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  1. Palin calls for primary challenge of Rubio, Ayotte
  2. RAGE: "If anybody deserves to be in jail ... it's not Snowden."
  3. The Progressive's Bit by Bit Strategy
  4. [Audio] Sarah Palin: "Marco Rubio has blatantly flip-flopped" on amnesty
  5. VIDEO: Iraqi War Veteran's Suicide Letter Describes Trauma of War, Abandonment by Gov't
  6. VIDEO: NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Alleges NSA Wiretapped Barack Obama as Senate Candidate
  7. Another Snowden Hero/Traitor Poll
  8. Will Snowden die a horrible death?
  9. FDA "Rejects" tobacco products
  10. Break-In at Glenn Greenwald's House
  11. Calling the Russian equivalent to the NSA
  12. Obama tweets: #StandWithWendy
  13. Immigration bill includes $5,000 penalty on American workers
  14. NSA revelations only 'the tip of the iceberg,'
  15. VIDEO: Mayhem as mob of 200+ teenagers rampage through Fla mall
  16. SCOTUS strikes down DOMA
  17. Greenwald's Views ("Decide for yourself if the 'libertarian' label applies")
  18. Corbett Report: Russ Tice Reveals the Truth About NSA Spying
  19. Capitol Hill Being Bombarded With Phone Calls and Emails
  20. Absolute Must See Documentary
  21. Syria
  22. Breaking: 2 anti-Muslim political activists banned from entering the UK
  23. Ed Snowden's IRC logs: Ron Paul is so dreamy
  24. California man faces 13 years in jail for scribbling anti-bank messages in chalk
  25. Dakar's small people 'bunkered' for Obama's visit
  26. The spirit of protest in Brazil and Turkey has now swept into Bulgaria
  27. Why didn't the CIA nab Snowden in HK?
  28. Independence Day Reminder
  29. 57% of Americans oppose the Internet Sales Tax
  30. emails from roots.org
  31. Great Syria Article from Patrick Cockburn
  32. House Conservatives to Revive Effort for Constitutional Gay Marriage Ban
  33. CNN announces 'Crossfire' relaunch
  34. Tennessee's RINO senators getting hundreds of calls
  35. Court Rules Starbucks Baristas Must Share Tips With Shift Supervisors
  36. Obama: Gone to Pot
  37. Conservatives threaten to oust Boehner
  38. When Grover Met Jared: Norquist, Polis odd couple on marijuana
  39. The Terminal: Snowden stuck in Moscow airport, 'can't buy ticket with invalid passport'
  40. Weiner back down
  41. Snowden's personal life/health insurance policy
  42. Religious leaders gather to end the war on drugs
  43. Mark Levin talking about nullification
  44. Ben Swann Seeks "Truth in Media" as Trust in U.S. Press Plummets
  45. Greenwald:The personal side of taking on the NSA: emerging smears
  46. Let's forget about all this government spying
  47. Snowden care package
  48. Tesla - American Made Electric Car Sales being Blocked by States
  49. Lawmakers Seek to Stop Obama Arming Terrorists in Syria
  50. Bob Barr: Obama’s “No-Win” Syrian Adventure
  51. People are alive and well, post your stories here
  52. Ben Swann on Breaking the Set on RT
  53. New Jersey hospital deports unconscious stroke victim
  55. Help: Journalist on Twitter
  56. Cop rape case highlights life-endangering outrage of ‘Only Ones’ mentality
  57. Internet Catches Texas Senate Altering Timestamp on Abortion Bill Vote
  58. Ben Swann's "Truth in Media" Project Hits $200,000 Milestone
  59. U.S. military court overturns Marine's conviction in Iraqi's death
