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  1. Yet another FBI setup, this time "anarchists"
  2. Called my Newspaper...
  3. The Border Wall: Keeping us all in
  4. OWS shows Chipotle who's boss! (livestream)
  5. OWS Bryant Park
  6. CO/TX - Today in the wrongly convicted files
  7. Occupy Bilderberg, what could go wrong?!!
  8. Obama in Afghanistan to sign security pact without Congressional input
  9. Senseless destruction in San Francisco - ongoing
  10. May Day in Seattle getting violent
  11. Robert Murphy wants your help!
  12. Obama Makes Free Speech A Felony (Video - Judge Napolitano)
  13. Whoops by one of my favorites the DEA....... Forgotten for 5 days!
  14. DHS releasing bacteria into the MBTA tunnels
  15. Glenn Beck’s Interview with NSA Workers about giant Utah data collection spy center
  16. Video - Obama kills Osama: What if real reporters were allowed White House press passes?
  17. NYC-Cops, busting up pro communist May Day protesters act like, well, Soviet KGB.
  18. You do know if you are in The Matrix, you won't be able to leave the country, right?
  19. Krugman, Diocletian & Neofeudalism
  20. These are the people killing your country
  21. The importance of moral convictions?
  22. Video (Ron Paul Supporter and Gop Est/Neo-Con Confront)
  23. You gotta' see this. /salute
  24. What do you guys think of this--convention for amendments?
  25. New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union
  26. Woman fires warning shot to scare off abusive husband; may get 20 years in prison.
  27. Cop saves dog 2
  28. Throwback video: Warren G. Harding elected as "dark horse" candidate in 1920
  29. Eagle Watch Teen Killed in Standoff
  30. Mother arrested for taking 5 year-old to tanning parlor
  31. Should I Vote for Romney or Obama?
  32. Obama’s Osama Deception Proves Reality Has A Conspiracy Bias
  33. Obamistas Confiscating Farmers’ Bank Accounts
  34. Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years
  35. White House Correspondents’ Dinner – A Nation Laughing Itself into Tyranny
  36. International Scientific Order Needed To Facilitate “The Big Die Off”, Top UN Adviser Says
  37. Class Warfare Is Being Used To Divide America – And It Is Working
  38. The Denial of Cass Sunstein: Just Admit What You Have Written
  39. writing college essay against the TSA
  40. Best way to fund TV shows?
  41. Where is it coming from?
  42. Emmanuel Derman: Is Fed as bad as China?
  43. NM-Scenes from the militarized police state of Amerika.
  44. WI-Cops, chasing after suspect, shoot family dog.
  45. Coroner: MI6 spy's death probably a crime
  46. Bin Laden's Body Found?
  47. Stop Hammertime:) Ron Paul 2012
  48. National socialist JT Ready invades home kills 3 then self ???
  49. Pirate Party to become Germany's third biggest political party at 13%?
  50. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett: Forced Ultrasounds Are 'the Way to Go'
