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  1. Newt Gingrich "Ron Paul raises a good point about bringing US forces from Germany"
  2. [Video] Ron Paul GOP CNN Nevada Debate Responses
  3. 2 responses to OWS, can you tell the difference/similarity?
  4. Facebook tracks all users website habits even when not logged in.
  5. Is Bachmann an Admiral in the navy?
  6. Who should be in Ron Paul's Cabinet?
  7. Chicago SunTimes: Ron Paul’s budget cuts put U.S. on right track
  8. Is the Tide Turning? National Media Takes Notice
  9. The Simple Fact That Romney Gets The Most Face Time Proves That Nothing is Real.
  10. The CNN-TMZ Debate
  11. Undermining Bernanke Energizes GOP Candidates
  12. Asmaa Mahfouz will be in Virginia 20-24th Oct
  13. Apparently "Job Creator" is the knew tap into the middle class...
  14. Ron Paul Campaign Tops Others in Q3 Active-Military Donations
  15. What Happens When all of America is Bankrupt like California? asks Pat Buchanan
  16. How we could get 100.000 donors ?!
  17. Not ONE
  18. People don't get it
  19. Communist China: Occupy Wall Street's Issues Worth Thought
  20. So much traffic you're breaking RonPaul2012...
  21. ABC - Amazing article - Federal Reserve Board Corruption
  22. Pennsylvania Senate OKs state takeover of Harrisburg
  23. "The Obama Admin. Officially Considers Marijuana To Be Just As Dangerous As Heroin"
  24. Does the CIA Take Us For Fools? Arab Spring Catalyst Involved in OWS!
  25. What do you think of Newt Gingrich?
  26. First they came for the air travelers... TSA agents hit the streets in Tennessee
  27. Anyone visit Steve Quayle's site recently?
  28. Wazzis.... Alec Baldwin asking questions about end the fed 'and Ron Paul-isms' at OWS?
  29. Naomi Wolf arrested @ ows
  30. 'BLACK THIS OUT' Blog
  31. Top Income in the United States. Is...Gasp!...Washington D.C. Metro Area
  32. Good Video. On Occupy
  33. FEMA Plans First-Ever Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test (Nov 9, 2PM EST)
  34. Mitt Romney campaign clip from 2008
  35. Harry Reid: Private Sector is doing fine, We must focus on Public Sector Jobs
  36. Occupy Wall Street: You Lie John Stossel, You Lie All The Time, I Heard You on TV!
  37. HOLY BAILOUT- Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivativ
  38. I've seen Alex Togstad and James Noha 25 times on the ticker today...
  39. Say it isn't so! - Federal Reserve Board Rife With Conflict of Interest, GAO Report
  40. The Hidden Utility of Ron Paul's Balanced-Budget Plan: View
  41. I Just received email from Herman Cain
  42. [AUDIO] Ron Paul on Hannity Show: "I Like your plan about 1T Dollars in specific cuts."
  43. Have you donated to Black this out yet?
  44. NEW Ron Paul Song "Roxanne"
  45. Obama Has Awlaki's 16-Yr-Old Son Killed at Dinner
  46. Clinton Tax level
  47. Did Alex Jones even mention BTO money bomb?
  48. GOP Senator DeMin Pushes Bill to restrict speech on the internet?
  49. NEW Ron Paul Song "I Walk the Line"
  50. Bank of America Dumping More Derivatives onto Taxpayers?
  51. Louisiana Outlaws Using Cash at Goodwill, Flea Markets
  52. Egyptian Christians demonstrate in LA
  53. TSA agent quits after almost ten years, "We're just being trained to fu*k with people."
  54. Ron needs to mention Cain or Romney during his answers... more likely to get 30 sec +
  55. Is it going to be Obama?
  56. My Keynesian Poli. Sci. Teacher Claiming that We (and Dr. Paul) are Empirically Irrational
  57. Approximately 48% of Occupy Wall Street would re-elect Obama
  58. Riots and guillotines coming to US says Mike Church
  59. Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul!
