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  1. Florida cop gets dropped on his stock
  2. How Newt Farley Rolls.
  3. I'm going to blog an alternate irrational method of rehashing the news.
  4. 2 PA teens charged with terroristic threat, over gun tweet
  5. 10 Ways Liberal Education Fails Students -- and Society
  6. White House Warns: Don't Photoshop Obama Gun Pic
  7. The country is broke! - so lets renovate the White House...
  8. How the hostage situation in should be handled(easily)
  9. Fast and Furious fun
  10. Twitter Breached, Attackers Stole 250,000 User Data
  11. ERRRRR: Committee Meeting
  12. Twice in Two Weeks Michael Scheuer has had to educate "The Blaze" Panel
  13. Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming
  14. 70 yr old concealed firearm owner defends self and female students against 2 attackers.
  15. Senator Cruz Schools Senate Chamber on Gun Control
  16. The Supremacy Clause: Misconstrued and Twisted - (ARTICLE)
  17. State House Blocks Obama Gun Laws (Wyoming)
  18. Right-wing blogs now chasing Sen. Menendez down the hall, asking about hookers
  19. Why doesn't anyone mention the Norweigan mass murder in gun control debates?
  20. Judge Napolitano: Menendez May Be Removed From Senate - Video
  21. Couldn't find the NH tank thread...
  22. Letter from a Protester: “TSA, Stop Warrantless Searches on the Massachusetts Bay Transit
  23. Rep. Labrador: Immigration Reform Cannot Reward Lawbreakers
  24. Bill Maher Explains Glenn Beck's scams
  25. Alaska GOP Chairman purged
  26. Nebraska Lt. Gov. Sheehy resigns from office
  27. TSA Will be Prowling the Super Bowl
  28. How The Fed's Latest QE Is Just Another European Bailout
  29. Poll: 53% Say Govt Threatens Freedoms
  30. Atlanta mom Tasered by Mall security
  31. What they are...Facbook bomb!
  32. Tom Woods: In Economics, Albert Einstein Was No Genius
  33. 'Gun Violence': The 'National Conversation' We Won't Have
  34. Christian Church denied participation in the "Wounded Warrior" program.
  35. New York State Resistance
  36. Hundreds of thousands of Master's degree holders, PhDs on food stamps
  37. Oregon Drone Bill Would Claim the 'Airspace' Above Your Shoestrings
  38. The Government Generously Offers To Help You "Manage” Your Retirement Account
  39. Forbes: nra winning over gun control
  40. Postal Service says it’s immune from local traffic laws -- and response
  41. Possible Federal Reserve Meltown Inspires Virginia Lawmakers To Adopt Alternative Currency
  42. White House Petition: Military Service Member's Safety Act of 2013
  43. Examples of When Guns Are Needed
  44. Fox spins it again. Single sourcing the story.
  45. Menendez is following young looking Dominican woman on Twitter
  46. Buchanan: Rubio will be badly damaged on immigration reform
  47. Antiwar Radio: Neocons Still Rule the GOP
  48. Establishment pushing a Romney for Senate in Massachusetts
  49. Panetta: Any Spending Cuts Would Make US a ‘Second-Rate Power’
  50. Be watching for 'gun control' superbowl ads
  51. “Terrorism” and Lexical Warfare
  52. Man charged in fatal shooting of ex-SEAL/author
  53. Where Not to Die In 2013 - State estate and inheritance taxes going down
  54. MSNBC gem from the past. Lockdown world tour Scotland
  55. RAMSTEIN! - Political stuff...
  56. Happy 100th Birthday U.S. Federal Income Tax
  57. HS freshman suspended over picture of gun
  58. Former Deputy Who Aimed Gun At Cops During Standoff Allowed To Keep Jail Job
  59. FarceBook to start selling bundled gift and credit cards
  60. Ron Paul: We shouldn't give an inch on foreign policy issues
  61. Top Donors to Republicans Seek More Say in Senate Races
  62. [Video] 2001 - Blackie Lawless (W.A.S.P.) On (GUN) Violence in Modern Society