  51. The Top Five Special Interest Groups Lobbying to Keep Marijuana Illegal
  52. Failure To Pay Your Traffic Fines? Prepare To Lose Your Utilities...
  53. CAN'T SUE YOO ; NO JUSTICE: Court Grants Immunity To 'Torture Memos' Author
  54. Libertarian Party National Convention Coverage
  55. CNN: What we didn’t hear from President Obama in Afghanistan
  56. Elizabeth Warren lied claiming she was Native American to get Harvard tenure
  57. Warren: My Grandfather Had High Cheekbones 'Like All the Indians Do'
  58. President Paul
  59. Obama Campaign's "Life of Julia" Reeks of State Propaganda
  60. IRS agent just showed up to my apartment...
  61. Some Ron Paul Channels Are Being Deleted - CISPA Happening Now!!!!
  62. Police Drugging Occupy Protesters
  63. FBI nabs five mastermind geniuses after teaching them how to blow up a bridge in Cleveland
  64. If We Dont Stand Up To This Now Now Ron Paul is DONE!
  65. Lyndon LaRouche & His Shadowy Political Machine
  66. IT'S A YOUTUBE WAR!!!, CISPA Purge
  67. 16 Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider
  68. Reuters: "Republicans back Santorum, Rubio for VP"
  69. FL Governer Rick Scott Upholds 2nd Amendment During GOP Convention
  70. Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America
  71. Jihad on the Forest Animals
  72. Republican Party Threatens Nevada GOP if Ron Paul Wins - Politico.com
  73. 1 of 3 republicans senators who supported DREAM Act in 2010 about to lose primary.new poll
  74. IN - Cop shoots family dog after home burns down.
  75. Picture of first Obama girlfriend?
  76. AL - Cops shoot five month old dog.
  77. Freedom Watch producer "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit
  78. PA - Sources: Cop repeatedly Tasered teen in jail
  79. Obama Rally -- Ticker Streams your Message; Shall we?
  80. No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Order During NATO Summit
  81. Marco Rubio embraces liberal internationalist foreign policy
  82. Morning in Amerika
  83. Reality Check: Attacks on U.S. Troops by Afghan Police and Soldiers "Under-reported"?
  84. Fukushima Now Radiating Everyone: 'Unspeakable' Reality 'Will Impact All Of Humanity'
  85. Campaign For Liberty Candidate Survey Questionnaire
  86. A Decade of War — for What? -Pat Buchanan
  87. House committee mulls Holder contempt resolution...
  88. Outta control "just-us" department!
  89. The Revolt Against the NDAA Hits Congress - we need to make sure RON's bill is picked
  90. WSJ Video: How Elizabeth Warren benefited from claiming to be 1/32nd Native-American
  91. Rodney Brossart, American Arrested Using Predator Drone, Had Rights Violated, Lawyer Says
  92. There Are 100 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have Jobs
  93. Is anyone here an Oathkeeper (thinking about joining)?
  94. If the income tax was abolished...
  95. Smoke signals around harvard job hiring of Native American Elizabeth Warren
  96. Houston TX is safer today.
  97. Obama Mentor Wanted Americans Put In Re-Education Camps
  98. GOP Voter Drive Raises Questions About Company, Laws
  99. EPA’s Plans for Implementing UN’s Agenda 21
  100. Fast and Furious II: Obama Considers Making it Easier to Sell Firearms Abroad
  101. Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens
  102. ‘We Are Preparing For Massive Civil War’ Says DHS Informant
  103. Mike Rowe: America has a dysfunctional relationship with work
  104. Homeland Security investigating slain buffalo
  105. “No president has ever relied so extensively on the secret killing of individuals"
  106. FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites — Now!
  107. [Video] Half-hour Reality Check special on CISPA and other internet piracy bills
  108. Is Pro-Choice Racist?
  109. Milken Institute: Charles Murray, Niall Ferguson; What Happened to the American Dream?
  110. Help us Ron Paul , You're our only Hope !
  111. The destruction of constructive dialogue
  112. Dan Rather "We reported a true story. That's the reason I'm no longer at CBS News."
  113. Press Conference on the NC State NDAA-Nullification process in Mayodan, my friend did this
  114. Dont Believe We're Winning? Just Look At The Crowds! (Vid)
  115. Great New Hiphop Track dedicated to RP...
  116. Charles Murray via The New Criterion: On Major Artistic Accomplishments
  117. H.L. Mencken rewrites the American Constitution
  118. did obama just sign away our sovereignty?
