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  1. Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It’s Not
  2. Feds Seized 1,700 Online Domains in 3 Years
  3. Reading Between the Lines. Supreme Court's authority faces stunning challenge
  4. Report: US troops with riot training preparing for deployment to Egypt
  5. Cops taser autistic 11 year-old girl found wandering naked along highway
  6. Unfounded complaints about water quality could be considered an "act of terrorism"
  7. Snowden separates the wheat from the chaff - is anyone keeping track?
  8. Obama to federal employees: Snitch on your friends...or else!
  9. Where can I find the full text of this bill Justin Amash Cosponsored?
  10. Architect and Ringleader of Colorado's Controversial Gun Bill is Desperate
  11. Jay Carney appreciates your questions...
  12. Poll: 59 percent want women drafted
  13. Cop, dog, child
  14. Why liberals are hypocrites on NSA and Snowden!
  15. Ted Nugent to Campaign for Bob Barr!
  16. Epic Video: Obama called "war criminal" & "hypocrite of the century" in Irish Parliament
  17. Are occupations like being a lawyer or a stock broker superficial?
  18. China, Land of the Corrupt Lemmings?
  19. the most correct lyrics to date!
  20. Glenn Beck likes on Facebook = Ron Paul+Rand Pauls
  21. Mad about NSA spying? Call congress. Might not help but can't hurt.
  22. 700 US combat troops to remain in Jordan until security situation improves
  23. $1.5 billion youth jobs program included in bipartisan immigration amdt
  24. US charges Edward Snowden with espionage
  25. Rand Paul Watch and Ron Paul Weekly
  26. "Cop" has long existed as a verb meaning "to take or seize,"
