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  1. What time are caucuses tonight? And what's the deal with Maine?
  2. 'We the People’ Loses Appeal With People Around the World (NY Times)
  3. Legal Recreational Marijuana may become reality in 2012
  4. [Video] Investing in Libertarianism (Donate to Thomas Massies Congressional Campaign)
  5. Texas State Rep. David Simpson, if Reelected, Will Reintroduce Popular Anti-TSA Bill
  6. UK Cops May Get OK To Use Nerve Gas On Protesters!
  7. Have you heard of a "former" Ron Paul supporter?
  8. A Motivating Image
  9. Not on Drudge: 'Death to Christians' inscriptions on monastery near Israel's parliament
  10. Joke : how to win the next Minnesota
  11. Ron Paul supporters or Occupy protest?
  12. Great Description of Modern Rights vs Constitutional Rights
  13. NEW VIDEO: A Wake Up Call... Please watch
  14. MS-45 year old women, with no criminal record, going to jail for box of cold tablets.
  15. Will Grigg demolishes the justifications of US sniper Chris Kyle.
  16. The Power the Media can Have on Us
  17. Denver County Precinct 434 Info, Winning
  18. Ron Paul Andrew Jackson pic
  19. Blowback
  20. Is Media Making up False Numbers for Delegates?
  21. “We the People” will fail......It’s “I the Individual” or nothing
  22. Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress
  23. Total Collapse - The Build up to World War 3
  24. Inside a newspaper today...
  25. CNN: Why not a right to a college education?
  26. What are your favorite libertarian leaning blogs?
  27. The Scariest Video I have ever seen
  28. Ben Swann Was Homeschooled, Earned Masters Degree by 16
  29. CPAC Schedule of Events
  30. [Animation] It's the puppet show!
  31. CNN's Paul Begala Paid $160k + By Obama Super PAC
  32. [Video] Obama's Convenient Tyranny (Short but Excellent Vid)
  33. JFK bought 1200 Cuban cigars hours before signing embargo
  34. Awesome News: Ron Paul Winning the War Over Delegates
  35. Internet Censorship Round 2: Harry Reid Poised to Introduce Yet Another SOPA-like Bill
  36. Komen for the Cure V.P. Resigns Over Planned Parenthood Coercion
  37. The Zuckerberg Tax
  38. 217 Passengers Killed by Pilot Suicide
  39. Portugal Drug Laws
  40. Nixon Would Have Made A Great Troll These Days
  41. Quotes from the Founders
  42. [Video] The War on Drugs and ADHD
  43. Forget about Calling Cops - DONT GET PULLED OVER - Cops Beat Man In Diabetic Coma NV
  44. Act Up Against ACTA
  45. Obama/Biden 2012 Fire The Cattle Guards (facepalm)
  46. Objectivism>>>Constitutionalism>>>Capitalism>>>Ind ividualism>>>Freedom.
  47. Denver Citizens Expose The Corrupt Denver Police Department!!! Video
  48. Daniel Hannan: How foreign aid harms its recipients
  49. Oklahoma Legislator Introduces NDAA Nullifying Resolution
  50. Washington State Lawmakers Join War on NDAA Indefinite Detention
  51. The Coming Global EPA’s Gestapo Units with Marc Morano
  52. If You Love “Individual Liberty” Or If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Pote
  53. Massive Evidence Of Vote Fraud In Nevada
  54. 10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve
  55. Full on Newscorp Protest, Boycott, Write in, Call in campaign to restore Freedom Watch
  56. Georgia Right To Grow Act
  57. LAPD establishes Domestic "War Room."
  58. Marco Rubio's C-Pac Speech
  59. Need some help guys! Universal Healthcare.
  60. The economy is about to fall off a cliff, and it's come down to ABORTION???
  61. Target Point Consulting phone poll (who's paying them?)
  62. "Republicanism"
