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  1. Rep Huelskamp: Boehner Could Be Dumped
  2. Majority Whip Drafted Boehner Purge List
  3. Video: Univ Of Kentucky Student vs The Cops
  4. Jack Hunter article: Jim DeMint is a Conservative Hero
  5. Shift 1 Live Global Meditation For Peace Going On Now. Shift Two Begins at 9:30est
  6. House committee purge may continue as Boehner tightens grip
  7. Pronoun Magic! Tips For Aspiring Politicians/Criminals
  8. Media Ignores Bombing of Social Security Building
  9. Are you hearing "Now is the time to improve infrastructure" a lot?
  10. WI - Cop shows up for 911 possible "poisoning" call. Shoots family Dalmatian dead.
  11. America Is Too Big To Be Free
  12. It seems if you are elected as an independent you have more leverage
  13. Chrome Love Revolution Car Emblems Have Finally Arrived!
  14. Schiff vs. Shedlock--Round II
  15. Democratic Committee assignments for the 113th congress
  16. NYU Student Tweeting Every Reported US Drone Strike Has Revealed A Disturbing Trend Read
  17. Conflict Vs. Functionalist Society
  18. Wendy McElroy: TSA's Grip on Internal Travel is Tightening
  19. Official Ben Bernanke Birthday Thread - December 13
  20. Iranian False Flag Being Planned?
  21. Sen. Menendez in trouble again
  22. Socialist Party: Federal Reserve was established as a socialist program. U.S. is socialist
  23. AmSpec: Replacing Speaker Boehner - Here's how and why it has to be done.
  24. Freedomworks "Secret" Funding Corporation?
  25. Chrysler union workers reinstated after drinking and getting high on the job
  26. Participant claims Fox News Denver rigged marijuana driving test results
  27. Cop Tucks $100 Bill into Broke Driver’s Ticket
  28. MSNBC Hosts Laugh at Michigan Governor Right To Work
  29. Is America Too Big?
  31. Why Not Push the Pentagon off the Fiscal Cliff?
  32. How are things in Libya? "Psychological scars of war take toll in Misrata"
  33. Live Concert for Sandy Victims
  34. Cops Taser Woman Who Tried To Buy Too Many IPhones
  35. MI needs people to phone state Senate to get NDAA nullification passed by tomorrow
  36. Drug Dealers Now Using Cannons To Launch Marijuana Over US-Mexico Border
  37. Deck the halls with Macro Follies
  38. Michigan Locals Raise Funds For 'Hot Dog Guy' After Union Thugs Destroy His Supplies
  39. Mises Institute - Looking for a Chief Technology Officer
  40. John Boehner Declined to Attend Tea Party Anti-Tax-Increase Event
  41. War On Drugs A Trillion Dollar Failure
  42. Mom Who Took Cancer-Stricken Daughter From Hospital Says Family Intimidated by Bill
  43. Joe Lieberman’s Sad Send-off
  44. Pelosi Accuses GOP Of Lack Of Concern For Kwanzaa
  45. Boehner-Apologist: GA Rep. Lynn Westmoreland not a fan of A-holes (us)
  46. Buchanan: A Republican Retreat....Or Rout?
  47. Purged conservatives are "assholes" says Steering Committee member
  48. Taxes are already going up on “the rich” [top 20% of earners] in just three weeks
  49. Harry Belafonte: Obama should jail political opposition
  50. Zombie Entertainment: Are we being conditioned to accept mass extermination?
  51. The Guardian: CIA 'tortured and sodomised' terror suspect, European court rules
  52. The Top Three Things To Be Afraid Of Right Now
  53. Detroit: A City Destroyed by Statism and Prohibition? (1967 Riots)
  54. U.N. Conference Slyly Introduces Resolution to Gain Control of Internet—in Middle of Night
  55. Calling all Twitter users interested in organizing to trend Liberty topics...
  56. Governors Push Congress For Nat'l Internet Sales Tax
  57. Ed Asner: Tax the Rich animated Fairy Tale
  58. Why Copyright Law Is So Mickey Mouse And How To Fix It - Reason [VIDEO]
  59. Breaking: Obama says Susan Rice withdraws consideration for secretary of state
  60. Will Grigg on CIA drug running, the War on Drugs and corruption going back decades
