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  1. “Regional Equity” ?
  2. Opt Out and Film Week!
  3. Court extends stay against ruling which would strike down indefinite detention w/o trial
  4. UNIVISION: Juarez drug cartel leader captured with 'Fast and Furious' weapons...
  5. Fed agency turned Orlando seminar into $6 million vacation...
  6. These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
  7. Obama Campaign: 'Vote Like Your Lady Parts Depend on It'
  8. New software uses smartphone camera for spying
  9. Amazing! The UNTOLD story of "Pussy Riot"
  10. The Asteroids-Mining Start-Up is Hiring “General Space Nuts”
  11. The Fed may think money printing boosts an economy, but the CIA knows what it really does
  12. Johnson May be Hurting Obama Too
  13. TSA to Deploy Marijuana Detecting Body Scanners
  14. Drudge: Obama Describes Society Where White Majority Profits By Exploiting Black Americans
  15. What's Your Opinion on the So-Called "Earnings Gap"?
  16. I Was Fooled By the War-Makers
  17. Obama Honors Radical Labor Leader César Chávez
  18. US Army: "How to Identify a Terrorist" pamphlet.
  19. LOL - Mitt Romney's hits keep right on coming.
  20. MI-Detroit chief of police suspended after affair with female cop.
  21. Peter Schiff to interview John McCain tomorrow [Wednesday the 3rd]
  22. Poll: What will be the result of the "new" Obama video?
  23. GOP still PanHandling off the Revolution! haha!
  24. Homeland Security 'fusion' centers called 'useless'...
  25. All Asses Bray
  26. I guess murdering women, children and elderly is nothing new for state sponsored thugs?
  27. Car dealer sells car for wrong price, has client arrested for refusing to pay difference
  28. Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS to test c
  29. Ex-TSA agent reveals epidemic of thefts from passengers
  30. The only way anyone is going to watch tonight...
  31. Treachery, Ron Paul, Animation and the GOP Betrayal (video)
  32. Stewart Rhodes from Oathkeepers speaks at Paul Fest 2012
  33. Disposable Heroes Treated Like Second Class Citizens
  34. 'Molon Labe' Documentary in the Works
  35. Common Liberal mentality towards Libertarian philosophy
  36. Bill O'Strangelove
  37. Hillary Cackles Demonically
  38. Students Forced to pay for Lunches with Palm print!
  39. Why You Should Be Outraged About The Ruling To Keep The NDAA Indefinite Detention Clause
  40. We Fund Dependency-John Stossel
  41. Romney Obama Debate Drinking Games
  42. The Secret Deal Between the Democrats and Republicans To Control the Presidential Debates
  43. Obama: “Rich people are all for nonviolence... They’ve got what they want.”
  44. Jury Nullification is in the news again in New Hampshire
  45. The American Conservative magazine offering special $10.00 subscriptions!
  46. Who's winning the war on drugs?
  47. Need help with conversation I am having with a friend
  48. Fed Confused Reality Does Not Conform To Its Economic Models, Shocked Its Models Predict H
  49. >>>***Official***<<< Presidential Debate Thread
  50. Marijuana joint falls out of assistant city attorney's pocket -- in court
  51. It's Not America Anymore
  52. What Will You Be Watching, Doing, or Nothing Instead of the Presidential Debate?
  53. Watch tonights 2012 presidential debate here !
  54. MD- Update on the case of man beat to death by cops, coroner rules it "homocide".
  55. American and Israeli puppet voted out in Republic of Georgia
  56. Dear Mitt and Barry, I can keep myself "safe"
  57. Reality Check: Who Is Behind Commission on Presidential Debates? Are The Debates Rigged?
  58. CNN Flash Poll: Romney Wins Debate By Large Margin
  59. Starting Next Year, Brazil Wants To Track All Cars Electronically
  60. Al Gore Blames Obama Debate Loss On Denver's Thin Air!
  61. New TV ad: Republicans Blow the Whistle on Romney
  62. Mom Jailed Six Months Over Kids' Truancy
  63. Networks, AP cancel exit polls in 19 states
  64. Cop leaves K9 in patrol vehicle for three days
  65. Glenn Beck vs Elliot Spitzer Debate
  66. Romney will lose whatever gains he made at the first debate
  67. Zimmerman sues NBC for racial accusation?
  68. Mitt Romney is not a Wimp
  69. W. E. Pollock: Faux 2012 Debates In a Very Real World
  70. Cops are Heroes…Not.
  71. Mitt Romney: Federal Law Should Prohibit Marijuana Use
  72. Where would you move if it gets bad here.
  73. The Imperial Presidency - number of Executive Orders issued by President
  74. Romney, Torture, and Teens
  75. The Election is Mental Masturbation
  76. The Battle of Chernobyl Documentary
  77. The NDAA Retroactively Legalizes Gitmo, Black Sites, and the Worst of the War on Terror
  78. The Act of Voting
  79. Collectivism & "Cops"
  80. Unarmed Man Killed By NYPD, Was National Guardsman
  82. 47 Schoolchildren Pepper-Sprayed in LA when two girls started to fight
  83. Schiff says he's planning on voting for Johnson (even though he endorsed Romney earlier?)
  84. Reality Check: Breaking Down Obama and Romney's Debate Claims About Fixing Deficit spendin
  85. My Coal Debate With A Single Issue Voter
  86. TSA Agent Steals $520 To 'Punish' Passenger
  87. Someone more money-powerful than the FED?
  88. India's Stock Exchange 'Closes' After State Bank 'Flash-Crash'
  89. Picture of Maddow and Matthews after the debate last night (off twitter)
  90. Mitt Romney's Sleight of Hand Performance at the Debate!
  91. "Tiny presence, Unknown Impact for 3rd Parties"
  92. 3rd Choice is a Charm!
  93. O = Zero
  94. Obama Regime Move Magically Under the Dreaded 8.0% unemployment mark right before election
  95. Pandora & Internet Radio Fairness Act
  96. DE-"they are invading my home terrorizing my family,” Tuppeny said. “This is America."
  97. [Video] G Farah "How Dem and Rep shut out all third parties from the pres debate"
  98. "Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act" ?!?!
