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  1. 1913: How the FED Was Shoved Down Our Throats!
  2. Peter Schiff Takes On Credit Suisse Gold Bear
  3. GOA Bringing Pro-gun Victim to Testify Before Congress on Monday
  4. Al-Qaeda tipsheet on avoiding drones found in Mali
  5. Ammo Prices Jump 145%
  6. Schools Give Teachers 'Panic Buttons' To Wear Around Necks To Put Classrooms In Lockdown
  7. Hagel has the votes
  8. The best example of a federal way to pull off a scam . . . after scam . . . after scam . .
  9. Govt folds case against Blackwater. Execs plead guilty to misdemeanors.
  10. What the Hell Got into the NRA???? This isn't your Dad's NRA
  11. I had no idea the cases of civil unrest were so numerous!
  12. TV Shows that add value to your life/understanding of the world?
  13. Criminals Do Not Buy Guns!
  14. Illinois Politician Wants a Kill Switch For Anonymous Speech Online
  16. Letter from VA saying Veterans are unable to own guns or handle finances
  17. Washington Monument Syndrome
  18. "Keep your so-called workers," U.S. boss tells France
  19. The FINAL opinion on MSNBC
  20. Poll: The FINAL opinion on Ted Cruz
  21. The Porcfest 2013 $15 off special ends this weekend, buy your tickets now
  22. Ann Coulter on Stossel battles room full of libertarian students (updated w full show vid)
  23. MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Sheds a Tear for the Now Disgraced Jesse Jackson Jr.
  24. Libertarian says Glenn Beck is NOT a libertarian
  25. Post birth abortion?
  26. 82 year old Republican congressman from NC 6 leads new House censorship caucus
  27. This is what driving totally stoned on marijuana looks like
  28. This is how you bypass the TSA
  29. Maryland Gun Ban Quietly Passes Senate Committee in Dead of Night
  30. Just 2% of Chicagoans strongly approve of Rahm Emanuel
  31. "shall not be infringed"
