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  1. Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone
  3. Need a quote.
  4. Texas rolls out gunboats
  6. "Independence day..it's about liberty..its about our freedom..its about another day off"
  7. Who has the time....
  8. Is Wal-Mart Destroying America? 20 Facts About Wal-Mart That Will Absolutely Shock You
  9. Jack Hunter talking about "Global Elites" on Freedom Watch on Fox Business - 2011
  10. "Our Lives, Our Rights" March Forward
  11. Thousands could lose internet access Monday beacuse of Malware
  12. Karren Harrington a liberty candidate?
  13. Walter Williams filling in for Rush today
  14. Central Banks Deliver 45-Minute Salvo As Growth Weakens
  15. US media pushes feelgood BS, instead of reporting on Gulf die-off.
  16. Who has been the best conservative president?
  17. Study: The 'gateway drug' is alcohol, not marijuana
  18. Liberty champion Petersen of Freedom Watch says conspiracy theories hurt movement
  19. Ecuador finds sex claims against Julian Assange "hilarious"
  20. 70 Reasons To Mourn For America
  21. TSA Demands Bizarre New Power To Test Drinks Purchased In Airports
  22. Guarding Opium Plants “For Our Freedom”
  23. Anybody remember M-80's?
  24. Books or articles on Minarchism
  25. Just watched Penn OWN Hannity, accidentally
  26. Obama's “Great Green Fleet,”
  27. is Romney picking Pam Bondi for VP?
  28. Paypal - crazy
  29. Elderly abused, Social Security money taken
  30. Anti-Arizona Bill
  31. Alleged rape victim acquitted in priest assault
  32. Tips for Growing a Facebook Fan page?
  34. Bush In Zambia Fighting Cancer
  35. Ted Cruz Angering the Republican Establishment in Texas
  36. UN calls for 'billionaires tax' to help world's poor
  37. The Free Staters Go Camping by Reason.com
  38. PA - Philly fireman in hot water with his bosses for saving woman's life.
  39. A Fair Share? (new short, simple, yet informative video)
  40. The ever epic Will Grigg on NH's new jury nullification law.
  41. Most disturbing video ever?
  43. Army Manual Outlines Plan To Kill Rioters, Demonstrators In America
  44. July 6, 1775: A Predecessor to the Declaration of Independence
  45. Have you ever met someone who went from being a Libertarian to a Leftist?
  46. Dreams From My Real Father [Full Film]
  47. Prof: Liberty=Selfishness=Hedonism=America's Woes
  48. Military Shifting Campaign Donations To Obama Over Ron Paul
  49. British govt to murder innocent dog Lennox for being wrong breed
  50. "For Profit" probation companies heaping fees on people that can't pay.
