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  1. Supreme Court to consider if silence can be evidence of guilt
  2. Report: Afghan Authorities 'Beat, Shock And Twist Genitals' Of Prisoners
  3. Violent Democrat arrested for threatening to shoot colleague
  4. US judge ruled it was okay for the DEA to enter a rural property without a warrant...
  5. Drudge Report Tweets: Drone strikes 'to be exempted' from CIA 'playbook'.
  6. 70-year-old Charity Told to Stop Feeding Homeless in Seattle
  7. [video] I think I heard Sheriff Mack shouting from Texas (gun rally speech)
  8. [VIDEO] Doug Wead on CBS (1/19/13)
  9. [VIDEO] Doug Wead on CNN (1/20/13)
  10. Ted Cruz, Sheriff Mack, Ron Paul, and endorsements
  11. Perfect analogy with regard to 2nd amendment rights
  12. [VIDEO] Doug Wead on FNC (1/20/13)
  13. Just heard cop on talk radio call some of yall "domestic terrorists"
  14. [VIDEO] Obama's Gun Control Agenda:
  15. Report: Fan stabbed after 49ers-Falcons game in Atlanta
  16. Ban Chili Powder
  17. NH-Less than three weeks into the year, new crop of NH democrats propose tax increase.
  18. Michael King (aka Martin Luther King)
  19. MA-Cops surround apt. building looking for "man with a gun" Shoot unrelated man's dog dead
  20. Cop vs. Canine: The Hidden Epidemic That's Killing Our Companions....
  21. Working out the problem with red and blue, black and white crayons
  22. Wow. Propaganda in full force for war in Africa..........
  23. Austria votes to retain slavery !
  24. Christopher Walken Explains Government
  25. Bill To Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender in South Dakota
  26. Government Downplays Rising Inflation
  27. NM - yet another shooting - 5 dead
  28. Does it Take Another Civil War? (Anti-Gunner Wants Civil War to End Gun Rights)
  29. Germany initiates gun registry, to barely a peep
  30. Put Not Your Trust in Sheriffs, Says Will Grigg
  31. NY Village Takes $140,000 Action Against Growing Deer Population
  32. How to actually spread liberty on MLK day
  33. SC State Sen. Lee Bright speaks at Gun Apprec. Day Rally
  34. NY Dem: Don't Release that Document Showing We want to CONFISCATE GUNS
  35. #WTFcongress Twitterbomb tonight 1-21-13 at 8pm EST
  36. Dems Vs Guns, Reps Vs Handouts
  37. Surprise: Algerian Hostage Takers’ Arms Came From Libyan Govt
  38. Details of debt ceiling bill House will vote on Wednesday
  39. Phil Mickelson to make drastic changes due to recent tax laws
  40. Hope you're enjoying hell, Vladimir Lenin!
  41. an example on how to fight back, peacfully, at a local level.