  32. CNN Has Unfortunately Censored Me From Spreading The Truth.
  33. Over Half of Gov't Requests for GOOGLE E-Mail Data Obtained Without Warrants
  34. If Libertarian Principles Are Superior; Why NO Libertarian Societies?
  35. Bolton, the other sociopath at the SFL conference
  36. Gun Owners Flock To STARBUCKS
  37. Half-ton of marijuana found in truck at Texas border
  38. Assault weapons ban bill tabled [New Mexico]
  39. Thousands May Be Exposed To Deadly TB Epidemic In Los Angeles
  40. Teacher Unions Challenge NYS Property Tax Cap
  41. FBI agents caught sexting drug dealers
  42. Rosie the Newfie....update
  43. The Price of Tyranny (more info on Keith Pantaleon)
  44. "Give us your Gun Violence Stories": Barackobama.com
  45. Anyone Here From LI NY? Police to hold emergency drill at Connetquot H.S.
  46. Infamous Purple Union To Counter Anti-SAFE Act Rally in Albany
  47. BREAKING: New Jersey House Passes 22 Gun Control Bills
  48. Arizona Constitutional Tender Act Passes Senate Committee
  49. NATO Set to Continue Funding Huge Afghan Army-Poised to Abandon Deal to Cut Troops > 2014
  50. NYC cops round up mentally ill before they commit crimes
  51. Texas DMV Sells Personal Information To Hundreds Of Companies; Drivers Not Allowed To Opt-
  52. Glenn Beck evolving?
  53. CitiGroup compensates Lew to seek high paying government job
  54. Columbine Survivor Pens Letter To Obama Rejecting Gun Control: ‘Whose Side Are You On?’
  55. Pink stripe on NC illegal immigrant licenses eyed
  56. FBI: More People Killed With Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles
  57. Exposing organized crime in the scripture: Overturning the money changers from the temple
  58. Glenn Greenwald's recent columns expose liberal hypocrisy
  59. Will Montana be the First State to Allow Sheriffs to Arrest Federal Agents?
  60. Killing the Dollar: G20 & IMF Push for Global Fed, Global Currency
  61. US deploys troops to Niger
  62. Insurance Premiums are Going to Spike This Fall - Big Time
  64. Cali hope? California Democrats lose supermajority in state Senate
  65. Survey Finds That Fish Are Often Not What Label Says
  66. Conservative Site Offers $10K Prize For Plan To Save GOP From Establishment
  68. The hypocrisy of the ACLU
  69. N.C. Lawmakers Kill Medical Marijuana Bill Because It Had Too Much Support
  70. More Firearm Companies REFUSING Sales to Gov't Agencies
  71. My open letter to Glenn Beck.
  72. Custom TP
  73. R.I.P. Hunter
  74. Family fights back when 3 gunmen storm their home
  75. Alexander Alvaro [spoke for internet freedom], seriously injured in car crash.
  76. Media React to Rising Gas Prices
  77. State Senator representation
  78. Libertarian Humor: Taxation Without Consent (Tony Liberté)
  79. Bob Woodward: Obama Not Being Truthful On Sequester
  80. Real Clear Politics: The Keynesian Depression
  81. Now 44 Gun Companies Have Stopped Selling To Law Enforcement In Anti-2nd Amendment States
  82. Six Strikes Officially Begins On Monday, NO MORE UPLOADER PRO RON PAUL VIDEOS
  83. Biden: No Ordinary American Cares About Their Constitutional Rights, Facebook ?'s R Plants
  84. Oregon HB3200 Bans AR Weapons, State of Emergency, Searches, Prison for Non-Compliance
  85. Is Senator Ted Cruz legit?
  86. Terrifying Video Demonstrates Bug-Sized Lethal Drones Being Developed By U.S. Air Force
  87. 20 Obama supporters in Boise gather to support his gun legislation
  88. WWE Challenges Glenn Beck
  89. Today Is Bradley Manning's 1,000th Day Without a Trial
  90. Are Property Taxes Unethical?
  91. "Rise of the Warrior Cop"
  92. Blueberries faked in cereals, muffins, bagels and other food products...
  93. Activists launch campaign against ‘autonomous weapons’: Killer robots must be stopped
  94. Ever wonder why cops who maim, kill and run amok get to keep their jobs?
  95. US farmers may stop planting GMs after poor global yields
  96. "I Arrested The District Attorney"
