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  1. Ron Paul WINS! Value Voter Straw Poll
  2. lol @ The Establishment
  3. Has American Spring begun?
  4. Beck / The Blaze Runs Hit Piece on Ron Paul's Value Voter Summit Win
  5. Infamous YouTube Liberal Urges Black People to "Get Off the Drugs and Get an Education"
  6. What idiot thought it was a good idea to have an occupation protest in the fall?
  7. [video] Occupy What Street? A ridiculous report from Occupy Wall Street
  8. The Official "Requesting Backup in a Hostile Comments Section" Thread!
  9. Occupy Atlanta every bit as ignorant, disorganized, cult-like as you think they are
  10. Peter King on OWS: “We have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy”
  11. Pledge also at the official Campaings BTO pledge site! Important! VOTE UP IN REDDIT!
  12. So who's making a BTO vid based on the VVS?
  13. "It would be lawful only if it were not feasible to take him alive" Obama's memo on awlaki
  14. So this is how indepedent minded those Occupy Atlanta folks are..
  15. Unemployed Seek Protection Against Job Bias
  16. Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
  17. Ron Paul Sign Bomb Tomorrow 10/10/2011
  18. I went down to OWS Cincinnati
  19. Is our conservative media covering for Herman Cain’s despotic 9-9-9 plan?
  20. FBI - Citizens With No Ties to Terror Groups Present 'Serious National Security Threat'
  21. NY - Retired NY cops shoots, kills, man's dog as part of a personal altercation.
  22. South Park bashes enlightened Americans and anti-vaxors
  23. Attn all G+ that take issue with astro-turf Tea Party neocons!
  24. Omg!!! This is insane, ows zombies
  25. Should the government replace all taxes with user fees?
  26. 10th Anniversary: Civilian death toll in Afghanistan has doubled under Obama's command
  27. Libertea Party Lady Considers 2012 Congressional Run
  28. Does anyone work in the music industry? Does it operate in a free market?
  29. My experience at Occupy the Fed/Occupy Chicago yesterday (with pics)
  30. Do Most People Including Progressives Really Support Slavery?
  31. I'm Scared
  32. Is President Obama the Prohibition President?
  33. [VIDEO] Interview with Penn Jiillette
  34. Escondido PD's Lt. Tom Albergo Explains That Checkpoints "Are NOT About Catching Drunks"!
  35. Privatized Prison in ID Most Violent in State
  36. How much do you know about the US Constitution? A quiz.
  37. [VIDEO] Tom Woods and Stefan Molyneux take on Wall Street! Heroic Discussion!
  38. MSM bias who is to blame? Occupying the MSM?
  39. O W S for ums
  40. Draft Letter to Congress re Egypt Military Violence Against Christians (stop American aid)
  41. Can Obama legally kill you? (Yes, says Roger Simon, "get over it")
  42. How will OWS end?
  43. Obama Attacks Banks While Raking in Wall Street Money
  44. Workers’ Comp case Upheld in Cellphone-related Crash
  45. Ron Paul /Blackthisout/ Sign Wave Toady!!!!!!!!! Flyers/Links
  46. Legislation To Seal Obama's Presidential Records After He Leaves Office
  47. Geraldo and Fox run away from Wall Street
  48. Need help making registration form for Fundraiser in 2 weeks
  49. Ron Paul Predicts Assassination of American Citizen
  50. After Ron Paul win, Values Voters organizer calls own poll ‘irrelevant’
  51. Over 90% of Afghans never heard of 9/11
  52. Church attack in Egypt leads to riots and violence in streets
  53. 2011 Virginia Financial Literacy Summit
  54. Naked Statues Clothed with Ron Paul Banner
  55. California: Bill AB499 passes for vaccinations without parents consent
  56. Rupert Murdoch Uses His Media Empire to Declare War On Occupy Wall Street
  57. The Tea Party Movement, Republicans, and Ron Paul
  58. OWS & Tea Partiers *mostly* on same side - see Venn diagram ...
  59. The Senators We Can Trust
  60. 6 B.S. Myths You Probably Believe about America's "Enemies"