  42. Santorum gives impassioned speech against the gays
  43. Utah Sheriffs Write Straight-Forward Letter to Obama Admin
  44. Plato's allegory of the cave and how it applies today
  45. Abortion Survivors Tweak Nation's Conscience
  46. Some humor, for a change. Michelle Obama and her fashion, getting trolled.
  47. Cuomo going full tilt with extreme abortion bill
  48. Wohlfahrt Macht Frei
  49. 60.9% Of All Smokes Go Untaxed In New York; New Hampshire Reaps The Benefits
  50. Police Union Calls Criminal Charge in Dog Shooting ‘Outrageous’
  51. President Obama's Inauguration Address Decoded
  52. Not Everyone on Left Rubber-Stamping Obama 2nd Term
  53. Jesse Ventura: Beware of Conspiracy Theories About Sandy Hook
  54. Tom Woods - Nullification: Answering the Objections
  55. Secretary of Interior's private office bathroom renovation cost $222,000
  56. NY-Gun owners vow massive non-compliance with new gun registration scheme.
  57. Press Images from Jan 23rd.
  58. UK to hold referendum on SECESSION from the European Union before 2017
  59. Gun control laws began with racist slant - MLK Jr. was refused a concealed carry permit
  60. How do we keep this place up?
  61. Sen. Dianne Feinstein to introduce assault weapons ban on Thursday
  62. Day of Resistance: 2/23/13
  63. Ben Swann's Sandy Hook video goes viral
  64. Amazing Speech from Tiananmen Square Survivor (MA State House Firearms Rally 1/19/13)
  65. Elementary School Girl Searched, Threatened With Arrest Over ‘Paper Gun’
  66. Assistant Attorney General Admits On TV That In The US Justice Does Not Apply To The Banks
  67. Princess Bride T-Shirt Terrifies Airline Passengers
  68. The US Government Murdered Martin Luther King, Say His family
  69. NYPD testing device to secretly scan New Yorkers for guns
  70. Clinton rages at Ron Johnson, rejects any notion of blowback in Libya
  71. Anonymous Calls for the Overthrow of the US Government
  72. Obama Government Equal to Entire U.S. Population in 1776
  73. Ralph Nader: violent video game creators are “electronic child molesters.”
  74. Why the GOP Could Be in the Wilderness For a Long Time
  75. House approves short term debt ceiling fix, provision would suspend lawmakers pay.
  76. Bank of America: "You shouldn't be selling guns and parts on the internet."
  77. Guns, grassroots, and unity
  78. Controversial bird flu - to make it easier to spread in humans - work resumes
  79. Meet The Clintons
  80. [VIDEO] Drunken Sailors on Debt Ceiling 101
  81. Ben Swann currently BARELY in FIRST place for a Shorty Award
  82. 22-year-old warrant, jailed over $85 Court cost
  83. LIVE - Hillary testifying before House Foreign Affairs committee (Stockman/Yoho)
  84. Panetta opens combat roles to women
  85. Shopping Around for a Better Life
  86. Per the World Gold Council, The Chinese are going to back the yuan with gold
  87. 230 lb. Hunters Come Across Barking Terrier on the Trail, Shoot the Dog
  88. The GOP today asked for your advice. Give it to them..........
  89. Raid of the Day
  90. Local (Mine) sheriff wages battle with Obama over guns
  91. Hillary Clinton: "What difference does it make?"
  92. Ok so what happened this time?
  93. Rand is right
  94. Half-Jewish, Half-Arab Woman Sues FBI, TSA, Frontier Airlines Over 9/11/11 Strip Search
  95. Prince Harry’s Mental Problem: Murdering Afghans is Like a Video Game
  96. Owners of puppy, "The Colonel", shot by cop win victory in court.
  97. Senators Boxer and Landrieu introduce bill to expand scholarships in Pakistan