  97. Jury Nullification Activist Jailed 145 Days for Distributing Info
  98. Dr. Benjamin Carson's Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present
  99. Senator Mike Lee asks Obama to withdraw nominee Hagel
  100. Precursor to a national gun registry moving forward in the Senate.
  101. NYC: 2-Liter Bottles of Soda Banned on Pizza Deliveries
  102. In Their Own Words; A Blueprint to Ban Handguns by Joe Curran
  103. Robert Gibbs: White House Told Me To Keep The Drone Program Secret
  104. Call of the Convention Letters
  105. Beretta’s future in Maryland tied to state’s gun-control debate
  106. Federal Spending Up $822.90 Per American Since 2008
  107. Afghan President Karzai lectures Menendez on ethics
  108. 71% of Americans Support Increasing the Minimum Wage
  109. PA considering some gun control measures
  110. The Man Who Busted the ‘Banksters’
  111. U.S Special Forces Told to leave Afghan province
  112. NJ Sandy Milestone: Last Shuttered Town Reopens
  113. Red Alert! DOJ Memo: "Outlaw And Confiscate All Guns"
  114. AMERIKA Disarmed, Then Crushed - Vid
  115. Afghanistan says U.S. special forces may be behind torture, murder
  116. Teen hangs self over 75-cent pot bust
  117. Guns illegally owned by 20,000 in state (CA)
  118. Jesse Benton twitter account hacked?
  119. Getting paid to snort cocaine?
  120. The final opinion on Switzerland
  121. Meet Elvis: The virtual border official who knows if you're lying
  122. Let's raise some hell ---- wooooooohhhhhooo where have all the good times gone
  123. Escort confirms Sen. Bob Menendez paid her for sex
  124. Two-thirds of Obama's gun control supporters appear to be spambots
  125. Long-time escort confirms Sen. Bob Menendez paid her for sex
  126. World's Largest Gold Storage Company Bans All Accounts From U.S. Citizens
  127. Colorado Coalition For Liberty, spread asap!!
  128. Senators Close In on Background Check Agreement on Guns
  129. Front Page mag - God loves drones and the United States.
  130. FART GAS prank exposed after £9,000 tax-funded investigation
  131. Glenn Beck implies Ron Paul supporters are terrorists
  132. Who would watch the Blaze over Fox???
  133. No Hesitation.
  134. New Bill to Lift Federal Ban on Med. Marijuana
  135. Dustin Hoffman to Piers Morgan ‘God Bless You For What You’re Saying About Gun Control’
  136. Tom Woods on Free Talk Live
  137. Business Leaders Attack Cuccinelli at Closed Door Meeting
  138. DHS-Funded Drone Spies On Private Gun Sale
  139. Big Brother is in the drivers seat.
  140. Laptops causing wrecks for Alabama officers
  141. Ted Nugent goes on The Alex Jones Show
  142. Law Enforcement Targets Inc. Discontinues Line of Targets....
  143. What if everything you know is wrong?
  144. To protect hand gun owners, Texas plans on banning all lawyers from the state
  145. [Video] Why Didn't the Libertarians Win in 2012? - Gary Johnson on Stossel 2/22/13
  146. Man refuses to pay TV license fee because the 'BBC covered up facts about 9/11'
  147. An Open Letter To Glenn Beck From The Libertarian Org Founder He Called A ‘Jerk’ And ‘Nazi
  148. Copyright Alert System gets started, ISPs ready to lay the smack down
  149. Divisive libertarian issue; where do you sit?
  150. Chuck Hagel Wants More US Involvement in U.N.
  151. The most libertarian friendly auto insurance company?
  152. African American Leaders Praise NRA, Condemn Disarmament
  153. Kerry: US to Hasten Syria Regime Change
  154. Health Department Destroys 1,600 LBs of fresh deer meat donated to Homeless Shelters
  155. Very positive reaction from a picture I posted.
  156. Lobbyist Testifying at Committee: Use Drones To Kill Americans On U.S. Soil
  157. Congressmen Push for an End to US Draft Registration
  158. Buchanan @ TAC: Jennifer Rubin’s Infantile Conservatism
  159. Vietnam Vet Kills Home Intruder After Epic Fight
  160. Why not sanction North Korea?
  161. [video] Ben Swann: #LibertyIsRising
  162. Obama’s Paycheck Exempted from ‘Sequester’
  163. Bob Corker in favor of internet sales tax
  164. Chuck Schumer's frog analogy
  165. Former Philadelphia Cop Who Punched Woman in Face Found Not Guilty [Video]
  166. FL cops raid home of wheelchair-bound Rx-marijuana activist who has legislation named 4her
  167. "Un-American"
  168. RT: BREAKING: Supreme Court explains ruling barring Americans challenging FISA
  169. Eric Holder Says DOJ Will Respond to Legal Pot in Colorado and Washington Any Day Now
  170. Homeowner kills intruder: 'I was fighting for my life'
  171. Hollywood (again) trashes History- opinions from a JBT
  172. Australian government set to seize money from citizens' bank accounts
  173. Poll: 87 percent say never OK to cheat on taxes
  174. CPAC: Chris Christie’s not invited this year
  175. 'Big Sis' Claims Sequester Fallout Could Weaken National Security
  176. Ron Paul on who should be disarmed
  177. Maine Bill Seeks to Regulate Drones
  178. Supreme Court: You Can Only Sue the Feds If They Admit Spying On You, Which They Won't
  179. [Video] Judge Napolitano: Obama's Legal Justification For Drones Is Hogwash
  180. How we should deal with tyranny, tactfully speaking
  181. National Police Misconduct Recap 02-23-13 to 02-25-13
  182. A DHS Agent is a harassing blogger over the boat they were loathe to return to him
  183. Howard Stern - Alex Jones Interview 02/26/13
  184. Alex Jones - Michael Savage Interview 02/26/13
  185. Jennifer Rubin, You Were Wrong
  186. 3 State Houses vote to Nullify Federal Gun "Laws"
  187. Democrats complain about presence of debt clock on Capitol Hill [VIDEO]
  188. Israelis plan to press Obama to free convicted spy
  189. American Federation of Goverment Employees
  190. The Deception of Sequestration
  191. tell me what you think of this collectivist vs. individual video.