  27. Poison Pill Revealed in Corker Amendment; Overstay VISA and you're Golden!!
  28. Snowden Haters - people who should be run through with a pike
  29. New Snowden leak: UK spies working with NSA to intercept global communications
  30. CIA Providing Training and Logisitics to Syrian Rebels
  31. Congressional Source: Handwritten Changes Made To Amnesty Bill
  32. Stossel Destroys Franklin Graham on Violent Video Games
  33. Washington Post poll Do you agree with US. decision to charge NSA leaker?
  34. Police join protesters in Brazil
  35. Brazil:Police Officer Refuses Orders, Sides With Protesters:
  36. Mike Huckabee endorses Schumer-Rubio.
  37. Miami bans backpacks at Monday's Heat parade
  38. Obama Admin Wants the NBA To Promote Obamcare
  39. Obama Administration Has Declared War On Whistleblowers
  40. Is Snowden a patriot or traitor?
  41. Michael Robertson - ALPR (automated license plate readers)
  42. Maddow Explains How The FBI Can Assassinate Anyone They Want
  43. The Obama Utopia For Hypocritical Plutocrats: A World Without Boundaries
  44. Report names football players accused in academy rape case
  45. Rubio weighs in on Kim Kardashian-Kanye West baby name
  46. Jeffrey Earnhardt Oath Keepers car returns to the track on Saturday!
  47. Obama wants to throw Ed Snowden in jail for 30 YEARS!
  48. The other hacking scandal: British firms use criminals to steal rivals information
  49. What cop t-shirts tell us about police culture.
  50. Guardian columnist: Gun control is not the answer to mass shootings
  51. Erase Your Own Video, Get Arrested For Obstruction...
  52. Did Open Primaries Cause Romney To Win Republican Nomination?
  53. Julian Assange: "Stand with Edward Snowden"
  54. Vid: Cops barge into woman's house, serving a warrant for UNCUT GRASS
  55. Greenwald: On the Espionage Act charges against Edward Snowden
  56. Pardon Snowden petition reached 100,000 signatures at 12:30 UTC, today June 22
  57. *Video* New Glenn Greenwald MSM Interviews
  58. NSA Whistleblower confirms John Roberts was blackmailed
  59. Janet Napolitano Forgot We Know About NSA
  60. Top Children's Vitamin Brand Chock-Full of GMOs, Aspartame and Other Deadly Ingredients
  61. Jeffrey Skilling to walk from prison early - Money Talks
  62. I decided to sue him because he told me I was too fat to work for him and it hurt me
  63. Ex-Border Patrol agents get at least 30 years for smuggling hundreds of immigrants
  64. Is the US becoming like a banana republic?
  65. Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state
  66. Forgotten Man $15.5 million dollars alter.
  67. ZH: Meet The Man In Charge Of America's Secret Cyber Army (Keith Alexander)
  68. Irish TD Clare Daly: Give Edward Snowden Asylum
  69. Michael Hastings Was Running From Feds.
  70. Breaking: More Snowden Revelations
  71. IRS refunds $46,378,040 to 23,994 illegals at 1 address
  72. Local Issues
  73. US Orders Hong Kong to Hand Snowden Over
  74. Sarah Palin defends Snowden: Violation of Fourth Amendment is the problem, not Snowden
  75. Oh, South Africa. Ambulance caring Mandela breaks down for over 40 minutes
  76. Grass Gestapo Invade Home
  77. Man Gets Three Tickets For Heart Attack-Related Accident
  78. Chicago Teacher Union Prez: Rich, White People are To Blame For Inner City School Woes
  79. Obama Administration Sues Dollar General for Using Background Checks on Job Applicants
  80. "A Soldier's Last Words"
  81. New Yorker - US Seemingly unaware of the Irony in the Snowden Case
  82. Spain arrests 'Syria jihadist suspects'
  83. What a Yahoo! White House reporter states Kenya as Obama's birthplace
  84. Breezy V and Africa work together to help freezing children in Norway.
  85. CA-Family calls cops over runaway teen, cops show up and shoot dog dead.
  86. Secret warrant used to access WikiLeaks volunteer's Gmail account
  87. Breaking: Edward Snowden has left Hong Kong and is on way to Moscow
  88. Dedicated to Edward Snowden. Godspeed & God bless!
  89. Pelosi booed by 'progressives', activist dragged from the room
  90. Sen. Paul To Snowden: Don’t ‘Cozy Up’ To Russian Government, Go to Iceland
  91. David Gregory to Greenwald: Why shouldn't you be charged with a crime?
  92. Now they're calling for bigger government.
  93. From Karen Silkwood to Michael Hastings, something is wrong
  94. Obama to announce Climate Change plan on Tuesday
  95. Strong Ron Paul candidate needs help in CD09
  96. Madonna: Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People
  97. VIDEO: WikiLeaks: Snowden going to Ecuador to seek asylum
  98. Russell Brand speaking the TRUTH
  99. Pelosi Booed for Saying Snowden Violated the Law - Short Vid
  100. Schumer Predicts Mass Demonstrations if House Doesn't Yield In Amnesty Fight
  101. As Trust in U.S. Press Plummets, Journalist Seeks “Truth in Media”
  102. Governor Rick Perry Signs a Pair of Bills Upholding Fourth Amendment
  103. ZeroHedge: The Stunning Hypocrisy of the U.S. Government
  104. The Federal Gestapo
  105. .Michael Hastings "CAUGHT ON TAPE" Running Red-Light Seconds Before Crash .
