Florida accidentally banned all computers and cell phones
  185. Venezuela To US : Payback Is A Biatch !!!!
  186. MSNBC tries to push "Hispanic guilt" on Raul Labrador
  187. Lindsey Graham raised $1.4M last quarter and has $6.2M cash on hand
  188. Exclusive: Yahoo seeks to reveal its fight against NSA Prism requests
  189. 51st State? "North Colorado". . . Counties seek to secede . . .
  190. Wash Post oped: the libertarian war over the civil war
  191. Exclusive: US bankrolled anti-Morsi activists
  192. Workers Sue Target for Racially Offensive Document
  193. Judge considers lesser charges for Zimmerman
  194. Here it comes! Religions not recognizing gay marriage will be hate groups
  195. "Govenment Waste" Foreign & Domestic (Pile On)
  196. Yes, You Have Something to Fear, Even if You’re a Law-Abiding Person
  197. UN condemns continued killing of Afghan civilians
  198. The NSA is watching, but so are retailers, Verizon and Google
  199. Graphics People - Creatives
  200. an open letter to president obama....help me spread this please.
  201. Bernanke: US economy still needs Fed's stimulus
  202. Illinois illegally seizes Bees resistant to Monsanto's Round-Up; Kills remaining Queens
  203. The X-47B Drone Has Landed on a Carrier, And War May Never Be the Same
  204. The Right To Discriminate-Walter E. Williams
  205. Live Updates 7/11/13: Thursday Farm Bill Shenanigans
  206. DEF CON uninvites Feds after NSA PRISM backlash
  207. Creepy TV news crew defend abusive cop
  208. Is This The Possible Trigger They'll Use To Incite Civil Unrest?
  210. List of celebrities who sent Obama $$$
  211. Lead Cold Case Investigator Mike Zullo States That the Obama Identity Fraud is Well-Known
  212. Gun Owners of America Harry Reid Moves to Destroy the Senate Rules that are Blocking Pas
  213. Federal judge: Post Office violated man's rights by banning gun from parking lot
  214. Former Army Asst Inspetor General accused of scamming Ky. soldiers
  215. Are Media masters aggressively pushing race-bait Zimmerman "news coverage"?
  216. CIA reportedly allowed 9/11 mastermind to design vacuum cleaner in custody
  217. Farm Bill - go vote!
  218. Looks like the Kremlin has seen "enemy of the state" and went old school...
  219. Have you started using TrueCrypt yet? Very easy, create a completely encrypted folder/HD
  220. Snowden watch: Today’s Moscow-Havana flight taking a very odd detour that avoids the U.S.
  221. "I've got one tool, that tool is to beat people up and take them to jail."
  222. Drive a nice car? Get profiled.
  223. Free Adam Kokesh - join the call flood
  224. Irrelevant But Waiting
  225. Dominicans Freak Out Over Obama's Gay Ambassador Pick
  226. Microsoft accused of handing NSA access to encrypted messages
  227. Verizon to NSA: $775 first month of monitoring; $500 each additional
  228. Disneyland 'cops' writing citations to kids in subtle subservience conditioning program -
  229. 42-Year-Old Pot Conviction Stops 20-Year Army Veteran From Buying a Rifle
  230. Zimmerman Trial Outcome Prediction Poll
  231. NSA: pre-encryption stage access to MS Outlook; Hotmail
  232. Eyeball-Scanning Is Now a Reality, Coming to a Middle School Near You
  233. OOPS: Baby Buys Car Off Ebay on Daddy's Smartphone
  234. NSA docs boast: Now we can wiretap Skype video calls
  235. Can anything be done about Internet trolls?
  236. More and more children being arrested for trivial things…
  237. Microsoft helped the NSA bypass encryption, new Snowden leak reveals
  238. WOW Motorcycle dudes taunt cop
  239. Randy Barnett: The NSA's Surveillance Is Unconstitutional
  240. I saw a group of Obama protesters in Yukon, OK
  241. Will Adam K be charged with armed sedition?
  242. Oliver Stone: Don’t Stand By While the NSA’s Surveillance Machine Eats Our Civil Liberties
  243. Anonymous Person Posts $500k Bail For Jailed League of Legends Player
  244. WI-Cops shoot, kill, retreating dog for being loose.
  245. When Will This Become YOU?
  246. Roll Call on split farm bill
  247. [Video] Radley Balko on MSNBC discusses police militarization and Rise Of The Warrior Cop
  248. Fire truck may have killed one of the SF air crash victims.
  249. Army veteran can’t buy gun because of 42-year-old misdemeanor!!! (Video)
  250. Wal-Mart to Pull Out of D.C. After Minimum-Wage Vote