  51. Adrian Peterson arrested for resisting arrest (but nothing else?)
  52. Boehner: I can't make you love Mitt Romney
  54. There Will Never Be Enough Jobs In America Again
  55. Coolest cop ever playing drums in the woods
  56. The Silver Tour: Teaching Seniors the Benefits of Medical Marijuana
  57. Notice similarities between "The-Gov" and 1700 England?
  58. A father and his two sons, accused in the shooting of an ICE agent, acted out of fear
  59. Alaska DOT construction signs hacked to read "Impeach Obama"
  60. War. Who is it good for?
  61. Air Force Trains Drone Pilots by Tracking Civilian Cars in US
  62. So, we take part in an illegal war in Libya to curb terrorism...
  63. With Ron Paul leaving the picture soon we have to ask: what is this movement about?
  64. USAToday: Defense Cutbacks Hinder Economy
  65. Google ads running this World Net Daily poll: Mitt Romney or Ron Paul.
  66. Wayne Brady rips into Bill Maher - "Ill slap the sh%t outta him"
  67. Maine Governor calls the IRS the "New Gestapo"
  68. Krauthammer - Romney ‘Doesn’t Deserve to Win’
  69. Working within the GOP: How To Guide
  70. New Video - Revolution 2012: It's Time To Rise
  71. Scott says goodbye to Antiwar.com
  72. MUST WATCH The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...
  73. Senate set to approve U.N. Small Arms Treaty
  74. RedState's Erickson: MAYBE WE REALLY DO NEED A THIRD PARTY....
  75. Chairman Jim DeMint?
  76. Newsroom is a Pile of Statist Slop
  77. Obama Now Officially arresting You For Crimes You MIGHT Committ
  78. With 'freedom' in fashion, is libertarianism back?
  79. NYC - Cop show up for "domestic" call. Shoots dog dead.
  80. Cell carriers see dramatic increase in surveillance requests
  81. Cell phones and cops
  82. The Seed, the Roots, the Fruit, and the History of Racial Politics in America
  83. Transcript Shows Obama May Have Only Spent 1 Year at Columbia University
  84. Lincoln's Tariff War | by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
  85. Hutaree militia member gets his guns back
  87. Obama, Alinsky, and Scapegoats
  88. URGENT: ALIPAC Has Halted Operations. Needs Help.
  89. It's "'political grandstanding'...to ban EBT buys of guns, porn, tattoos, jewelry..." [NH]
  90. Dropped this in the mail to Mutt Romney today.
  91. Ron Paul songs
  92. A Letter to Democrats and Republicans
  93. How can Mitt and Obama legally hold $75,000 per couple fundraisers???
  94. A Letter to Democrats and Republicans
  95. How to Wipe Yourself Off the Grid
  96. MI-Off duty Detroit cop gets hugged from behind at party, sidearm goes off, killing woman.
  97. Jailing the Banksters Best Way to Curb Abuses, Says Former Head of World Bank
  98. Wait a Second...How Is Wearing Fur Bad Again?
  99. 14 Reasons Why The Tyrants and Oligarchs are in Danger Becoming Extinct By their Own Hand.
  100. Mayor Bloomberg’s Agenda 21 Dorms for Empty Nesters
  101. IN-Man goes to jail for five years for speaking out about family court judge and evaluator
  102. Chris Christie: War on Drugs a 'failure'
  103. I Have No Choice But To Be An Uncivil Man
  104. Obama signs EO allowing complete control over communications systems during crisis
  105. Independents are GROWING in the swing states (RON PAUL STATES?)
  106. Why are people on welfare allowed to keep benefits when they continue having kids?
  107. Scranton PA drops pay to $7.25/hr
  108. "Enforcement Officer" enters womans home and wakes her up for lawn being too long
  109. [VIDEO] Julie gets felt up by TSA!
  110. Big Pharma criminality no longer a conspiracy theory
  111. Globalist Foundation Looks to Spike Your Milk
  112. 14 Incredibly Creepy Surveillance Technologies That Big Brother Will Be Using To Spy On Yo
  113. Many Wall Street Executives Say Wrongdoing is Necessary
  114. Special election to be held for MI-11 (McCotter's old seat)
  115. Woman dubbed 'vodka mom by Nancy [dis]Grace dies after setting self on fire
  116. [VIDEO] 'Death tax' rate set to almost double in coming months (funny interview)