  99. Remembering the Murder of Donald Scott
  100. Marc Faber & Jim Rogers On Our "Clueless, Ignorant, Dangerous" Leaders
  101. Obama-Appointed Judges Keep NDAA Afloat
  102. Prominent Republicans in Washington state, Colorado endorse legal pot
  103. NYPD to mother: Pay us $710 for the dent your son left on patrol car
  104. Texas grandmother arrested for trespassing on her own land to protest Keystone
  105. Savor the choice, America!
  106. Military Wives Go Artistically Topless To Raise Awareness For PTSD
  107. I just made a deal with my uncle, wish me luck
  108. Secret Cold War Tests in St. Louis Raise Concerns
  109. AZ - Border patrol agent killed by "friendly fire".
  110. How Hawkish is John Allison? (New Cato head)
  111. NDAA and 2nd Amendment
  112. House Intelligence Chmn says China's largest phone maker is a national security threat
  113. Why Democrats Should Hate Obama: List of Liberal Hypocrisies
  114. Israeli air force shoots down drone aircraft
  115. UT-SWAT raids wrong home, terrorize 76 year old woman.
  116. File under - "Be careful what you wish for".
  117. Council of Foreign Relations on Romney's Foreign Policy
  118. St. Charles County sheriff's deputy gets 5 years on burglary charge
  119. Cop sentenced 5 years for kicking down door without warrant
  120. 100 Years of US Medical Fascism
  121. [VIDEO] Jack Hunter: Romney Should Veer Towards Libertarianism
  123. Fed Policy Is 'Working' — Moral Hazard Is Back
  124. The Risks Homeland Security Fusion Centers Pose to Americans’ Civil Liberties
  125. Don't Shine Lasers at Aircraft Unless You Want To Be Arrested - Vid
  126. NPR Third-Party Candidate DEBATE is tonight at 7pm Eastern time. LINK HERE:
  127. US Soldiers In Afghanistan Providing Security For Chinese Miners
  128. Per Five Thirty Eight, post debate, Romney improves chance to win from 15% to 20%
  129. Your Right to Resell Your Own Stuff Could Become Illegal
  130. Human Livestock Management Practices
  131. Arkansas Republican's comments on slavery, Muslims stir controversy
  132. Houston Man Receives Visit from FBI after Photographing Weather
  133. Glenn Greenwald: The US presidential debates' illusion of political choice
  134. New Strands of the Global Web of Surveillance
  135. Over $1,000,000 in precious metals seized over a plant
  136. Campus "cop" kills naked student.
  137. State pensions...UNDERFUNDED BY $1.4 TRILLION
  138. Lunch lady slammed for food that is 'too good' (seriously)
  139. Scalia: ‘Homosexual Sodomy’ Should Be Crime
  140. Coming of Age in a Guantanamo Jumpsuit
  141. Enter At Your Own Risk: Police Union Says ‘War-Like’ Detroit Is Unsafe For Visitors
  142. France Seriously Considering Purging the terms "Mother" and "Father" from All Gov Docs
  143. Microstamping could close American Gun Factories
  144. U.N. Agency Reassures: We Just Want to Break the Internet, Not Take it Over
  145. America's Richest Politicians Get Richer As Democrat, Republican Wealth Converges
  146. Chris Hedges: What Is Happening to Muslims Will Happen to the Rest of Us
