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  1. Social conservatives outraged over Portman's support for gay marriage
  2. MI6 and CIA were told before invasion that Iraq had no active WMD
  3. Neocon Kid at CPAC, 'Kill Them.'
  4. Rand Paul Presidency Predictions
  5. URGENT - Internet Sales Tax Vote On Wednesday!!! (3/19/13)
  6. You Have No Rights - It's All Fake
  7. Mark Levin: Hispanics are the most reliable Democrat voting block in America
  8. America's New Mandarins
  9. JimSinclair: Cyprus Officials May Have Provoked ex-KGB and other Russian criminal elements
  10. Hickenlooper To Sign Gun Control Laws in Colorado
  11. Intellectuals and Race
  12. The prison industrial complex - Prison Profiteers.
  13. College dropout found dead with plans of a campus attack
  14. Teenage girls charged with online threats against Ohio rape victim
  15. Internet Providers Persuade FCC Panel Against Cybersecurity Recommendations
  16. Md. House panel approves gas tax measure _ with a more gradual phase-in for beginning year
  17. AP: Costs of US wars linger for over 100 years
  18. History channel has the highest respect for President Obama
  19. Cop Fractures Woman’s Face. 'I’m going to push your nose through your brain!'
  20. Taxes: Soaking the Rich Hurts Rich and Poor Alike
  21. Federal government purchases two million doses of smallpox drug in preparation for bioterr
  22. BREAKING - chem weapons used in Syria
  23. Hasta La Vista Assault Weapons Ban
  24. From the Detroit Ghetto to Respected Neurosurgeon, Story of Dr. Benjamin Carson
  25. Westboro Equality House: Aaron Jackson Paints Rainbow Home Across From Anti-Gay Church
  26. Per New Zealand Green Party, NZ is planning a depositor forfeit like Cyprus
  27. California businesses fuming over retroactive $120M tax grab
  28. Conn Carroll: Latinos support big government, hate the 2nd amendment
  29. North Korea video shows D.C. under attack
  31. @Reuters Cyprus finance minister submits resignation: sources - MNSI #breaking
  32. Plane Tickets From Moscow To Cyprus Are Sold Out
  33. Feds want control over the internet... CISPA is back... Take action!
  34. Department of Justice Looking to Expand Online Surveillance Powers
  35. Top DUI cops secret: find a reason to talk to people, over and over again.
  36. Supreme Court sides with First Sale Doctrine
  37. Cyprus Rejects Bank Deposit Tax, Scuttling Bailout Deal
  38. Report: Bill O'Reilly's Divorce Is So Ugly, the Catholic Church Got Involved
  39. KrugmanDebate.com Last Minute Moneybomb!
  40. TN Cops use 18 Wheelers to ensure you're not texting and driving
  41. Take a pic of your kid holding a rifle and get a visit.
  42. UK Bloggers Could Face Libel Fines Unless Registered As Press
  43. Paul Ryan’s Ax Isn’t Sharp Enough
  44. Woot!! Tom Davis's NDAA Nullification just passed the SC Senate!
  45. DHS Refuses to Answer Congress About its Purchase of 1.6 Billion Bullets
  46. Teen gives court finger while wearing "killer" t-shirt; life - no parole
  47. Graham calls for boots on the ground in Syria
  48. Congressional proposal to require logs of your text messages
  49. Ohio judge calls speed cameras a "scam"
  50. Woman Sues Doctor, Who Failed to Kill Baby in Botched Abortion
  51. WA state representative argues bicycles pollute more than cars
  52. Atlanta Security Guard At it Again!
  53. Iowa cop delivers baby
  54. Excellent 13 Minute Video to Wake People Up With - THE ROAD TO WW3
  55. Ted Cruz Responds To Birther Concerns Floated By Sean Hannity (VIDEO)
  56. Oklahoma House Passes Bill to Ban UN Agenda 21 (follows Alabama)
  57. A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran
  58. FAUX FUR: "Prohibited from Violating the Law for 20 Years"
  59. @RT_com now Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails sent to @RT_com
