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  1. Congress needs to be at least 20x bigger
  2. Thanks, FDA: A Trip to the Grocery Store May Soon Cost More
  3. Approaching the existential cliff: 17 denial statements made by the sleeping masses
  4. Marco Rubio Time cover as Savior of GOP
  5. "I voted twice for Obama"
  6. FDA coming after electronic cigarettes come April
  7. MSNBC’s Touré and US Media Perfectly Okay with Obama’s Targeted Killing of Teenagers
  8. Christopher Dorner has already won his war
  9. Obama wants you to have a nice government approved house
  10. Video: Cop lands helicopter to harass hiker
  11. 20 years after WACO the lies of the ATF are still propagated by MSM.
  12. Senate Dems May Sink Obama’s Second Term Strategy
  13. 16-year old Ron Paul supporter writes letter to Obama
  14. Woman dies after getting abortion in the 33rd week
  15. The first CNN terrorist
  16. California Gun Laws Could Become Toughest In The Nation
  17. NYT: Obama's Payroll Tax Hike Hurting Ordinary People
  18. Taliban wannabe tried to bomb bank and frame ‘right-wing’ groups
  19. Massachusetts Bans Travel Under State of Emergency
  20. Industrial Hemp Legislation First Pushed By Ron Paul Could Drop in Senate Next Week
  21. Club for Growth opposes Republican hawks' sequester replacement plan
  22. Tim Geithner joins Council on Foreign Relations
  23. Rhode Island Joins Mass on NEMO TRAVEL BAN
  24. What is the truth regarding the Supremacy Clause and the SCOTUS?
  25. Board of Advisers for the Coalition to Reduce Spending
  26. Hagel Refuses to Disclose Foreign Funders
  27. Attn: AF. Blog: Dogs that Cops Killed
  28. Guess which one gets a trial...
  29. rt critic thinks George W. Bush is a ‘good painter’