  61. Mayor Rahm: Just Another Brick In Chicago's Blue Wall
  62. Judge Nap: Government Spying Out of Control
  63. OUCH! Norquist's zinger on where Obama will have to find fun
  64. Disobey
  65. NDAA Indefinite Detention Opponents File Supreme Court Emergency Motion
  66. Hurry! Free Moga Gaming Pad for Android from PowerA.com
  67. WI - Remember that cop that punched a woman in the face and got his job back?
  68. Classified Woman - The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir | Government Corruption Whistleblower
  69. PA Senator Bob Casey Wants Federal SBA to Bailout businesses Effected by NHL Strike
  70. Obama to nominate slavery advocate Hagel as def sec-Rand MUST filibuster
  71. GOPers Have Obama's Back on Drone Strikes
  72. Unprecedented Powers for Warrantless Surveillance
  73. Stop Congress from Reauthorizing the FISA Amendments Act, a Warrantless Spying Bill
  74. Secret Hill Meeting
  75. Forced taxation is illegal.
  76. 55 Reasons Why California Is The Worst State In America
  77. Cops Whine About Marijuana Legalization
  78. Man Executed by the Police.. 13 Shots- one clearly after the man is dying
  79. North Carolina Cops Want To Read Your Text Messages
  80. Speeding Camera Issues Ticket To Parked Car
  81. 1,000 military bases overseas
  82. Racist ESPN Commentator attacks RG3 for Not "Being One of Us."
  83. Number of jailed journalists sets global record
  84. Judge Napolitano: Surveillance Program Is ‘Blank Check for Government
  85. Report finds harsh CIA interrogations ineffective
  86. BBC told to put more gay presenters on children's TV
  87. US sends Troops and Missiles to Turkey
  88. Disabled girl traumatized by TSA
  89. BREAKING: mass shooting at elementary school
  90. Deutsche Bank Accounts Are Frozen - 4 employees arrested - CEO stands down
  91. A WIN in the WoDs - Obama caves on fed pot enforcement!
  92. Taking A Few Lessons From Hollywood
  93. CO Governor Hickenlooper: It's Time For More Gun Control Measures
  94. controlling the narrative
  95. Fight Over FISA Brewing in Senate
  96. Michigan to eliminate 'gun free zones'
  97. Was the shooter mentally ill?
  98. An emotional Obama: 'They had their entire lives ahead of them'
  99. Statement from Mayor Nanny Bloomberg
  100. Obama does not have a "mandate" for anything!
  101. Montreal may require dogs to be bilingual
  102. I've gotta ask; What's really going on?
  103. Man slashes 22 children near China school
  104. Alex Jones: Get ready, they're coming for our guns
  105. The State is Doomed…and Other Reasons to be Optimistic
  106. A (Farewell) Message From Congressman Roscoe Bartlett
  107. Human Rights Court: CIA Tortured, Sodomized German Citizen
  108. New Report: Man-made Global Warming Is a Farce
  109. U.S. troops will man Patriot batteries along Turkey’s border with Syria
  110. Rubin: Hagel’s non-interventionist views make him “like Ron Paul separated at birth.”
  111. Netflix users: Animal Farm (1999)
  112. Dronestream Tweets every reported US drone strike 2002-2012
  113. A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant
  114. Precious Metals dealer shot dead by police.
  115. Surviving Alone in Alaska
  116. The Suffering of an American Drone Operator
  117. "There has never been a documented case of a dog killing a police officer."
  118. Michelle Obama can't be this stupid?
  119. Newtown School Shooting/ Open Lines
  120. Huckabee: "Violence in Schools Because We Systematically Removed God"
  121. Bioshock Infinite pissing off both Unions and the Tea Party.
  122. Second Amendment Protection Act of 2011
  123. Permanent DWI checkpoints to save lives.
  124. Happy Bill of Rights Day
  125. Texas school where teachers carry guns prepared to protect students
  126. Does America have the highest homicide rate in the world?
  127. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), remember this guy? He's still in office.....
