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  1. Great pic of Ron on the top of Drudge
  2. How close do you match-up with Ron Paul? - Take the Quiz.
  3. Ron Paul Catches Gingrich in Iowa
  4. Ron Paul #1 on Reddit right now
  5. O'Donnell (witch) endorses Romney
  6. Glenn Beck Suggests Tea Party Is Racist
  7. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich Flip Flops Video
  8. FreeRepublic.com has a lot more pro-Paul people than 4 years ago
  9. If January goes well for Ron Paul, might he give up his House seat early?
  10. Eric Holder to Become First American Detained Under NDAA
  11. Give a gun a good home for Christmas
  12. CA - Monterey Servicemembers Test Quicker TSA Screening.
  13. 40 Members of Congress Say No to Indefinite Detention of Americans
  14. The NDAA and you. Your rights are being negotiated away.
  15. CA - Homeless Man Distraught After CHP Shoots Service Dog
  16. what are the delegate thresholds in IA, NH and SC?
  17. Americans Elect Political Director: Too Much Democracy is Dangerous
  18. Rick Perry Drunk Speech
  19. LewRockwell: The Council on Foreign Relations and the 'Grand Area' of the American Empire
  20. Newt Gingrich: Selling Access (Vid - 2 Min) - "Its about Serial Hypocracy"
  21. Irrelevant, Dying Magazine TIME designates "Protester" Person of the Year
  22. URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: Final vote on NDAA could be today
  23. Colbert: Trump should run for the Whig party lmao
  24. I am on the ballot!
  25. HUFFPOST Ron Paul Says There Is No Provision For Medicare And Medicaid In The Constitution
  26. How Ron Paul could win nomination
  27. "There is Ron Paul...and there is Newt Romney O'Bama..."
  28. Make your pre-election predictions now.
  29. A message from John Tate - Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb
  30. A socialist society, a minarchist society, and an anarchist society.
  31. The Arena and all its pundits take on Ron Paul
  32. Leaked Air Force photo - you will not believe this
  33. Busey unendorses NEWT, LOL
  34. Lawmakers Submit Letter Opposing NDAA's Indefinite Detention Provisions
  35. Shocker: CNN reporting Ron Paul tied with Romney in Iowa, 2nd place @ 17%!!!
  36. Obama will NOT veto the bill
  37. Ron Paul supporters flood Pasco County Florida's first GOP straw poll
  38. Sheriff Mack Announces Lawsuit Against SPLC, Run for Congress
  39. Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried
  40. Child Poverty In America Is Absolutely EXPLODING – 16 Shocking Statistics That Will Break
  41. Another Reason to get RID of the TSA!!!
  42. Ipsos National poll
  43. Senator Lindsey Graham on defense cuts: Fire Congress, ‘keep the soldiers’ [VIDEO]
  44. ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Heads To Obama’s Desk As White House Drops Veto Threat
  45. Lawn Parking Ban Proposal Reintroduced in Winston-Salem
  46. NC Official Sues To Privatize Marriage
  47. Occupy Portland Mom Places 4-Year-Old Daughter On Train Tracks During Protest
  48. Firearm Sales Way Up During Holiday Season
  49. A History Lesson for Newt Gingrich
  50. Over 4 thousand medical marijuana applicants on hold
  51. Gawker + Freedom of Information Act + Blackwater
  52. Peter Schiff: A History Lesson for Newt Gingrich
  53. OWS Protesters et al. Win TIME Magazine "Person of the Year" Award!!!
  54. How will Fox News treat Dr. Paul during tomorrow nights debate?
  55. Medical marijuana turns former soldier's life around
  56. [VIDEO] Chris Wallace - "If Ron Paul wins Iowa, it will discredit the Iowa Caucases."
  57. Fox News: Utah is Nevada and Obama is Romney.
  58. Mike Lee with Glenn Beck on indefinite detention bill
  59. Fox ticker: Ron Paul wonders if he will "hold up' in long campaign
  60. [VIDEO] Frank Luntz giving Positive Press to Ron Paul on FOX News? WTF is going on.
