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  1. Lee Proposes Supermajority to Pass Gun Control Bills
  2. Senate Passes $3.7 Trillion Budget
  3. 238 years ago today.
  4. Patrick J. Buchanan: No Containment, No Peace
  5. Pennsylvania considers eliminating school property taxes to make housing more affordable
  6. U.S. confers ‘EZ-Pass’ status on travelers from Saudi Arabia
  7. No more student loan debt at College of the Ozarks
  8. IRS Makes $60,000 Star Trek Parody Video
  9. Littering...
  10. Colorado residents: petition to recall governor Hickenlooper
  11. Internet Sales Tax Exempts Online Businesses with Less Than $1 Million In Annual Revenue
  12. Do you support amnesty for tax protesters?
  13. UN to Ban Guns? Action: Ban the United Nations!
  14. Dennis Prager’s War on Drugs
  15. If You Could Only Pick One
  16. Family gets deadline for farm animal removal
  17. NPR's excellent story on govt. disability insurance: masking the real unemplyment rate
  18. McCain and Graham: Two wacko birds caught out on a limb
  19. Ben Carson's stupid statement on gun ownership in cities
  20. Another thing government won't allow you to do.
  21. An Important Constitutional Lessen About The Necessary And Proper Clause
  22. Jailed 23 years, conviction overturned, NY man is freed-has heart attack 2d day of freedom
  23. Biden racks up the travel bills
  24. How Marxist has the U.S. become?
  25. Pitbull defends owner, but being a pitbull, law says it needs to be killed
  26. Cyprus Debate Cancelled, "Not Within Touching Distance" Of A Deal
  27. Medical Marijuana Bill Advances In Md. House
  28. Video - Corbett Report: How to Defeat CISPA Once And For All!
  29. Exiled Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky found dead
  30. Reports indicate CIA helping Syria rebels obtain arms and intelligence
  31. Obama sends $500 MILLION to Palestinian Authority
  32. Nick Turse Describes the Real Vietnam War
  33. "Why wait until death for organ donation, asks Canadian bioethicist"