  63. All The Obama Gun Photoshops You Could Ask For
  64. Sen. Mike Lee pulled out of immigration "gang"
  65. State DA: Sealed Sandy Hook Affidavits Have Information "not known to the general public"
  66. Hey Obama, I Photoshopped Your Shotgun Picture. What Are You Going To Do About It?
  67. PA-Nine judges charged with conspiracy for rigging fines and tickets.
  68. Why is government stockpiling guns, ammo?
  69. WI - Huge ATF Cluster - F*ck in Milwaukee.
  70. MD-School system considers claiming that it "owns" your child's pictures, writings etc.
  71. Super Bowl XLVII contest winner denied entry due to 32-year-old pot arrest
  72. Was the Obama photoshop warning reverse psychology?
  73. Anyone into civil defense/police/emergency radio stuff?
  74. Chicago, feds,local cops and prosecutors all in one building
  75. Newark NJ Mayor Booker says guns are NOT the problem
  76. Ben Swann To Break Down Danny Glover's Claim On The Second Amendment
  77. Breaking News AF groups are terrorist.
  78. Did Menendez make a FOURTH flight to Dominican Republic?
  79. THIS is how Sandy Relief Money will be Spent in NJ
  80. Anderson Cooper confronted on disappearing nose
  81. The easiest way to fool: Rehashing lies as truths in a rational way
  82. FL-Another "SWAT"-ting. Cops raid home over X-Box threats.
  83. Ruled by scorpions
  84. Nationwide Protests Against Obama - Feb. 16
  85. I just posted this in my artistic irrational interpretational blog . . . all are welcome
  86. Piers Morgan is in the Republic of Texas
  87. Bipartisan Group of Senators Seeks Legal Justifications for the Deliberate Killing of Amer
  88. Drowned in a Stream of Prescriptions
  89. Chicago Police To No Longer Respond Immediately To Burglaries, Car Thefts
  90. Sen. Menendez denies prostitute ‘smears’
  91. Super Bowl: "Single Largest Human Trafficking Incident in the US"
  92. U.S. Gun Owners Outnumber Hunters 5 to 1
  93. Feds May Tax Pot
  94. The fool Blitzer says sheriffs cannot defy executive orders.
  95. To catch a Predator: Police find illegal gun... error... Plant illegal gun(video)
  96. Neocons write open letter to Ron Paul regarding Chris Kyle tweet
  97. Mark Levin: Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell are Bullies
  98. Sean Hannity Hangs up on Pat Buchanan
  99. EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans
  100. Responding to Cult of Dusty and why he is wrong
  101. The Dilemma & The Restoration
  102. Where the heck is Jack Hunter? Surely a beltway pundit would have an opinion.
  103. Ed Koch, Dead at 88
  104. Buchanan @TAC: What Hagel's Show Trial Means
  105. Is Janet Napolitano Really A Man?
  106. Ben Swann: Danny Glover Claim vs History of Racism and Gun Control [youtube]
  107. Miami Cops caught on video ignoring emergency calls
  108. Virginia City Bans Drones
  109. UK government plans tax on fresh air to 'help improve environment' (satire)
  110. Texas 6th graders assigned to design flag for new socialist nation
  111. The Revolving Door: Wall Street and the Secretary of the Treasury
  112. Death By Doctor vs. Death By Firearms
  113. ABA Journal: A ‘profoundly disturbing’ memo? DOJ white paper outlines legal basis for targ
  114. The Blog Court: NYTimes's Request for New York City Gun Owners Violates Law
  115. Senators Want Legal Opinions on Targeting U.S. Citizens in Drone War, DOJ White Paper Not
  116. Do You Agree With White House that Drone Strikes are "Legal," "Ethical," and "Wise"?
  117. SC Subcommittee passes Tom Davis bill to nullify indef detention part of NDAA
  118. Center for Constitutional Rights Responds to Newly Released Targeted Killing White Paper
  119. Draft Communications Bill: Powers may uncover 'wrong targets'
  120. Showing a toy gun at school is "brandishing a weapon"
  121. White House, Justice officials defend drone program after release of memo
  122. F*ck You Frank to help GOP
  123. [Video] Judge Napolitano On Drone Strikes: Nowhere Justifiable Under The Constitution