  63. Blast from the past, life before speed cops
  64. What would happen to National Parks if Ron Paul close down Department of Interior?
  65. Erick Erickson on C-Span at CPAC
  66. U.S. Military Refusing Orders from Obama, and suing?
  67. The New round of bailouts - The other side of greedy
  68. Data in New World Bank Report Shows that Large Public Sectors Reduce Economic Growth
  69. UK - Cop chases himself for 20 minutes based on CCTV info
  70. US troops in Afghanistan pose in front of NAZI Schutzstaffel banner.
  71. FL-Cops and EMTs wait 50 minutes while woman dies in her home, because of dogs.
  72. "Your Freedom Ends Tonight"
  73. Anyone watching CPAC?
  74. US Snipers posing with Nazi Symbolism
  75. Bernanke: Housing no longer a secure investment, Housing Sector has `serious imbalances'
  76. PPP should not be taken seriously
  77. If You See Something, Do Something
  78. [Video] Debunking Ron Paul (Pro Ron Paul parody of Establishment thinking)
  79. ‘Occupy CPAC’ protesters paid $60 for the day
  80. Speak Out Against Judge Napolitino being Cancelled
  81. Out of control in TN: guy builds small boat in garage, state calls him a boat dealer.
  82. The Epic Farce Continues - US Attorneys General "Robosigned" A Foreclosure Settlement...
  83. The funniest example of Blowback (Video)
  84. Big Forfeiture Case To Be Heard in Federal Court on Monday
  85. Supreme Court Justice–Elena Kagan–is Pro Sharia Law!
  86. Graduates with $200,000 degrees now considered "very poor"
  88. George Carlin the illusion of freedom
  89. While Mitt, Santorum and Newt are busy ripping each other apart, Ron Paul is quietly amass
  90. The Admiral Of The Nebraska Navy & The Plan To Kill The Fed
  91. Where's the Catholic Church when...
  92. Kim Jung Un assassinated?
  93. Congress asked to address racism in military
  94. Will McCain, Lieberman support Al-Qaeda to topple Syrian government?
  95. Ron Paul beats Gingrich and Santorum in head to head vs Obama
  96. How To Beat Main Stream Media
  97. Ron Paul Hawaii Caucus March 13 Radio Advert
  98. CPAC Prediction
  99. The most ridiculous comment I have ever heard from an Obama supporter
  100. Chris Christie
  101. Are the unemployment numbers being manipulated?
  102. Americans on the Oregon Trail VS Americans on Welfare Today [VIDEO]
  103. Request from Judge Napolitano
  104. What round NC delegates released to vote their conscience in a brokered convention?
  105. Ron coming up on Fox this hour
  106. TSA Recruitment Video [LMAO]
  107. TSA What the heck is this?
  108. Ron Paul on Lew Rockwell Show yesterday.
  109. Why is Iran's Press covering shooting of Ramarley Graham by NYPD?
  110. Non-interventionist contradiction?
  111. Hey look another article about the GOP race WITHOUT Ron Paul
  112. What would be the best procedure for voting that would ensure accuracy?
  113. GOP Strategist: Ron Paul Will Be on GOP Ticket
  114. GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER! (sarcasm)
  115. UN Bosses Secretly Plot Global Government Through "Green Economy" for Rio+20
  116. Somalia Rescue Made Obama Think About His Daughters, Do Afghan raids Do Too?
  117. Breibart Vs. OWS Rent-A-Schmucks
  118. Ron Paul: It was almost like a tie
  119. An Urgent Message From Judge Napolitano
  120. CPAC Voted For Who?
  121. Mitt Romney Not Natural Born Citizen?
  122. U.S. Regulators Approve First Nuclear Power Plant Since 1978
  123. How we waste $154 million a year on a useless agency to help the "arts"
  124. Delegates.. Im confused
  125. I'm a delegate
  126. Denver County Colorado GOP
  127. WWW ((.)) FREEDOM WATCH ((.)) TV
  128. Al Qaeda's No.1 Al-Zawahri joins Israeli, US leaders in call for Syrian regime change
  129. Helping Homeless Vets!
  130. NDAA Nullification: Tennessee Bills Propose Kidnapping Charges for Federal Agents
  131. Want to be a blog contributor?
