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  1. A Tennessean Responds to the TSA Nazi Style Checkpoints
  2. Gaddafi apparently sodomized after capture
  3. Mexican ID Becomes Valid ID in Sonoma County California
  4. Clueless journalist 101
  5. Lizzy Phelan on Western imperialism and Ghadaffi (vid)
  6. Fake Conservative Marco Rubio On OReilly Tonight?
  7. How duplicate threads get made.
  8. 10/23/2011 Scott Horton Interviews Glenn Greenwald
  9. The Dark Side Of Biometrics: 9 Million Israelis' Hacked Info Hits The Web
  10. Dr. Mike Vasovski's Stump Speech for Ron Paul and the Winner of the Cherokee Co. SC Straw
  11. Nullify Now! Tour Reaches Jacksonville, Florida
  12. BINGO: What Did North Korea's Kim Jong-Il Learned from Qaddafi's Fall, Never Disarm!
  13. LOL! Occupy Socialists Schooled
  15. The Biggest Company You've Never Heard Of
  16. Interesting find in aricle about NATO's global war
  17. Federal Gov't plans to shut off all TV and radio nationwide on Nov 9th.
  18. Occupy Wall Street: Heroin Dealers Living with 6-Year-Old in Tent Busted at Occupy Boston
  19. Homeland Gestapo Agency,a good assessment by TheAtlantic news
  20. RP and USDOT
  21. Qaddafi Flying White Flag When Killed - Wayne Madsen Report
  22. Texas "Tea Party Patriots" Hosting A Debate With Just Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich? WTF?
  23. McCain - "You're next Syria"
  24. Rick Perry's plan: 20% Flat Tax, "Cut, Balance, and Grow"
  25. Millionaires and corporations are using tax breaks to help sway public opinion
  26. Business Is Hard, So Why Hate the Business Class?
  27. Joe Rogan on OWS
  28. Pink gun VS. calling cops
  29. What Exactly do Conservatives Want to Conserve?
  30. AP Exclusive: NASA sting terrifies woman, 74
  31. The Blaze slams Herman Cain over Creepy New Ad
  32. Time to Abolish Central Banks
  33. RomneyCare Subsidizes Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants
  34. [video] Fox News: Should We Vaccinate Kids For Bio Terror Attack?
  35. Dave Mustaine: Obama one of the most divisive presidents we've ever had
  36. Judge Andrew Napolitano will be on The Daily Show Thursday
  37. Do we have a revenue problem or a spending problem?
  38. [video] Alberto Gonzales: Next Attack On U.S Will Involve U.S Citizen
  39. "Audit the Fed" just became a Occupy Wall Street issue...
  40. Panhandling is not a crime you mutton-headed ^%$#@'s!
  41. GAO: With China Dialogues, White House Violated the Law
  42. NYC - Cops raid apartment and throw dog out three story window.
  43. Huff Post - Political Assasinations are Illegal!
  44. Racist David Duke Joins The Unions, Maoists, Communists, Socialists, & Anti-Semites at OWS
  45. On Cavuto at 4.00
  46. Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement now marching straight into the globalist trap
  47. Why does the media never talk about Herman Cain's career as a politician wanabee?
  48. Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement Now Marching Straight Into the Globalist Trap
  49. Boys should get HPV vaccine too, panel says
  50. [video] Cavuto: Ron Paul Brings In Almost 3 Million Dollars In Money Bomb !
  51. Costumed reveler with fake gun shot by Police
  52. Ron Paul: 'TSA thugs on the loose'
  53. If Somebody is interested (because I'm poor and want to contribute)
  54. Elliott Abrams's wife (Rachel Abrams) wants to feed think progress blogger to the sharks
  55. Voter Fraud Allegations Hit San Francisco Mayor’s Race
  56. Zuccotti Park 99% movement angry at freeloaders and homeless invading the park
  57. Paul Ryan declares war on Obama’s class-warfare campaign
  58. Signs of ex-rebel atrocities in Libya grow (McCain's heroes)
  59. Advertising is a poison that demeans even love – and we're hooked on it
  60. Interesting facts about the Herman Cain's smoking commercial (Video)
  61. Anyone have a list of regulations enacted by the Bush Administration?
  62. YouTube/Google removes all functionality for News/Politics section
  63. Houston Police DWI technician blows the whistle on serious problems with validity of testi
  64. "The dogs, fortunately, are in good condition. The house isn’t."
