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  1. Preliminary Progressive Response to Ron Paul's budget
  2. Hardball follows up on Marco Rubio Phony Biography
  3. Huge rally in Pakistani capital demands halt to U.S. drone bombings
  4. Ron Paul "What Other Candidate Will Say, I Will Pardon ALL People Convicted Of Nonviolent
  5. Americans: Awash In Spin
  6. Obama to the world: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’
  7. Wow, Michael Moore live from Oakland (Peter Schiff cameo)
  8. NYPD Cops Demand the Right To Be Corrupt
  9. The record is clear: nations rise on economic nationalism, they descend on free trade.
  10. Support for Afghanistan war at an all time low
  11. OH-Family gets SWAT raid over neighborhood dispute, cops kill family dog.
  12. Do we really want a gold standard?
  13. Better place to live
  14. 13 US troops killed in Afghan attack, 3 Australian troops killed by Afghan army officer
  15. PROOF the TEABAGGERS are RACIST, VIOLENT, and DISGUSTING [DailyKos headline]
  16. Obama is so deserving of the peace prize!
  17. Contributor at LRC blog picks up on the No One But Paul theme.
  18. Why do people care so much about how they are taxed?
  19. New Popular Vote ?
  20. Is Drudge secretly in Cain's camp?
  21. Massive Weapons Cache Found Unattended, Unguarded in Libya
  22. What am I missing here...? Why would anyone ever use a debit card with a pin#?
  23. The story behind the Marco Rubio story
  24. Help! Youtube Politics....
  25. Big media ignores Obama`s Executive Order tyranny!
  26. Peter Schiff on Huckabee tonight
  27. FBI Considers Juggalos, Fans Of Insane Clown Posse, A Gang In Annual Report
  28. koch brothers - controlled opp?
  29. Late For Work, Florida Officer Accused Of Going 120 Mph
  30. White House Trick or Treat: Dried fruit
  31. The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order
  32. Ron Paul targets terrorists ... inside U.S. government
  33. Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf
  34. [Video] Michael Scheuer: "Better to assassinate Alawki, than catch and interrogate him"
  35. An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street)
  36. Ron Paul's Amazing Money Bomb
  37. Marine veteran shot in head by police with less-lethal round
  38. If you think OWS is a joke..think again
  39. Ron Paul: The World Is Facing a Debt Crisis
  40. Fox & Friends will NOT shutup about Herman Cain this morning
  41. Ron to be on State of the Union, talk about 3rd party
  42. [VIDEO] [Arab Spring vs OWS] This really puts it into perspective
  43. Ron Paul has ‘no plans whatsoever’ for third-party bid
  44. Freedom From the FED
  45. Ron Paul: ‘Time will tell’ if Romney is the next Dukakis
  46. The Police State's license to steal: civil asset forfeiture (youtube)
  47. Reckless Endangerment: Totally Corrupt America Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
  48. Herman Cain: Ron Paul Supporters, Be Respectful (Herman Cain Heckled)
  49. Ring leader of Afghan civilians sport killings faces trial
  50. Peter Schiff: In Defense Of The 1% | Occupy Wall Street
  51. Zombie vs Tourist - beer pong ~ Ron Paul
  52. The Single Largest Benefactor of Occupy Wall Street Is a Mitt Romney Donor
  53. Top 10 Reasons Occupy Wall Street Is a Joke
  54. Houston SWAT Operators Get Their Own Airborne Weapons Platform
  55. Interview with Historian about Ron Paul
  56. US eyes blackout of 'rogue websites'
  57. "Justin Bieber Says Senator Amy Klobuchar Should Be LOCKED UP"
