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  1. CT - FL - NY - Local, state cops and TSA, busted in drug running racket.
  2. Ron Paul: The most interesting politician in the world.
  3. Is your job publicly funded?
  4. No More Endless Breadsticks At Olive Garden; Budget Cuts? No, Michelle Obama…
  5. 50 Dem seats that are more competitive than NY-9
  6. Defense contractors launch campaign to end military spending cuts
  7. Help me Ron Paul!
  8. 9/11, wars spending would've occured had US not vetoed UN Res in 82 and cut foreign aid?
  9. Do Illegal Immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in "government services"?
  10. Should slander be legal?
  11. Drunken, off-duty officer kills young man with his car, cops say
  12. It’s Time for a Conservative Foreign Policy
  13. Mace In Your Face! Cops Pepper Spray Unruly 8 Year Old
  14. Ron Paul within striking distance of Obama, has Manilow support
  15. Supreme Court Blocks Rick Perry From Executing Man "Based on the Color of His Skin"
  16. Pat Buchanan on Democracy in the Middle East
  17. Krugam hit piece on Ron Paul
  18. Drudge: Pack Of Violent Black, Hispanic Teens Attack 4 White Men Outside Denver Mall...
  19. NFL wants Pat-Downs from Ankles up at all Stadiums
  20. Mercola issues a new warning video on the FDA's attempt to Ban Supplements
  21. Anti-Tea Party Cartoon Fails
  22. Roderick Long on How Ron Paul Should Talk About Health Insurance
  23. Eugene Robinson Longs for the Bush Led GOP
  24. Arizona Air Force Base Goes Into 'Crisis Mode' After Unconfirmed Reports of Gunman
  25. British to Test Geoengineering Scheme
  26. Thread to help students fight for Liberty in college
  27. Rothbard 2
  28. Radical Rage: Marxist Mobs Plans to Occupy Wall Street and Cities September 17th Protests
  29. Reno Air Races Plane Crashes into Crowd - Mass Casualty Event
  30. Kokesh hosting FTL all last week
  31. To claim or not to claim? Unemployment that is.
  32. Andrew Breitbart On Ron Paul's Celebrity Endorsements: “This is huge...”
  33. GA-Family calls cops for help with harrassing phone calls. Cops show up and...
  34. fined for hiring too many people?
  35. Fear, Courage, Morality and Patriotism
  36. Super Committee Targeted By Lobbyists
  37. Video about innocent man who was sentenced to execution by Rick Perry
  38. "Robert Reich Debunks 6 Big GOP Lies About The Economy"
  39. RUSH to Irrelevance Tour?
  40. More Americans Making Their Own Religion
  41. White House, Europe desperate to stop Palestinians’ statehood bid at UN
  42. "Tea Party favorite" running for New Hampshire governor
  43. Rebels say NATO bomb hit residential building and a hotel, killing 354 people
  44. next debate vote for this question
  45. Gun control bill in Gov. Brown's hands
  46. Constitutionality of Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956
  47. IL-Remember the man who was facing 75 years in prison for recording video of cops?
  48. CA-Cops, at hospital on unrelated call, tackle, taser, arrest mentally handicapped woman
  49. Boenher’s Super Committee - transforming our representative system of government!
  50. [VIDEO] "What Essentially Sets a Nation State Apart is a Monopoly on Violence". - Obama
  51. This is the best educational caller for Ron Paul on radio!
  52. Lindsey Graham Names Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and Rudy Giuliani as Possible VPs
  53. Free to Die - Paul Krugman attacks Ron Paul's position on the uninsured
  55. Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher Shout At 'Typical Republican Voter' literally, in a bubble.