  60. Judge Napolitano Last 2 Weeks (6/26/13)
  61. Now Police Are Shooting Down Drones
  62. Snowden deserves political asylum - Russian HR officials
  63. Oh no you didn't, guy goes off on the police and they retreat.
  64. Stunning read: HBGary journalist is facing 105 years in prison
  65. There would be no difference with a flat 10% federal income tax rate.
  66. Cops tracking license plates...
  67. WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI
  68. Never Give Stores Your ZIP Code. Here's Why
  69. If This Is a New Cold War, Who's the Enemy Supposed to Be?
  70. Congress Killed Our Privacy and Empowered the NSA by Andrew Napolitano
  71. Got this tweet this morning. Genius!
  72. 26% of Obama Supporters View Tea Party as Nation’s Top Terror Threat
  73. The Service of Snowden
  74. Ecuador waives U.S. trade rights over Snowden case
  75. Asylum for Snowden in Iceland not likely soon
  76. Huge hole in DOMA ruling
  77. The Service of Snowden
  78. 'How Snowden Got Away'
  79. Greenwald: NSA collected US email records in bulk for more than 2 years under Obama
  80. U.S Senate Set To Pass 'Historic' Amnesty Bill
  81. The Decline of Civilization In Realtime
  82. Ecuador shrugs at US threat of waiving trade benefits
  83. New Hampshire Only State to Ban Use of Automatic License Plate Readers by Law Enforcement
  84. Steve Lonegan for Senate - NJ fundraiser Friday, 6/28
  85. The Zimmerman Trial
  86. Map: States with evil bottle deposit fees
  87. Can Snowden Occupy a Vacant Cabin in a Snowstorm?
  88. A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the world. Politicians beware
  89. I Have A Man Crush On Ben Swann
  90. (Ugh) Pelosi: Dems are coalescing behind Hillary for 2016
  91. Jeb Bush to give award (Liberty Medal) to Hillary Clinton
  92. Internet Sales Tax: Americans, Especially the Young, Oppose IST
  93. 'Rent Is Too Damn High' Guy Releases Ad For NYC Mayor
  94. How Is Snowden Different From Tam?
  95. Immigration bill clears Senate, faces uncertain future in House
  96. Why were Western states always hardcore Republican? Historically
  97. Roll Call: Republicans who voted for amnesty and against American workers
  98. Ecuador responds to Sen Menedez's threats regarding Edward Snowdon
  99. Maine GOP: Edward Snowden is a “Traitor”
  100. Glenn Beck: Marco Rubio is "a piece of garbage"
  101. Who Should Be Allowed To Violate The Espionage Act?
  102. Need help putting something into short answer
  103. Bi Partisan Tyranny
  104. Kansas City Cop Accused of Shooting Suspect Who Was on His Knees, Surrendering
  105. NC-Cop, on unrelated call, tries to shoot woman's dog. Shoots her instead.
  106. Three reasons Obama should pardon Snowden
  107. How Edward Snowden May Have Botched Blowing The Whistle On The World's Largest Spy Agency
  108. Here Comes the Glenn Greenwald Hit Piece
  109. Five Reasons Cops Want to Legalize Marijuana
  110. Legal hemp could rise high like a phoenix from farm bill ashes
  111. Polygamists See Gay Marriage Ruling Opening Door to Multiple Marriages
  112. Taking the site to the next level -- with your input
  113. Ben Swann: What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Syrian Civil War [video]
  114. thread split from " Taking the site to the next level"
