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  1. Davy Crockett: Not Yours to Give
  2. FBI plans, and then prevents, a terrorist attack.
  3. Now do we understand why Ron said takeover the local GOP?
  4. Found: 6 TRILLION In Fake US bonds!
  5. DC man’s ‘NO TAGS’ vanity plate earns him $20,000 in tickets
  6. ENTRAPMENT??? FBI stops Al-Qaeda suicide bomb in US Capitol
  7. Chris Christie on Friday vetoed a bill that would allow same-sex couples to wed
  8. has the push for Jeb already started?
  9. Attended Ron Paul Event In Tri-Cities Wa today
  10. DC - Another FBI created "terrorist" arrested.
  11. Can someone explain this? (Madison quote)
  12. About that failed US capitol plot...
  13. Neo-cons to have a 2nd news network? Univison English
  14. Veterans for Ron Paul march on the White House
  15. Old movie "I am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang"
  16. Anti-semitic motives behind Obama gov's funding violent interventions in arab countries?
  17. Civilians now eligible for Afghan War medal
  18. Another example of Govt Trying to be the Parent.
  19. Flashback 08 Video , Great Stuff , RPF Ronstock 08-Memories
  20. Idaho Court: Feel Free to Ignore Cop Tapping on Window
  21. $1 dollar in damages for excessive use of force
  22. Internet Surveillance Bill, WORSE Than SOPA: Explained (Video)
  23. 85 things that might get you pegged as a "terrorist".
  24. Libertarian, what you think you do!
  25. "It's morals that make a good government..." (Rant)
  26. Iowa DMR poll: Ron Paul 49%, Obama 42%
  27. [Mod note: no] Ron Paul just won Maine. Is this real life?
  28. Video Leaks Vice President of Ron Paul...
  29. How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did
  30. CA-Military, Police Square off Over Marine's Death
  31. Creating the Liberty State
  32. Tom Woods: Talking Nullification to Constitutional Sheriffs
  33. Obama pastor Rev. Jermiah Wright is back !!!!!!!
  35. France's grassroot support for Ron Paul made a website to promote him !
  36. Pro-War Propaganda is reaching Fever Pitch
  37. Is Obama really trying to destroy US economy as some pundits on the Right had alleged?
  38. Under Occupation: Documentary about the Financial Crisis, Liberty, World Govt ft. Ron Paul
  39. Ron Paul; upstaging simultaneous Republican Party banquets being held
  40. Have any of you guys heard of OPIC of AID there the ones shipping American Jobs Overseas
  41. Linda Rapoza, Mass. Fall River GOP Committee: Smart Growth/Agenda 21 Impinges Sovereignty
  42. News: Veterans for Ron Paul Plan Presidents' Day March on White House
  43. Americas Elect on ballot in Maine (And 15 others). How does a Super Pac get on a ballot?
  44. AL - Remember that 85 y/o man that got beat down for a "citizen's arrest" by cops?
  45. H.R.459 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011 | 6 New co-sponsors; total: 210
  46. "It gets Better Project"
  47. Ron Paul on US World Leadership [Video 1988]
  48. I get to meet him in about 7 hours!
  49. "Doomsday Prepper" forcibly detained at hospital, then declared "mental defective" by FBI.
  50. Need a few hits on my website, please
  51. "Why We Suck" being Ron Paul Conservatives!!!