  56. Atlanta Man Shot by Bogus FBI Agents
  57. Rick Perry Can't Be Bought For 5000 Dollars! Well Then How Much Does It Cost?
  58. George W Bush blamed America for 9/11
  59. CA - San Fran cops open fire on fleeing suspect, miss completely, hitting two Mundanes
  60. US drone strikes increasing in Yemen and Somalia with nothing more than executive OK
  62. BREAKING! BREAKING! - U.S. Taxpayers to Bail Out Europe
  63. China Owns Oil in Texas
  64. Lionel on Implantable RFID Chips
  65. I Unsubscribed From TownHall
  66. ALEX JONES and GERALD CELENTE ~ The 2011 "Winter of Discontent"
  67. One aspect of limited government that I am having troulbe with
  68. Antiwar Radio interviews Eric Margolis about article “Americans Need the Truth About 9\11"
  69. Libya's Rebels Given Full UN Membership
  70. Ron Paul KnuckleHeads
  71. Federal Reserve to Bail Out European Banks (Again!)
  72. Help needed to debunk/refute this article ?
  73. Ron Paul wins California straw poll
  74. Ayn Rand on Conservatives
  75. Action Agenda for OCTOBER 2011 - Important Legislation
  76. CBC: If Obama wasn't president, we would be ‘marching on the White House’
  77. Is there going to be a Revolution PAC ticker?
  78. Everything Looks Like A Nail To Obama
  79. Liberty themed desktop wallpaper?
  80. How would you all answer this?
  81. Ron Paul Is The Only Candidate Who...
  82. California Legislature Passes Bill to Study State-owned Bank
  83. Obama Recycling Campaign Promise of Bringing Troops Home - "$1 Trillion" in Savings
  84. Gaddafi spokesman: 17, including French and British, captured
  85. Ron Paul AutoTuned
  86. Obama to Offer Plan to Cut Deficit by Over $3 Trillion
  87. Rush Limbaugh: ‘Obama Wants Riots to Create Chaos’
  88. SC Case that is anti-liberty?
  89. Marching Straight into a Den of Rabid Left-Nationalists...
  90. Texas Straw Poll Cancelled: Lack of Interest
  91. Big Bird has been mowing the lawn
  92. Drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in U.S.
  93. Lloyd's insurer sues Saudi Arabia for 'funding 9/11 attacks'
  94. Ron Paul: The Leader
  95. LOL! Obama Proposes $4 Trillion in Spending Cuts....... wait for it...... "Over 120 Years"
  96. Why Jon Stewart can't stop talking about Ron Paul
  97. We are going to make history!
  98. I think Private Charity or Voluntary Charity or Religious Charity is better ?
  99. I think Private Charity or Voluntary Charity or Religious Charity is better ?
  100. Maddow rips Michigan republican governor for raising taxes on poor....
  101. 4 hour delays at Boston/Logan caused by new TSA screening.
  102. Monthly Terror Drills Now Required By Law For NJ Students Including Kindergarten
  103. Government as a Venture Capitalist, by Ron Paul
  104. Terrorists are just depressed.
  105. 1.6 Millon Drug Arrests in 2010. Nearly half for Possession!
