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  1. 30 agencies chase elusive, highway-bound submarine
  2. San Antonio Police Taser Man Trying To Save His Infant Son From House Fire
  3. Laura Ingraham Mocks Condi Rice over calls for Syria intervention
  4. LAPD Caught In Intense Armed Standoff with Inanimate Statue
  5. Why have you people not told me about Thomas Sowell!?
  6. ‘The Question Libertarians Just Can’t Answer’ -- Tom Woods replies to Salon
  7. John McCain Was Against, Now His For it?
  8. Glenn Jacobs: "Fallacy of the revenue neutral (Internet sales) tax"
  9. The Atlantic: Should We Trust Economists ?
  10. Turkey's lady in red being sprayed by US tear gas?
  11. POLITICO attacks victims of IRS scandal
  12. Cop corrects liberal snitch who reported her political opponents
  13. Bernard-Henri Lévy and Neocons hail 'Turkish Spring'
  14. anti-Morsi protests about to sweep Egypt
  15. al-Qaeda arms dealer: Libya's US Ambassador killed by lethal injection
  16. Tyranny Quote i.e Holder
  17. Syria: Victory in Qusair is a message to Zionist enemy
  18. Why's McCain Cryin'? Cuz he just got 'Dunked On!'
  19. Mean while back on the ranch.
  20. LOOK UP' -- New Documentary. Geo-Engineering.
  21. FreedomFest Draws Steve Forbes, Rand Paul (Nevada)
  22. Can McConnell win re-election?
  23. Lindsey Graham Isn't Sure If Bloggers Deserve 'First Amendment Protection'
  24. Libertarian Populism: How to Sell Ideas to the American People
  25. Financial Scandals Draw Heat On Bilderberg Secrecy
  26. Update on hemp legalization - Senators mostly uninformed on issue
  27. Scandals let republicans avoid talk of spending cuts.
  28. Tea Party Patriots to Organize Mass 'Audit the IRS Rally' in D.C.
  29. When you go to your mailbox or answer your phone, who do you fear more, IRS or Al-Qaeda?
  30. Michael Bloomberg's New Enemy: Sweet Tea and Energy Drinks
  31. Immigration House Talks Break Down After Dems Insist on Health Care Coverage For Guests
  32. The Terrifying Future of The United States
  33. Contempt of Congress
  34. House rejects amendment to kill all funding for TSA
  35. MSNBC Host: IRS is the new N****r
  36. FL Governor relieves sheriff over concealed carry case
  37. Ray LaHood's son convicted in Egypt
  38. Must Watch 2008 Debate: U.N. Ambassador Nominee Samantha Power vs. Journalist Jeremy Scah
  39. BLOW FOR AMNESTY: Raul Labrador Drops Out of House Gang
  40. [VIDEO] FREAKING OUT over the Internet Sales Tax
  41. Dissolving Micro-Chip Will Tell Big Brother Your Every Move
  42. Greenwald-Revealed: NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily
  43. Ted Cruz statement on Samantha Power nomination
  44. Cop Chokes Man in His Own Kitchen (Video)
  45. U.S. District Judge: Forced Decryption of Hard Drives Violates Fifth Amendment
  46. Who would be YOUR National Security Advisor?
  47. Meghan McCain: "My father is one of the last remaining badasses around"
  48. Neocons praise Samantha Power pick
  49. Gallup: America’s got a fee-vah and the only prescription is more Chris Christie
  50. Leaked court documents reveal NSA is collecting bulk call logs from Verizon
  51. EPA Releases Personal Info On Farmers to Environmental Groups. Oopsie!
  52. 'Don’t worry, Canada will take care of you'