  30. New FAA drone list reveals over 20 more public entities authorized to fly drones over US
  31. Read Christopher Dorner's Manifesto
  32. First They Came For The Smokers.......
  33. here is the unedited version of lapd killers manifesto
  34. Forbes: The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression
  35. We need to quit wasting time by focusing on the real enemy
  36. Ted Nugent tells Piers Morgan "Kiss my ass"
  37. LaRue Tactical applying civilian laws to law enforcement buys........
  38. Assassin in Chief?
  39. Wikileaks released emails show govt may have exaggerated the importance of killing Anwar a
  40. Details emerge in LAPD's mistaken shooting of newspaper carriers
  41. Julian Assange on Bill Maher, talks about drones
  42. My advice – if you see police anywhere near you, stay very far away.
  43. Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present
  44. Student involuntarily committed for cursing at professor
  45. Who knew? George Bush can paint...not bad...
  46. Liberal in domestic issues, Obama a hawk on war
  47. Man charged over mass shooting threat
  48. Obama's campaigning in Atlanta and N.C next week
  49. Guard shoots at boy, 15, at FDA Office
  50. Oakland: FBI Enables Mentally Ill Aspirational Terrorist
  51. Ken Cuccinelli Open to Legalizing Marijuana
  52. Marine Rifles At Inauguration Ceremony Were Ordered Disabled
  53. Michael Lewis (Blind Side, Moneyball) on Goldman Sachs
  54. Video: Crime victim gets violently assaulted for contempt of cop
  55. Video: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
  56. Ben Swann To Release His Dr Garrow Interview Tuesday the 12th
  57. The Pros and Cons of Being Murdered by the President
  58. The Running Man … For Real
  59. MEGA 2nd Amd WIN in MD!
  60. Dozens of Indian women dumped unconscious in a field after undergoing sterilization
  61. Is a Man's Reputation His Property?
  62. Justice Department Working Closely With the SPLC, Documents Expose
  63. GAO: 35% of Major Federal Regulations Were Issued Without Public Notice
  64. Tweet: #LAPD to reopen probe into Christopher #Dorner firing #manhunt via @KNX1070
  65. Tom Allen: GOP Speaks A Different Language
  66. Tom Woods on Adam vs. The Man
  67. Michael Savage quotes Infowars.com on DHS ammo buy
  68. My favorite Ron Paul debate clip
  69. Medicaid Expansion: The States
  70. Cops opened fire in a second case of mistaken identity in Dorner hunt
  71. CISPA to be reintroduced in Congress
  72. Billy Kristol wants to undo the sequester
  73. 11 Years of War: 253,330 Brain Injuries, 1,700 Amputations
  74. Adultery website very popular with members of Parliament
  75. Crony Capitalism Stat
  76. Christopher Dorner Becomes First Human Target For Drones On US Soil
  77. CNN Anchor: Is an asteroid falling from sky "an effect of global warming?"
  78. Rubio Stepping Into Republican Leadership Vacuum
  79. Dorner manhunt: $1-million reward expected to be offered
  80. What To Make of This: Former FBI Agent Outs Next CIA Head Brennan As A Muslim
  81. Why isnt this illegal immigrant being deported?
  82. Federal employees want more money
  83. Ex-Pentagon Chief Gates OK with Drone Oversight
  84. Brennan was running assassination squads in Libya
  85. Congressman to fact-check presidential address in real time
  86. What happened to the Chris Bronson show?
  87. Navy too broke to re-fuel carriers
  88. Dorner now "officially" labeled a "Domestic Terrorist".
  89. Lies The FBI Told Me
  90. LA Gang Ambushes Paper Girls
  91. Dorner Fans On Facebook, Twitter Call Alleged Cop Killer A 'Hero'
  92. HOT: How the Government is Tracking You Online
  93. Obama readying more executive orders
  94. People in Britain may be unwittingly eating ass
  95. So this is how Liberty dies...Dorner, the perfect US Drone Test Case
  96. Gary Kovacs and Collusion (and my personal collusion graph)
  97. The Internet’s “Six Strikes” Rule and You
  98. Thomas DiLorenzo: A Must-See Movie Coming This June
  99. The fine line between speech and action
  100. Pope Benedict XVI 'to resign' on Feb. 28
  101. The Excellent Age of No-Fuss Drones and Remarkable War
  102. Michael Scheuer was just on FOX
  103. Harmon-Wright gets 3 years for executing sunday school teacher
  104. LAPD Chief: Reopening Case That Resulted In Dorner’s Termination
  105. Shooting in Delaware
  106. Court Computers Forecasts Criminal Behavior; Determine Jail Time
  107. The Shooter: The man who shot and killed Osama bin Laden
  108. Utah high school puts teen in isolation for hair color
  109. Don't Shoot! I'm NOT DORNER!
  110. Congressmen write letter to Obama to stop sending F16s to Egypt
  111. How to Kill UAV's
  112. Tea Party doesn’t have the will to fight GOP establishment
  113. White House to Decree Executive Order on 'Cybersecurity' on 2/13
  114. ACTION! Wash. state bill to end private firearm sales dangerously close to passing
  115. Rep. Steve Stockman invites Ted Nugent to Obama's State of the Union Address
  116. Impromptu gun show in MD!!!!
  117. Baltimore mayor proposes major pension reform, workforce cuts, in bid to stave off bankrup
  118. FreedomFest 2013 in Las Vegas
  119. Takimag: The Strange Moral Compass of Christopher Dorner
  120. Buzzfeed: Things democrats would have freaked out about if bush had done them
  121. Hero or Murderer?
  122. A warning to college profs from a high school teacher
  123. So God Made a Liberal
  124. California Report Episode 3: Is Christopher Dorner Dead Already?
  125. [Video] Peter Schiff: Government Being Vindictive, Going After S&P Because They Downgraded