  115. US Army blocks Guardian website
  116. No IRS Conspiracy here: 292 Probed To Just 6 Progressive Groups
  117. Boston Bomber Left A Confession In Boat
  118. WTF Moment: McCain Warns NRSC to not use Immigration Vote Against Dems
  119. LewRockwell.com: Abolish the EPA and Save Lives
  120. Simplest Suitably Progressive Tax: R*log(Income/Poverty)
  121. Calgary police seize guns door-to-door
  122. Speaker Boehner is going to Kill The Bill !
  123. massive push for National slavery
  124. Incoming Police chief shoots woman while trying to shoot her dog.
  125. Terrorism charges and 32 months in jail for sniffing boy's arm
  126. Teen makes violent joke during video game, is jailed for months
  127. No One Is Innocent
  128. Congress Should Grow a Pair
  129. NSA's Mass Surveillance Programs Are "Criminal"
  130. DARPA Manager Explains Multiple Ways Cars Can Be Hacked And Completely Taken Over
  131. Kerry Bentivolio introducing bill prohibiting speeding and red light cameras in DC
  132. Blackout: DOD Blocks All Articles About NSA Leaks From 'Millions' of Computers
  133. Ohio: Judge orders Elmwood Place speed cameras confiscated
  134. U.S. Park Police Lose Track of Weapons
  135. Gerald Celente on Alex Jones
  136. Nearly 20% of Congress collecting pensions in addition to $174k salary
  137. AF's Snowden "HERO" pic hits Infowars
  138. Things not looking good for Snowden Asylum
  139. Rush Limbaugh: Chuck Schumer used Marco Rubio to "neutralize" me
  140. Tired of getting 1099's and filing Fed and State taxes
  141. Bruce Fein is representing Edward Snowden's father
  142. Stockman: Senate Amnesty Bill Unconstitutional
  143. Charge dropped against student who wore NRA shirt
  144. House panel says IRS official (Lerner) waived rights, contempt possible
  145. NSA Protest Media
  146. Sarah Palin Rips GOP Establishment
  147. House GOP Invulnerable From Pro-Immigration Special Interest Groups and DNC PACs
  148. The Admiral's Son Warns GOP That Amnesty Must be Passed
  149. What would tyranny look like in America?
  150. 1D Political Poll Self Descriptions in 3D World
  151. CIA Agents Were Embedded With NYPD And Had “No Limits”
  152. Senators Ask if NSA Collected Gun Data
  153. Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for U.Va. student
  154. ‘Avengers’ Actor Mark Ruffalo Placed on Terrorist Watch List
  155. NewsMax Interview with Rep. Huelskamp
  156. Detroit EM axes council head, union pacts, agency
  157. Interest rates on student loans set to double next week
  158. Tonight 10:15 ET Glenn Greenwald first speaking event post NSA/Snowden LIVE
  159. Canada: RCMP Enters Evacuated Homes, Confiscate Guns
  160. According to an Syrian Twitter Opposition Source JSOC are in Syria.
  161. Middle-class rage sparks protest movements in Turkey, Brazil, Bulgaria and beyond
  162. Ann Coulter: Chris Christie is "dead to me"
  163. NSA’s Surveillance Operations the Envy of Former Stasi Commander
  164. IL - Cops Shoot Family Dog Just Because
  165. Why Liberals Should Oppose the Immigration Bill It's about low-wage American workers
  166. Is this Ed Snowden?
  167. Rand and DOMA
  168. H1B increase buried in immigration bill
  169. CIA Memo On Stopping Leaks To Reporters Is Promptly Leaked To Reporters
  170. RLC Joins Forces with Ben Swann's Truth in Media Project
  171. Memorial to honor 50,000 bumble bees that died in Oregon parking lot
  172. South Africans protest over Barack Obama visit
  173. Palin to Rubio: 'Hope It Was Worth 30 Pieces of Silver'
  174. Largest Straw Purchase of Guns in History Goes Uninvestigated, Phoenix Mayor, Council & Po
  175. NC Slashing Unemployment Benefits To Pay Down Debt
  176. U.S. House of Representatives Votes to Legalize Industrial Hemp
  177. Man Arrested for Selling Catfish on Craigslist
  178. Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want?