  128. Dem. lawmaker: To get gun control, Obama must ‘exploit’ shooting
  129. Clinton faints
  130. Will Gov. Snyder sign the bill banning gun free zones?
  131. Rumor that Peter Lanza is scheduled to testify in LIBOR scandal
  132. Biggest Social Media Sites Censor Alternative News
  133. Clackamas mall shooting stopped by licensed carrier! SPREAD THIS STORY NOW!
  134. German Court: CIA Abducted, Tortured and Sodomized a German Citizen
  135. Alex Jones: Liberals are really Authoritarians....
  136. Gun Free Zones (VIDEO)
  137. US Heading To A Soviet-Style Collapse - Gorbachev
  138. MI-Remember that man shot 46 times by cops? New video shows he was walking away.
  139. Fox News boss Rupert Murdoch tweets his support for gun control
  140. No good deed... 10 yr. old strip searched by principal.
  141. Survivors Remember Bath, Mi School Massacre 1927
  142. WE MUST GO ON OFFENSE, Left is all about TAKE TAKE TAKE
  143. Obama finally asked about legalization in WA and CO. Gives a pretty ambiguous answer.
  144. Received from Congress John Larson
  145. Liberals steal guns in Australia. Gun laws backfire
  146. I called the cops on my abusive boyfriend... cops end up killing me.
  147. The day 69 school children died.
  148. Oklahoma school shooting plot prevented by police
  149. obama jobs czar endorses communism
  150. United Nations Bid to Seize Internet Fails but Threat Remains
  151. US says: dismiss lawsuit over Americans killed by drones
  152. Drudge Report: Did Connecticut Shooter Post Pre-Massacre Threat on Internet Messageboard?
  153. NYPD Detective: We need to repeal gun-free school zones
  154. China Calls for ‘No Delay’ on Gun Controls in U.S.
  155. What ELSE happened the day of the CT shooting?
  156. NAZI's on the loose in Paragould Arkansas
  157. Eric Holder on Brainwashing People about guns,
  158. Rifle wasn't even used... He used two pistols...
  159. Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings
  160. Of Course Today Is The Day to Talk About Gun Control
  161. Obama to speak at Newtown, Conn., vigil
  162. The True Source Of Random & Mass Shootings And Violence
  163. Need Confirmation: Is Youtube Blacking Out Controversial Videos? Please Test For Yourself
  164. [video] Chris Wallace Labels Handguns "Weapons of mass destruction"
  165. [Vid} Bloomberg Calls For Obama To Ignore Congress And Take Action On Gun Control
  166. Mental disease and guns are not responsible, evil is (video)
  167. HSBC Docked 5 Weeks Pay for Laundering Billions in Columbian Cartel Money
  168. Please list important links to counter the gun control agenda
  169. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-USSR) to introduce assault weapons ban