  53. Adam Carolla: They hate us because we have freedoms
  54. Will Grigg - The FBI: An American Cheka
  55. MN-Minneapolis cops rarely disciplined in big-payout cases
  56. TX-Local Ft. Worth news team confirms cop's ticket and enforcement quotas system.
  57. Glenn Beck claims Obama conspiracy made him a conspiracy theorist
  58. Alex Jones puts on funny British accent while confronting Bilderbergers
  59. FBI raids office of California state Sen. Ron Calderon
  60. Bradely Manning Trial Transcripts
  61. NY demonizes pot grower in "The Newz"
  62. GOP Candidate: Yoga Opens You to Satanic Possession
  63. Massachusetts Senate Debate 1
  64. AF is going to love this one...
  65. BE VERY AFRAID! - FBI now has a HUGE BOTNET!
  66. Judge orders Kathleen Sebelius to add 10-year-old to adult lung transplant list
  67. Obama to flood black market with stolen laptops at taxpayer expense
  68. Susan Rice - New National Security Adviser
  69. Lindsey Graham ‘glad’ NSA tracking phones
  70. Weiner erupts
  71. Pipe down, all of you, it's just "meta data".
  72. New York bill would make it a crime to ‘annoy’ police
  73. Teen shot by police in my little county
  74. Euro Crisis: EU Tyranny Will Collapse, and Soon
  75. Lindsey Graham praises Eric Holder: You have been "MORE than reasonable" on drones
  76. The Creepy 1983 Cult Movie 'Videodrome' Got Everything Right
  77. Yankees on alert as Hunley surfaces in New York
  78. Jesse Ventura: Mayor Bloomberg Can Kiss My Ass
  79. Verizon's Response to NSA Surveillance
  80. Glenn Greenwald to Obama Administration: Bring It, Bullies!
  81. Lautenberg Replacement
  82. Daniel Hannan: "O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us"
  83. 10 Republicans vote against DHS funding
  84. [Video] Ron Paul on CNN - NSA Spying on Americans is a failure of the State
  85. Front of HuffPost and now Stunning Rebuke from NYT editorial board
  86. Mark Levin: 'Lindsey Graham supports fascism'
  87. Here is why the Verizon issue, and other atrocities, are coming to light now.
  88. Another top secret NSA program exposed - PRISM
  89. IRS: No We Won't Provide Documents to Congress, In Order to "Protect" Our Victims
  90. White House page on privacy and civil liberties oversight board...
  91. Hemp Amendment Not Included in Farm Bill
  92. Glenn Beck: Michelle Obama is a 'monster'
  93. In defense of Verizon...
  94. The Liberal Media is Revolting
  95. Off to the cyber wars...
  96. War Street Journal: Thank You for Data Mining
  97. IRS Scandals? The IRS Is the Scandal
  98. Walter Williams: Understanding Liberals and Progressives
  99. Do you actively listen to FDR (Freedomain Radio, Stefan Molyneux) ?
  100. DDT Ban Breeds Death - 1972 Insecticide Ban Causes a Million Deaths Per Year
  101. Need Help Finding Video
  102. Official Government Response to NSA Scandals
  103. Cell phone carrier alternatives.........
  104. I'm alright with Kerry Bentivolio - Just talked to a staffer
  105. even Bill O'Reilley is against Prism
  106. for or against prism
  107. Sen John McCain Speech Today at Brookings ins, Shows his unstable
  108. With his speech, valedictorian brings God to graduation
  109. Glenn Greenwald TV interviews on NSA spying programs
  110. Shep Smith And Judge Rail Against NSA Abuse: We’re Not Letting This Go, Not For One Moment
  111. Ingraham: We Should've Focused More On Patriot Act, Not Laughed Off Civil Libertarians
  112. Obama drone pilots filing killed Afghan children as dogs? Drone Pilot diagnosed with PTSD
  113. O’Reilly Tears Apart NSA Snooping: What’s To Stop Gov’t From Exploiting GOP Phone Calls?
  114. Karl Rove defends NSA spying: "Legitimate & necessary"
  115. Obama Scandals switcheroo / rope-a-dope going on?
  116. America’s Greatest Affliction: The Presstitute Media
  117. Flashback 2012 - NSA Has Your E-Mails and More, Whistleblower Says
  118. White House Defends Phone-Record Tracking