  106. Great Cavuto Interview With 'Home Depot' Co-Founder Bernie Marcus On Jobs And Other Topics
  107. Why I endorse RONPAULPRODUCTS.COM
  108. Ron Paul & the Great Progressive Myth (Terrorist Prevention)
  109. John Boehner to Face Primary Challenge from Pro-Life Tea Party Activist
  110. Looking for Grittier books on Economics and Libertarianism
  111. We're Doomed - Part 2 (Remix) - Video: My EBT
  112. What can RevolutionPac do with $100,000???
  113. Suddenly lots of media attention on Yemen
  114. CA - Cop: "No, shoot that (expletive) dog!"
  115. Ron Paul wins big in California. Major media ignore him (though Drudge does not)
  116. Don't Do As I Do...Do As I Say!
  117. Citi introducing fees on low-balance bank accounts
  118. Part of Geithner's speech to European finance ministers was accidentally released (video)
  119. What does Ron Paul say about Don't Ask Don't Tell?
  120. Private Prisons and slave labor( private prisons lobbied for SB1070 by the way ).......
  121. Hypocritical Racists: If Obama wasn't president, we would be ‘marching on the White House’
  122. Amount Music Downloader Won't Pay Anyway When He Files Bankruptcy Increases to $675,000
  123. Brace for Market crash! - THe FED is up to their schenanagans again
  124. Pat Buchanan: How Corporations & Politicians Screw Unemployed Americans
  125. Obama’s “fair share” and the class warfare game
  126. Kelo Case: Justice's Startling Apology Adds Human Context To Tough Ruling
  127. Whistleblowers: Drug cartels throw fundraisers for U.S. officials
  128. Interesting comment on the Occupy Wall St. situation
  129. PPP tweets Elizabeth Warren 46, Scott Brown 44
  130. Obese Less Able to Control Food Impulses, Study Says
  131. Professional Victim Irate Over Bus Fare Increase; Drops Pants
  132. Bill O'Riley Says He Will Quit if Obama raises Taxes on the Wealthy
  133. Be Honest: Are You Active Within Your Local RNC Headquarters?
  134. Question on student loans
  135. LOL "Two Wings Of Republican Party Defined By Romney vs. Perry..."
  136. Do you think Lincoln would have won had the State legislatures voted for electors?
  137. CT - Judge "Had I known all of what you just told us, I would have voted differently"
  138. Vote for Peace 2012 video.Bring on the Paul!
  139. Rasmussen Polling Update For The Week (Note: Ron has not been polled yet)
  140. I Think Tony Bennett May be a Ron Paul Supporter!!!
  141. Supreme Court Reaffirms Ruling In Officer Resistance Case
  142. MyrRun in with Google maps car!
  143. [RADIO] Called in on Major Rock Station WAAF in Boston to Talk About the USPS 'situation'
  144. Sarah Palin Has No Plans To Run For President
  145. California Straw Poll and the new Gallup Poll - Ron Paul 13%
  146. inflation is a tax break
  147. MA - Parents Fight Over Pledging Allegiance In Schools
  148. How Long Can U.S Economy Stay On Life Support
  149. [VIDEO] Vince Vaughn Introduces Ron Paul at LPAC 2011
  150. 49% Think Neither Party in Congress Represents the People
  151. Harsher Flash-Mob Penalties weighed in Maryland
  152. Yahoo Censoring Emails That Provide Links To Wall Street Occupation
  153. Homeland Security: Lawful Protests Against Wall Street Are An Attack
  154. Ron Paul Republican considering running for Senate in Wisconsin!
  155. The party of the poor?
  156. Pat Buchanan's "Suicide of a Superpower" to be released October 18th!!
  157. Peter Schiff on Gretta Van Susteren
  158. Perry, Romney, Paul: Gallup Numbers Show GOP Nomination Is Three Way Race
  159. Paul: Santorum wants to start another war
  160. GOP leadership faces possible tea party revolt in 2012
  161. BREAKING!/FAIL! -- U.S. Govt Charges Full Tilt with Ponzi Scheme
  162. Republican congressman wants to use threat of budget cuts to reinstate draft
  163. Former HUD Secretary: Illegal Aliens Are ‘The Best That Other Societies Can Send’
  164. DOJ calls Full Tilt Poker a "Ponzi Scheme" for not keeping 100% reserves
  165. Occupy Wall Street entering fourth day
  166. SFGate: Ron Paul causes stir in CA; says media misreported debate cheering on healthcare
  167. CA: New law bans warrantless cell phone searches
  168. TSA Agent Charged With Statutory Rape
  169. Prison Industrial Complex PROFITEERING Goes Into Overdrive In Canada
  170. Double Check your Orders from the Ron Paul 2012 Store!
  171. Perry Releases a New Ad
  172. Police Fine Guy Who Helped Direct Traffic After Light Fails; Leave w/o Handling Traffic
  173. RealClearPolitics drops Palin from 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
  174. Fed Bashing Becomes the One Issue Both Parties Agree On
  175. Do we need to get rid of U.N. Security council?
  176. Colbert Report - GOP wants to increase income taxes
  177. IN - I'm not sure what the hell to make of this...
  178. Obama LIES about Warren buffett secretary pays more taxes than millionaires!
  179. Who was Cameron Todd Willingham?
  180. American Conservative Mag: Immigration, the Republicans, and the End of . . .
  181. video: How Ron Paul supporters should talk on the radio!