  58. Snowstorm, Cold Makes Life In Zuccotti Park Difficult For OWS Protesters
  59. Meetup in Greer, SC for tomorrow Ron Paul "slim jims" with candy"
  60. Schiff on Stossel show
  61. Which of the these libertarian shows do you regularly watch or listen to?
  62. LOL: Florida pizza workers burned down rival store
  63. [video] Al-Qaeda flag flying with rebels flag over courthouse in Benghazi 29.10.2011
  64. Video: Exposing the SPLC: A Danger to American Liberties
  65. Homeland Security Office Stages a Mock Zombie Invasion on Halloween
  66. [video] Geraldo: Cain Accused Of Sexual Misconduct By 2 Women In 1990's
  67. OWS Protesters Surround and Take On Denver SWAT Police Who Retaliate with Pepper Spray...
  68. Ron Paul on Jason Lewis Show Today- 10/31
  69. MSNBC continues driving the wedge between Americans. (Tea Party and OWS)
  70. Here's one for Anit-Fed: Police vs. Imperial Stormtroopers
  71. Homeless people taking advantage and getting free food from Occupy Wall St. protesters
  72. 8 Months pregnant Lady jailed and lost custody of 3yr old child over a $5 sandwhich.
  73. How to Lick the Budget Deficits
  74. Ron Paul supporters get cold shoulder at ‘Occupy DC’ base camp
  75. Highway surveillance: multi-target photo-radar system leaves no car untagged
  77. Rural Rebellion Brewing
  78. Newt Gingrich believes in the "blowback" theory
  79. Shifting to a Bold Plan B Strategy
  80. Libertarian Party Tells Ron Paul to Come On Over
  81. Would a 3rd party run by @RonPaul be the final nail in the coffin of the GOP?
  82. RE-Gressive Social INjustice types Raving Mad about Pat Buchanan's employment at MSNBC
  83. How many people knew that the National Security Council Controls FEMA not the Pres?
  84. Anonymous' threatens Mexican drug cartels
  85. American Principles Project
  86. HI - Couple arrested, child taken by CPS for not paying for sandwich by mistake.
  87. These Cops Prove to be some of the most ignorant MF's on the planet - Shoot dangerous Cow.
  88. The Official Herman Cain Singing Thread
  89. Sheriff: Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves
  90. 14-yr-old Boy Has a Fight at School Bus Stop; Cop Responds by Executing Boy
  91. Allegedly Held Captive by Police, Brooklyn Woman Sues
  92. OC Reg: Rural rebellion brewing [Ruling Class vs. Country Class, literally]
  93. Judges Are for Sale -- and Special Interests Are Buying
  94. Cain takes a shot at Ron Paul
  95. video: Spartanburg, SC Sheriff Chuck Wright says "Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves"
  96. Attention Media: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are World's Richest One Percent
  97. Received Email From Guns Alert Group Soliciting Donations For Cain
  98. Reporter inadvertently tapes his arrest at an OWS event and records false charges
  99. UK(S) police using covert tech to surveil cell phones?
  100. Is OWS rooted in Anarchism?
  101. Ron Paul and Barrack Gold Mining Company
  102. Can somebody please tell me the name of this song?
  103. MoveOn "Close your bank account" campaign
  104. Happy Halloween
  105. Hank Williams Jr - Response to ESPN and Fox News - Keep The Change!
  106. 3rd party debate criteria released
  107. November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code?
  108. A Question for Occupy Wall Street: What is Government?
  109. American citizen chosen as prime minister of Libya
  110. Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians! Video response to Jon questions to Ron