  119. If you're gay, no cake. Fine, I'll tell the gov so they can force you to bake me one
  120. Buchanan: Neocon agitators should leave the world alone
  121. NSA building second spy center as first finishes completion.
  122. David Petraeus At Bilderberg to Craft “Big Data” Spy Grid
  123. Prosecutor caught witness tampering
  124. Police taze man trying to save his infant child from fire. The child dies.
  125. Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation
  126. Victim of Piers Morgan phone hacking speaks out
  127. Federal regulators want to disable your cellphone when in proximity to your car
  128. Ron Paul on Cavuto re: NSA spying 6/7/2013
  130. Sources: NSA Targeting Credit Card Use
  131. NSA spy centers: Colorado, Georgia, Utah and Maryland
  132. NSA claims surveillance needed for terrorism but FBI run terror plots
  133. WAR: I never saw Obama at Columbia
  134. Updated Greenwald-NSA PRISM program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others
  135. "I'm... uhh....people....oh goodness"
  136. condescending
  137. US declassifies phone program details after uproar
  138. Obama: Nobody is Listening To Your Calls
  139. And here is the problem with a lot of Americans...
  140. Reputed NSA spying documents released by Anonymous
  141. DHS Insider: It's about to get real ugly
  142. Drone strike kills 7 in Pakistan
  143. Obama Preps Army of Straw Men, False Choices to Defend NSA Surveillance
  144. Mother of American killed in Benghazi says "He (Obama) lies,he lies"
  145. Republic of North Colorado?
  146. Obama lacks credibility, "you can take it to the bank"
  147. Dingell an advert for term limits
  148. Cop Awarded Three Year Vacation and $150,000 for Pushing Man
  149. If Americans Don't Trust Government, "We're Going to Have Some Problems"
  150. Michele Bachmann hints at another run
  151. More Greenwald: Gov't Ordered List Of Targets For Cyber-Attacks
  152. Laura Ingraham: I will personally campaign against any Republican that votes for Rubiocare
  153. Are Technology Companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple free from prosecution?
  154. British spies in secret deal to access US online files
  155. Not driving drunk? Go to Jail anyway.
  156. Need examples of repub hypocrisy on surveillance
  157. Terror Exercises in the New Police State
  158. Judge Napolitano On NSA Spying: Most Extraordinarily Broad Search Warrant Ever Issued
  159. Live blog coverage of NSA surveillance revelations
  160. Mark Udall, Ron Wyden Reject Obama Claim About NSA Phone Records Collection
  161. Sen. Rubio asserts there will be 60 votes for immigration reform measure
  162. REPORT: 2010 email alerted IRS officials in Washington of targeting
  163. Harry Browne: Smaller Government
  164. How much longer for the dem - rep love fest of nsa powers press conf?
  165. Can you BELIEVE this NYTimes title? " Making a Mountain Out of a Digital Molehill"
  166. Documentary Exposes the Horrific Human Cost of the DDT Ban
  167. Telecom Insider: Everyone Is Wiretapped!
  168. Shia Labeouf in '08: One-In-Five Phone Calls Are Recorded
  169. FLASHBACK VIDEOS - 2007-Obama Promises to Uphold Constitution Not Spy on Americans
  170. China’s president staying at the Hyatt due to ‘eavesdropping worries’ at retreat with Obam
  171. House votes to delay bulk ammunition purchase by DHS
  172. Al Sharpton: A Lucrative Career Built on Hate and Racial Conflagration
  173. This just in from ABC News: NSA stopped a terror attack... 4 years ago
  174. is there anyway Mike Rogers can be primaried
  175. New York Times Edits Once Scathing Op-Ed Against Obama
  176. "DISTRICT OF CORRUPTION" about to hit the main stream (AXS TV ?)
  177. Another Obama Falsehood: Only select members of Congress have been briefed on NSA Activ.
  178. NSA data-mining did not break up NYC subway terror plot as claimed
  179. "Top" Iowa GOP Senate Candidate on Syria - "You Got Me"