  60. Obama’s Plans for the Suburbs: And How to Stop Them
  61. 1,455,590
  62. Sprott study of trade data suggests huge export of U.S. government gold
  63. Tomorrow a.m. the Senate Judiciary Cmte is holding a hearing on drones, law enforcement
  64. US to bring new human rights resolution against Sri Lanka (War crimes vs Collateral Damage
  65. Abortion-Murder News
  66. Man Arrested for Refusing To Open Door For Police W/O Warrant- TLC's Police Women of Cinci
  67. Pro gay marriage, anti abortion: the future of social conservatism in America
  68. Jeb, Reince & the Drowning GOP
  69. Jack Cafferty out at CNN
  70. Is Parasitism a form of Rape?
  71. Road raging cop causes accident. Doesn't get cited.
  72. Freedom of press under pressure: UK to launch media regulator
  73. Wall Street Deregulation Garners Bipartisan Support Despite Devastating JPMorgan Report
  74. Cops mull charging homeowner who shot intruder
  75. bill prohibiting medical providers from asking questions re gun ownership passes MT Senate
  76. VIDEO: Great Printable Gun Developers Interview About Their Plans
  77. Mark Levin: Harry Reid is a 'very ill human being'
  78. MO - Keep it classy fellas.
  79. IL - Chicago man, getting robbed, calls cops, who show up and shoot him 11 times.
  80. Wireless 'under the skin' prototype implant beams instant blood test read-outs to phone
  81. Ben Swann: Full Disclosure: Al Qaeda in Syria, the Story You Haven't Heard?
  82. Colorado Dept of Corrections Executive Director Shot and Killed At His Home
  83. Farage: Get your money out of Europe, they're a bunch of thieves
  84. how do you contain a nuclear north korea?
  85. Sources: Amazon and CIA ink cloud deal
  86. Several stories on legal cases of Surveillance, Forfeiture
  87. MIT to release documents related to Aaron Swartz case
  88. Magpul Leaving Colorado After Gun Control Bills Signed
  89. Rick Perry to decide on Governor, Presidential Runs This Year
  90. New York State Sets Up Gun Snitch Line With $500 Award
  91. Text of the Federal Reserve's statement Wednesday
  92. BREAKING: Two Detroit pension officials indicted on bribery conspiracy
  93. How the Feds put Benny Goodman out of business.
  94. Minnesota Modifies Liberal Open Records Law to Make Car Location Data Private
  95. US Senate approves bill to avert government shutdown next week; funds agencies,etc -> Sept
  96. Government Showdown: City vs. County
  97. Rubio Spends Big on Campaign Consultants
  98. 118 Spineless Republicans Vote Against RSC Budget!
  99. What the internet looked like in 1982: A look at Danny Hillis’ vintage directory of users
  100. PJTV's AlFonzo Rachel claims slavery apologist at CPAC was a libertarian
  101. advertisement I saw while browsing: "Support Lindsey. A Conservative Problem Solver"
  102. The Russians Think We’re Wrecking the World on Purpose
  103. No More Drones for CIA
  104. Unable to find work, Olbermann launches $50 million lawsuit against previous employer
  105. Good news day in South Carolina today
  106. ahhhhhhhh. ahhh Whats a good idea to create some change to turn this ships hul around?