  111. Who's side are you on?
  112. Another divisive anti-free trade thread.
  113. Tea Party Meetings > Rape
  114. The hidden dangers in America's canyons.
  115. File under:"It's far more dangerous to be around a cop than an average citizen".
  116. Looking for a good article on full legalization
  117. Herman Cain is scared on Haloween
  118. Police State - Taxation by Citation
  119. Sheriff: Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves
  120. Hold Banks Accountable!
  121. Android Weather App Tracks Individuals To Within Few Feet?
  122. GoDaddy Supports E-PARASITE Act Which Could Shut Godaddy Down
  123. Anonymous Threatens Drug Cartel! Demands Release Of Kidnapped Member Of Anonymous Or Else!
  124. Israeli cabinet meets to plan punitive measures against Palestinians for UNESCO vote
  125. New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons
  126. Jon Corzine's mutual fund fails
  127. This Documentary will Change your life. Watch it.
  128. Fake Onion story causes real confusion for California town
  129. Drudge: DHS To Monitor Twitter For Signs Of Social Unrest
  130. The Drone War Coming to a Town Near You?
  131. ONLY Ron Paul in 2012 - take the pledge now...
  132. Jesse jackson Jr. says that Obama should take executive action to get states to support...
  133. Herman Cain says he would dress as Ron Paul for Halloween
  134. OWS protesters actually support police brutality.
  135. Shocking: Communist Party USA endores Barack Obama!
  136. House to vote on affirming ‘In God We Trust’ as National Motto
  137. Why Liberals can even support Ron Paul...
  138. Be Cool! Join the Republican Zombie Defense!!!
  139. What Can Twitter Tell Us About The 2012 Presidential Race?
  140. $700 mil of MF Global's customer funds can't be accounted as Corzine’s MF Global goes bust
  141. Tisha Casida 'Light the fires of Liberty Tour' with Michael Badnarik
  142. Is government the only solution to finding information from millions of computers?
  143. "Ron Paul flip flops" info please.
  144. CA - Cops kick in door over an i-phone.
  145. A short article to warm any freedom lover's (or railfan's) heart.
  146. Interesting Analysis of the OWS movement
  147. Cain, Obama, and the Race Card - No critique allowed
  148. Streetlights that will monitor you, bark instructions and warnings, coming soon.
  149. NY - Cops shoot dog scaring trick or treaters.
  150. Ron Paul pic for Yahoo slideshow "Herman Cain denies harassment claims"
  151. Homeland Security to watch over Twitter, Facebook other sites closely
  152. Reading Comments on headlines generated a random stream of thoughts producing this../parse
  153. DHS-Funded Taser Drone Launched in Texas
  154. We need more selling RP, less attacking other candidates.
  155. AK - State drops charges against "Peacemakers" militia, Fed charges remain.
  156. Idea for your town! Organized a debate on capitalism: jam packed local coffee shop! -video
  157. Police provocateurs caught on video at OWS rally
  158. Paul supporter runs for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District
  159. Why the Patriot Act is dangerous...
  160. Free Government cell phones?!?!?!
  161. LOOL Pot calling kettle black!! US and UK criticise internet censorship
  162. Would love an educated response to this...
  163. A fellow Ron Paul individual seeking to Run for Congress in NY needs advice.
  164. U.S. Government Glossed Over Cancer Concerns As It Rolled Out Airport X-Ray Scanners
  165. The Angry First Lady
  166. video - Cain War mongering In Bill O'Reilly Interview Tonight
  167. OWS Protestor Admits Mob Pelted Police with Bottles & Rocks Before Cops Responded
  168. Northern California Sheriffs Form Coalition Against Tyranny
  169. American Supermodel Defends Gadhafi Family, Loses Job
  170. [Video] Marketing Liberty: Creating your Liberty Brand
  171. OWS Rampant with Drug Use and Sexual Assault
  172. Positve NPR coverage of Ron Paul on the drug war
  173. Greeks asserting their Sovereignty. Impose Bailout Referendum.. Important, no?
  174. Greeks asserting their Sovereignty. Oppose Bailout Referendum.. Important, no?
  175. Pregnant mom ate sandwich at Safeway, arrested, CPS took her toddler
  176. Ted Talk: Nano-tubes and collecting energy from window panes
  177. Called Romney a warmonger
  178. Pat Buchanan: The Coming Church-State Wars
  179. John Hayward: Oakland Re-Occupied
  180. Goldline Execs Charged With Fraud
  181. Smoking-Gun Document Ties HUD Policy To Housing Crisis
  182. John Stossel: The Stupidity of "Buy American"
  183. "U raise 'em, we cage 'em."