  65. Do Higher Taxes Equal Reinvestment And Jobs or is this article just a Liberal lie ?
  66. s---- hitting the fan.. michael moore on cnn about OWS
  67. [Video] College Graduates: Why you are unemployed (make this viral)
  68. Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss
  69. Are we living 1984 by George Orwell, or A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?
  70. Obama to Forgive Student Debts by Executive order - Banks Take Hit
  71. Use of Islamic law OK in civil case, judge rules
  72. Time for some Doug Stanhope.
  73. Time to knock this Green off his horse: "The question Ron Paul doesn’t want to answer."
  74. ->Let´s Win This 5 Dollar Fridays For Ron Paul 2012<-
  75. Sec. of Transportation LaHood asks Sen. Ayotte to leave HOS changes alone
  76. Wall Street Protesters Must Occupy Congress, State Attorneys General Offices
  77. Obama's New Student Loan relief Program Ignores the Real Problem – College Costs
  78. OWS's Beef: Wall Street Isn't Winning – It's Cheating
  80. Greenspan: European Union Doomed to Fail
  81. Websites on foodsupply
  82. Exclusive -Pat Buchanan-You Can Never Go Home (Mike Church Show)
  83. Have you been "polled"?
  84. PETA Sues SeaWorld for Violating Orcas' Constitutional Rights
  85. OWS protests turn violent in Oakland, CA.
  86. Resist the Police State
  87. Obama Admin Seeks Permission To Lie In Response To Freedom Of Information Requests - Even
  88. Tom Woods on the Vatican Council, World Government, Global Central Bank
  89. Obama to offer help for students buried in debt
  90. Suggestions for my blog and to expose part of the so called 99% (The 99% Are Just a Couple
  91. [Video] Bill Still (The Money Masters) announces running on Libertarian tick for President
  92. Is the USA capable of electing Ron Paul?
  93. Mexican Drug Suspect: U.S. Government Gave Me Immunity and Aided Our Organization
  94. "WE CAN'T WAIT" a slogan Socialist in Europe used in 2010 campaign.
  95. Here is why the New World Order gang killed Gaddafi.
  96. HHS Cuts Funds to Catholic Bishops Who Help Human Trafficking Victims
  97. Ron Paul Interview on my Local TV Station
  98. Libertarian Ideas Don't Belong at OWS
  99. Baby Hitler's Parents lose all three kids
  100. Will Communist China Save the World From Global Financial Collapse?
  101. Question about 2012 Election
  102. Cafferty's 4:00 question today: Why is support for gun control at record lows?
  103. Occupy Oakland
  104. House Version of PROTECT IP Released -- Renamed E-PARASITE Act, and it's BAD.
  105. Gallup: Record-Low 26% in U.S. Favor Handgun Ban
  106. Karzai 'will side with Pakistan if US attacks'
  107. Policing is Too Important to be Left to the Government: Economist Ed Stringham | Reason TV
  108. Riots Erupt At Occupy Oakland
  109. Great article about the FED
  110. School - Prison
  111. Peter Schiff confronts OWS.“They’re telling people who leave prison to go to Zuccotti Park
  112. Stockton SWAT Raid: Where Have We Seen This Before?
  113. Robert Higgs: Nothing Outside the State
  114. Ron Paul to be interviewed on Fox shortly
  115. Google Censorship of Police Brutality?
  116. Flashbang Grenade Used On Protesters While Helping Injured Veterans For Peace Member
  117. [video] Ron Paul Enters A Den Of Vipers, Interview With Fox "All Stars"
  118. Help me perfect a letter to Ron Paul seeking help
  119. Remember, Remember the 5th of November
  120. Fox news Online Segment of Dr. Paul: Who would be your Fed Chairman? Jim Grant.
  121. Proposed Freedom of Information Act Amendment
  122. Peter Schiff Goes to Occupy Wall Street
  123. Video Occupy Wall Street: The Most Interesting Occupier
  124. Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier?
  125. Feds to do away with FOIA?!?! (Freedom of Information Act)
  126. Flip-Flop Perry
  127. Hollywood puppet Lamar Smith introduces rogue website bill
  128. is there a rise in anti-semitism in USA?