  170. TSA Terrorizes Sick Girl In Wheelchair
  171. Gun Grabbers Call for Murder of NRA President, Supporters in Wake of Mass Shooting
  172. Michigan's 'hot dog guy' getting new digs after Union thugs destroyed his business
  173. Massive New Surveillance Program Uncovered by Wall Street Journal
  174. How To Create A Mass-Murderer
  175. Undocumented Immigrants Could Get Jobless Benefits
  176. Health-care, coercion vid making the rounds in religious circles
  177. Golden State turns to lead, now leads poverty rankings
  178. Just received a call...
  179. Gun Owners of America responds to Democrats
  180. Nancy Lanza was one of those "preppers"
  181. Bloomberg update: "Mass shootings only happen in America"
  182. Mainstream Media Finally Awakens to the Fact that Big Banks Are Criminal Enterprises
  183. The second amendment did not read....
  184. Man charged with threatening massacre at Indiana elementary school
  185. Dr. Mary Ruwart: Save the Children
  186. SPLC Demonizes 'Anarcho-Capitalists' and 'Voluntaryists'
  187. Schools nationwide increase security
  188. Obama in Newtown: ‘We can’t tolerate this anymore’
  189. How to nullify DUI check points [VIDEO]
  190. Reports: Shooting at San Antonio movie theater
  191. States Tell The Feds To Pho Cough , Feds Seek To Confiscate Arms ?
  192. Mother of Sandy Hook gunman 'was a gun obsessive living in fear of society's collapse'
  193. Two Kansas police officers fatally shot outside store
  194. "Meaningful Action" (AKA: They're Coming After Your Guns)
  195. Teen Arrested For Facebook Threat To "Shoot Up Schools If Assault Weapons Laws Are Changed
  196. Statement on the tragedy
  197. The Survival Mom
  198. Haley to announce DeMint successor at noon today
  199. Police a answer at Schools or his Firearm? TSA next?
  200. Tactical Killing
  201. Virtual School
  202. Off duty officer stops Texas theater massacre
  203. Ban Men
  204. Scarborough Questions His Own Gun Beliefs
  205. What will you do in the event of a ban?
  206. Violence in America
  207. NRA member Sen. Manchin says Newtown shooting should open assault weapons debate
  208. CNN's Lemon Goes on Anti-Gun Tirade
  209. I Met the Enemy
  210. Connecticut Police Spokesman Newtown Will Prosecute Independent Journalist Whistleblowers
  211. Nikki Haley appoints Tim Scott to US Senate
  212. Ed Schultz (D-MSNBC) on Twitter
  213. 2nd Amendment - Conservatives need to be on the offensive
  214. Copy & Paste This Far And Wide: The True Purpose of The 2nd Amendment
  215. I told you people so...
  216. We Don't Have a Gun Problem, We Have a Drug Problem--a Drug War Problem, That Is.
  217. Markos Moullitsas Weighs In on the Gun Debate
  218. "Wild west"? Or Americans banding together to whoop mother ****ers?
  219. Nation’s Largest Raw Milk Dairy Sues FDA Over Interstate Ban
  220. Obama caught fake crying
  221. Presidential Elector's Ballot in Florida
  222. Timothy McVeigh
  223. Gerard Depardieu is leaving France to escape Socialism
  224. Merely Being Arrested Can Ruin Your Life
  225. Where Ron Paul Inc. are taking the liberty movement
  226. Americans Are Turning Their Guns In For Cash in the Bay Area.
  227. Rubio Open to Gun Law Changes
  228. FLASHBACK: Asst. Principal Ends School Shooting With Personal Gun
  229. There were 7 theaters within 20 min of Aurora CO psycho's home. He chose ONLY 1 banned gun
  230. FL - PA - NC - Meanwhile, the War on Dogs continues.
  231. Senator Daniel Inouye has passed away
  232. Hey You
  233. Cop Gets Drunk And Drives 100MPH, Posts Video On Facebook
  234. Oregon Taxpayers Foot $1 Billion Annual Bill for Illegal Immigration
  235. Poll: Support for stricter gun control at 10 year high
  236. Brian Terry's Family Sues Over Botched "Fast and Furious" Operation
  237. Obama's drone strikes killed 176 children in Pakistan
  238. Obama threatens to Declare 'State Secrets' If Case Continues on assassinating US citizens
  239. Do Guns Kill People? Pistol, Shotgun, Assault Rifle Put To The Test!
  240. Jobs lost from AWB?
  241. Disappointment...
  242. The ultimate arms hypocrisy
  243. Man Attempts To Open Fire On Crowd At Movie Theater, Armed Off-Duty Sheriff's Deputy Drops
  244. Too Eager for a Fiscal Cliff Deal: Republican Leadership’s $1 Trillion Tax Hike
  245. Kucinich Reiterates Support for 'Department of Peace' After Conn. Shooting
  246. Austin Gun Store Owner Offers Teachers A Discount
  247. Pastor Chuck Baldwin's Comments On the Connecticut School Shooting
  248. Martial Law in Arkansas? Yes, says local police chief.
  249. Rubio open to "serious and comprehensive study" of gun laws
  250. Great Argument Against Banning "Assault Rifles"