  60. The chart of RP's donations is gone.
  61. The craziest news story ever?
  62. Poll: Who Won Tuesday’s GOP Presidential Debate?
  63. [VIDEO]Judge Nap rips Rep. Grimm for endorsing Romney
  64. GA-Woman arrested by mistake, spends 53 days in jail before being released.
  65. French Court Orders ISP To Block Police Misconduct Website
  66. The Capitalist Network That Runs The World - Suprise! Mostly Banks!
  67. Biden - Pass half trillion dollar jobs bill or more women will be raped.
  68. Becky Akers -- OWS: Overlooking Corporatism's Silent Partner
  69. Buchanan: GOP Risks Third Party Revolt with Romney Candidacy
  70. Buchanan: Iranian Plot Smells Fishy
  71. Ron Paul -- The Trillion Dollar Man
  72. Gaddafi Captured And Wounded
  73. Man living as an ‘adult baby’ is cleared of Social Security fraud
  74. Bluegrass Bulletin: Obama is now the leading assassin
  75. Foreigners' Sweetener: Buy House, Get a Visa
  76. RPNN - Ron Paul News Network?
  77. Alec Baldwin on Ending The Federal Reserve, Capitalism, and Ron Paul
  78. Libya all about oil, or central banking?
  79. This is not something I thought I would see from Mike Lee
  80. TSA Tyranny in Tennesee Army of Agents on Wheels Fighting 'Terrorism'
  81. It is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government is Wrong Napolitano Interview
  82. Declining Ratings Could Put Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Fox News Future In Jeopardy
  83. FL-Remember the HS principal who was arrested for DUI even after blowing 0.0 twice?
  84. Occupy: No danger of being co-opted by moveon.org or the democratic party or anyone else.
  85. CA-Kids being scanned so that they can bike or walk to school
  86. Stick a fork in the US trucking industry.
  87. The Representatives We Can Trust
  88. Judge Tosses Out Lawmakers’ Challenge to Obama’s Libya Policy
  89. Anonymous - Operation Bank Run Dec 7th, 2011
  90. What are potential blowbacks from US/NATO bombings and intervention in Libya?
  91. My concept ad for the campaign
  92. Declaration of Independence Was 'Illegal,' Grounds for Treason, British Lawyers Say
  93. Peter Schiff-My Dad Is A Patriot - A Political Prisoner in Jail For His Beliefs
  94. Solution to Real Estate Mess: Burn Down Homes WTF?
  95. Peter Schiff is at Occupy Wall Street!
  96. Harry Browne - Unavoidable Economic Consequences [Must Watch]
  97. Herman Cain, opportunity zones, and federal tyranny under 9-9-9
  98. Herman Cain on Ron Paul...
  99. Harrisburg, Penn., put into receivership
  100. NYC-Remember that cop that maced those OWS women in the face?
  101. cain and romney campaign money fraud???
  102. First Lady Now Requires 26 Servants
  103. just got a friendly email from my university
  104. Gen Bert Emergency Message to Occupy Wall Street
  105. Sarah Palin just complemented Ron Paul's foreign policy on Hannity
  106. He said what?
  107. "The Flu shots must be more safe than not since they are offered for free by Kaiser!..."
  108. Annoyed at Lew Rockwell and Bob Wenzell...disregard this post
  109. Steve Jobs told Obama he would be a one-time President
  110. Rally For The Republic 2012
  111. I've heard you don't have to get a SSN for your kid when they are born...?
  112. A little online fundraising comparison.
  113. Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street A Counter to White-Collar Fra
  114. Obama warns other Mid-East dictators: You Could Be Next
  115. "Senators Upset With TSA and DHS on Airline Screening"
  116. My letter to editor about lack of Ron Paul coverage published....
  117. I like Ron Paul but.... "He can't win"
  118. Sen. Mike Lee's bill would Give Visas to Foreign Homebuyers in U.S.
  119. A call to arms!!
  120. Lew Rockwell calls for repudiation of student loans
  121. Lindsey Graham: ‘Let’s Get In On The Ground. There’s A Lot Of Money To Be Made In Libya'
  122. Herman Cain To Piers Morgan - I Love Big Government
  123. Youtube's Top 5 Political Videos Today
  124. Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitiv
  125. Drivers face drug checkpoints on highways near Flint....
  126. Kaddafi's head cost $1 Billion
  127. [Video] Anti-Semitic Teacher Fired Over 'Zionist Jews' & Wall St.