  147. 2012 Election Two Failures by Andrew P. Napolitano
  148. Leonard Peikoff endorses Mitt Romney
  149. CHEMTRAILS: Caught in the act!
  150. Report: Exit polls show Hugo Chavez lost Venezuelan election
  151. Graph from the St Louis Fed of the increase in the monetary base
  152. US Govt planning for 'Mass Fatalities'? - Vid
  153. 1 in 3 US Military Females Sexually Assaulted
  154. A Jobs Report Conspiracy? - Hawaii News Daily
  155. National Security Agency designed a top-secret program broadly collecting Americans’ pers
  156. Supreme Court To Hear Monsanto Seed Dispute
  157. Maine Republicans blast opponent for World of Warcraft play
  158. Romney: will encourage military spending, Syria intervention,Arm The Rebels, Urges War
  159. Romney to give defense of Neoconservative Foreign Policy at VMI
  160. Protesters armed with Cameras push back Police in Madrid, Spain
  161. brief summary of Romneys speach at VMA just now
  162. Greater Kurdistan, a goal of the current upheaval in Syria?
  163. Stanford/NYU Study: Obama's Drones top militant leaders only 2% of the Time
  164. Romney vows to arm Al Qaeda backed militants in Syria
  165. Goldman Sachs owned 16% of the biggest forum for sex trafficking of under-age girls in the
  167. Michigan teachers can't be fired unless they're caught selling drugs to kids twice
  168. Congress to establish policies to separate at-risk servicemen and their personal firearms.
  169. Ken Buck leading organization to oppose marijuana legalization in Colorado.
  170. Mitt Rominee: The US must help Syrian rebels oust Assad
  171. Romney’s Foreign-Policy Speech: More War, Bigger Budgets
  172. Net worth: Congress up 5%. For 1/3 of them 14%. Average American down 39%.
  173. US Military Poll: Romney 66% vs Obama 26%
  174. That was strange
  175. Hubris is not a strategy, either
  176. [Video WKTAE Pittsburgh] Unprovoked student KO's teacher with single punch
  177. The Right To Not Be Offended?
  178. This Saturday October 13th Students For Liberty meet in Denton, Texas @ UNT Join us! Free!
  179. Priests and Collectivism
  180. Posted at a Police Department...don't let them near your dogs
  181. Choose not between two evils
  182. Obama Says He Wants to Debate Civil Liberties With Romney
  183. Romney’s Pretty Little War Speech
  184. The War Street Journal wants more war.
  185. Ben Swann interviews Obama!
  186. Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge: There Could Be Weeks When Decades Happen
  187. Cenk of Young Turks on how Iceland handled events:
  188. The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Truth Will Make You Free"
  189. Romney Earns Praises from Bushworld
  191. Sesame Street requests Obama Big Bird ad be taken down
  192. Big Bird Isn't the Problem
  193. California bans gay counseling for the express purpose of violating parental rights.
  194. Cracked article about the NDAA...
  195. Pat Buchanan and (Gasp) Laura Ingraham knock Romney's neocon foreign policy
  196. stealth Republicans posing as Paul supporters & libertarians to drum up support 4 Mitt?
