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  1. New Instapundit Poll
  2. War of words intensifies between Minnesotans Bachmann & Pawlenty
  3. Liberal friend using this to tout Obama's fiscal restraint
  4. Some tips for Dr. Paul on the Debt Ceiling...
  5. John Brown: Hero or villain?
  6. Democratic Congressman David Wu (D-OR) Resigns
  7. The Super President: Obama secretly tells Banks "We’re Not Defaulting"
  8. UK - Police role plan for Army officers
  9. Contact your rep. and tell them NO increases in the debt ceiling.
  10. Bo's remarks last night
  11. Glenn Beck compares victims of Norway attack to Hitler Youth
  12. Jerry Brown Signs Dream Act in California
  13. Humor: "Raise The Debt Ceiling Rap" [VIDEO]
  14. The Missing Lesson from Norway: Never Trust a Man in Uniform
  15. Obama - can't fool the flies.
  16. The CIA's fake vaccination program in Pakistan
  17. Open Your Eyes! "Are We Safer" PBS Video
  18. Raising the Debt Limit: Eakinomics. Have Fun with This One Boys. (videos)
  19. PPP Polling Survey - Voting Ends TODAY - VOTE FOR RAND APPROVAL POLL
  20. Hoenig Says Fed's Rate Policy Subsidizes Wall Street Banks
  21. List of possible U.S. post office closures released
  22. CA - SWAT team throws flashbang grenade during raid, lets wrong man die in resulting fire.
  23. List of Votes For 2006 Debt Ceiling?
  24. Tea party, Small government candidates (Ron Paul) being blamed for debt ceiling crisis
  25. TX - Off duty cop bikes into neighborhood, shoots family dog dead.
  26. The Debt Ceiling has no clothes
  27. Obama fires up the crowd [Video]
  28. CBO: Boehner bill only cuts 1 bill in 2012(less than Ried) Boehner pledges to redo bill...
  29. Redstate trashes Boehner's newest scheme
  30. Bachmann benefitted from federal home loan program
  31. NYT: Iowa Polling to Test Ron Paul’s Move to Mainstream
  32. Come and Take It! Online Moneybomb Aug 6
  33. Dear Congress, Dear Mr. President
  34. National Review's Whip Count...Boehner might actually be able to pass his new bill
  35. U.S. looks to "Village Post Offices" to save money
  36. Boehner planned to break his own 3-day rule on debt ceiling deal
  37. Cantor Tells GOP To Stop “Whining” About Boehner Debt Ceiling hike
  38. Tea Party Warns GOP: A Vote for Boehner's Debt Plan Violates Our Pledge
  39. "Show me where on the doll did he touch you?"
  40. Age of the founders
  41. Ron Paul video: new or old?
  42. Make no Mistake About it. THE Establishment is Paying Attention to Ron Paul.
  43. Obama matches his Gallup lowest polling so far
  44. Obama-cut defense, not food stamps
  45. Claim - "everyone knew housing collapse would come" - huh?
  46. Bob Beckel: Obama Best Economic President since FDR
  47. Glenn Greenwald: Obama and the Left: a problem for the WH?
  48. The Most Dangerous Word in the World
  49. GA State Rep. Bobby Franklin (Introduced Const. Tender Act) Found Dead of A Heart Attack
  50. Lawsuit: Officers Roughed Up Teen with Down Syndrome
  51. McDonald's: Apple slices in every Happy Meal
  52. L.A.'s Red Light Camera Fines are "Voluntary"
  53. Video:Man Charged For Barking At A Dog!!
  54. Ongoing ATF Gunwalker: Establishment Baffled by Mike Vanderboergh's Deep Intel Connections
  55. Poll: 6% of Americans believe congress is doing a good or excellent job.
  56. Ron Paul Weighs in on Debt Ceiling Debate
  57. USA Today: Ron Paul raises most campaign cash from military workers
  58. New High: 46% Think Most in Congress Are Corrupt
  59. The Hill: Pawlenty no longer “a first-tier candidate”
  60. Inspired by "The most dangerous word in the world"
  61. Are conservative talk show hosts playing a scripted part for the Wash. Establishment?
  62. Boehner yells at GOP caucus members: 'Get your a** in line'...
  63. Boehner and Cantor play Violent movie scene in attempt to inspire GOP to vote for Debt
  64. Hearing July 26 2011 Ron Paul
  65. Krugman: Press Has a Moral Responsibility to Downplay or Outright Ignore Opposing Vwpts
  66. Democratic leader in House urges Obama to raise debt ceiling without Congressional approva
  67. House Republicans on Wednesday morning call for the firing of the Republican Study to staf
  68. GOP rank-and-file rip Jim Jordan for coordinating attacks against them
  69. Boehner to L. Ingraham: You bet your * I told my caucus to get their * in line
  70. Ron Paul Splits Vote Versus Obama in New Poll
  71. Ron Paul Splits Vote Versus Obama in New Poll
  72. VA - 2 a.m. warrantless drug sweep of thousands of people
  73. Debt Ceiling 101: Ron Paul is Right (& Why)
  74. Urgent Message from Ron Paul
  75. US of A Inc - Revoked
  76. New Evidence: How the 2004 Presidential Election May Have Been Hacked
  77. Dude goes John Galt
  78. Anyone have a slot for Meetups?
  79. Ron Paul attack ad idea
  80. MD - "Dirty Cop" of the year award
  81. State Department sending billions of US taxpayer money to radical muslim clerics overseas
  82. McCain: Tea Party-Backed Lawmakers Making 'Foolish' Demands
  83. A legislative treasury
  84. Yahoo.com - Job Listings Say The Unemployed Need Not Apply
  85. "Strike 3 Allen West, YOU are out of here...."