  61. Ron Paul and Joe Rogan on Leno!
  62. RNC anti-Obama ad features Corzine
  63. Rush on Greta: any Republican but Ron Paul can beat Obama
  64. Forget Fox, Best Interview Today was on CNN with Wolf!
  65. Obama: "Where Congress Is Not Willing To Act, We're Going To Go Ahead And Do It Ourselves
  66. Best Ron Paul videos this election cycle?
  67. URGENT!!! Louisiana Registration Deadline Thursday 12/15!
  68. now the Hannity hit about 90s newsletter, no foreign policy
  69. Tax or Spending Problem? Looking for data!
  70. Nearly 1 in 5 Women in U.S. Survey Say They Have Been Sexually Assaulted
  71. is there a difference between an "earmark" and "pork barrel spending?"
  72. Newt Gingrich accepts endorsement of fictional libertarian organization
  73. is mitt considering running as independent?
  74. MTV Martial Law Commercial - National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867)
  75. Political Quote of the day
  76. Tom Woods guest hosting Schiff radio thurs 12/15
  77. Netanyahu: Violent Settlers Not 'Terrorists'
  78. Trump Eyes Run as 'Americans Elect' Presidential Candidate
  79. Sherriff Mack Interview On the Jason Lewis Show
  80. Robert H. Bork Critiques Libertarianism
  81. Obama to Use Local Schools in New Terror Scheme
  82. Shhh! FCC to Enforce Law Banning Loud TV Commercials
  83. Will you give 1/1,000,000th of a penny to Karen Kwiatoski's money bomb today?
  84. Sean Hannity Mark Levin and Hush Bimbo Statists
  85. Cenk from TYT does good piece on detention of US citizens
  86. If you ever had any doubt the media was controlled
  87. [VIDEO]: Rudy Giuliani on Fox and Friends: ‘Ron Paul Is Just A Complete Distraction’
  88. [VIDEO]: Rachel Maddow: A Ron Paul Victory in Iowa "Would Mean NOTHING."
  89. video: A Ron Paul Christmas Present for your Favorite Ron Paul Supporter!
  90. Salon: #17 Hack John Stossel, The Cable News Clown Is A Poor Ambassador For Libertarianism
  91. New Kyle Bass interview
  92. Sheriff Mack Interview on Alex Jones Today "Live Feed"
  93. How Ron Paul could give the GOP a heart attack
  94. Indefinite Detention Legalese?
  95. Yes, Ron Paul, the Media Has Dismissed You Prematurely
  96. Progressives Amy Goodman and Nomi Prins Gut Obama Over Wall St. Connections
  97. Toady is "Bill of Rights Day"
  98. [Video] The People Agree - Ron Paul 2012
  99. NY Daily News sniffing at truth about Ron Paul's campaign prospects?
  100. Sheldon Adelson commits $20 million to pro-Newt Gingrich group
  101. VIDEO Fox News Interview: Newt Avoided the Draft!
  102. Newt wants to abolish whole COURTS. Wow.
  103. Wow. Paul Ryan's new Medicare plan sounds a lot like RON PAUL's.
  104. It's official: We're F***ed
  105. Has Mike Lee voting for[Mod..false he voted no] the NDAA created any new Voluntarists..
  106. Congress Debating SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) Live!!
  107. Meckler Arrested At Airport
  108. New Ron Paul Supporter's Regarding Rush and Ron Paul
  109. Rise Of The Beast System: 11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea
  110. Help me make a list of the violations of the constitution that Obama has committed...
  111. Question About The Detention Bill
  112. Ilana Mercer Discusses Ron Paul's Rise On RT [Video]
  113. Americans Elect Candidate Ejection Committee Chaired by FBI, CIA, Military Research Chiefs
  114. Will RPF member 'Thomas-In-KY' RUN FOR CONGRESS?!?!
  115. Nascent Libertarian Party in Mexico - Link to Webpage - Please Spread
  116. Insane and Immoral
  117. How Speaker Newt Gingrich Betrayed the Republican Revolution
  118. Kids to be banned soon in to US
  119. NEED VOTES: Luntz poll to be shown at end of Hannity's show!
  120. The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!
  121. I need links to articles showing the IAEA report was false
  122. [AUDIO] Mike Gallagher slams elitist Chris Wallace for insulting Ron Paul and Iowa voters
  123. fact check on 12/10 debate
  124. KY Sheriff offering the handsome sum of $100 for you to be a undercover drug informant
  125. The Way to Occupy a Bank Is to Own One
  126. Maintstream GOP Still Fears a Ron Paul Third Party
  127. Unanimous Support for Ron Paul from Everyone! (Video)
  128. Has Obama signed the infinite detention bill yet?
  129. Seriously, Drudge; is it really necessary?
  130. [Video] Pastor Dowell | Ron Paul 2012 My Take!