  126. Obama had U.S. Marines disarmed during inauguration.
  127. Want to sell gold in Houston? Be prepared to be treated as a criminal.
  128. [Video] Judge Nap on Unusual Circumstances Surrounding Christopher Dorner Manhunt
  129. How Heuristics Can Protect Your Friends from Political Con-men
  130. Stop the Confirmation of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense
  131. Chris Kyle, Hero or Murderer?
  132. Cop Accused Of Seducing Women Involved In Domestic Disputes
  133. Cop Charged With Threatening Man Who Called 911
  134. President authorizes $50 million to Chad and France to fight in Mali
  135. What if LA Police end up killing more than Dorner has?
  136. 79-year-old jailed on marijuana charges
  137. Hill Poll: Voters: Obama no better than Bush on security vs civil liberties
  138. I hate to say it...
  139. State of the Union...
  140. Stockman full-speed ahead as Obama’s top foil
  141. Sending This to the NY Times for a Laugh. (Preview my Epic Rant)
  142. Please Help! CCSF (City College of San Francisco) at risk of closing!
  143. Systemic issues causing the slow motion collapse of this country
  144. Rickover’s Paradox - Are police more valuable than mundanes?
  145. Liberal Admits Obama Being Given A Pass On Drones By The Left
  146. VIDEO: We're the government... and you're not.
  147. The Wealthy Americans Clause
  148. "Culture of Violence" and the Drone War
  149. Homer Disbands Police Department
  150. Thank you to your service to our country
  151. [video] Ben Swann Interviews Dr Garrow: Military Brass Required to Fire on US Citizens?
  152. Houston Man Kills Drunk Who Ran Over his Two Sons
  153. DOJ kill list memo forces many Dems out of the closet as overtly unprincipled hacks
  154. The TSA looks to give government workers cancer
  155. Lightning strikes St Peter's Basilica as Pope resigns
  156. 11,600 Go on Food Stamps per day. US recipients now outnumber pop. of Spain
  157. Former Florida GOP chief pleads guilty before trial
  158. Northern Virginia may get new 1% incomeTax: No Public vote required
  159. DHS Source Tells Why Military Train in U.S. Cities
  160. Red Wing MN - Mandatory Inspections of (occupied) Rental Property
  161. Global Warming Update: Record Arctic Ice Gain
  162. Solutions: Defeating the Secret Societies
  163. Conspiracy Theorists Get it Wrong
  164. N.C Governor says NO to Medicaid expension and exchanges
  165. Teacher arrested for gun (students felt protected)
  166. Play State of the Union Bingo with Grover Norquist tonight.
  167. TSA nude scanners might be coming to federal buildings
  168. LAPD Had "No Idea" Who They Were Shooting At In Dorner Pursuit, Says Victims' Attorney
  169. Dorner was engaged in a shootout with federal authorities in the Big Bear area, sources ha
  170. BREAKING: Firefight in LA
  171. God Made A Factory Farmer
  172. Fox: Menendez took unreported 2008 trip to Dominican
  173. Watch Online: State of the Union, Obama vs. Rubio vs. Paul
  174. Police kill man after he stabs St. Paul K9
  175. Senate panel endorses Hagel for Pentagon in rare party-line vote Read more: http://www.fo
  176. Senator: Obama Dodging Questions On Constitutional Authority For Drone Strikes
  177. Liberals Show Hypocrisy Over Rogue Cop's Manifesto
  178. CNN: 'Routine check of vehicles'. The state illegally mass searching miles of vehicles
  179. Anonymous vows to disrupt State of the Union on Web
  180. Menendez flew on donor's plane in unreported 2008 trip to Dominican Republic Read more: h
  181. NK just set off a nuke
  182. Fox News Alert: Deputy killed in shootout
  183. Rubio's State of the Union (via Drudge)
  184. You Lost Me At "We"
  185. Teacher of the Year kills her boyfriend
  186. Official 2/12/2013 State of Union Thread
  187. "the state of the Union is not good"
  188. Rubio becomes Rick Perry
  189. "The funniest drink of water in world history"
  190. Kucinich was just on Hannity - He sounded just like Ron Paul!
  191. Marco Rubio Becomes His Own State Of The Union Drinking Game
  192. Dorner cabin fire was not an accident
  193. Received a letter from collection agency about red light camera fine
  194. Here is the text of Obama's new 'Cybersecurity' Executive Order
  195. GOA: Defeat Every Word of Gun Control!
  196. 1152 articles about support for Dorner!