  52. Liberals, Don’t Homeschool Your Kids
  53. Trouble accessing ronpaul2012.com
  54. Coburn, Burr Unveil Plan to Save Medicare, the Seniors’ Choice Act
  55. Currently translating Liberty Defined into French. Need help to publish it
  56. C-SPAN Callers Smack Down Homeland Security Stooge
  57. on CNN NOW Mccain and Graham MORE WAR
  58. Mark Kirk - (R-AIPAC)
  59. DHS Reforms to Attract and Retain Highly Skilled Immigrants..why not Citizens?
  60. Steve Forbes: Ben Bernanke: Supreme Socialist
  61. Ron Paul on Yahoo main home page - Why Ron Paul may have the last laugh
  62. Feds Purposesly Keeping Borders Wide Open
  63. Approve or Disapprove: Atlanta Children's Hospital's new ad.
  64. Taser's on-officer cameras catch you in the act
  65. Ever wonder why were stuck with a 2 party system??? I did, and....
  66. Any volunteers to take over my "Ballot Access" Thread?
  67. Something about the Whitney Houston death I can agree with
  68. Eugenics: Effective by Incrementalism
  69. I was interviewed by FOX17 News about Ron Paul
  70. MUST READ - CODENAME: Internet Freedom Act
  71. Senator Hatch/Rep Chaffetz(R-UT) Bill: Owe IRS Taxes Lose Your Passport! State Prisoner
  72. Yellow Lights are Too Short
  73. Family denied air travel over broken RFID chip
  74. Pat Robertson: We Need To Jail The Bankers Who Caused The Financial Crisis
  75. What are the rules behind being a Precinct Chairman
  76. RT: FBI Tries To Coax Muslim Into Bombing US Capitol
  77. Ron Paul Should move to Idaho.
  78. Conservative celebrities - no mention of Ron Paul
  79. March 2012 - Action Agenda - Important Legislation
  80. NJ Governor Chris Christie Shifts Compromise Stance on Piers Morgan
  81. “Scroogle.org Is Gone Forever” Says Site Owner
  82. Obama's Accomplishments: "One of the most effective presidents since FDR"
  83. Netanyahu wishes death to all arabs on facebook page [Mod: NOT TRUE]
  84. Watch Tonight's GOP Primary Debate (Arizona) Live Online and on iPhone at Livestation.me!
  85. Private Prison Company to Demand 90% Occupancy from Government.
  86. Just in case you missed this, we have combat troops in Congo, Uganda, CAR and Sudan
  87. Campaign for Liberty denounces "The Cybersecurity Act of 2012" - write your congressmen
  88. Lieberman Introduces The Cybersecurity Act of 2012
  89. Just sold my soul....
  90. Cindy Sheehan is being sued by the feds
  91. is this true??? mitt romney
  92. Baby helmets the latest parenting accessory? (Video)
  93. [video] Wolf Blitzer On Newt : " He Could Stand To Lose A Few Pounds As We All Know"
  94. The American Dream
  95. Middle school student sues after strip search for marijuana
  96. Georgia Democrats Seek Vasectomy Ban In Response To Abortion Bill
  97. Army Empathy Belly
  98. Why Are Almost All Congress Members Statists?
  99. [video] CFR members agrees with Ron Paul
  100. Hating the state vs. loving America
  101. 2 U.S. troops killed in Quran backlash
  102. Marine convicted in Haditha attack discharged
  103. Santorum to cut 5 trillion in 5 years!
  104. [Funny Video] Possible VP choice?
  105. [Video - 1988] Ron Paul on a Libertarian Presidency
  106. Idealism is bad?
  107. 12 amendment poll
  108. Argentine advice for Greece: ‘Default Now!’
  109. Andrew Napolitano Drug War Update
  110. AZ Feb.22nd Post Debate interview by John King with Ron Paul
  111. CSM-"Keen on slashing the national debt? Ron Paul is your man."
  112. Wars.........Baaahhhh!!!
  113. Did University of Nebraska help forment radicalism that caused 9/11
  114. U.S. refuses to grant visa to Israeli MK terrorist
  115. Another Obama Lefty Confirmed to the Bench...
  116. Planned Parenthood in My kids School????
  117. 5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide)