  129. [Video] Herman Cain wants your soul
  130. And the best tax is always the lightest - And that would be tariffs
  131. Steve Forbes: Occupy Wall Street should target the Fed
  132. Rep. Connie Mack...
  133. The Class War Has Begun
  134. Occupy the Hood Aims to Bring More Minorities Into the Occupy Wall Street Fold
  135. Personal liberty digest proposes Ron as VP/co-president in neo-con dream admin.
  136. How did we survive without these for all those years?
  137. NBC Morning Show, Blackthisout Continues
  138. Connie Mack to Run For US Senate in Florida
  139. A truly equal tax. Thoughts??
  140. Need some info on how the government is colluding with corporations
  141. GET free tickets today: Republican Presidential Debate at Wofford college
  142. What would you do as President?
  143. Top Romney aide tied to violent, militant group
  144. LIRR Disability/Pension Scandal: Blue Collar Greed Uncovered
  145. Whats the argument to this?
  146. DRUDGE: Peter Schiff takes on Occupy Wall Street
  147. Corporatism and Corporate Tax break
  148. NEW Ron Paul DVD: 20 DVD's for 20 bucks!!!
  149. Rick Perry plans to skip some upcoming debates
  150. Ron Paul on Federal Prisons?
  151. Quran-burning Pastor ready to set 2012 Presidential field ablaze
  152. Hogs at the Trough: NYTimes - 10 arrested in $1 BILLION in LIRR Disability Scheme
  153. Obama's Electric Car Gets Worse Mileage Than an SUV?
  154. The Booboisie want Lady MacDeath as their next American Ceasar
  155. Save a Polar Bear, buy a Coke
  156. The Illusion of Freedom is Coming to an End
  157. The Atlantic: What Does Ron Paul Have Against Baseball? (Great piece!)
  158. WA - Ex Army Airborne vet gets SWAT raided for his MM plants - Nothing illegal was found
  159. GOP Calls For 2Trillion in Cuts! (from proposed INCREASES)
  160. Remember that woman who found a lewd TSA note after they found a sex toy in her bag?
  161. Reefer Madness - NYT's style, circa 1927
  162. Cafferty File ?: How can Obama justify killing U.S. citizens overseas w/o due process?
  163. Who Will Trump Endorse for GOP Candidate?
  164. Boehner: 'Great concerns' Obama is exceeding Constitution
  165. New Bipartisan Bill Will Allow U.S. Gov’t To Shut Off Any Website, Anywhere, For Any Reaso
  166. An Open Message to the 99% (Video)
  167. US and UK Cops Tried to Erase Online Evidence of Brutality
  168. Is This the 'Age of Ron Paul'?
  169. Obama's Student-Loan Order Saves the Average Grad Less Than $10 a Month
  170. Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs
  171. OWS doesn't like giving out welfare, I guess
  172. Peter Schiff at OWS and on CNN Tonight
  173. Peter Schiff to OWS: "I am the 1%. Let's talk."
  174. Want two V.I.P. tickets to the Wofford debate (Free)?
  175. Antiwar Radio with Gareth Porter: How Maliki defeated Bush and Obama
  176. Anderson bashing Perry CNN now
  177. Occupy Chicago leaders under FBI watch for terrorism
  178. Atlas Shrugged Movie
  179. New Film Explores the Human Side of the Sheikh Jarrah Protest Movement
  180. On Those Syrian 'Protestors' and Turkey: War is Coming Soon
  181. Chairman's Conspiracy Against a Ron Paul Supporter?
  182. [Audio]: Rush agrees with Ron Paul on Student Loans: "Like subprime/housing mess,""A scam"
  183. THIS is f*cking AWESOME! Class action lawsuit against the FED
  184. Judge Who Ruled Humans Have ‘No Food Rights’ Resigns, Takes Job with Monsanto Law Firm
  185. Greta: Ron, Donald, Palin possible 3rd party candidates
  186. Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Is this true? RP's economics prevent this?