  131. RT: Ron Paul, The Peace Candidate For A War-Torn Nation
  132. Mpls Star Tribune: Candidate for state GOP chair arrested, fingerprinted for expired tabs
  133. My Birthday ,please get me this!!!
  134. Republicans Overturn George W. Bush's Incandescent Light Bulb Ban
  135. ppppolls: "Paul would be the strongest GOP candidate against Obama, period."
  136. Chris Wallace: If Ron Paul Wins In Iowa, It Will Discredit The Iowa Caucuses [video]
  137. U.S. Taxpayer helped hide Climate Data
  138. Newt Gingrich correct on subpoenaing judges to appear before Congress.
  139. Congressional Tyranny, White House Surrender
  140. [VIDEO] Cities that contract out their services
  141. Paul's Surge in GOP Race Could Trigger `Crisis' for War Crowd
  142. Welcome foxnews, Frank Luntz viewers.
  143. Remember the 16th of December!
  144. I just donated to Ron Paul and need help with the Super Brochure.
  145. ACLU fax program: Tell President Obama to Veto Indefinite Detention»
  146. Americans Elect plans on "intervening" with presidential race; says it's not a political p
  147. I got an internship with Congressman Tom McClintock!
  148. Hotair's censoring system
  149. Ron Paul - A Foreign Policy of Freedom
  150. Christopher Hitchens, RIP
  151. The Change that Obama voters voted for: a Goldman Sachs government
  152. The Judges
  153. Bail-out Bombshell: Fed "Emergency" Bank Rescue Totaled $29 Trillion Over Three Years
  154. is there any master list of who has endorsed which candidate?
  155. Tea Time: Ron Paul Money Bomb Looking For $4 Million Today
  156. Hannity panel bashing Ron again on foreign policy
  157. Mark Steyn: Gingrich ‘in a benign sense … is a totalitarian’
  158. Favorable Ron paul coverage on NPR.
  159. O'Reilly hits Newt on judges, partial birth abortion
  160. Joe Rogan podcasting about Jay Leno show
  161. 90 Year Old Woman Jailed Over "Unsightly Property"