  132. Singer Tony Bennett Calls For Legalization of Drugs
  133. David Brin's Questionnaire Regarding Certain "Fundamental Questions" of Politics
  134. Can't find anything about Arizona
  135. Do You Think Libertarians Are More Welcomed In Democratic Party?
  136. Santorum: I don't rig straw polls (Video)
  137. School teacher killed by police for rolling up her car window
  138. Whitney Houston all over the media : Good or bad for our Maine situation?
  139. What's happening to FOX news?
  140. Any Farsi speakers here? Need translation of video
  141. Point: Ron Paul’s Our Man
  142. Justin Raimondo's article regarding the future of the Ron Paul movement
  143. Lew Rockwell Podcasts
  144. San Francisco Enlists Bus Cameras For Traffic Law Enforcement
  145. Courts and Dept of Justice Agree: Videotaping Police is OK
  146. Judge Andrew Napolitano for Supreme Court Justice!
  147. Tommy Jordan endorses Ron Paul (creator of viral Youtube video with 21+ million views)
  148. Voters were disenfranchised in Maine
  149. Listen to this Ron Paul Country Song
  150. Mike Church and Adam Kokesh share a drink! [VIDEO]
  151. Emerging Movement Encourages Sheriffs to Act as Shield Against Federal Tyranny
  152. Soundtrack To The Sh*t Hitting The Fan (Redux)
  153. Gillespie: Napolitano's "end-of-show commentary...a speech for the ages."
  154. Joe the Plumber on Auditing the Fed, Gold & Silver, NDAA
  155. BBV: Citizens Sue to Stop Gov't from Linking Votes to Voters
  156. Harry Reid to bring SOPA bill back Wednesday to Silence Paul Forums and blogs
  157. OWS protestors at CPAC, one admits they are all getting paid
  158. Just Voted For Ron Paul!
  159. PENNSYLVANIA VOTER EMERGENCY! (Need 1000′s of Signatures BY FEB. 14 in Pennsylvania!)
  160. The Free Market: Fallacies and Facts | Thomas E. Woods, Jr
  161. Tips on how to better promote Liberty in your neighborhood
  162. Video: What to Expect at a City Council Meeting Regarding ICLEI (Agenda 21) Membership
  163. Goldman Sachs Shorted Greek Debt After It Arranged Those Shady Swaps
  164. Not on Drudge: How come Florida prisons do not serve kosher food?
  165. Woodward County (Oklahoma) Commissioner Passes Resolution Exposing UN Agenda 21
  166. Get ready for a new war - Israeli Embassy in India attacked by car bomb !
  167. Greece Burning - Think it Cant Happen Here?
  168. [VIDEO] The Speech an Honest American President Would Give
  169. Ron Paul budget versus Obama latest budget
  170. Trail to begin for Michigan 'Hutaree' militia.....
  171. Christian School in Rand Paul's hometown brings Iranian Arms dealer to town to speak.
  172. How in the HELL did this election turn into an ABORTION DEBATE?
  173. Soros funded Media Matters memos unearthed, staffers spilling the beans.
  174. Coalition of Patriot Groups Unite to Oppose NDAA
  175. I Think I Figured Out Why the Establishment is Pushing Rick S.
  176. Against Online Surveillance? You Must Be 'For' Child Porn, Says Legislator (Canada)
  177. NOPD will place big orange sticker on homes ID'd in drug tips
  178. Kelley Vlahos: TAC was a lone voice of dissent at CPAC ’12
  179. Why Are Record Numbers Of Young Adults Jobless And Living At Home With Mom And Dad?
  180. State agent inspects sack lunches, forces preschoolers to purchase cafeteria food instead
  181. Obama Advisor’s Call For Global Tax Part Of UN Agenda For Transfer of Wealth
  182. Detroit Columnist Calls for Sterilants in Drinking Water to Curb Poverty Numbers
  183. Life in America Under Agenda 21 with whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt
  184. New World Trade Center Site To Become Military Grade Police State Hub
  185. Thirty seconds to mars - this is war
  186. OR - Bend police dog bites jogger going by patrol car
  187. Union Strikes May Halt Twinkie Production
  188. Elementary Students Already Racking Up Cafeteria Debt!!
  189. Six years in prison for medical marijuana grower