  119. Post-911 fear-mongering in the eyes of a child
  120. Woman Jailed For Trying To Fill A Prescription
  121. Inmate given furlough for singing "‘I’m Sexy And I Know It’"
  122. Empire and its Jeffersonian Discontents [The War Street Journal Goes Full Godwin]
  123. Will Grigg: The Everyday Evil of America’s Torture State
  124. Chris Christie Addresses Libertarian Audience As ‘Committed Conservatives’, Crowd Groans
  125. Native American Elizabeth Warren video of the day
  126. Kids and Money: Teens earn role in Federal Reserve bank
  127. Colorado Farmer Gets Four-Year Prison Term for Being Shot by a Cop
  128. MO-SWAT cops kill dog, mace puppies in cage, during misdemeanor pot raid.
  129. Peter Schiff Dissects President Obama's "Life of Julia" Ad [Video]
  130. Fight Back Against the TSA
  131. Tasers No Longer a Non-Lethal Alternative for Law Enforcement
  132. Gerald Celente coming up next on FOX AND FRIENDS
  133. Michael Scheuer followed by Trey Grayson on CSPAN
  134. Yoopers considering seceding from MI
  135. Amazing Response from CNN Journalist About Ron Paul
  136. Biden comes out in favor of Gay Marriage. Is he going rogue on Obama?
  137. Constitutional Sheriff event in SW Missouri 5/21
  138. How Has the Ron Paul Movement Impacted and Changed your Life?
  139. My Salute to Mr. Moneybomb Trevor Lyman
  140. Spreading the Message: The Top Ten Historical Figures/Stories that need their own movie
  141. Tom Woods talks about RonPaulForums being instrumental in landing him the Schiff Show gig
  142. This is Why You Cannot Stop The Ron Paul Movement
  144. Mitt Romney's Camp Caught Red Handed Cheating
  145. Song in the 80s' Predicted Ron Paul Revolution
  146. Ron Paul could win the nomination still :-)
  147. Great video - Reporters call out Obama on the whole "Osama killing" hoax
  148. To ALL of These Newcomers on This Board OUR "Friends"...Rejoice!
  149. Romney careful not to piss off RP supporters
  150. We need a push for more caucus states
  151. Israel's Netanyahu seeks early election in 4 months‎
  152. Portrait of a Widow's Grief - Afghanistan
  153. Internet Censorship Bill CISPA coming to the Senate and getting traction PLEASE READ
  154. Romney Throws Ron Paul Supporter Out for Asking about Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs
  155. Ron Paul = Reagan in Debate? (vid, kinda funny)
  156. Sabato's Crystal Ball: What state could tip the Electoral College?
  157. In a libertarian society, I can sue if a factories pollutants make me sick, correct?
  158. What happened to "Yes we can" ?
  159. Where are all the MSM Videos on Nevada/Maine??
  160. The Best Ron Paul Video Ever
  161. Ron Paul Movement Inspiring People Around the World
  162. We going to hit the debt ceiling again in a few months.
  163. Interview: Globalist Takeover of America and the Battle for States Rights
  164. KY-Kentucky Supreme Court Strikes Down City Sticker Police Roadblock
  165. Republican Study Committee LIVE CHAT NOW
  166. PA-Police Brutality Incident Leads to Raid, State of Emergency, Fist Fights in City Hall
  167. US anti-terrorism officials stop airline bomb plot
  168. FL-Jury finds deputy guilty of lying in videotaped takedown at Tamarac 7-Eleven
  169. Gilbert mass shooting: White supremacist J.T. Ready left tracks in politics
  170. New video released of police beating Kelly Thomas to death (graphic photo in thread)
  171. Belize-John McAfee, software inventor. Home raided, dog shot, legal weapons seized.
  172. England Prevails!
  173. Pollution and laissez faire government in HK. As a libertarian how do we make this work?
  174. Priority: Peter Schiff's New Book
  175. Illegal Immigration IRS Fraud - You won't believe this...
  176. 4 ways the Federal Gov spys on you.