  106. Sanders Slams Secret Surveillance
  107. IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address
  108. Sheriff Strips Federal Forest Service of State Law Enforcement Powers (+video)
  109. Obama's approval rating among youth fell 17 percent last month
  110. Google handed over years of e-mails belonging to WikiLeaks chatroom admin
  111. "I Am Sorry That It Has Come to This": A Soldier's Last Words
  112. StartPage.com search engine.
  113. Fallout after FBI confirms US drone surveillance program (Fox News Video)
  114. NH laws on public surveillance read in different ways
  115. Breaking:Obama warns countries against Snowden travel, Syria Embarrassment
  116. USDA Announces 38 Million Dollar Sugar Bailout to Prevent Big Sugar Bailout
  117. Pork-laced bullets designed to send Muslims straight ‘to hell’
  118. Liberty U's drone program “We want graduates serving the Lord in this area of aviation"
  119. Metadata And The 4th Amendment
  120. You have the freedom to do as you are told.
  121. Establishment's response to us delegates of Michigan's 2nd District about CFL
  122. Allen West won’t rule out primary against Rubio
  123. John Cusack Slams David Gregory: 'Lowest Point for Meet the Press In Its History'
  124. Rogers: "Bad Guys" Already Changed the Way They Operate Because of Leaks
  125. Glenn Greenwald: 80 page decision from FISA court says NSA is bulk collecting phone calls
  126. Pat Buchanan on Obama and Syria
  127. Eric Holder pleaded with Hong Kong to arrest Snowden
  128. NYT Relies On Anonymous Sources Claiming Chinese "Drained" Snowden's Info
  129. What would you do if you were Edward Snowden?
  130. Convicted U.S. spy Christopher Boyce: 'Snowden is doomed'
  131. A funny thing happened in the MSM today...
  132. Snowden may not not even be in Moscow. Misses flight to Cuba
  133. SO GLAD that Vegas is gonna get some free advertising as a result of the Immigration Bill.
  134. Maybe American Workers Aren't So Bad After All Eh?
  135. Ed Snowden beware: U.S. State Dept. has confirmed history of running covert abductions of
  136. ABC goes full retard?
  137. Arizona's Dubious Duo May Face Recall Petitions
  138. Ed Snowden Sighting Thread
  139. Schumer predicts mass demonstrations if House blocks path to citizenship
  140. White House petition to pardon Snowden crosses threshold
  141. Ex-CIA chief to Obama: Strike North Korea
  142. Morning Joe on Greenwald: Disappointing, Prickly, Extraordinarily Defensive
  143. It happens at 5:30 PM today
  144. Rubio's Favorability Among Republicans Dropping Like a Rock -- 15 Pts and Counting.
  145. Snowden Sought Booz Allen Hamilton Job To Gather NSA Surveillance Evidence
  146. California nullifying NDAA, final vote tomorrow
  147. Neocon blames Wyden for Clapper's lies
  148. Immigration Bill: $100 Million CASINO CRONY KICKBACK Senators Reid/Heller Vegas' Welfare
  149. Hey NSA, why more people should be afraid of toilets and NOT TERRORISTS
  150. Lame Duck Prez Fearful of House, Urges Haste on Immigration Bill
  151. Greenwald: DC Journalists Are ‘Servants’ To Government Power
  152. Yet another [Mod: Grain Silo Not A -> ] fertilizer plant explosion...
  153. Why are CNN Supposed Journalists in Cuba and Elsewhere For Snowden?
  154. Freedom of Information Act Revoked Over Sandy Hook Event
  155. Glenn Greenwald responds to media attacks - CNN 6/24/13
  156. Report Ashley Biviano takes a road trip to Porcfest and touches a gun
  157. Global Warming? Temperature Up 'Very Close to Zero' Over 15 Years
  158. Ed Snowden Travelling With A Geneva Convention Passport
  159. Andrew Ross Sorkin: I'd almost arrest Glenn Greenwald
  160. ICE Union President: Marco Rubio Directly Misled Law Enforcement About Corker Amendment
  161. Erie PA 2nd Amendment Advocates Knowingly Violate Local Ordinances With Open Carry Demonst
  162. ACLU to Obama: ‘We are tired of living in a nation governed by fear’
  163. And the world thumbs its collective nose at the USA
  164. Form 27B-stroke-6 FTW!!
  165. Obama Violated Constitution With Recess Appointments, Appeals Court Rules
  166. A FBI bugging doc and several NSA docs now available
  167. Ben Carson: Starve the "morbidly obese" federal government
  168. 400 US Troops Will Be Deployed to Egypt - now we provide 'riot police'
  169. Video: Fireworks over state lines (MA sucks)
  170. 'Insider threat'? Program urging federal workers to tattle on each other raises concerns
  171. National Journal is terrified constituents will talk to congress if Gang of 8 bill not pas
  172. God Is Thrilled with NSA
  173. On NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden, Did We Really Learn Anything New?
  174. New Video of Greenwald Smacking Down MSM
  175. @BBCNajafizada: 10 blasts heard in Kabul, near Palace, CIA, ISAF HQ, UNAMA. Smoke rising
  176. Obama Launches New Global Warming Video as Phony "Consensus" Crumbles
  177. Frank Turner got 100 death threats a day when he came out as libertarian
  179. Feds' Nervy Defense of No-Fly List Meets a Skeptical Judge
  180. Man Shoots Drunk Intruder in California; now being questioned as a homicide
  181. Should Gellman, Greenwald, and Gregory Be Arrested?
  182. Senate Advances GOP Border Security Plan for Immigration Bill
  183. Arizona, Georgia & Tennessee are an embarrassment right about now
  184. Obama called "war criminal" & "hypocrite of the century" in Irish Parliament
  185. Edward Snowden Should Stay Away From Ecuador
  186. "Wasn't one of those guys supposed to be a terrorist?"