  192. Billionaire Bloomberg Appoints Robin Kelly in Congressional Primary
  193. William Diamond's Drum, Part Four
  194. Senator Tom Harkin to Introduce Universal Retirement Preservation/Consolidation Legislatio
  195. Junior high teacher tells kid to remove Marines t-shirt or get suspended
  196. DHS releases hundreds of illegal immigrants from jails ahead of budget sequester
  197. Gving Obama the checkbook?
  198. CPS Wants Sex Ed For Kindergartners
  199. GOP ponders ceding power to President Obama
  200. Jack Hunter will be on Glenn Beck's show today at 5pm
  201. Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit Against FISA
  202. Man arrested for having a green tongue
  203. Justice Dept. Memo Refutes Obama on Guns, Calls for Gun Registration
  204. Glenn Beck to have discussion with YOUNG AMERICANS FOR LIBERTY tonight.
  205. Retraining the media corporations in how to speak proper American.
  206. 'Ragtime': NSA's Secret Domestic Intelligence Program Revealed
  207. WSJ/NBC poll asks what US policy toward Israelis, Palestinians should B-55% say treat same
  208. [VIDEO] Sparks Fly!!! TN Tries To Nullify Obama's Gun Control:
  209. Key provisions of Voting "Rights" Act appear in jeopardy after high court argument
  210. RINO Hunting - CFG to primary nine Repubs
  211. Sequestration Would Do Too Much Harm to the Prison Industrial Complex
  212. [Video] Rep. Sean Duffy grilling Bernanke
  213. Donna Brazile is shocked
  214. The NDAA Lawsuit - Tangerine Bolen
  215. Shouting match erupts in Senate hearing on gun ban
  216. Conservative Justices Doubt Ongoing Validity Of 1965 Voting Rights Act
  217. JCS head: Protecting the global financial infrastructure is more important than protecting
  218. Boehner: Members not allowed to travel by military aircraft anymore
  219. Anti-gun foes Dig Up Military Brass To Denounce 2nd Amendment
  220. San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously rejects NDAA “indefinite detention”
  221. Couple faces FELONY rap for trying to sneak into zombie movie
  222. MN Rep (D) Ellison loses it, calls Hannity "worst excuse for a journalist"
  223. Bob Woodward Threatened by White House
  224. SUBWAY Founder Slams Regulations: 'If I Started Today, SUBWAY Would Not Exist
  225. Budget Cuts Could Force Army and Marines to Cut 200,000 Troops !!!!
  226. Cuomo To Modify Strict Gun Control Laws To Exempt Hollywood
  227. Live Stream of NY Safe Act Repeal Lobby Day and Rally 11AM ET 2/28
  228. Cantor Threatens House Republicans To Not Interfere with Controversial Bill
  229. N.H. Free Staters Cheer Thomas Woods' Speech on Nullification Doctrine
  230. World cools on global warming as green fatigue sets in
  231. Private Sector Starting to Overtake Govt Space Efforts (NASA)
  232. when getting pulled over is a cop supposed to tell you the P.C. reason first??
  233. Bradley Manning trial: US government to call 141 witnesses for prosecution
  234. Bob Barr: Lessons From The 1993 Waco Tragedy
  235. VIDEO: Glenn Beck continues to court the liberty movement. Do you trust him?
  236. FL-How to make an example out of an Uppity Mundane
  237. Mother Jones:How the US Navy Is Leading the Charge on Clean Energy and Climate Change
  238. Bill O'Reilly's latest editorial
  239. Hugo Chavez could be Dead
  240. Glenn Beck invites Jim Rogers, farming, inflation, doomsday scenario and other things
  241. Mike Church: Most Americans Don't Understand Simple Math
  242. How a cop views Waco
  243. 25 reasons to ban guns
  244. Hagel: US Can’t Dictate to the World
  245. From War to Welfare
  246. Palin says that the Feds are buying bullets to use on us
  247. Cop takes exception to being questioned
  248. Miami Police to Begin Enforcing Curfew for under 17 year olds
  249. Eyewitness: Yes, The Nazis Did Confiscate Our Guns
  250. [Video] Glenn Beck w/ Jack Hunter, S4L: How Do We Bring Libertarians Together?