  98. Ohio’s labor pool continues to shrink
  99. Public health care sumed up in four words by Japan's finance minister...
  100. Child predator sting stopped when police realize suspect is a cop. Retired with benefits.
  101. Nuclear Winter in Illinois
  102. MN Appeals court agrees: No DWI charge for Medina Segway driver
  103. PBS: Rise of the Drones
  104. Dr. James Garrow (originator of Obama/Military high command rumor) Talks With Alex Jones
  105. USA, the Disposable People (vid)
  106. Newtown's Got Talent - How Many "Entertainer" Parents Are We Dealing
  107. Romney would have won if Nebraska rules applied 280-252, GOP finally doing something now
  108. Mitt Romney as the new Nostradamus
  109. Google.... to warrant, or not to warrant
  110. War is Sexy--War is Fun
  111. AP War Drums: North Korea to target U.S. with nuclear, rocket tests
  112. Afghanistan War - 38 Yr Old from Plainwell, MI is 3rd Casualty in '13
  113. Lawmaker aims to make federal gun control laws unenforceable in Pa.
  114. Pro 2nd Amd BOYCOTT!
  115. Looks like former MI Supreme Court Judge will go to Con College
  116. Democrats launch plan to turn Texas blue
  117. I've been reading blogs and comments
  118. ATTENTION YouTubers! - The Fiend is supposed to introduce legislation today
  119. Claim: 'Litmus Test of Leadership in the Military Is If They Will Fire On US Citizens'
  120. Did Sec of State Nominee, John Kerry Just Quote Henry Kissinger?????????
  121. Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show Postponed
  122. Daniel Hannan Preaches Truth @ Oxford Union. Mentions Ron Paul
  123. CSPAN Live right now (link) Feinstein announcing firearms ban legislation...!
  124. Glenn Beck to Devote Whole Show To ‘Debunking Sandy Hook Conspiracies'
  125. FL-1 in 3 exoneration - execution ratio. Solution: speed up the executions!
  126. You will never appease a prohibitionist. Ever.
  127. LA-Homeland Security now embedded in local sheriff's offices.
  128. D.C. man who shot dogs attacking boy could face charges
  129. How Libertarianism Failed African-Americans
  130. NRA selling out on background checks
  131. Jimmie Vaughan Reads Murray Rothbard, Ron Paul, and G. Edward Griffin
  132. Troubling Public Opinion Trends for Gun Rights and Civil Liberties
  133. Maryland Shall Issue: Omalley's 2nd Amendment Disenfranchisement Bill
  134. Grover Norquist: This made me laugh....
  135. Ron Johnson clashes with John Kerry on Libya
  136. New Members of Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade
  137. Big Challenges as Currencies Face Collapse
  138. City Councilman Tries to Infringe On Man's 2nd Amendment Rights!
  139. Judge jails Anonymous 'hacktivists'
  140. LA-Cops kill 60 y/o woman. Cops say she had a gun. Family says bullsh!t.
  141. Zuckerberg supporting Christie
  142. Pat Buchanan column on Obama's Equality: best column from PJB I've read.
  143. Penalty could keep smokers out of health overhaul
  144. Killer Drone Strike at Obama Inauguration - Youtube
  145. Ben Swann: President Obama Wants To Protect Children? Why Not End U.S. Drone Strikes?
  146. Home Intruders Decide Not to Stick Around After Seeing Their ‘Victim’ Holdin an AR-15
  147. Create An Event on BTO FB Page For Ben Swann's Shorty Award?
  148. [VIDEO] Creeping EU Totalitarianism - Nigel Farage "I am Spartacus!"
  149. Howard Stern comments on Alex Jones
  150. "Private Security" give Cops a good name? Carlos Miller gets beat-up over pictures.