  34. Texas State Troopers Indicted After Roadside Cavity Search of Two Women
  35. NRA praises Inhofe for amendment to stop US from joining UN arms treaty (PASSED 53-46)
  36. Florida Update: Concealed Carry Permits Up, Violent Crime Down
  37. Badge of Honor - Bloomberg to target Senators on Gun Control w $12 mill ad buy
  38. As Bailout Deadline Approaches, Cyprus Proposes to Nationalize Pension Funds, Levy Saving
  39. Police officer accused of falsifying DUI reports pleads no contest
  40. Sovereigns Back in the News
  41. EPA's finding that CO2 is harmful is being appealed to SCOTUS
  42. Ben Swann, Reality Check: European Central Bankers Want Personal Accounts To Pay For Bailo
  43. Very Disappointed in America
  44. Pain mounts for big depositors in two main Cyprus banks
  45. Govt wants FedEx and UPS to police the contents of your packages
  46. Mental-health officials clash on N.Y. gun law reporting worried patients will stay away
  47. States eye gas tax hikes
  48. How Rude! Rove Spoils Disney Fairy Tale!
  49. Calling a drone a drone
  50. NY: Man faces 3 years in jail for pulling ‘unlicensed’ gun on burglar inside his home
  51. WA conservatives call for activism after Court ORDERS legislative spending
  52. SPLC is lilly white at the top
  53. Popular Liberty Activists review Silver Circle
  54. Ron Paul: SILVER CIRCLE is key to the long term Victory in our rEVOLution
  55. Michael Moore: 90% Of Guns Owned By 'Scared' White People
  56. [Disputed Rumor] Report: Assad near death after assassination attempt
  57. Wa bill may require insurance companies to cover abortion
  58. On al-Queda, the Mob and the Oklahoma city bombing.........
  59. Surveillance and license plate cameras to enforce street sweeping...
  60. Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima
  61. Casey Hendrickson: 2nd Amendment - Police State - Oath Keepers [MUST WATCH]
  62. Bank Forecloses On Elderly Woman Over $49 in Unpaid Taxes
  63. Wayne LaPierre: Bloomberg 'insane'
  64. This time it is different: euro exit could be Cyprus's only way out
  65. Fla. House passes bill banning Internet cafes, adult arcades
  66. As casinos struggle, tribes seek more federal aid
  67. Bloomberg's Phony Fudd Ads Run in 13 States
  68. Please donate to help RPer become MN GOP Deputy Chair!!
  69. Las Vegas Passes Anti-NDAA Resolution
  70. Twitter is saying the Beverly Center in L.A. is on lockdown (bomb threat apparently)
  71. Virus goes missing at UTMB lab
  72. Missouri DOR Took DHS $ for Illegal Implementation of REAL ID Act How About Your State?
  74. Cops chase down man recording their abuse
  75. The 46 Senators that voted to turn your guns over to the UN
  76. Ultimate Police Brutality Compilation Thread
  77. Brooklyn, NY: Mass protest of Kimani Gray planned for TONIGHT (starting NOW)
  78. Meanwhile, Cash Exodus From Cyprus Surges Despite Bank Closures, Capital Controls
  79. POLL: Do you believe in human-caused ("AGW") global warming?
  80. @cypnew now Deal btw cyprus and eurogroup 30% haircut on bank of Cyprus
  81. VIDEO: Police brutality in Omaha NE
  82. Cyprus and EU agree draft proposal to rescue banks STRUCTURE SO NO VOTE NEEDED
  83. CPAC in Pictures (Captioned)
  84. McCain emerges as key senator in expanding background checks
  85. There Will Be No Economic Recovery
  86. Rampapalooza As Cyprus-Troika Reach Deal (Updates)
  87. "Bless The Troops Because They Are Fighting For Our Freedoms"
  88. GOP's 'no' on Medicaid becomes "Let's make a deal'
  89. Conservatives For the Federal Reserve
  90. Heroes Unbuckled or Cops v. Us.
  91. British businessman 'sold golf ball finders as bogus bomb detectors'
  92. Mississippi State Rep. Jessica Upshaw found dead
  93. key element of the deposit tax, demanded by the IMF, is that it not require parliamentary