  184. 79% See Political Correctness As Serious Problem in America
  185. Colorado voters Reject Raising Taxes to Support Education
  186. DHS takes over TVs in MARRIOTT, HILTON, SHERATON, HOLIDAY INN hotels
  187. Roger Stone warns GOP about ‘Great Danger’ of a Third-Party candidate
  188. Sens. Udall & Bennet propose amendment to Overturn Citizens United ruling
  189. A First: On Halloween, Nat'l Debt Exceeds Gross Domestic Product
  190. Ron Paul Ron Paul Slams Congress as debt exceeds US GDP
  191. Colorado, Just said "Back the *&^% UP Government"!
  192. Glenn Beck: I don't like any of the GOP candidates
  193. Obama: God Wants To See Us Put People Back To Work
  194. Ron Paul's Education Cuts Make Fiscal Sense
  195. DOE Inspector General: Over 100 Criminal Investigations Of Obama Stimulus Spending
  196. Bloomberg ready to 'take actions' against Occupy Wall Street protesters..
  197. RightHaven now has Federal Marshals after it
  198. Court: Kentucky May Acknowledge Dependence Upon God
  199. The New American: "The Real Reasons Republicans Dislike Ron Paul"
  200. Michael Scheuer talks to Lew Rockwell (11/2)
  201. Feminazis Ruining Rand Paul’s Good Time
  202. US Marshals Ordered To Seize Righthaven Property
  203. [VIDEO] Horrible Judge...
  204. Is CAFR the giant elephant in the room?
  205. Did Herman Cain's campaign false-flag itself to get more coverage??
  206. 900,000 jobs and $85 billion missing from economy due to flight boycotts caused by TSA
  207. Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Ron Paul (VIDEO)
  208. Mark Block demands apology from Perry campaign
  209. U.S. jury convicts Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout
  210. Portland: Cop gets kicked out of coffee shop for being a cop
  211. [video] Ron Paul Interview On Kudlow Talking The Federal Reserve 11/02/2011
  212. Is Hillary Clinton fit to be top diplomat of America?
  213. How to respond to this?
  214. A good source explaining how government intervention into the housing market caused the b
  215. Awesome Street Art Pic
  216. Trump accuses Jon Stewart of "racist rant" in Cain segment
  217. Texico woman charged with assaulting police officer
  218. New Revelation: Dick Cheney told Bush and Condi that they were about to die
  219. W.H. mulled bailing out Solyndra Before Bankruptcy
  220. realcavsfans.com's 2012 POTUS thread has 31,192 views. Time to infiltrate and educate!
  221. 2007 - Mark Larsen gets PISSED at Romney and switchs to Ron Paul - EPIC RANT!
  222. "The "Top Tier" is Dead ... Ron Paul...Last Man Standing"
  223. Former CIA Agent's Message to America - Great Vid
  224. It's all just bailouts
  225. Occupy protesters declare victory at shipping port
  226. Americanselect.org raises $22 million to fund 3rd party candidate
  227. Compulsory conformity for the sake of diversity | George Will
  228. Judge Napolitano now has a weekly column on World Net Daily
  229. Alternative idea to abolishing the FDA
  230. Ron Paul: Bernanke Is Wrong: QE Doesn't Work
  231. Guantanamo War crimes tribunal: suspect gets lifelong detention even if found not guilty
  232. Yahoo Finance: Why The U.S. Is Set to Join The Zombie Club of Nations: Pento
  233. Guantanamo War crimes tribunal: Officials Violate Attorney-Client Privilege in New Policy
  234. Third-Party Candidate [Help Me Understand...]
  235. The Choice for Libertarians
  236. WA-Cop convicted of beating man to death in 2006
  237. Jon Stewart again calls for a draft
  238. Oakland Port Shut Down by Anti-Free Market Protesters
  239. I just figured out why Herman Cain supported the TARP Bailouts...
  240. Controversial Holocaust/Abortion Movie Giveaway
  242. Feds Threatening to Shut Down City Govts. That Implement MMJ Programs
  243. Bay Area woman trapped in airport for eight days–all for lack of a $60 baggage fee
  244. A Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic
  245. The Fed is the 1%
  246. OWS Weak-kneed around Obama and the Donkeys
  247. Sen. Barasso Calls For Obama to Cancel Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Bonuses
  248. My Professor likes Paul's Foreign Policy Stance:
  249. What to do about this kind of thinking?
  250. Western Democracy: A Farce And A Sham