  197. The Right To Know About Your Food - Vid
  198. Delaware spanking poll
  199. Was Bill Clinton really a good President?
  200. The Strait of Hormuz: The Great Equalizer
  201. ABC News: No Protest Outside Libya Consulate Before Attack
  202. George Carlin Deconstructs Politically-Correct Language
  203. I don't know if I endorse this Video???
  204. Today's 3 year anniversary of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize falls on "Terror Tuesday"
  205. Money is Green—Just Like Crony’s Money Makin’ Machine
  206. The Economist digital editor on whether they are left or right
  207. Supreme Court upholds telecom immunity for warrantless wiretaps
  208. Uncle Sam Prepares To Unleash Up To 30,000 Drones Over America For "Public Safety"
  209. A Changed Court Revisits Affirmative Action in College Admissions
  210. Guy arrested at LAX for haz mat/weapons in luggage, wearing body armor etc-AFTER flying in
  211. EPA recruiting schoolchildren as spies to run 'energy patrols'
  212. Jack Hunter: Obama won't reduce the deficit and neither will Romney
  213. Twitter Awash with Romney Riot Threats
  214. Murray Rothbard: Cesar Chavez Exposed; re: Obama Honors Radical Cesar Chavez
  215. What are the top 10 ways Obama has made us less free?
  216. Another Disappointment: Sheriff Mack Will Vote For Romney
  217. Song about drones (Music video by Ron Paul supporters)
  218. NYPD Stop and Frisk program recorded: "I'll Break Your F#*@ Arm!"
  219. What is Affirmative Action?
  220. Dying Woman Humiliated at Sea-Tac Airport by Security Search
  221. GM Crops Destroyed by US Drought but non-GM Varieties Flourish
  222. THE TRUE ENEMIES OF FREEDOM (Check list to see if your leader is a tyrant)
  223. U.S. Military Is Sent to Jordan to Help With Crisis in Syria
  224. PBS Frontline: The Choice 2012 (Free Documentary Online)
  225. Verizon, AT&T Sell Users' Browsing, Location Histories to Marketers - Opt Out
  226. Jail Guard FLUSHES Baby down the Toilet (video)
  227. Mister Romney's Neighborhood (Jimmy Fallon) - youtube
  228. Toons for Liberty
  229. Mirkarimi Reinstated as SF Sheriff After Domestic Violence Drama
  230. Voter Fraud in Houston, Texas: DNC Staffer Assists in Double Voting Advice For Obama
  231. Cheering for torture while the empire collapses: America's moral degeneracy
  232. Another Example of a Shameless Government Lie
  233. Reality Check: Is The Supreme Court Putting An End To “Personal” Property?
  234. Democrat casino billionaire is "frightened" of Obama, slams Fed Reserve monetary policy
  235. So let me get this straight....
  236. Is this a joke?
  237. Copper Thief found hanging from Electrical Pole in Detriot
  238. Military brass behaving like the rest of the Ruling Class
  239. Obama Quietly Extends National Emergency Declaration
  240. CEO to Workers - "I May Fire You if Obama Wins"
  241. Self-declared prince of sovereign principality of Sealand dies aged 91
  242. Oath Keepers Ft Leavenworth Billboard is UP! Rally Oct 12 & 13
  243. What Obama & Romney Won’t Talk About - Six questions for a real foreign policy debate
  244. "I have police on the way with blankets and cocoa.."
  245. DroneLord 2012
  246. Everything is rigged - health, politics, finance and more...
  247. Nigel Farage: Eurozone Being Run By Bad Guys
  248. I don't like Romney BUT...
  249. Oakland sues U.S. government to defend pot dispensary in city
  250. Medicaid is not a "welfare" program