  61. A Revolution Beyond Left And Right: Remaking The Political Spectrum in The West
  62. Had a T.V. interview today- I'm a novice- how do I learn to do these well?
  63. Important distinctions about capitalism vs. corporatism - via Alex Jones
  64. The Ron Paul Revolution Past 2012
  65. Me railing against the Fed at OWS [video]
  66. Government Orders Google to Turn Over WikiLeaks Info
  67. Getting it good and hard
  68. Calling all Brooklyn Libertarians
  69. New Poll finds Top Tier emerging in Republican race
  70. Campaign Plagued By Key Bloc Of GOP Voters Unified Against Him
  71. Joe the Plumber is Running for Congress in Ohio
  72. CBC's Kevin O'Leary to NYT's Chris Hedges: "You sound like a left wing nutbar"
  73. Tom Morello at Occupy LA - World Wide Rebel Song
  74. "The Fed Wants to Be Your Facebook Friend" -- creepy article, interesting read:
  75. Al-CIA-Duh Questions Legality of Killing US Citizen...Here We Go: Ron Paul = Al-CIA-Duh
  76. Article on New Hampshire includes scenario in which Ron Paul wins
  77. My brother's new 30 second Gold and Silver commercial, (he is santa)
  78. I don't get this whole "Black This Out" thing. What is the ultimate goal of this?
  79. Is this what the Ron Paul Revolution has become?
  80. California officially bans "tanning" for minors.the tyranny never ends
  81. Calif. Governor Veto Allows Warrantless Cellphone Searches
  82. Marines at OWS tell Sean Hannity to "F**k Off"
  83. Not demostrating in London *humorous*
  84. US to Google: Hand Over WikiLeaks Supporters' Email (gmail) (Targets TOR developer)
  85. Peter King Introduces Bill To Target Islamists
  86. Helena Brown - Liberty-Minded Candidate - Houston City Council
  87. Romney/Cain 2012 The FIX is in...
  88. Williams responds to media: Keep The Change -Hank Williams Jr. (Lyrics in Description)
  89. Medical marijuana users forfeight 2nd ammendment rights accorting to BATFE
  90. Children Bullhorning for Ron Paul in Nashville TN
  91. And so it begins - (One death, one spiked substance at protests)
  92. Tom Woods hosting Schiff Radio on Thu.
  93. [VIDEOS] Silencing Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is what Democracy Looks Like
  94. $1.9 million in overtime to police NY 'occupy' protest(Police seem not to mind)