  94. Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid
  95. Poll: No drone strikes on U.S soil
  96. Guns and ammo sales spark jobs boom
  97. Top General: Drone strikes causing 'blowback'
  98. Bloomberg: Gov't has right to infringe on your freedom
  99. Check out Drudge Report - the overall collection of articles is impressive
  100. Hunger strikes at Guantánamo Bay
  101. Television news that documents Police abuse
  102. The NY Times discusses 'States Gone Wild' Gasp!- Having different laws from eachother!
  103. VIDEO: Postal Workers Hold Protest Rallies Across The U.S.
  104. CIA's Chief Tech Officer on Big Data: We Try to Collect Everything
  105. Ret. US Army Captain: DHS must immediately surrender to DOD
  106. Sedgwick, Maine is first town to declare total food sovereignty, opposing state and federa
  107. Eurozone once again sidesteps democratic process to secure Cyprus deal - at great cost
  108. DHS To Buy 360,000 More Rounds of Hollow Point Ammunition
  109. Adjust, Collaborate, or Resist
  110. Cyprus Church Loses EUR100 Million
  111. Who are the dirtiest lobbyists?
  112. Glad to see Sequester Cuts didn't cancel Obama's kids' spring break!
  113. Irish Town Legalizes Drinking and Driving
  114. Jim Carrey's Ignorant Anti-Gun Tweets
  115. Are Hispanics a Hopeless Cause? Rubio article here offers insight.
  116. New York State offers LITERALLY 30 pieces of silver to turn in your neighbor.
  117. Chrissy Matthews Was A "Goldwater Radical" In High School
  118. The Market Forces Always Win in the End - Russian Money Fleeing Cyprus at an Alarming Rate
  119. I Am Pro Choice
  120. Law student sues school after she fell out of a chair
  121. Riding Dirt Bike Without Helmet Or Plates Leads to Instant Death Sentence from NYPD
  122. Alameda County, California rewards boss: $400k…for life
  123. FLASHBACK 2007: "Fed's Bernanke: Subprime Mortgage Problems Contained"
  124. Republican lawmaker: Health care application improperly prompts voter registration
  125. Hannity cites AJ's website as a source.
  126. Eurogroup Head Warns Big Depositors Their Money Isn't Safe
  127. Historic TSA precursors
  128. Cyprus man on the street comment.
  129. Arkansas governor vetoes voter ID bill
  130. FL-Cops enter backyard after chasing people due to "loud voices". Shoot dog inside.
  131. Video: School Truancy Laws Jail Parents and Levy Excessive Fines
  132. Michigan Farmer Fined for Displaying Political Billboards Critical of Marxism & Obama
  133. Video: Minority Report Movie: Fiction Has Become Reality
  134. Video: The Politics of Fear In America
  135. Responsibility of Life
  136. Study finds illegal downloading doesn’t harm music industry
  137. Michael Moore Calls For Photos of Slaughtered Newtown Kids to be Released
  138. Did Daily Caller pay to frame Menendez?
  139. Whatever Happened to Tom?
  140. How would you go about ending welfare?
  141. 'Years of Suffering' for Cyprus as New Bailout Deal Escalates 'Austerity Economics'
  142. Homeless man who returned engagement ring now has home, part-time job & is reunited wfamil
  143. Albany Police: SWAT Used Poor Black Neighborhood For Training Because It’s ‘Realistic’
  144. 26 Republicans Inexplicably Voted for the Internet Sales Tax
  145. Intelligence Squared Debates of interest
  146. Pew: American Approval of Supreme Court Hits All-Time Low
  147. Tom Woods: CATO Chairman: States Can’t Nullify; Supreme Court Is Our Remedy
  148. TN Lawmakers Discover Muslim Foot Bath Is Actually Just a Mop Sink
  149. South Korea, US sign military plan against North 'provocations'
  150. SAF defends women’s right of self-defense at UN
  151. Ted Cruz: Senate GOP 'beaten down'
  152. Serbu Firearms Refuses to Sell .50 Cal Sniper Rifles to NYPD
  153. New NYPD 'Surveillance Van' -- Subtle....
  156. Amazing Drone Infographic
  157. Very long train in Arizona filled with new military toys - video
  158. Police lieutenant on meeting ticket quotas: Daily exercise in “Creative Writing"
  159. The Top 4 Lessons of the Cyprus Debacle You Shouldn’t Have to Re-learn
  160. John Stossel Debates the Liberal Side of Dennis Kucinich
  161. California's Gun Confiscators Have a Nerve-Racking Job
  162. Reward in Christopher Dorner Manhunt Shrinks
  163. Bill Gates' $100 million database to track students
  164. UPDATE: University files charges against student who refused to stomp on Jesus
  165. rome ga police bust cash payout machines at gas stations
  166. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) Introduces No Armed Drones Act