  107. To Save Traditional Marriage, End State Involvement in Marriage
  108. White House Petition: Make Lawmakers Wear Logos Of Financial Backers On Clothing, Like In
  109. Kerry Commits U.S. To U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
  110. Backstory on Bernanke hinting/wanting to leave.
  111. Drinkers sue Anheuser-Busch for 'watering down' beer
  112. Attornies
  113. @politico: NRA fundraising is best in decade
  114. Confessions of a drunk driver
  115. Sheriffs to Sue Colorado Over Gun Control Laws
  116. CIA to Sign Game-Changing $600 Million Deal w/ Amazon
  117. Rand Paul's presence-and-jobs amnesty -- WITHOUT E-Verify
  118. Looks like Internet sales tax vote will be Thursday (3/21/13)
  120. Why do Libertarians and Conservatives Deny Climate Change?
  121. Judge Bans Airing of Lifetime TV's Chris Porco Movie (Exclusive)
  122. The charts that explain what the Fed is doing
  123. Bill Kristol and His "Code Brown Shirt" Conservatism
  124. Candidate for Commerce Secretary, Penny Prisker raised over $800 million 4 Obama
  125. Please help: Libertarian radio networks?
  126. MD Gun control bill - The Tide Has Turned – Momentum is on Our Side
  127. Miscarriage = baby; Abortion = "mass of cells"
  128. Why does anyone still believe man made climate changes after "hide the decline"?
  129. Welfare State using Jesus as propaganda
  130. What people are saying about the Internet sales tax mandate:
  131. Gruesome Video Shows Syrian Rebel Beheading Civilian
  132. Congress votes to force USPS to keep Saturday delivery
  133. House passes GOP budget plan promising deep cuts
  134. Disarm Subjects and Make them Spy on Each Other: New York State's Totalitarian Formula
  135. ONLY 27 House GOPers Oppose Final Passage of CR!
  136. The Cyp-Riots Begin - Live Stream
  137. CNET: Internet Sales Tax Coming Up For Vote This Week
  138. Cost of Govt Regulation Worse Than I thought
  139. Gun ban advocates must decide if they're willing--and able--to kill 50,000,000
  140. Drone hearing hints at expanded domestic role for unmanned systems
  141. Stats for the Libertarian Party vs. Tea Party vs. Liberty Movement
  142. UPDATE: Germany Warns That Banks In Cyprus May Remain Closed Permanently
  143. Caption this photo
  144. Survey Says: Parents Want Their Kids to Get Jobs; Academics Shocked
  145. Federal employees who don’t pay taxes would be fired under bill that passed committee
  146. Maryland school district outlaws hugging, homemade food, pushing kids on swings
  147. Maryland bans birthday invites in order to protect feelings
  148. How Many Seats Will The GOP Gain In 2014 in the senate?
  149. Microsoft Releases Report on Law Enforcement Requests For Information - hotmail, skype etc
  150. Microsoft Gives User Data To The U.S. Government Less Often Than Google, But To Foreign Go
  151. Forget Cyprus, Nobody Is Stealing from Depositors More than Bernanke
  152. Reigning In the Modern Executive State
  153. Texas May Start to Hoard Gold
  154. The Ignored Challenges of the Arab Spring Backbone
  155. Peter Schiff: Fed Has Created An Economy Completely Dependent On Monetary Heroin
  156. Hackers can be battlefield targets, says NATO report
  157. BREAKING: Majority Leader Harry Reid to include background checks in gun bill Senate debat
  158. Cyprus legislation gives authorities powers including: limiting cash withdrawal; prohibit
  159. Bernanke Says Fed to Be Flexible on QE as Assets Rise
  160. Colt to bolt? Gun maker's boss says company feels unwelcome in Connecticut
  161. The first think Kelly Ayote has ever done that I appreciate (even if it is grandstanding)
  162. NRA affiliate files lawsuit challenging New York's gun control laws
  163. Alaska House Votes to Expand Right to Use Deadly Force
  164. I had a difficult time watching this
  165. Supreme Court rules against publisher on copyright protections
  166. Kansas doctor offering pay for service model
  167. EU says #Cyprus may be excluded from eurozone unless plan in place by Tuesday
  168. Cyprus Parliament Calls The EU's Bluff, But The EU Wasn't Bluffing
  169. Oops: Gov. Cuomo to Rescind Magazine Ban
  170. US plan calls for more scanning of private Web traffic, email
  171. Jerry Doyle's New Site -- Epic Times
  172. Help Me, RPF...
  173. Congress passes Monsanto Protection Act as part of CR
  174. Vigil planned for Southgate student, 13, who committed suicide at middle school
  175. "Copperhead" Trailer (anti-Civil War movie?)
  176. Senate Gang of 8 Close on Immigration Deal
  177. Super PAC game
  178. Video from US prison shows inmate held down, pepper sprayed at close range
  179. The No-Name European Committee That Made the $13 Billion Guarantee to Cypriot Banks
  180. Note to Dianne Feinstein: You Do Need to be Lectured on the Constitution
  181. Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Other Big Grocers Pledge To Not Carry GMO Salmon
  182. The USSCB Says the HHS Mandate Violates First Amendment, Freedoms Of Religious Organizatio
  183. Abortion Monster Kermit Gosnell
  184. Texas Mom Upset that Blowback is Being Taught in School
  185. “Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia”