  180. No bacon for you!
  181. American Citizen Drone Killings Constitutional Because Obama and Holder Said So
  182. A Child's Guide to Why NSA Surveillance is Bad
  183. Repeal the Patriot Act! Restore the Constitution!
  184. Bill Maher - Fourth Amendment & Second Amendment 'Obsolete' 6/7/13
  185. VIDEO: "The Tawana Brawley Story" Racist Rape Scandal Riddled with Lies
  186. Beck: America Becoming Worse Than Nazi Germany
  187. VIDEO: "The Morton Downey Jr. Movie" features episode with Ron Paul
  188. Proof Britain doesn't need EU
  189. Flashback: Zuckerberg says only "dumb f**ks" trust him with data
  190. Insider attack kills 3 US soldiers
  191. Cameron condemned for attending Bilderberg
  192. Reboot to the year 1900
  193. What are they dredging up on Greenwald?
  194. What was Obama doing day after Benghazi, day US troops killed by Afghan soldier?
  195. How much do your firefighters make?
  196. FLASHBACK: Intel Chief Told Senate In March The NSA Does Not Collect Any Data On Americans
  197. Santa Monica shooter carried out deadly plan
  198. [VIDEO] The weirdest Tom Woods interview you'll ever see ...
  199. Pilots of 3 passenger planes saw two UFOs above Britain's Scientology base as they landed
  200. Vermont, the small, quiet state that occasionally kicks ***
  201. Mass Surveillance in America: A Timeline of Loosening Laws and Practices
  202. Please Don’t Start Eating Healthfully. Sincerely, the Food Industry
  203. Evacuated Tube Transport - Space Travel On Earth
  204. Greenwald exposes 'Boundless Informant' datamining program
  205. Pakistani Prime Minister: 'drone attacks must stop'
  206. Sen. McCain just got a phone call......
  207. Adam Kokesh has been arrested again by the D.C. parks police... 6/8/13
  208. Government Putting A Hit On Greenwald?
  209. DHS Insider warning
  210. They Say They Want a Revolution....
  211. Sheriff Brad Rogers posts Ron Paul Video about Gov Surveillance
  212. Would you support Obama impeachment?
  213. Children’s media use cuddly animals to reinforce ‘racist’
  214. Limbaugh Is Pretty Sure This Time That Obama's Leading a Coup D'Etat
  215. GM’s $9,800 Car that you mundanes are not allowed to buy.
  216. Member of EU Parliament Calls European Union a Nazi Plan
  217. Ninth Circuit Approves Secret Criminal Trials
  218. US army suspends two-star general over sexual assault investigation
  219. Wired: Two Israeli companies helping Obama admn's bugging of Americans
  220. James Bamford about to be on C-SPAN's Washington Journal
  221. Larry Pratt: Amnesty means 'Californication' of America
  222. Are So-called "Terrorists" Controlled Opposition Or Are They Just That Stupid?
  223. TX High School Cuts Valedictorian's Mic During Speech on Constitution
  224. NSA Built Back Door In All Windows Software by 1999
  225. Cop Kills Restrained Dog Video
  226. Woman Hurls Rock, Sics Pit Bulls on Reporter
  227. Glenn Greenwald with Stephanopoulos Today - Expect more Revelations *video*
  228. Whistleblower of NSA spying reveals himself
  229. Mike Adams: Anyone who believes the denials of Google and Facebook is a fool
  230. Should you feel sorry for this Latina stuck in poverty with 7 kids?
  231. Past blast: An invoice for $310
  232. canadian defence minister / ufo visit confirmed according to him for 1000s of years
  233. HBO's The Newsroom predicted NSA revelations last year...
  234. Intelligence officials overheard joking about how NSA leaker should be 'disappeared'
  235. U.S. intelligence being processed by Google
  236. EPA: Environmental Police State
  237. Join Al Gore on Google+ for a Conversation on the climate crisis!
  238. NSA Whistleblower and RON PAUL supporter is now on [Fake Account]
  239. I hope the people of Hong Kong will stand up for Edward Snowden
  240. Were Ron or Rand Paul briefed on the Verizon snooping?
  241. Roy Beck at Numbers USA has faxes ready for you to send.
  242. Restore the Fourth
  243. Daily Caller: NSA whistleblower donated to Ron Paul’s presidential campaign
  244. RINO Rep. Peter King (R-NY 2) Calls for Arrest of Snowden
  245. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behavior
  246. Hilarious!: Sen. Feinstein mumbles defending James Clapper on ABC This Week
  247. Everything going on is revolving around the people not just the government.
  248. Venture capitalist files Washington gun control bill
  249. 2012: NSA Dir. & CYBERCOM cmdr Gen Keith Alexander Lies Under Oath on NSA Spying
  250. Denver airport security learn to always let the Wookiee win