  95. [Video]David West, Ex-U.S. Army Ranger, Speaks Out at Occupy Ashland
  96. Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker
  97. CDC executive arrested for child molestation, bestiality
  98. Privileged OWSers are a Walking Contradiction
  99. Supreme Court case, man says strip-search humiliated him
  100. Prohibition is Back!
  101. DHS Launches ‘Minority Report’ Pre-Crime Detection Program
  102. Online Auction for Black THIS Out. Items or services to trade for contribution.
  103. Planned Surveillance
  104. Perry ad uses soundbite from RT's "The Alyona Show"
  105. California Governor Vetoes Ban On Warrantless Phone Searches
  106. Wall Street´s 1.2 billion campaign donations - Obama 1st, Perry + Romney already top 10.
  107. Walmart Bleach Fight Could Lead to Trial for DHS Regs on Chemcial WMDs
  108. California Takes Away Parents Rights in New Vaccine Law
  109. Just had an epiphany while writing an email to someone
  110. Ron Paul Campaign Gains Steam, Attracts Attention
  111. W.H. lawyers who drafted secret Awlaki Kill Memo were Critics of Bush’s War Powers
  112. How Red Light Cameras Have Been Banned in 15 States
  113. Lionel's five proposed demands for OWS
  114. Who Will Start The OFFICIAL Debate Thread Today?
  115. Is Drudge Going to Start a Designated Corner to Promote Herman Cain?
  116. Torture is Systemic in Afghan Prisons, Report Finds
  117. Toady is teh Bloomberg Prez Debate! OFFICIAL THREAD!
  118. It isn't just corporatism it is a lot of greedy average people as well.
  119. Elizabeth Warren: The Woman Who Knew Too Much
  120. #OWS Great Video Informing The Protestors. - Elliot Hulse
  121. Occupy DC Storm Hart Senate Office Building
  122. Occupy Boston: More video of cop crackdown on Veterans for Peace
  123. The let OWS speak for itself thread
  124. OWS: November 5 is "Bank Transfer Day"
  125. Chris Christie to Endorse Romney for President
  126. I can't believe what I just heard Rush Limbaugh say on the radio...
  127. U.K. ISPs to make customers opt-in for pornography
  128. 'Occupy' Agitators Attempt to Ban First Amendment
  129. Zombie Training: OWS Atlanta turns into collective hypnosis 'one voice' weirdness
  130. Breaking on Fox: Holder discovers Iranian terror plot
  131. Reuters: The Problem isn't Wall Street...............................It's the Constitution
  132. Eric Holder to hold press meeting in 10 min. Domestic Terror Plot.
  133. Wayback Machine. (when did this start?)
  134. "Iranian terror plot" to assassinate Saudi Ambassador in the US
  135. Occupy Agitators Sabatoge First Amendment Rights
  136. TEA PARTY Invades OCCUPY DC
  137. Hank Williams Jr released a new song Tuesday aimed at Fox and ESPN.
  138. Michael Medved just said that the DUMBEST PART of OWS is the ENDING THE FED part...
  139. The Senators We Can Trust (Redux)
  140. Ron Paul plans St. Cloud MN campaign stop
  141. An anniversary worth remembering....
  142. Pat Buchanan type paleo-cons elected to Congress
  143. Has the REVOLUTION truly begun?
  144. OFFICIAL (Matt Collins Seal of Approval) BLOOMBERG DEBATE THREAD - OCT 11
  145. Did You Know There Is A Bible Code About Ron Paul??
  146. Graft and Swindling: Pelosi’s Disclosure Belated In Husband’s Land Deal & More Nepotism
  147. Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton & Deputy Sec. Andrew Shapiro Masterminds Behind GUNWALKER
  148. Paul Maintains Top Tier Status In New Hampshire, Perry Plummets
  149. NYPD Spies On Muslim College Students Who Go On ‘Militant Paintball Trips’
  150. Government Seizes American’s Email Data Without A Search Warrant
  151. After 10 years of nation-buidling, Afghanistan now a torture regime.
  152. Tinkerbell Republicans!!!!
  153. Help arguing with a Socialist?
  154. OWS protesters demand $20hr to protest over the $8.75 they get paid!
  155. How to kill 9-9-9 in 60 seconds - why is this easy target not being attacked?
  156. Should we run a jerk next time?
  157. [video] Newt Gingrich "Ron Paul Was Very Happy Tonight" & RON PAUL SIGNS !!!!
  158. Libertarians: start targeted/localized blogs
  159. mp3 download of bloomberg debate (100 min)
  160. CNN beating the war drums
  161. Diane Sawyer says OWS is in 250 US Cities and 1000 countries, WOW
  162. ICANN Can *#%( Itself -- Chrome/Firefox Now has Plugin to Route Around ICE Seizure Pages
  163. What Kind Of Terrorist Are You? (LRC Article)
  164. 10 Principles Of A Free Society by Ron Paul
  165. ‘I Will Not Tolerate Civil Disobedience In The City Of Boston’ -Boston Mayor Tom Menino
  166. Topeka Repeals Domestic Violence Law
  167. Reverse Racism by Thomas Sowell
  168. Would Cain's 999 Plan Get Rid of State Sales Tax?
  169. Di you remember 999 tax identification card before you went shopping?
  170. My MIND-NUMBING Conversation With A Former Military Neocon
  171. What's your best Ron Paul pitch?
  172. Does truthout censor responses?
  173. HOW does Herman Cain "do away with" the current tax code?
  174. Google Hands Wikileaks Volunteer’s Gmail Data to U.S. Government
  175. The Real Evil of Herman Cain's 999 plan.
  176. Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals
  177. Herman Cain's 666 plan
  178. Ron Paul vs. Elizabeth Warren On Being Rich
  179. Define hypocrisy
  180. Prohibition by Ken Burns
  181. Niall Ferguson: Blame the Boomers
  182. "Occupy Mania"