  186. S&P Cuts Cyprus Sovereign Credit Rating To CCC
  187. A Permanent Alliance Is Unwise, But an “Eternal Alliance” Is Just Ridiculous
  188. 8th Amendment - LOL
  189. So, this guy says Bernanke wants out at the Fed because.... seems a bit tenuous
  190. Exclusive: Euro zone call notes reveal extent of alarm over Cyprus
  191. Tom Woods Classic Speech: War, Big Government's Best Friend
  192. Assault weapon ban back as an amendment to Harry Reid's gun ban bill.
  193. ECB To Set "Fair" Cypriot Standard Of Living Via Capital Controls
  194. Arrested for Parkour Over Cops
  195. Louisiana law banning felons from owning guns is unconstitutional
  196. 3 Marines dead, including suspect, in Quantico shooting
  197. Student suspended after refusing to step on Jesus
  198. Louisiana passes gun freedoms law
  199. States with lax gun laws competing for Connecticut’s gun makers
  200. BearCat: Excessive or defensive?
  201. Question for the cops and apologists
  202. Role Of Government Is To Give Advice
  203. Cost of WH tours???
  204. Journalism School Teaching Students How to Fly Drones
  205. AZ: Banning Mexican-American Studies Curriculum Is Constitutional
  206. Bob Beckel outraged by "Communist" CBS
  207. Bloomberg: Drone surveillance and facial recognition inevitable
  208. Huffington Post seeks people who have had sex with aliens
  209. Cops having to beg and barter for Ammo
  210. New York man freed 23 years after wrongful murder conviction
  211. Peggy Noonan: “War Almost Killed the GOP”
  212. Washington State Bans Drug Dogs!
  213. [VIDEO] CNBC: Senate to vote on Internet Sales Tax
  214. Three schools locked down for hours over man carrying umbrella
  215. Ron Paul endorses Silver Circle film, NYC premiere today with Peter Schiff!
  216. Deaf / Blind Sue: Websites Legally Obligated to Cater to Disabled
  217. Huelskamp knocks Portman’s gay marriage flip-flop
  218. Sandy Hook gunman reportedly compiled massive spreadsheet on previous killings
  219. Department Of Education Website Quotes Mao Zedong
  220. Jordan King to get $200m from U.S taxpayer
  221. Earth Hour is Tomorrow
  222. RI eateries to require form before accepting $100 bills
  223. Cypriot parliament adopts law giving government powers to impose capital controls on banks
  224. HANNITY?
  225. Murray Rothbard: Six Stages of the Libertarian Movement [*NEW* Rothbard VIDEO]
  226. [VIDEO] Grover Norquist Explains Dangers Of Nat'l Internet Sales Tax
  227. China: 336 Million Abortions Since 1971
  228. WOW - 3D Printed Stem Cells!
  229. Joe Biden's Hotel Bill for One Night in Paris
  230. Must See Video: Best Billy Corgan Interview Ever With Alex Jones
  231. Jordanian Communists burn U.S flag
  232. Marketplace Fairness Act, aka Internet Sales Tax, just passed
  233. Cyprus passes bills for EU bailout; Greece to take over bank branches..
  234. Cuccinelli: Tax hike Bob's tax hikes are Unconstitutional!
  235. FAA to close 149 airports due to sequester.
  236. Weev Sentenced to 41 Months in Prison for doing math...
  237. Legislative alert: WV SB 2760 - please write your reps.
  238. Time to ditch cable: Comcast bans firearms ads
  239. PA - Couple's dog gets out, neighbor calls cops, two cops open fire, kill dog.
  240. Some CFL bulbs emit UV at levels high enough to cause cell death and cancer
  241. Troubled Cyprus prompts Medvedev to create Russia's own offshore zone
  242. Aaron Swartz's suicide... and beyond
  243. How does one asphyxiate some one merely by restraint?
  244. Mussolini’s ‘most secret’ bunker discovered beneath historic Roman structure
  245. VIDEO: Taxpayer money finances IRS "Star Trek" parody
  246. Obama's Weekly Address
  247. Australia’s Carbon Tax Contributing to Record Business Failures
  248. Anti-TSA RANT!
  249. 3 Years for Poisoning Auburn Heritage Tree + curfew, fine, probation
  250. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Overturns Woollard Ruling MSI Update