  177. One more piece of evidence that there is no difference between GOP and Democrats
  178. Feds admit "operational control" over latest Al Qaeda underwear bombing plot
  179. The news I am most looking forward to seeing today
  180. Rasmussen: Romney 44%, Obama 39%, Ron Paul 13%
  181. Bush-era law gouging U.S. Postal Service
  182. State Conventions; When?
  183. S Korea finds smuggled capsules of powdered babies.
  184. VIDEO: Voting fraud by government officials caught on tape
  185. The only eye witness to Breitbart's death has gone missing.
  186. Diabetic teen upset with TSA screeners at Salt Lake City Airport
  187. Want a better life?....Go to jail.
  188. Twitter Apparently Not Handing Over Jack Without A Search Warrant
  189. Occupy Bilderberg Gathers Steam
  190. Government Laws
  191. The War on LEGAL Drugs.
  192. NBC News projects Lugar defeated in Indiana primary
  193. Obama sees first Budget Surplus of Presidency!
  194. CBS News - Would-be underwear bomber a double agent
  195. Michele Bachmann claims Swiss citizenship
  196. Poor Loser: Senator Lugar trashes party after losing
  197. VA - Update on the Patricia Cook killing.
  198. Obama nearly loses to federal inmate in WV!! WTF?!
  199. [Video] General Aladeen on Jon Stewart (Just for Fun)
  200. North Carolina Bans Gay Marriage
  201. July 9th is Internet Doomsday!
  202. Ron Paul Speaks at Tea Party Rally in Austin, Tx
  203. BREAKING: Russian Super-Jet missing over Indonesia (Possible Hijacking)
  204. Austin Officials Seize Mans Home B/C of Bunker
  205. TSA Finds Gun-Stuffed Mickey Mouse in Four Year-Old’s Luggage
  206. Dueling as opposed to lawsuits...
  207. Happy Europe day?
  208. Debate with a Larouch supporter..
  209. [speculation] Biden to be dropped, Hillary to be VP
  210. Congress To Amend NDAA To Give DoD & NSA Greater 'Cyberwar' Powers
  211. Great video by LP VP
  212. ATTENTION RonPaulFlix...Please put this video on the site
  213. Breaking: Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage
  214. Viewing child pornography online not a crime: New York court ruling
  215. You, Sir, Are an Extremist
  216. NYC-Cops kick handcuffed man, lie on arrest report. Video surfaces showing what happened.
  217. Rep. McClintock Rails Against Export-Import Bank
  218. Another Obama Executive Order - Hunger Games Style Scary
  219. Unannouced Military War Games in South Florida
  220. Congressional Democrats Introduce Amendment to Outlaw Self Defense
  221. Libertarian position on gay marriage
  222. Why the majority of Americans, Republicans and Democrats, are ignorant and don't care.
  223. Massive Human rights Violations but no public outcry?
  224. W.H.: Joe Biden forced Obama’s hand on gay marriage
  225. Why the rEVOLution Has Not Been Televised
  226. Baby, 18 months old, ordered off plane at Fort Lauderdale airport
  227. Is this from Romney or Obama? Censorship or Decimation?
  228. "Birther" Soldiers Refusing to Serve Under Obama without Documentation
  229. HuffPofront:U.S. Military Taught Officers:Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam
  230. The Latest Shiny Object To Distract the Plebs [gay marriage]
  231. Report Calls For 'Selective' Foreign Aid, But Falls Short
  232. Palin Endorses Fischer In Nebraska US Senate Against Rand, DeMint & Lee endorsing Stenberg
  233. Video: TSA sexually assaults another congressman.
  234. United States-United Kingdom Enhanced Security Cooperation Act
  235. Revolution rings?
  236. Media Spins Wild Conspiracy Theories To Sell NATO Attack on Syria
  237. Austin Lotto Winner Uses Jackpot to Create Ad Exposing Agenda 21 Councilman
  238. Latest Al Qaeda Boogeyman is CIA Agent
  239. David Vs Goliath: Toddler Stares Down Russian Police
  240. U.S. Army Re-Education Manual: Yet More Chilling Revelations
  241. After The Government Microchips Our Soldiers, How Long Will It Be Before They Want To Put
  242. Worst Twitter Reactions To Obama’s Support For Marriage Equality
  243. Club of Rome Report: We Are Doomed
  244. Libertarian position on employee of the job activity
  245. Human race being terminated by ‘scientific suicide’
  246. Interview: Globalist Takeover of America and the Battle for States Rights
  247. Rap Video Glorifies TSA Groping in ‘Sexy’ Patdown Fantasy
  248. NWO propaganda in Avengers film?
  249. More "bad apples"
  250. TN - Cops shoot man's dog, then throw the body off a cliff.