  86. China Building Two Aircraft Carriers
  87. Why are no Republicans co-sponsoring HR2306 'End Fed. Marijuana Prohibition' act??
  88. FT: Chinese townspeople riot after disabled fruit-vendor beaten to death by city officials
  89. Doing some math on the debt stuff
  90. LIVE Q&A w/ Stefan Molyneux & Adam Kokesh tonight @ 9pm EST
  91. Ron Paul, Presidential candidate in another interview....
  92. Al Franken's "WELCOME TERRORISTS" Stunt
  93. Odds rise that a ratings agency will downgrade U.S. credit
  94. Would Jefferson Support Raising the Debt Limit?
  95. [Video] Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 7/27/11
  96. Washington Times: Paul’s supporters see his influence beyond win-lose
  97. Al Fraknken greets Republicans with "Welcome Terrorists" sign in the Senate
  98. Reid: All 53 Senate Dems sign (already signed) letter to Boehner:Your bill will never pass
  99. Minority Rules: Scientists Claim Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas (10%)
  100. can people explain this to me...Why do liberals want so much debt?
  101. Washington Times Poll: Do you agree w/ Ron Paul supporters that RP will influence policy
  102. Obama imposes new fuel economy standards
  103. GAO audit of Fed is in... 16 Trillion lent out secretly by fed.
  104. Help pick a topic for The Liberty Minute!!
  105. Boston - Military and Urban warfare training exercises coming up 26 July to 5 Aug.
  106. Famine Is A Crime Not A Natural Disaster
  107. Who leaked classified info about Russia's role in the U.S. embassy bombing in Tblisi?
  108. SC GOP official refuses to step down for liking a CopBlock.org article on Facebook...
  109. The Lazy and Willfully Ignorant
  110. Maybe not everyone falling for the Perry landslide: Ovide Turns Down Austin Invite
  111. Department of Transportation Sets Sights on Farmers' and States' Rights
  112. Democrats say Obama should invoke 14th Amendment
  113. We prefer to support Ron Paul
  114. White House Dream Team
  115. GOP freshman on CSPAN
  116. Gov. Christie Taken to Hospital; Difficulty Breathing. Ron Paul Still Going Strong...
  117. WOW: TSA Bill author David Simpson on the Texas House Floor, Powerful Speech
  118. The Boehner-Reid-Obama conspiracy will play out like this....
  119. Ron Paul: Freeze spending and save $2trillion
  120. Clyburn likens executive order to raise debt ceiling to Emancipation Proclamation
  121. Treasury could mint two TRILLION Dollar coins!
  122. PA - Mother facing a year in jail for "illegally" boarding school bus to attend to her son
  123. LMAO - "Treasury should create (2) one-trillion denomination 'platinum' coins"
  124. Ron Paul on Fox: I’m An Easy ‘No’ On Boehner’s Plan, Both Sides Fail To Understand...
  125. NHS begins rationing operations
  126. Poll: libertarians and same sex marriage
  127. Threat Of Right-Wing Extremism In U.S. Debated By Feds, Analysts
  128. Canada - US Grandmother jailed at border after motor oil mistaken for heroin
  129. official boehner bill chat thread
  130. Touching video about US military
  131. Why would govt need to buy scents that smell like rotting corpses? (serious question)
  132. Rand Paul to McCain: 'I'd rather be a hobbit than a troll'
  133. Boehner working to redistrict fellow Ohio GOPer Jim Jordan for not supporting debt scheme?
  134. What is a neocon?
  135. But we can't live without government regulation, it keeps us safe and healthy
  136. Personality test...
  137. AndrewStiles who runs NRO whip count says they have the votes...
  138. Senators Want Secret Warrantless Wiretap Renewal
  139. TSA update
  140. On Drudge now "Ron Paul: Default is Coming"
  141. The Jim DeMint effect in SC
  142. Will Boner get his votes needed to spend 7 trillion more over 10 years & raise debt limit?
  143. Drudge: Tea Party in charge
  144. AF should have posted this by now.
  145. The media is doing its part to scare the people regarding debt ceiling
  146. Ron to be on CNN AC360 tonight
  147. Rep Steve King: We will have more leverage after default
  148. New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
  149. Boehner Threatens to Wipe Out District of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
  150. Bronzeman Supposedly Threatens to Wipe Out Insurgent Jordan's District
  151. Rep. Schweikert Cuts Through the Bullshit
  152. CA - Retired sheriff, "I'm ashamed for ever having been a law enforcement officer"