  187. It Sickens Me How The Media / Government Has Us Hating Other Cultures / Groups of People
  188. OWS has word filtered Ron Paul's name and created a nasty OWS-Ron Paul wiki page
  189. [VIDEO] Cornel West vs. Peter Schiff on Anderson Cooper
  190. COI: Senators from states with major bomb making industry should not be allowed war vote?
  191. Bernanke Memes
  192. "Its the Federal Reserve stupid!"
  193. Peter Schiff: Obama Creates College Bailout
  194. Is This the 'Age of Ron Paul'?
  195. Jesse Jackson says Big Banks Screw Students as The Fed Helps the Banks
  196. 'OWS' (UK) Given Space At St.Pauls Cathedral.The Church Being Supportive (Socialism)
  197. Judge Napolitano on the Lew Rockwell Show
  198. New Lawsuits May Halt Obama's Reelection Run
  199. NEW 30 min Ron Paul DVD... awesome recruiting tool
  200. Tebowing for Ron Paul 2012 :):):):):)
  201. Going to see Eric Cantor speak on Monday, will rep Ron Paul
  202. Occupy Wall Street kitchen staff protesting fixing food for freeloaders
  203. Birth tourism becomes a global industry
  204. Americans' Grievances, and Proposed Radical Courses of Action.
  205. Michael Moore confesses: I am the 1 percent
  206. WTF did I just watch? [Video: 5 Police Officers vs A law knowing Citizen]
  207. Huffpost: Fox Host Startles, Depresses Stewart
  208. Can you name some legislation that was enacted at the behest of a corp looking to stifle
  209. Fox News Reporter: Occupy Protestor Threatened to Stab Me in the Throat
  210. Michelle Obama Talks About Her Husband's Supreme Court Choices
  211. Hilarious video, who's the extremist?
  212. Injured Marine Scott Olson is Oddly Enough Founder of I-Hate-The-Marine-Corps.com
  213. Concealed Carry Permit - Obama supporters, Athiests, and Muslims need not apply
  214. Freedoms eroded post 9/11
  215. Karen Kwiatkowski (VA-6) moneybomb today
  216. WTF? Hollywood legend Omar Sharif caught on camera slapping a woman at Qatar film festival
  217. List All The Sites Similar to Drudge Here With a Tilt Toward Liberty!
  218. What if some of the founders were here now?
  219. The Political Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  220. "TSA worker who left sex toy note will be fired." TSA molests people too
  221. Novermbet 9th Emergency Systems Test - New Spin
  222. Man received 3-year Jail sentence for Facebook post
  223. Say NO to ACTA!
  224. Cafferty file on drones attacks.
  225. Pundit on Hannity calls for Cain Rubio non-white GOP ticket to take black/hispanic vote
  226. Hannity.com: Rank the candidates in the order of your choice
  227. Who among us wants to join me class action lawsuit to force drug testing on this Congress
  228. Democratic Assemblywoman from California caught for felony theft!
  229. Result of NATO drone strikes in Libya - Warning Graphic Video
  230. NYC - Woman, shot by stray bullet, arrested by cops and told to "change her story".
  231. Rick Santorum: Full-Spectrum State Terrorist
  232. I need your help to stop big business from wasting even more of our tax dollars.
  233. Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally
  234. Jon Stewart interview with Andrew Napolitano on the Daily Show (Oct. 27)
  235. Ron Paul vs. foreign policy partisanship :)
  236. Topline Results of Oct. 20-25, 2011, CNN/TIME/ORC Poll - Ron Paul hits Top Tier! :)
  237. Video: Mass. GOP’s ad against Elizabeth Warren
  238. Tom Woods, Peter Schiff & Adam Kokesh Endorse Col. Kwiatkowski & Lady Liberty Money Bomb!
  239. The media's treatment of Cain is really pissing me off
  240. Obama Vs. Paul Cartoon
  241. Tom Woods on Brian Wilson and the Afternoon Drive
  242. An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street)
  243. Can the FBI investigate You ?
  244. Congress never created the National Security Agency
  245. Who, and what Computers are subject to the NSA ?
  246. eRepublik! Become a citizen an lets kick the fed/commies out of eUSA Government!
  247. Schiff PAC @ makeschiffhappen.com seeking grassroots nominations for candidates to support
  248. The Conquest of the West by Pat Buchanan
  249. Video: Peter Schiff vs. Wall Street Protesters
  250. Can the IRS audit You ?