  197. Second LAPD cop releases manifesto
  198. No words to describe this.
  199. Glenn Greenwald: many Dems, progressives are "unprincipled hacks"
  200. We need to organize
  201. Matt Drudge
  202. Oh for crying out loud.
  203. Lew Rockwell interviews Doug Casey
  204. Do you believe this stuff?
  205. So God Made a Liberal
  206. Hung out with wrestler Kane (Glenn Jacobs) last night
  207. McCain - "The Egyptians don’t need more F-16s and tanks"
  208. Tactical and Strategical Ineptitude of Dorner Now Evident
  209. The American Lockdown State
  210. To the supporters-turned-haters of the 'fallen hero'
  211. Police storm house after owner posts picture of 6 inch toy mortar on Facebook
  212. Do Not Go Gentle
  213. The 30,000 foot view of what’s coming…
  214. Pentagon to Start Awarding Medals for Drone Strikes
  215. Dorner Saga was the Focus at Capitol Hil as Opposed to the Coming SOTU
  216. Needed ASAP: Suggestions For Clips To Add To DVD Project
  217. "Police Deliberately Fire Cabin, Execute Suspect"
  218. Cop Punches Victim for Complaining It Took Them 45 Minutes to Respond to His Call
  219. Coming Soon: Atlanta Music Liberty Fest
  220. Economic Professor subliminally endorsed Rand Paul today
  221. I just posted my extremist manifesto in my blog dealing with the press. All are welcome!
  222. A musician is requesting I take down a Youtube video. Should I? (Ron Paul connection)
  223. DeMint: We're Selling Vegetables
  224. Ron Paul.com: Lew Rockwell Wants RonPaul.com
  225. Libertarianism funded by the Rockefellers?
  226. Cheney on Rubio: "I'm a big fan."
  227. Congressman who wear a sash
  228. Ben Swann: Did Dorner have two sets of ID and two wallets?
  229. Fireside Hangout with President Obama Feb. 14 3:50 pm ET
  230. Republican operatives spinning Rubio's flop
  231. Best Propaganda Film (OSCAR 2013 SPOILER! LEAKED CLIP!!)
  232. How Inter-service Rivalries Doomed the Galactic Empire
  233. I'm calling false flag on Dorner
  234. Lessons Learned from a Cop on Ex-Cop Manhunt
  235. UK-SWAT cops raid man's home over FarceBook picture of GI-Joe toy mortar.
  236. How Law Enforcement and Media Covered Up the Plan to Burn Christopher Dorner Alive
  237. “Support Your Local Police”
  238. Automated Recycling Cans with RFID
  239. Rubio Backs Rove's "Conservative Victory Project"
  240. Sheriff: There was no intent to burn cabin to get Dorner
  241. 2/12/13 - Executive Order -- Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
  242. Cop shuts down highway to save small dog, becomes Web hero
  243. Should America Openly Default on Its Debt?
  244. CIA Drone Strikes on Americans: What if they already did it?
  245. Wounded Sandy Hook Witness Hammond Invited to State of Union, Other Witness Still Secret
  246. MO: Police mistake maple syrup operation for meth lab
  247. No Money For You
  248. New York City Mayor Bloomberg to announce he wants to ban Styrofoam
  249. We’re Not Going to Have an “Adult Conversation” About State Violence, Are We?
  250. Anti-gun rhetoric has already started on this...