  183. Drudge has a great photo at the top - Obama in Pittsburgh, 2008 vs 2011
  184. Belafonte calls Herman Cain a 'bad apple'
  185. Death of Dollar by 2012!! Lindsey Williams Prediction (2011)
  186. Pitchfork Pat: The End of Pax Americana
  187. Reason: Is Kokesh Camera Block About Free Speech or Privacy?
  188. The U.S. Needs more Latino-themed National Parks and Sites
  189. Gallup: At 77%, Cain Leads GOP Field in Favorable Rating
  190. The Problem, In A Nutshell
  191. What is this Top Secret construction that is going on at the White House right now?
  192. The Federal Reserve in not about Right versus Left...
  193. Fallacious Rhetoric against the Tea Party
  194. How should I filter the Governors We Can Trust list?
  195. Biden Warns: More Rapes & Murders If Jobs Bill Not Passed
  196. The Iranian "terror plot" - by Tom Woods
  197. Biden: More Rapes and Murders Likely if Jobs Bill Not Passed
  198. After the "IT" hits the fan, Lessons from Argentina
  199. Rick Perry in teapartyexpress.org commercial
  200. Game Change!
  201. Holder downplays Fast and Furious as not ‘important,’ walks out on reporters
  202. Buy and Burn. How unutterably wrong Greenspan is
  203. NY Sun Editorial: How Ron Paul won the debate...again...
  204. Ventura: Don't label OWS as radical left OWS is not left/right
  205. A noun, a verb, and 9-9-9
  206. This BS about Greenspan being libertarian needs to be publically denounced!
  207. Petition The Government Website
  208. The "very scary" iranian terror plot by Glen Greenwald
  209. BREAKING: Ex-Indiana governor: That's not my signature on Obama petition
  210. Gays for Santorum Group
  211. One of Florida's Largest Counties to Stop Adding Fluoride to Water
  212. Congressman Darrel Issa Issues Subpoena to Eric Holder in Fast and Furious Investigation
  213. The Real Occupy Wall Street
  214. Occupy Seoul (Yeouido) Protest Next Saturday Night (+9)
  215. Herman Cain accused of Causing Employees to LOSE MILLIONS in Retirement Funds
  216. Sometimes I doubt we've made progress...
  217. AR - They eat their own. When cops shoot cop's families.
  218. MI-Stolen Ferrari's lawful owner out of luck after FBI agent and prosecutor wreck it.
  219. If it is Bi-Partisan and is called 'free trade' it will be anything but. 3 trade agreement
  220. Police Leave Warnings Inside Unlocked Cars On North Shore
  221. Building the Truth about the Federal Reserve (Paul vs Cain)
  222. Libertarians: Iamthe14Percent (submit a video please)
  223. The Wizard of Oz
  224. The Judge Accuses FBI & Our Govt Of Being The Real Terrorist! & Creating Terror Plots In A
  225. Not a Single Christian Church Left in Afghanistan, Says State Department
  226. Herman Cain Leads The Republican Race in NBC/WSJ Poll
  227. Doug Wead on the importance of BTO moneybomb!
  228. Herman Cain - Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (1995–1996)
  229. Posters needed on a thread at OWS - PLEASE!
  230. Ron Paul Slams Cain At GOP Debate (Keep in mind Cain was a Federal Reserve Chairman)
  231. S.F. 99ers protest Federal Reserve and Wells Fargo
  232. Chalk this winning answer (FAIL) to Herman Cain school of economics
  233. The Suicide of Liberty: The Transformation of the US into a Police State
  234. Gay Divorce: Cali. to Allow Non-Residents to File for Divorce in its Courts
  235. Obama raises more than $70 million from 980,000 people in Q3
  236. Heads up: Thomas Woods filling in for Peter Schiff on his show! Guest: Judge Napolitano
  237. The GOP Primary is now a 2 way Race! Who do You Believe??
  238. Anti-Defamation League keeping an eye on ‘Occupy Wall Street’
  239. 'We Are the 53 Percent' - Conservative Response to Occupy Wall Street / 99% Movement
  240. Obama Attacks Romney as a Flip Flopper, 2 Fish out of the Water
  241. Gasland Retort: Dispelling Firewater and Other Urban Fracking Legends
  242. Ash Ketchum Endorses Hermain Cain for President
  243. Reuters: The anti-Rich Wall Street Protesters Financed by Billionaire George Soros?
  244. Former Detective: We Fabricated Drug Charges to Meet Arrest Quotas
  245. [AUDIO] The Judge - I'd be all ears to Supreme Court appointment under Paul Presidency
  246. Bill Clinton : Raising taxes (or cutting spending) won't fix the problem
  247. Gunwalker Witness Not Long for This World
  248. Report: Pentagon doesn't know where the money is going
  249. Iranian Terror “Mastermind” Described as Drunk, Pothead, Hooker Frequenting “Joke”
  250. Action Alert: Press Release Blackthisout.com