  162. Neti Pots/Sinus Rinse Devices Linked To Deadly Brain Eating Amoeba
  163. ACLU says "too much big government" to Reason TV
  164. Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution
  165. We the people...
  166. Worst OP-Ed ever: When Market Rules, the big guy wins
  167. Dang we are going to bust this thing out by morning!
  168. Lefty Cenk Uygar is awakening to dictator Obama
  169. Ron Paul did not vote on National Defense Authorization Act.
  170. Joe Rogan and The War Pigs (awesome video, mentions Ron Paul)
  171. Does The Defense Authorization Act give the government the power to detain US citizens?
  172. Enough of this Levin guy
  173. Infowars Special Report: Dangerous Internet Takeover Accelerates, New Darth Vader Choke Te
  174. The Truth about the New Detainee Policy
  175. Ron Paul Tells The Truth
  176. One less "law and order" Republican
  177. NC-Grandmother fights to keep her property from forfeiture squad.
  178. While Americans Shopped, The Constitution Was Shredded
  179. WTF is SOPA ? aka The American Government trying to ruin the internet
  180. What Will They Offer? What Would You Accept?
  181. CA - Oakland cop boat named the Molon Labe?
  182. Des Moines Register endorses Romney
  183. OMG, Alex Jones has a guest on that promotes the 16th Money Bomb!!!!
  184. MS - A case of "damned if you do, damned if don't", puppycide by cop.
  185. Medias Obsession to Define Ron Paul as a Third Party Candidate [Jon Stewart type video]
  186. Counter-Intuitive: People with Government Jobs Support Ron Paul More than Other GOPers
  187. Ron Paul Wins Pasco County FL GOP Straw Poll!
  188. Santorum's Iowa campaign mourns the death of its top volunteer
  189. Drudge headline: Gingrich would defy Supreme Court
  190. Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers
  191. Perry cutting back on ads
  192. Since Across the Board Tax Cuts can help the Economy ?
  193. Egyptian military goes berserk on civilian protestors
  194. Barney pwning fake conservatives
  195. SEIU Job Description: Train & Lead Members to Occupy State Buildings & Takeover Banks
  196. Diane Feinstein Introduces Due Process Guarantee Act
  197. Ron Paul 2012 All He Does Is Win
  198. For those who Like Ron Paul but not his foreign policy, THIS IS THE VIDEO to watch
  199. You Like Ron Paul Except For His Foreign Policy? Awesome Educational Video!
  200. Congress Declares ‘Offensive’ War on the Internet in NDAA
  201. [Video] Due Process, Drug War, And Dogs
  202. Your town considering banning your dog breed? Fear not: Doggy Disguises are here.
  203. Presidential Frontrunner Warns Martial Law Being Established in America
  204. The American From Of Government (Need To See)
  205. National Organization for Marriage takes aim at Ron Paul
  206. Lamar Smith lied Internet Censorship bill with jail time to be decided December 21, 2011
  207. Big Government: Libertarianism is Crony Capitalism's Nightmare
  208. Old video I found of Ron Paul discussing the H1N1 vaccine. Good stuff.
  209. Are U.S. Democrats Socialists or at least Democratic Socialists ?
  210. Socialist Popaganda - Free Healthcare, Free Education
  211. Kim Jong Il is dead
  212. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il dead
  214. Gingrich: Send U.S. Marshals to arrest uncooperative judges
  215. GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins Iowa
  216. PPP Poll 12/18: Ron Paul has taken the lead in Iowa, Newt Gingrich's campaign imploding
  217. Priest Peacefully Defies Nazi City Council Member and Heavily Armed Thugs
  218. Fed May Inject Over $1 Trillion To Bail Out Europe
  219. Hey Guys I Found A Penny
  220. Iowa Caucus Polling System Threatened By Hackers
  221. Candidates Match-O-Matic
  222. The Des Moines Register has links to Bain Capital?
  223. ‘60 Minutes’ Edits Out Obama‘s Claim That He’s the Fourth Best President.
  224. New Poll: Ron Paul Leads In Iowa, Gingrich Imploding
  225. Why do Islamic Terrorists Never Attack North Korea?
  226. “What are your thoughts on the redistribution of wealth?”
  227. Jessie Lee Williams
  228. Assistance with a small write up on the DOE and Ron Paul
  229. Anyone on here plan on or is in a political position?
  231. Stuart Varney: "You sound like Ron Paul!"
  232. Paul at the top of Drudge
  233. Ron Paul Leading in Iowa Polls; Gingrich's Numbers Plunge
  234. CNN NATIONAL poll finds Paul at 14% and in 2nd place!
  235. Comments regarding this statement: "Ron Paul doesn't understand modern economics at all"
  237. Police State USA - Over one in three Americans will be arrested by the time they are 23.
  238. What type of Justices would President Paul nominate?
  239. The Rise of Ron Paul Proves That The Establishment Media is Not All Powerful
  240. Ron Paul’s Iowa Win: Hackers Threaten to Disrupt Caucus Vote
  241. Red Alert: Classical Tyranny and Usurpation – Alex Jones Sunday Edition
  242. Major Ron and Rand Paul supporter in Run for US Congress online poll.....
  243. The AM Radio Ministry of Propaganda
  244. Father Nathan Monk at Pensacola City Council
  245. Top 10 Kim Jong Il Jokes
  246. America, The Story of Us - too funny!
  247. Wrongful arrests on medical marijuana patients
  248. Was the lightbulb ban repealed?
  249. Training Cops to Lie
  250. Sheriffs in Bay County Florida Asking for Phone Numbers