  187. VIDEO: Wikileaks take on MSM coverage of Snowden saga
  188. If Snowden is captured by the US will we see massive protests?
  189. Transgender 6-year-old wins civil rights case to use girls bathroom
  190. European citizens trade in spite of taxes
  191. Erick Erickson got punked (Marco Rubio)
  192. How to Help Pay for Snowden’s Getaway Without Being Caught? Bitcoins.
  193. 400 US Troops Will Be Deployed to Egypt
  194. Ron Paul on The Death of Daniel Somers
  195. The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
  196. How to shield all your electronic communications from the NSA
  197. Video Interview: is journalism being criminalised?
  198. Hastings crash was "consistent with a car cyber attack"
  199. Progressive Netroots Plot against NRA and prevailing gun culture
  200. Ecuador Grants Asylum to Edward Snowden
  201. Design your post-secession map
  202. Dan Carlin Common Sense Podcast
  203. Abused Police K9 Shot To Death After Mauling Its Abuser
  204. NJ: Nanny cam captures brutal home invasion
  205. George Noory and Sheriff Mack on Alex Jones
  206. John McCain Promises "Most Militarized Border Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall"
  207. Sorry, NSA, Terrorists Don't Use Verizon. Or Skype. Or Gmail.
  208. Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Part of Voting Rights Act
  209. Tomorrow (Wed/26th) SCOTUS to decide Prop 8 / Doma
  210. Thomas Mullen: We're all Osama Bin Laden now
  211. Is Snowden making the feds look like the imbeciles they are?
  212. VIDEO: Counter-Intelligence (documentary)
  213. 'Silver Circle' "End the Fed" Movie Premieres in Nashville Tomorrow Evening
  214. Why doesn't Bradley Manning get a trial like Zimmerman?
  215. Mexican Amusement Park Offers Fake Border Crossing Attraction
  216. Greenwald: More "significant" revelations coming
  217. "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE GREAT OBAMA!" - Cenk from the Young Turks (Video)
  218. Why hasn't Greenwald been kidnapped yet?
  219. Mick Jagger Takes a Swipe at Obama Over NSA
  220. A Roundup of Farm Bill Votes
  221. awesome top 3 comments on cnn about snowden.. 1000s of likes
  222. Snowden Has Stashed Secret NSA Files With People All Over The World
  223. Colorado counties move forward with plans to secede
  224. Greenwald: Snowden’s Files Are Out There if ‘Anything Happens’ to Him
  225. How Edward Snowden managed to outfox everyone - Rebellion Blog
  226. Snowden discussion - where are the people that know him?
  227. terrorism definition/meme
  228. SHOCK: Weiner spurts in front of Quinn
  229. Where do "YOU" think we're going? Let's get busy....
  230. any good balanced articles on keystone pipeline xl?
  231. Obama Pushing to Kill More Coal Jobs & Raise your Electric Bills
  232. 5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don't Know Answer to Key Question About It
  233. IG: IRS credit cards used for wine, pornography
  234. Ready for Hillary PAC opens online shop
  235. Hero Whistleblower Snowden Flees Oppressive Evil Romney Administration!
  236. Obama's Climate Change Speech Ignores Science & EU Experience
  237. Dems filibustering Texas abortion bill (live stream)
  238. CA-Trespassing cop shoots 13 year old Cocker Spaniel for barking at him.
  239. Justice Clarence Thomas Compares Affirmative Action to Racist Segregation Laws
  240. Jesse Ventura: "The First, Second, and Fourth Amendment are gone."
  241. Savage defending Snowden, rebuking Donald Trump
  242. Hastings Was Working on Story About CIA
  243. WaPo writer Gerson: National slavery will heal the nation.
  244. Taxpayers, Rockefellers Fund "Sustainable" Plot to Undermine Market
  245. Ed Markey wins Senate seat in Massachusetts
  246. Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change
  247. Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler Just Called Justice Thomas "Uncle Thomas"
  248. The Solitary Leaker
  249. We Are All Slaves
  250. Education Report: US Spends Most Per Student But Gets Substandard Academic Results