  128. Who DOES the tea party support?
  129. The Parallel Universe of the Paulophobe
  130. Spouse Mad at You Yet? No? Then YOU HAVE NOT DONATED ENOUGH:):) BTO
  131. Gorbachev Calls For American Perestroika -- OWS Shows Need For Global Government
  132. Say it isn't so!: Has the Federal Reserve Overstepped its Mandate?
  133. Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world
  134. Is there a tort lawyer in the house?
  135. POLITICO: Ron Paul on Meet The Press 10/23
  136. [Video] Jack Hunter SA@TheDC - Conservatism for What?
  137. U.S. Troop Withdrawal Motivated by Iraqi Insistence, Not U.S. Choice
  138. The 60-30-0 Plan (or why these discussions never make it to the debates)
  139. Marco Rubio wants more spending, aggression and war
  140. My refusal to take sides really pisses my family off...
  141. I am not moving.. a must see 7 minutes film about OWS
  142. Mideast dictators taught our country well..
  143. Why private prisons are a bad idea.
  144. COMPASSION!--Obama Cutting Personal Checks to Americans
  145. Video of US President's meeting with Haqanni militants leaked on youtube
  146. Market set interest rates?
  147. His name is Ronald Paulson.
  148. Lepard's 2011 Q3 EMA report
  149. Why are pictures of Ghaffadi's body all over the news, but bin-Laden's were not?
  150. Now is the time to make your move on Romneys flip flopping
  151. Poll - How much do you own in student loans?
  152. Cain 2012 like McCain 2008 will be a recipe for Obama victory
  153. Any question asked in GOP debates on Obama's power to assassinate American citizens?
  154. Americans Forced Afghan Civilians To Walk Through Minefields: Multiple Allegations
  155. Cop casually maces child, identity of cop not yet known...
  156. Ron Paul Speech At Campaign Youth Rally At The University Of Iowa – Oct 21 2011
  158. Action Agenda for November 2011 - Important Legislation
  159. FYE, Alexa, you got competition!
  160. Percentage of Deposits Lost in the Great Depression
  161. + "Ron Paul's got it just about right"
  162. Someone Asked (Do You Agree?)
  163. Essential Knowledge: Central Banking Explained - Must Show OWS Protesters!
  164. Demos Think Tank Spokesperson Jamie Bartlett Debates Alex Jones Over Conspiracy Theories
  165. Iraqi PM: US Withdrawal Triggered by Immunity Issue
  166. Fox talking about Pauls Plan
  167. [video] Fox News Panel Discuss Parts Of Ron Paul's Budget Plan
  168. Ex-Gov Mark Sanford joins Fox News
  169. Shocking thank you note from Afghanistan for Trillion dollar reconstruction by US
  170. Belmont University invites disgraced "Torture Attorney" to launch Law School
  171. *What am I?*
  172. The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th
  173. Just watched V for Vendetta
  174. New York authorities threaten to shut down segregated bus run
  175. Just mailed in my absentee ballot
  176. Let's Get Rich!
  177. Circuses Without Bread
  178. Peter Schiff on Alex Jones 10/22 (youtube)
  179. File Under: There are no good cops.
  180. [video] Did John Bolton Just Admit All These Wars Are For Oil?