  151. A Concerned citizen arrested a police officer suspected of driving drunk
  152. List of children killed by drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan.
  153. I Put My Life on the Line Writing This Article!
  154. The Green Thing
  155. Not All Truther Movements Are Created Equal
  156. Newt Gingrich: Piers Morgan’s gun ‘propaganda’
  157. Called AWB '13 But it's more like the "Second Amendment Violation of the Century."
  158. Fannie Mae's definition of Mortgage
  159. Sheriffs say "NO!" to Gun Grabbers
  160. List Of Guns Banned And Details Of 'The Assault Weapons Ban of 2013'
  161. Feinstein’s gun control theater
  162. Can you sell liberty in 6 seconds?
  163. The List of Children Killed by Drone Strikes under President Obama
  164. Obama Admin: Sports are a civil right
  165. Obama: Will you fire on American Citizens?
  166. Romney plans to 'speak out'
  167. Anyone Watch Rise of the Drones Last Night?
  168. Tina Turner Gives Up U.S. Passport
  169. Two teenage girls attack 55 yr old businessman on NYC Subway [VIDEO]
  170. North Korea agree with Ron Paul: Sanctions an act of war
  171. Is Anyone Listening to the Jerome Corsi Interview with Jones?????????
  172. NOW can we impeach Obama?! Court: Obama appointments are unconstitutional
  173. LAPD uses the "anti terror" suveillance grid for non-terror "investigations".
  174. TAC: The 17 ways we argue politics.
  175. Will Grigg on how most sheriffs will react.
  176. Federal appeals court in DC has ruled that Obama recess appointments were unconstitutional
  177. Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
  178. What price the Supreme Court reverses NLRB decision?
  179. Court says Obama appointments invald, vindicates Mike Lee’s protest
  180. Game to destroy CCTV cameras: vandalism or valid protest?
  181. MD - Town Hall Meetings January 26th 2013. Make Your Voice Heard!
  182. Seeking atheist/agnostic Republicans
  183. Graphic video: Have American police declared war on the family pet?
  184. Poll: 2/3rds of Americans would defy Federal gun ban
  185. Sarah Palin out at Fox News
  186. One World Currency Talk, Why Bill Gates Hates Cash.
  187. Hannity special tonight 'Boomtown: How Washington D.C is ripping you off'
  188. Foreign Agents: The Zionist Organization of America
  189. Which Quixotic Conservative Utopia Is Right for You?
  190. Alaska: Joe Miller ponders Begich senate challenge
  191. LA police officer grants mentally disable kid's wish
  192. What To Do When They Come For Your Guns
  193. Kelly Ayotte more convinced than ever US should arm Syrian rebels
  194. Cop Reportedly Used Taser on Stepson Over Grades
  195. NLRB Says It Plans To Ignore Court Ruling Declaring Obama’s Recess Appointments “Unconsti
  196. The New American: Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law
  197. Hotair: Rand Paul differentiates foreign policy from his father’s brand
  198. Law Would Require Gun Owners To Register Guns With Schools
  199. Rahm Emanuel Pressures Banks To Refuse Services To Gun Manufacturers
  200. Assault Weapons Ban Faces Significant Battle in Congress
  201. Federal court rules feds can't seize property just because illegal activity occurred on it
  202. Bill To Set Limit For Driving While Stoned Advances
  203. FLASHBACK: Jury Finds MLK Was Killed by Government Conspiracy, King Family Agrees
  204. Tina Turner Dumps US Passport, Becomes Swiss
  205. Joe Biden and the Big Lie: Cops are "Outgunned"
  207. Man With 4th Amendment Written on Chest Wins Trial Over Airport Arrest
  208. Capo Di Tutti Capi
  209. U.S. homeland chief: cyber 9/11 could happen "imminently"
  210. G4TV / George4Title / George4vlogging Is Now Homeless
  211. MO State Senator wants gun owners to register with schools. PLEASE HELP!
  212. VIDEO: CIA Torture Whistleblower Gets 30 Months
  213. NY Gun Registration Spawns Massive Civil Disobedience
  214. Got a Cell Phone?
  215. Sheriff Clarke: “Calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option”
  216. Would the Feinstein bill ban all Glocks?
  217. Communist Party USA cheers on Obama gun grab
  218. FBI investigating Sen. Bob Menendez for sleeping with underage prostitutes
  219. DEATH PANEL: Let fat smokers die
  220. Anonymous hacks US Sentencing Commission, distributes files
  221. GOP 2.0 "We can be liberal too!!!"
  222. Anonymous has dirt on Supreme Court justices?
  223. I had a Dream....
  224. UFC's best fighter ever last fight tonight 1/26/13
  225. [VIDEO] Doug Wead Analyzes Obama's 2nd Inaugural Speech
  226. [VIDEO] Doug Wead Discusses Obama's Daughters
  227. Frist prison sentence for Gitmo torture scandal is handed out
  228. CNN Anchor Tricks Opponent Of Women In Combat To Endorse Racial Segregation
  229. Krauthammer: ‘Neoconservative’ is epithet used to disparage Jewish conservatives [VIDEO]
  230. Must See Video: The Ron Paul of Belgium
  231. The top 10 most influential Internet rights activists in 2012
  232. China is turning its ISPs into internet police (VPN blocking software)
  233. Is the real Obama beginning to show?
  234. The Untouchables: How the Obama administration protected Wall Street from prosecutions
  235. Teacher boycott of standardized test in Seattle spreads
  236. FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now
  237. Instagram Asking For Your Government Issued Photo IDs Now, Too
  238. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook to require warrants
  239. Harkin Will Not Seek Re-Election
  240. A life worth sacrificing.
  241. DO NOT FLY: the FedCoats May Be Planning a Massacre at TSA Checkpoint Lines
  242. The Three Stages of Revolution
  243. New Oregon Law Would Make Cigarettes Prescription Only
  244. State regulators crack down on grocery chain for selling cheap milk
  245. 'No budget, no pay' Kabuki Theatre?
  246. Polish Refugee Warns of Communism Taking Over America
  247. My youtube debut on the right to own an assault rifle
  248. Obama: Gun control supporters must listen more
  249. Bill Maher Has a Brief Moment of Mental Sanity
  250. ABC Didn't ask Sen. Menendez about Dominican hookers