  167. Senators Paul, Lee, Cruz to Filibuster Any Gun Control Measure!
  168. Supreme Court limits police use of drug-sniffing dogs
  169. Tucson gun store owner halts purchase of semiautomatic rifle by Mark Kelly
  170. The youth tanning bed debate, will ME join CA & VT in banning under 18?
  171. Sarah Palin Rocks An NBA Game In A Chick-Fil-A T-Shirt
  172. Study finds medical claims costs, biggest driver of health premiums, to jump 32% under Oba
  173. FEMA says discolored water at fort site is safe
  174. Cyprus crisis deepens as bank chairman tries to quit
  175. Supreme Court on Gay Marriage, "Who Cares?!" (onion article)
  176. Police train at Minden High School
  177. Michael Bloomberg On Big Brother: 'Get Used To It'
  178. Cyprus’s link to the euro is now tenuous
  179. No Minorities Have Cracked the Management Glass Ceiling at the SPLC in 42 Years
  180. Zuckerberg, tech stars explore multi-million $ SuperPAC to push immigration, issues
  181. Gifford's Dog Kills Baby Seal
  182. Meet the Libertarian Activists Behind the Scenes in the GOP Uprising
  183. School Bans Even Secular Easter Images; Doesn’t Want To Offend Anyone
  184. Yahoo! - The US Army Is Planning For A Failed Nuclear State In North Korea
  185. FAA Predicts 10,000 Drones Could Be In the Skies By 2020
  186. CIA Manuals
  187. Available now: Quarterly Report on Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Developments
  188. TSA Airport Screening Lawsuit Nears Court Date To Challenge Intrusive Searches
  189. Looks like KY's hemp bill passes
  190. VIDEO: 1 Million $'s Each for Bus Stops in Arlington Virginia
  191. SD Sen. Johnson to retire, cites health and age
  193. Canada - Police shoot dog, angry comments shut down cop's FarceBook page.
  194. Bring your drones here!! Please, we want them!
  195. FBI Pursuing Real-Time Gmail Spying Powers as “Top Priority” for 2013
  196. Clip that might wake up avg American to even Local Medias Control
  197. Rosa Korie Explains Why Public Must Awaken to Agenda 21
  198. USDA census program is covert surveillance operation to compile database of food & farm as
  199. Pathological Liars Finally Confess Insurance Premiums Will Be Rising
  200. Another Catholic Priest in trouble - this time not for choir boys!
  201. MUSIC VIDEO: "Cold Dead Hands" by Jim Carrey
  202. FEMA Seeks Applicants for Youth Preparedness Council
  203. Seal Team 6 Raid on bin Laden
  204. Seeds Being Planted in State Legislatures TO FIRE Sheriffs Who Don't Obey Gun Control
  205. Shocking Costs for Disability + Disability Bureaucracy
  206. Georgia House of Rep. passes law to allow students to conceal carry on college campuses
  207. Ron Paul endorsed 'Silver Circle' movie announces L.A. premiere event April 5-11
  208. Anti-drones activists plan month of protest over Obama's 'kill' policy
  209. FOIA project
  210. Supreme Court of Canada Rules That Text Messages Are Private
  211. Alabama lawmaker's racist email rant
  212. Breaking-Ashley Judd not running
  213. Jim Grant "Your Money Is Not Really Yours If the Government Needs It"
  214. TSA Employee Pepper Sprays 5 Other TSA Agents
  215. Ex-chairman of Republican Party of Florida gets 1.5 years in prison for stealing
  216. Researchers Find Treatment That Kills Every Kind of Cancer
  217. TN & GA Border War Over Water
  218. H.R.525 & S.359 Contact Your Congress Critters And Get Them To Cosponsor!
  219. Chariman of House Ways And Means Committee Report Shows Greater 'Real' unemployment
  220. I need a new e-mail provider....
  221. Three Cheers for the Nanny State - New York Times
  222. New Video Ad For SarahPAC (Palin)
  223. Illegal immigrant climbs border fence right in front of McCain and Schumer
  224. All The Jobs Are In The Black Market: Too Bad They're Illegal [VIDEO]
  225. Alabama Lawmaker's Racist Rant to 2nd Amend Supporting Constituent
  226. Glenn Greenwald ‏-- Evidence suggests US is funding death squads in Honduras
  227. Love hurts: Man arrested for releasing helium balloon with his girlfriend
  228. Sen. Grassley (R-IA) Finds Constituents Opposed to Egyptian Foreign Aid
  229. Biden Says Gun Control Votes 'Only the Beginning'
  230. DrinkingWithBob: Gay Marriage is no big deal
  231. US Senate Candidate Tells Blogger To Go F--- Himself…His Staff Apologizes For Him And Then
  232. Maryland Senate Votes To Cover Up Speed Camera Errors
  233. Boulder couple involved in topless-gardening fight investigated over threat to president
  234. Mercatus releases 2013 Free State Rankings
  235. Federal Agents scooping Cellphone Numbers From Surveillance Without Telling Judges
  236. This Convoy Of Trucks Is Reportedly Carrying Tons Of Euros To Prepare For Cyprus Banks Ope
  237. Mark Levin slams O'Reilly for 'putting down his audience'
  238. Feds Fund $880,000 to Study Benefits of Snail Sex
  239. Cop Convicted In Shooting Death Becomes Police Chief
  240. Steubenville's NAACP President Says Rape Victim Was Drunk And Willing
  241. STUDY: ND 'most free' state; least free -- NY
  242. FBI plans to spend $100 million on ammo
  243. So Long, Yankees! China And Brazil Ditch US Dollar In Trade Deal Before BRICS Summit
  244. Boehner claims 'success' against Obama and Democrats
  245. New draft of COMPUTER FRAUD AND ABUSE ACT would allow gov't to incarcerate 'any Internet u
  246. Records from 2 mass shootings released at same time - WHAT A COINCIDENCE!
  247. Feds spend $1.18 million on puppets
  248. Police restrain crowd from taking food after supermarket eviction
  249. Ky. agriculture commissioner to push hemp in DC
  250. RPF has offended the Google wizards