  190. I don't get it...(Judge Nap's last Freedom Watch words included)
  191. Officer Shoots, Kills Suicidal Man
  192. Is having zero debt in a political campaign really a good thing?
  193. Proof Republicans are party of big govt: majority want to increase taxes on millionaires
  194. Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress
  195. US Marine killed by the police, unarmed – and in front of his children
  196. Obama voters
  197. TSA targeting women for naked body scans.
  198. Afghan War outsourced – US lost more civilians than servicemen in 2011
  199. Romney/Santorum preserve FDR`s temporary class warfare `victory tax`!
  200. Police: An Army By Any Other Name
  201. Masters of War(Incredible Cover by Ron Paul Supporter) Amazing Amazing
  202. The Catholic Church v. Obama
  203. OMG! World Bank President to Step Down..Hillary wants in??
  204. Brett Guthrie, Mitch McConnell and 3 others vote to allow Government to Fly Unmanned .....
  205. The Most Vile and Inhumane Immigration [and CPS] Story You Will Read This Week
  206. What If Someone Could See Everything You’ve Ever Googled?
  207. U.S. schoolchildren now subjected to sack lunch searches by government agents
  208. David Stockman’s Viewpoint on the Obama Budget Disaster
  209. Paper or Plastic?
  210. What? Wow. Never thought I'd see this.
  211. UPDATE: Women have a RIGHT to FREE contraception.
  212. If THIS video goes viral, Ron Paul wins....
  213. FBI Fliers Reveal Profile Of A Perfect Terrorist, They Pay For Coffee With Cash
  214. Sowell: The 'Progressive' Legacy (Takes apart Teddy, Wilson, Obama)
  215. Bustamante, "top of her class", now thrill killer after Prozac dosage increase
  216. How to get fired in 5 minutes.
  217. Over 350 dead in Honduras prison fire.
  218. And if this had happened here in the USA...
  219. Reuters : Clinton in talks about possible move to World Bank
  220. 1994 tax debate hosted by young Sarah Palin, libertarians vs. statists
  221. "These people are crazy. They hate cops. They hate the government" - Must read
  222. talking on rick santorum on the view now
  223. the Most Confusing Speed Limit Sign You’ve Ever Seen
  224. Comedy Central abruptly suspends production of Colbert Report
  225. Ron Paul live at town hall event in Twin Falls, Id
  226. As seniors climb from poverty, young fall in
  227. Politico Thinks Wisconsin's State Flag Is A Union Flag
  228. Commonwealth of Kentucky has a bill to legalize hemp and now Medical MJ.
  229. NY-Medic Alert bracelet call cops. Cops then taunt, use racial slurs and kill 68 y/o man.
  230. DC-Reporter forced off air by irate teens after exposing booze supply from liquor store.
  231. Can we enlighten the 99%? - The 99% Declaration
  232. Chuck Baldwin - the anti-Santorum
  233. Geithner: Obama Budget "Unsustainable"
  234. i miss the debates
  235. Obama continues his fight against medical marijuana in Delaware
  236. Young Undercover Cops Flirted with Students to Trick Them into Selling Pot
  237. Pat Buchanan out at MSNBC
  238. Whitney Houston would still be alive If She just stuck to pot, says Tommy Chong
  239. Nullification and the Forgotten Branch
  240. "Democracy is destroying your wealth and freedom"
  241. Yet Another European Government Drops ACTA
  242. I am sick of people claiming they were part of the Tea Party in 09
  243. Do you plan on financially contributing to OTHER "Liberty" Candidates?
  244. Last Post After One Year of Progressives for Ron Paul
  245. Corporate cronyism and military academy grads
  246. Ask Your State Legislators to Introduce a Stop Agenda 21 Bill
  247. An Honest Assessment of Neoconservatism
  248. Governor Chris Christie Wants Half-staff flags for Whitney Houston in Jersey On Saturday
  249. Killer On The Loose: Grandpa "Armed" With Baby is SWAT Veteran's Seventh Kill
  250. Ron Paul is the choice of the troops!