  117. Peter Schiff & Austin Petersen LIVE tonight 9:PM ET @ LibertyChat.com
  118. Peter Schiff & Austin Petersen LIVE tonight 9:PM @ LibertyChat.com
  119. TN - First use of "no refusal law" leads to blood being taken from 8 people.
  120. Midwest food crops being ravaged by drought and heat
  121. WA-State court rules text messages "not private", can be read by cops anytime.
  122. How Many Checkpoints in One Morning?! Welcome to the Police State!
  123. Police State: Your Smartphone Is Spying on You
  124. Two Clermont police officers fired after 'reckless' prank
  125. Obama, Romney haven't changed many minds in poll
  126. The Tide Is Turning in Our Favor
  127. San Bernandino California Bankrupt;Bdgt Officials Have Been Doctoring Financials For Years
  128. Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away
  129. Congressman: "Fed's job to take away the punch bowl just as the party is getting started"
  130. Arizona Pastor Arrested, Jailed for Holding Bible Study in Home
  131. AZ Bill Says Women Pregnant 2 Weeks Before Conception
  132. Depopulating The Third World: UN Sterilization Campaigns In Developing Countries Accelerat
  133. Water Securitization, Agenda 21 and the Right to Life
  134. Fighting Back Against Big Brother
  135. Helicopter Hijacker: "I was ordered by Fidel Castro"
  136. Trapped in a government re-education class.
  137. Americathon
  138. Lamar Smith - Enemy of Liberty
  139. 1.3M Cellphone Snooping Requests YEARLY
  140. 6 Steps States Can Take to Protect Themselves From Financial Collapse
  142. OH-Cop stops woman in her driveway. Dog jumps out of car, cop shoots dog dead.
  143. DEA installs license-plate recognition devices near Southwest border
  144. Obama executes teenage U.S. citizen (without any trial of course)
  145. Has Obama Officially Gone NAZI?
  146. Filing a "praecipe for monition" in the "office of the prothonotary."
  147. Adam Kokesh on The Joe Rogan Experience
  148. Video:Another Really Good Paul Craig Roberts Interview
  149. Another we're paying for this thread.
  150. Worst TB outbreak in 20 years kept secret
  151. Audit The Fed Money Bomb HAPPENING NOW!!!
  152. Verizon Wireless wants to 'edit' your Internet access
  153. U.S. Has No Idea Who’s a Taliban ‘Leader,’ Yet Still Boasts About Killing Them...
  154. Texas Professor tells NPR how he hacked a drone on a dare from DHS, and how easy it was...
  155. Cop Tells Man "I Don't Care What The Law Says, You're Getting A Summons"
  156. Sen Feinstein seems confused, and responds to my anti-CISPA letter saying she's all 4CISPA
  157. USDA Pushing SNAP Participation With Spanish Radio Ads
  158. Five Words For the United Nations: FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS
  159. New CIA Scanner Rolled Out Soon by TSA Can Surveil You on a Molecular Level
  160. Agenda 21 Micro-Apartment Scheme Being Beta-Tested in NYC
  161. Here Come the Draft-Nappers
  162. How scary is this?!
  163. Daily Paul Website Blocked by Google
  164. Congress considers prosecutions of reporters over leaked information
  165. 10 Things Most Americans Don’t Know About America
  166. Email conversation with a neo-con buddy of mine, trying to get me on the Obamney bandwagon
  168. Who actually signs checks for politicians?
  169. Cellphone surveillance
  170. DC - Acquitted of all charges, the cops still keep his car.
  171. OH-Cop roughs up 76 y/o ex-nun over refusal to leave nursing home.
  172. Video: Cops Tase Man For Refusing To ID
  173. Is Paul Krugman a Free Market Guy? - this guy seriously wants responses to that question
  174. Satire: Man Takes Viagra, Wears Sweatpants for TSA Pat Down
  175. DC motorcycle cop threatens to shoot Michelle Obama. Is placed on administrative duty.
  176. Ted Nugent Wonders if 'We'd Have Been Better Off if the South Had Won the Civil War'
  177. USDA uses Spanish radio "novelas" to push food stamp usage
  178. Video:Ultra-Fast Setting Concrete But More Interestingly,Description of DHS Tentacles
  179. Delta Flight Turned around because someone saw a suspicious Straw
  180. Supporters of Tax Increases on Rich Don't Know What Rich Are Currently Paying
  181. There Is Nothing Brave About Murdering Innocents by Remote Control - Glenn Greenwald