  118. Billy Long at Congressional Dinner
  119. Tea Party, RIP?
  120. Is politics really a team game?
  121. [Video] Ron Paul & The GOP's Millennial Problem
  122. And this is why some people can't be turned to Ron Paul
  123. Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control
  124. Jack Hunter: The Color of Change is Yellow
  125. Poll - Romney/Paul Ticket - No 46% - Yes 26% - Maybe 28%
  126. Obama Refuses To Admit That We've Been Exporting Our Inflation to the Middle East
  127. Sean Stone on Piers Morgan's show.
  128. Was Underwear Bomber a False Flag? A Fellow Passenger Testifies
  129. Country Music duo Burns and Poe sing songs about Ron Paul
  130. Guess who else is complaining about what's in public schools?
  131. US Senator Snowe Challenger Andrew Dodge Drops Out of GOP After Maine Caucus Controversy
  132. Good read on Ron Paul on legislating morality
  133. [Video] Ron Paul: The Ultimate Test & One Principle
  134. Arizona man arrested after rescuing and adopting raccoon
  135. Sneaker riots - who pays $220 for a pair of sneakers?
  136. [video] Goldline Settles Fraud Case Out Of Court For Millions
  137. Man I Knew As A Child Shot and Killed by Paramount CA Police!
  138. Gas Prices Running High: reason according to Dobbs
  139. The debate that wasn't held-Paul vs. Gingrich
  140. Must Watch: How to Become Free!
  141. Stossel special "Illegal Everything" on Fox News (tube added)
  142. Cops Trolled Driver’s License Database for Pic of Hot Colleague
  143. The Deal #2 by Jack Hunter [VIDEO] FUNNY!
  144. Yet another reason not to Farcebook
  145. UK - Plans move forward to heat swimming pool with crematorium heat.
  146. NM-Cop enters fenced, marked yard while nobody is home and shoots family dog dead.
  147. Which of these two countries poses bigger threat to US liberties,economy,political system?
  148. 'Officer Safety' Uber Alles: The Coercion Cartel's Prime Directive
  149. NC: Off duty cops caught guarding illegal poker games
  150. The Journal of a Libertarian Tomorrow (Accepting Submissions)
  151. What have you done for Liberty? February 2012 (Post your Responses)
  152. Official: Gunshots fired inside Afghan ministry, U.S. colonel and major shot dead
  153. PA-Victim of assault by Muslim man gets lectured by Muslim judge and case gets dropped.
  154. See Something Say Something, Canadian Style
  155. 40 years of fighting the War on Drugs.
  156. OH -"Secret" compartments in cars soon to be a felony.
  157. Wish that I wouldn't have posted this :) - $3,150.00 Chicken Mcnugget. (Ebay)
  158. Report: More Than 100,000 Americans Are Domestic Terrorists
  159. What If Democracy Is Bunk? (Judge Nap article)
  160. Lew Rockwell-One More Reason To Call It Faux News
  161. Pentagon Says US Citizens Accused Of Supporting Terrorism Can Be Assassinated
  162. WikiLeaks / Bradley Manning Charged With Aiding the Enemy Under the Espionage Act
  163. Missouri, the 7th State to Introduce Bill to Fight NDAA Tyranny
  164. DEA arrests County Commissioner Willie Gandara Jr. on drug trafficking charges
  165. Ron Paul Radio
  166. Neocon Michael Savage Makes Baseless Attacks on Ron Paul
  167. This Interview pretty much covers everything
  168. The Master Plan
  169. Project Opt Out
  170. Jack Hunter: The "Color of Change" is Yellow
  171. Why My Vote is for Crazy Uncle Ron
  172. Court rules that prosecutors can't force people to decrypt data!
  173. it's about control - The International (movie)