  124. White House defends drone-war killing of Americans
  125. Where We Are, How We Got Here, & Where We Are Going
  126. Please Help! Web Video Capture my speech at today's RKBA Rally...
  127. Sandy Hook DA cites 'potential suspects,' fears witness safety
  128. California bill would force gun owners to buy insurance
  129. 16 year old American already killed by drone
  130. Fox News Drops Dick Morris
  131. Military Open Fire Over Houston - unwarned elementary school locks down
  132. Imaginary game gets 7-year-old suspended for real
  133. Colorado lawmakers want gun owners exposed to civil liability
  134. Mark Levin ripping Eric Cantor
  135. Krugman: We are Going to Need Death Panels and Higher Taxes
  136. Bush and Obama Have Set Us Back 800 Years - The White House is Judge, Jury and Executioner
  137. I just posted this in the blog I started beloved forum members. All are welcome!
  138. Karl Rove has declared war on fiscal conservatives
  139. Sandy Hook Father Owns Connecticut Gun Violence Prevention Working Group
  140. Former pilot and 9/11 conspiracy theorist shoots and kills 2 teen children, then himself
  141. Illegal Aliens Interrupt House Hearing on Immigration (Video)
  142. Anonymous Hacks the Fed
  143. Where are the Benghazi survivors?
  144. Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail
  145. Another Big Lie in the Spielberg Lincoln Movie
  146. Bruce Willis: Don't infringe on Second Amendment
  147. Crossroads ad mocks Ashley Judd
  148. Attorney General sends letter to Youtube tobacco reviewer
  149. Kim Kardashian sparks outrage by tweeting a picture of a diamond-encrusted gun
  150. Abusive Judge or Contempt of Court? You decide.
  151. DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse
  153. Judge Napolitano attacks unconstitutionality of NDAA (news broadcast video)
  154. Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte IN COURT 2 FIGHT 4 INDEFINITE DETENTION