  182. Question About Twitter - Twitter Pro's Please Help Me Out Here
  183. Do national news stations really think Ron Paul would lead to less business?
  184. Dream Theater is Pro-Liberty & Anti-Fascist
  185. How to Create a Job: Creating Value, Not Just Work
  186. Caption This Photo
  187. USDA Secretary: We Must ‘Create Appropriate Transition’ for What Americans Eat
  188. Final Hours For Troy Davis
  189. Bill O'Reilly appearance at Kentucky Center canceled
  190. OnStar Begins Spying On Customers’ GPS Location For Profit (Tickets for Seat Belts)
  191. Two Maryland Police Officers Indicted
  192. America Falls
  193. GOP primary cartoons
  194. Private vs. Public innovation in science/medicine etc... Who's done more?
  195. I need your help tweeting /emailing Tony Bennett for an endorsement of RP
  196. Cut military spending? We'll have to draft you then. So says Republican congressman.
  197. [video] Bill O'Reilly " We Never Bombed Anybody Before 911"
  198. Will The GOP Elect Obama for a 2nd Term??
  199. Video:Ron Paul thanks Jon Stewart For His Piece On The Daily Show!
  200. Rick Perry and Rupert Murdoch meet for dinner.
  201. Peter Schiff interviewed on InfoWars Nightly News
  202. Those who just don't get it
  203. Couple Threatened With $500-Per-Meeting Fines For Home Bible Study
  204. Car bomb explosion in Monroe
  205. "Black This Out" video is blacked out?
  206. God vs. Government | Study: Believers Don't Support Government Programs
  207. Nathan Deal just murdered Troy Davis
  208. Lawmakers Claim Justice Inspector Obstructed Probe Into ‘Fast and Furious’
  209. "To All" - A message from Troy Anthony Davis
  210. Rick Perry=Senator Phil Gramm's Protégé
  211. Do you have cool Blackthisout-moneybomb flyers yet ? 1000 with 39 $! check it out!
  212. NY police eyed US citizens in secret intelligence effort
  213. Sometimes I feel like we'd be better off EXPOSING THE FRAUD...
  214. Elizabeth Warren: Resistance is Futile to the Collective
  215. Lionel: Ton Bennett's Guts
  216. Remember W's tasteless "Where's the Weapons of Mass Destruction" Joke
  217. How effective are ads?
  218. Our Troops Support Ron Paul 2012 video
  219. Drug Buy Goes Awry When 3 Year Old Fires Shotgun
  220. Unofficial Debate Thread 9-22-11 ,Fox/GOP I will do anything but
  221. video: When the Dollar Collapses, This is What WILL Happen in the United States!
  222. John Stewart interviews Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels on The Daily Show
  223. Kucinich on CSPAN...
  224. Ron Paul launches $1 million ad campaign
  225. Ron Paul's Wrong - Terrorists Are Depressed
  226. Yale law professors, Ackerman and Alstott pervert Constitution to tax ‘wealth’
  227. Stubborn Political Science Professor "The Fed is Public Because it's Public"
  228. Bill Clinton on Obama's Buffet Tax "I'd pay it, but it won't solve the problem".
  229. Lou Dobbs wants you to tell him on Facebook how to "restore confidence and prosperity"
  230. Drug Warriors are LIZARD Conspiracy! Hilarious [VIDEO]
  231. OVER 1500 People Have Allready pledged! Have you ?
  232. [VIDEO] How to Participate in the FOX News Google Debate Tonight
  233. So many establishment figures saying winner of Florida straw poll will be the nominee...
  234. FOX admits Cutler headlines were 'fabrications'
  235. Renton Cops Caught Shredding Reports On Police Misconduct!
  236. Seems like we have a small ally at CNN.
  237. Warp 9 Mr. Sulu! CERN accelerator shoots neutrinos faster than speed of light.
  238. Ron Paul 2012 "When Will It End?" spread this tonight everywhere its new
  239. Bill Clinton: Netanyahu killed the peace process
  240. Biden attending $35,800/plate dinner campaign fundraiser
  241. Fox debate panel: Perry # 1 name in debate questions Paul # 2
  242. LA Firefighters Investigated for Helping Make Porn
  243. 2010 - Cop v. mundane conviction and incarceration rate.
  244. Youtube debate become unwatchable from server error? Here's alternative site to watch
  245. Ron Paul is Now Using Notes For Debates?
  246. Obama speech led to global markets crash?
  247. FOX Debate: Which Romney, Which Perry Are We Dealing With? [request]
  248. Where was Paul's ad?
  249. Post-debate online polls
  250. Oh God. Did Someone Else See That Luntz Audience Member Read His Answer From a Card?