  179. Star Witness Against George Zimmerman Flops Big Time
  180. SA groups want Obama arrested for war crimes
  181. Arrest made in New Jersey home invasion caught on nanny cam
  182. Illegal immigrants: We don't want to become U.S citizens
  183. The Hill's 50 Most Beautiful People in Washington D.C
  184. Jeb to Present Hillary with Liberty Medal Award
  185. One of the Culprits Behind PRISM? Design Thinking (Really)
  186. HUMOR: Encryption Has Foiled Wiretaps for First Time Ever, Feds Say
  187. paid shills posting anti-libertarian/anti-snowden posts on cnn
  188. Get your FBI files
  189. America Will See Its Worst Race Riot Yet This Summer
  190. U.S. Flag Recalled After Causing 143 Million Deaths
  191. State Sen. Wendy Davis Donned Catheter for Pro-Abortion Filibuster
  192. Obama Calls Rubio to Congratulate Him on Immigration Reform
  193. Anti-Obama protests dispersed by South Africa police
  194. Medical Marijuana Legalized in New Hampshire
  195. Michael Savage: Rush and Hannity conned by Marco Rubio
  196. “White House Down”—What a Waste
  197. Pakman Show's underhand jab at Marcus Bachmann
  198. U.S. bugged EU offices, computer networks: German magazine
  199. 40 Tons of GMO Crops TORCHED in America, Media Blackout
  200. NATO forces to advise Afghan military until 2020
  201. My interview on the radio about Libertarian and Constitutional philosophy (AUDIO)
  202. Biden Called Ecuador's President About Snowden
  203. Spirited conversation with Prime Minister Maliki today in Baghdad McCain.
  204. Sarah Palin floats idea of leaving the Republican Party
  205. Paul Ryan Leading House for 'Amnesty' Deal
  206. Wayne Madsen Reveals: Secret European deals to hand over private data to America
  207. Suicide Victim Was Harassed by cops on facebook
  208. Ben Swann @ Ohio State University on July 20, 2013
  209. Gay Conservative Wonders "Why Do Gays Need A Big Government Hug?"
  210. Bad cops...Who's really at fault?
  211. The grid is up and here is the proof
  212. Restore The Fourth Protests and Rallys on the 4th Of July!!
  213. My insight on the NSA ordeal
  214. New NSA PRISM Slides
  215. Report: US Bugged Offices And Spied On Internal Networks Of European Union
  216. Silicon Valley prepares to unleash the lobbyists
  217. MSNBC Lauds ‘Articulate’ Use Of ‘Black English’
  218. Philadelphia Police Officer attacks and arrests man for videotaping him
  219. PRISM Reporter Barton Gellman Is A Big Fat Baby
  220. Irish TD Clare Daly takes on Bankers 6/27/13
  221. UK: Social Workers to inspect homes of all new parents?
  222. Gay Marriage
  223. Velvet Slavery
  224. Feinberg decides to split $61 million amongst Boston bombing crowdgoers
  225. Mairead Corrigan-Maguire: Bradley Manning Should Win Nobel Peace Prize
  226. Anyone here hear of Jim Bell? If not, Google 'Jim Bell Politics', and --- *****
  227. Pelosi: Snowden in Moscow airport 'he can stay there'
  228. Chicago Cop Arrested Four Times, Still Works as Police Officer
  229. Gun control nut: Ban all sharp objects
  230. Senate Democrats to resurrect UN Disability Treaty
  231. It's interesting how anti-libertarian most left wingers are
  232. Ohio PD using fake drug checkpoints to identify suspicious drivers, search cars
  233. Julian Assange: Edward Snowden is ‘marooned in Russia’
  234. Two Car Bombs and No Body at Hastings Crash ???
  235. Kangaroo FISC Court Officials Whine About Characterization
  236. EU Offices, 'shocked' by report of U.S. spying on EU leaders (documents from Snowden)
  237. Der Spiegel Riling up the Germans NSA stuff
  238. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: NSA of the Financial World
  239. Please Take 2 minutes and Send Well Wishes to a Patriot Likely to Defeat Police Again
  240. WOW!
  241. You can't sue a cop, personally, BUT it seems that the opposite is true.
  242. Cleveland.com "Fake checkpoints are legal, experts say."
  243. Germany Compares US Bugging to 'Cold War'
  244. Saline County Sheriff Arrested for Public Intoxication
  245. Obama Tells South Africans About His First College Speech... Sponsored by Marxist Group
  246. New NSA leaks reveal how US is bugging its European allies
  247. Chants of "Weiner, Weiner" at Gay Pride Parade
  248. Glenn Beck Mocks Senator Rubio...He's Not Voting for Him.
  249. we Germans are not willing to trade in our liberty for potentially better security
  250. Obama is a post turtle.