  155. Scott Horton interviews Will Grigg TOPIC: Ron Paul/Chris Kyle
  156. The FDA FORBIDS Labelling Non-GM Salmon etc (Report)
  157. Ponzi Scheme explained at the ending credits of "The other guys"
  158. Lindsey Graham to offer resolution praising Obama for killing Americans
  159. Is the ATF coming to your house?
  160. Democrats plan to sell their voters' views and preferences to corporations
  161. Next Generation X-Box - Always on, always connected, no old games allowed.
  162. U.S. Prison Population Seeing “Unprecedented Increase”
  163. A Novel Approach, Indeed [2nd's militia phrase as a mandate to own a gun]
  164. Freedom Checkpoints going up courtesy of your oath abiding Florida Highway Patrol
  165. John Bolton Praises Obama’s Drone Program As ‘Sensible’ And ‘Consistent’
  166. Anyone think we can gain support from Blue Dog Democrats?
  167. A High School Senior Stands Up and Talks Back
  168. Chris Rock: Obama is our Daddy and we better listen
  169. Post NDAA Hearing press conference (Video)
  170. Rubio to Give Republican Response to State of Union...
  171. Rappin' Rubio discusses 2Pac
  172. City in Virginia Becomes First to Pass Anti-Drone Legislation
  173. Reuters: Berlin eyes jail time for reckless bankers - source
  174. Will Rep. Paul Broun be Karl Rove's first 'unelectable' target?
  175. Virginia advances bill pushing for state to establish its own currency
  176. US Declares War on Us
  177. Maxine Waters gushes over Obama database w everything on everyone, for use of Dem party
  178. Man Offers Random People A Free One Ounce Gold Coin
  179. Lawmakers propose liability insurance for U.S. gun owners
  180. Rise of the Drones: PBS Conditioning
  181. Who is going to correctly connect John Brennan (CIA Chief Hearings) tommorow
  182. Capitalism = Rock, Paper, Scissors
  183. Bob McDonnell considers Virginia drone ban
  184. Twitters vine just went adults only... Sexting just hit a whole new level...
  185. Germans unveil 'star wars' laser that can shoot a drone out of the sky from 2 miles away
  186. Guardian: CIA rendition: at least 54 countries 'offered covert support'
  187. GOA: Oppose Joe Manchin’s Veterans Gun Ban and National Gun Registry
  188. FBI Sources: Menendez Investigation Moved to New Jersey
  189. Super Freak Lindsey Graham Doubles Down on Drone Killings
  190. Virginia Takes On Sound Money, Federal Assaults, and UN Agenda 21
  191. Rubio backing away from enforcement first on proposed amnesty plan
  192. Cleric Who Denounced Al Qaeda Drone Struck Down
  193. Defense blimps to protect Washington DC
  194. AP source: Lawmakers to get classified drone info
  195. Obama executive order exempts Interpol from FOIA requests etc
  196. The Southern Poverty Law Center inspires hate crime.
  197. MD Campaign for Liberty - 2nd AMD petition and info
  198. Michael Scheuer makes case against Brennan for CIA chief
  199. Reality Check tonight: Taking a look at Obama Administrations "Rules of assassinating U.S.
  200. BBC: CIA operating drone base in Saudi Arabia (and some 9-11 facts)
  201. Man says IRS agent coerced him into sex
  202. Reckless Media Complicity With Government Requests for Secrecy
  203. (Video) Reality Check: President Obama's rules for assassinating U.S. citizens?
  204. Adam Kokesh vs Webster Tarpley
  205. ANONYMOUS members busted
  206. Republicans and the ACLU Agree on Privacy Rights in Oklahoma
  207. Reality Check (Video): Should federal ban on hemp production be lifted?
  208. ANONYMOUS calls for arrest and detention of all those that voted for NDAA
  209. Is this tin-foil hat stuff or real concerns? --> foreign soldiers in the hundreds.
  210. Colbert running for Congress in SC
  211. Lockstep march to ban plastic bags
  212. FBI patsy in plot to blow up Federal Reserve Bank in NYC
  213. Ex LAPD cop murders Ex LAPD captain's daughter & fiance as revenge for Thin Blue Line
  214. VIDEO: The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart Gets Critical of Obama Hypocracy Regarding Drones
  215. [Video] Bob Schulz Lawsuit Challenging Cuomo Gun Grab
  216. [Video] Judge Nap on Drone Strike Policy: This Is the Power Claimed by Kings and Tyrants
  217. DHS Are Militarizing Local Police to Create Federalized Law
  219. Marco Rubio: Savior of the GOP
  220. Judge Napolitano on Glenn Beck to "teach him true libertarian principles"? (video added)
  221. Corpocrisy: The Systematic Betrayal of American Workers
  222. Big Sis buying more ammo
  223. 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
  224. NY Safe Act - thinking about making an Ad for some major papers, need feedback
  225. Soldier boy, made of clay, boobies served us well.
  226. Panetta, Dempsey endorse Clinton-Petraeus plan to arm Syrian rebels
  227. Change.org Petition: "Police Killed Our Roommate"
  228. Anybody watching the Brennan confirmation?
  229. Trump: Karl Rove is 'a total loser'
  230. CT Prosecutor not sure Lanza acted alone.
  231. POS? To snoop, or not to snoop? That is the question
  232. The Official "Superstorm Nemo" Thread
  233. White House: No More Information About Drone Killings Will Be Released To The Public…
  234. Americans Split On DOJ Memo Authorizing Government To Kill Them
  235. Text of white paper.
  236. Karl Rove: The biggest loser
  237. The Age of Transitions
  238. Does the Drone Memo justify striking the Free State Project?
  239. How to avoid a drone strike
  240. It Has Happened Here–Paul Craig Roberts
  241. Fed Has Bought More U.S. Gov’t Debt This Year Than Treasury Has Issued
  242. Mayor of Seattle pulls plug on Police drone program
  243. Mark Levin: Karl Rove is a 'propagandist'
  244. Obama and Civil Liberties
  245. Black man dresses in kkk outfit in Philly
  246. Australian Politician Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21
  247. How the Economy works differently for the Rulers and the Peasants (Image)
  248. Jon Stewart, Scarborough, Napolitano ALL Lambast Obama’s Secret Drone Program
  249. Texas "Anti Drone" Laws Would be Toughest in USA
  250. Your country is doomed