  174. Video used to attack RP on youtube is obvious Propaganda
  175. Social Media "Tactical Intelligence Collection": Spying and Propaganda using Facebook, Twi
  176. Pentagon Says U.S. Citizens With Terrorism Ties Can Be Targeted in Strikes
  177. Ryan line item veto ignores founders-Crowns President!
  178. What is the best way to encourage people to vote?
  179. PETA kills more than 95% of pets in its care (WHAT)
  180. Drone flights over the U.S.
  181. Strategy for handling the MSM
  182. VIRAL VIDEO CAMPAIGN: Why are YOU voting for Ron Paul?
  183. Update on the Federal government persecution of Gibson Guitar
  184. It's a Sign!
  185. RFK's Son Arrested For Trying To Take His Own Baby Out Of Hospital
  186. You Can't Have Your Freedom
  187. I Dare You to Say Something Nasty about DHS...
  188. "Human Rights Network" protestors carry Obama mask with a noose around its neck
  189. FL - Cops to family, "get your dog or we are going to shoot him", 2 seconds later they did
  190. How to delete your Google Browsing History before new policy
  191. Ron Paul-a-paulooza Party in Nashville, TN VIDEO (heartwarming)
  192. 1/4 of super PAC money come from 5 people
  193. Understanding Incrementalism
  194. Shooting at Ohio high school
  195. Regarding Stossel editing applause into Bolton's answer.
  196. "I don't understand all the comments about the Big Brother thing."
  197. Need some love (likes) for a local liberty candidate
  198. Murder by Breast Feeding
  199. WA-Cop guns down distressed man,"no sweat here ... bad guy should have listened"
  200. ANY Positive achievements of the CIA?
  201. Googlegeddon Approaches – How To Protect Yourself (how to erase your google history)
  202. AG Eric Holder Could Be Jailed for Ongoing Fast & Furious Cover-up
  203. WikiLeaks Starts Massive E-mail Dump from Intelligence Firm Stratfor
  204. One of the fastest growing educational disciplines? Homeland Security.
  205. File this one under dog vs bullets
  206. Top military pilots grounded by F-35 mess
  207. Mark Levin Attacks Mr. Libertarian (Tom Woods replies)
  208. So Rush Limbaugh hates Ron's foreign policy, but doesn't realize he actually supports it?
  209. Former Utah Sheriff's Deputy robs sheriff's office for pills...
  210. Guilty Until Proven Innocent - France - Every Car To Carry Breathalyzer
  211. Drones and Nuclear Weapons?
  212. [Highly Intriguing] Vatican Requests 1500 year old bible from Turkey
  213. LibertyForum.ca - Canadian Liberty Forum
  214. Bill Clinton Among Nobel Peace Prize Nominees
  215. FEMA Puts Out Contract For Emergency Camps to House “Displaced Citizens”
  216. America 1950 vs. America 2012
  217. How to fix the economy [parody video]
  218. IL-Innocent man files suit against cops for shooting him and then withholding medical care
  219. Take Shelter!
  220. Obama could end up losing 2012 re-election ... in Afghanistan
  221. Christians praying for Mandela’s recovery
  222. Mark Levin Attacks Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, and Thomas DiLorenzo [video]
  223. How elite colleges discriminate against Asians
  224. Ron Paul finds support in a variety of countries other than US
  225. Too Many Laws
  226. What ever happened with the Campaign for Liberty?
  227. ALERT: delete your Google browsing history in three simple steps . . .before it's too late
  228. a vote for liberty
  229. For the first time ever, Texas Congressman Ron Paul also leads the president.
  230. 2012 Election RIGGED - This is going Viral
  231. The Maine government banned fun because it is too safe!
  232. Wikileaks & Anonymous team up
  233. Stratfor Email: US Plans to Charge Assange
  234. Are Rich People Less Moral?
  235. Ten Signs You're in an Abusive Relationship (with your government)
  236. Ron Paul: The Government's War on Religion
  237. RevPac MI/AZ Election Coverage ,Streaming Link
  238. A convo on The Blaze
  239. "Ethicists argue for the killing of newborn babies as a logical extension of abortion."
  240. Just on Fox
  241. My Youtube channel was taken down because I am a Ron Paul supporter!
  243. Ron Paul Magazines
  244. Patriots in America, now is the right time to endorse Ron Paul
  245. Oppose This Dangerous Global Internet Treaty - ACTA: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
  246. Virginia's NDAA Nullifying Bill Passed by State Senate
  247. U.S. 'info ops' programs dubious, costly
  248. Victims of 9/11 plane crashes dumped in landfill
  249. The Price of Gas
  250. Unarmed innocent man flees scene after being shot at by ICE agent.......