  181. Ed Thompson, Galileo, and Jesus
  182. TSA Scumbags Expanding Their Operations To Our Nation's Highways
  183. [Video] The Goverment Can
  184. Feds cracking down on "Bath Salts" today
  185. 11-9 Temporary Shutdown of All Radio and TV Broadcasts
  186. Texas 2011 Election Ballot (Propositions)
  187. I just sent out this email regarding Libya
  188. Ron Paul Wins Ohio Straw Poll - Mainstream Media Continues to Ignore
  189. [Video] Peter Schiff schooling Occupy Wall Street noobs
  190. Don't Argue With Idiots, Even If They're Family
  191. Hacker Group "Anonymous" Takes Down Child Pornography Websites
  192. Had a dream about Ron Paul
  193. Ok I'm impressed. "imagine" video front page of ebaumsworld.
  194. Citizens Rule Book - Jury Nullification
  195. Greed Strikes Occupy Wall Street - The battle over $500,000 bankroll
  196. Ron Paul was AWESOME on Meet the Press
  197. NEVADA moved it's caucus
  198. Rupert Boneham of "Survivor" announces Libertarian run for Indiana Governor
  199. The Occupy campaign will split.
  200. ICE says they don't need warrants to search you
  201. Controversial ROTC programs returns To Ivy League Universities
  202. Rick Perry's Neocon Advisors
  203. Clues to Gadhafi's Death Concealed From Public
  204. Obama murder of 16 year old U.S. citizen raising legal questions\ethical questions
  205. Chinese web censors block "Occupy," to stamp out movement's spread in China
  206. CA-Cops shoot unarmed man five times in the back while running away.
  207. Libertarian 3-Step Program
  208. Too Big To Fail Video from 1999
  209. Will the cities and government ever learn?
  210. Rush Limbaugh sleeps while Herman Cain attacks free market and federalism!
  211. Apparent conflicts show why more transparency needed at the Fed
  212. Is "quid pro quo" between media owners and candidates on debate questions common?
  213. Wisconsin is now a Police-State
  214. Should OWS Occupy the Green [Third] Party, or the Democratic Party?
  215. About that Iraqi troop withdrawal
  216. UK Government Pushing For 'Trusted Computing' (Very Dangerous)
  217. UT- Cops mace dancing football fans after game.
  218. Ron Paul Wins Ohio Straw Poll (53%!)....OK....Where's the Media's Attention?
  219. Guy at Occupy Wall St is looking for contributing bloggers of all political persuations
  220. Get a load of this. Letter from Christine O'Donnell
  221. Vote in Poll: Do you agree that cutting foreign aid is penny wise and pound foolish?
  222. BofA warns of another credit downgrade...that fan is about to get mighty brown.
  223. Libyan transitional government to use Sharia law as legislative model.
  224. About this National Popular Vote (NPV)
  225. US Pays 18 Percent of Israel's Military Budget
  226. Palin called "Herb Cain" flavor of the week
  227. WTF is up with all the Pepper Spray Lately????
  228. Mexican Pres. Says U.S. Immigration Policies Violates Human Rights of Illegal Aliens
  229. Ron Paul says Real Unemployment Figure is 20%
  230. Message from Colonel Mu’ummar Qaddafi
  231. WHOA!!! Obama to sidestep Congress to loosen mortgage lending rules! Holy S***!
  232. Glenn Jacobs (Kane) on WNOX Knoxville
  233. Not a "long shot" any more?
  234. Isn't the Ohio Straw poll pretty significant?
  235. Victim of Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street Attack Responds
  236. Gov't Could Hide Existence of Records under FOIA Rule Proposal
  237. Consumer groups say Obama trade talks more generous to Big Pharma than Bush's
  238. Is the Vatican Throwing Its Support Behind Occupy Wall Street?
  239. Obama announces New Program to Help ‘Underwater’ Homeowners
  240. TSA to start setting up check points outside of airports - Interstates in Tennessee
  241. Electric car company uses $529 million in U.S. federal loans to assemble cars in Finland
  242. Two historic days that could change the Western world forever: Oct. 26 and Nov. 23
  243. Peter Schiff Responds To Attacks From Robert Wenzel [Audio]
  244. New GOP Primary Memo: 2 way Race Ron Paul vs Status Quo 2012
  245. Free Trade Absent "Free Trade Agreements"?
  246. Today Neal Boortz asked for information on the FEDERAL RESERVE...
  247. Can we win over Steve Wynn??? on fox's cavuto!!
  248. IL-Chicago cop under investigation for executing unarmed man who was down.
  249. MD Governor against online poker because of harm against state lottery
  250. Is this guy innocent or guilty of murder under the constitution?