  182. Woman Convicted of Battery on TSA Agent
  183. Navy Beginning To Implement Underwater Drones In Gulf
  184. Inuslted On Twitter and Threaten with death & Was Added to the egg-troll-4regime List
  185. Republicans may delay House bill to cut food stamps
  186. C. Baldwin: Republican=Democrat (and vice versa)
  187. War with Syria?
  188. Obama HHS Gutting Work-Welfare Provisions
  189. They Want To Sterilize American Women: Sterilization Won’t Cost Women A Penny Under Obamac
  190. *Video* Rare encounter between a reporter with a spine and US State Dept on Foreign Policy
  191. PressTV - Democracy no longer exists in West
  192. President George H.W. Bush: 'Who The Hell Is Grover Norquist, Anyway?' What is the Pledge?
  193. SOPA is coming back. Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas is bringing back portions of it...
  194. US Olympic Teams Kits Were Made In China
  196. Jim DeMint Leads Effort to Block Senate from Taking Up Sea Treaty
  197. I like the direction Daily Paul is going...
  198. Romney: Obama's Attacks are "Beneath the Dignity of His Office"
  199. Time mag reports on suburban living. You are all selfish and should live in tenements.
  200. the War on Dogs could be our issue
  201. Alex Jones' InfoWars And Their Anti-Free Syrian Army Propaganda, Rebels Attacking
  202. Happy Nebraska Convention/Bastille Day!
  204. New credit card
  205. Woman fined for cussing at park
  206. Had enough of Lamar Smith, SMITH WANTS SOPA AGAIN
  207. San Bernadino Bankruptcy: Sheriff Opens Criminal Probe
  208. "The Smoking Gun" Teaser Trailer
  209. 12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell
  210. Greenpeace co-founder: ‘Thank goodness we came along & reversed 150 million-year trend of
  211. All the stupidest people on Facebook....
  212. What's up with /r/libertarian on reddit?
  213. Latest news in the war on drugs.
  214. Bastille Day Food
  215. Top this for a speeding ticket...
  216. Father: "I'm proud my son called the cops on me".
  217. "charter cities" in Honduras offer potential libertarian living places
  218. Next POTUS will be a socialist but the socialist control of GOP can be weakened
  219. No Income Tax; 5-10% Federal Consumption Tax
  220. MD - Cop Injured, patrol car wrecked, suspect dead, starting with a seat belt "violation".
  221. TX-Man has cops called to help after being threatened. Cops show up and kill him.
  222. That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker.
  223. Obama: ".. If You've Got a Business, You Didn't Build That ..."
  224. Back door 'green' subsidies: First Navy, now Air Force at $59/gallon.
  225. Deranged Deputy push girl friend and runs over gate at resort gets vacation
  226. TX-Cop shows up at home because of "illegal" campfire. Shoots family dog dead.
  227. What Protestants could learn from Ron Paul
  228. Any news from Freedom Fest 2012?
  229. Why Is The Entire Media Ignoring Dr. Paul's Delegate Majority In Nevada?
  230. Egypt to Clinton: Monica! Monica! *splat* Rotten Tomato
  231. Whistleblower Binney says the NSA has dossiers on nearly every US citizen
  232. Social Security Administration Failed to Record more than a Million Deaths
  233. Just curious... Poll- what is your age?
  234. Current presidential race electoral college numbers.
  235. Yaaaay, STUPID SEASON is here!!
  236. What can you say to break people out of the Two Party mindset?
  237. Years ago I watched this movie (Gandhi)....
  238. From C4L: the DISCLOSE Act is back
  239. How influential will alternate delegates be at the RNC? Plurality makers?
  240. Here's exactly why Harry Reid is wrong about the US Olympic uniforms
  241. Congressional Scorecard Based On The Constitution For Download
  242. Tom Woods Nullification Documentary Wins at Film Festival
  243. FL - Cops show up at wrong house, kill man who answers door.
  244. "Teavangelicals" author David Brody on C-SPAN this morning
  245. The Endless Drought Of 2012 Will Bake America Well Into August
  246. Why Muslim Fundamentalists Should Embrace Voluntaryist Anarchy
  247. Hillary Clinton Must Resign
  248. To Die For A Story
  249. Tax Funded WAR Comic???
  250. PR: Cops shoot 85 year-old lady 8 times by "mistake"