  153. Deja vu all over again - Rockwell on 1996 government "shutdown".
  154. BoA figures out what to do with all those foreclosed homes. Bulldoze them!
  155. [video] Ron Paul Interview On CNN AC 360 About The Boehner Bill
  156. Where is Mitt Romney?
  157. Anyone else notice Pat Caddall comparing Tea Partiers to Palestinians on the Hannity show?
  158. [video] Rule Titled 'Martial Law' To Be Issued By Rules Committee For New Debt Bill
  159. Rep. Hoyer endorses 14th Amendment option
  160. Romney beating Obama in raising money from banksters
  161. Daily Caller: Ron Paul calls on supporters to lobby GOP leadership for no Compromise
  162. International Space Station to be crashed into the Earth soon
  163. TV Debate - Jake Diliberto vs Stefan Molyneux, Conservatism vs Anarchism
  164. Who Is This Handsome Guy?
  165. The Hill Whip Vote: Boehner needs one vote.
  166. Government Praised for Latest Renewal of South Bronx
  167. Any one notice?
  168. [Video] Ron Paul on Bloomberg 7/28/11
  169. Fox news replays On the record 5 times (so far)
  170. Debt Limit Solution: Cut Budget by 50% back to 2001 Bill Clinton's last proposed budget
  171. Obama endorses Ron Paul 2012
  172. Newsmax/Doug Wead: Ron Paul and the War on Drugs
  173. Religion Dispatches: Doug Wead's conversion led to Ron Paul's faithness
  174. Rand Paul To House GOP: Support Boehner Bill And You Will ‘Lose Your Principles'
  175. Sen. Jim DeMint Says This Term Will be His Last
  176. Campaign for Liberty apparently finally has moved to its new website
  177. Christian and Jewish clergy arrested in Capitol budget protest
  178. Statistics of candidate mentions on MSNBC, CNN, Fox News compared to polling data
  179. Apple Now Has More Cash Than The U.S. Government
  180. Left Becoming Unhinged Over the Principled Stand Against Debt Slavery
  181. DID YOU KNOW? Pablo Picasso was a hard core Communist?
  182. Surprise- the economy is worse than we've been led to believe
  183. Republican Whip Count for Boehner Bill - thehill.com, as of 11:54 a.m. est today
  184. Tim Geithner takes grandma hostage to get debt ceiling raised
  185. Distillery to make South Carolina's first legal moonshine
  186. It's official: the US is now a police state
  187. Colbert Super Pac looks to make an impact in Iowa....
  188. My View of the Homeless Has Changed Since I Became Liberty Minded
  189. Club for Growth won't fight Boehner plan
  190. Allen West blasts Tea Party Movement
  191. The Fed isn't private.
  192. Boehner still short. Krauthammer begs tea party voters to abstain from vote.
  193. Millenium Falcon found on Baltic Sea floor
  194. Oh Knoes! Norway Killer Bought Wicked 30 Round Clips From USA!
  195. Graham Pleased with Boehner Plan Revisions and will support Boehner plan
  196. Rising Phoenix Moneybomb Aug 1st, before the country ends on Aug 2nd??
  197. Insightful video carried in the Texas Tribune: Rick Perry vs. Ron Paul
  198. Graham says S.C. delegation supports Boehner, he's not part of the "create chaos crowd"
  199. August 3rd MoneyBomb followed by one week MAJOR push to win Ames?
  200. House panel approves heightened ISP snooping bill
  201. What did the house just pass?
  202. House Panel Approves Bill Forcing ISP's To Log User's Web History
  203. Tea Party congress critters are TERORISTS!
  204. Club for Growth to drop opposition to Boehner’s debt plan if a balanced-budget amendment
  205. Well, well, well...We're really separating the wheat from the chaff now...
  206. Twitter reports that Obama lost 10,000 twitter followers 2day with tweetathon they continu
  207. Paul will be on Fox Business in an hour or so
  208. When the Government prints a paycheck it borrows 42% of it?
  209. Ron Paul Op Ed in the Daily Caller on the Debt Ceiling
  210. If you want your head to explode -- try watching this video from start to finish [REASON]
  211. The Green Job conundrum
  212. VIDEO: The Truth About War - Who Are The Real Terrorists?
  213. STAR TREK: The Wrath of Barack, Part 1
  214. Ron Paul on The Kudlow Report - Fri July 29th
  215. The GOP 'no' votes on the Boehner bill
  216. supreme court cases
  217. @BarackObama loses 36,000+ followers over tweetathon today....#Fail!
  218. Senate Rejects House Debt Ceiling Bill
  219. Schneier on Security: Homeland Security Cost-Benefit Analysis
  220. video of Obama / lotrings editing.. anyone have?
  221. Why Does Mexican Coke/Soda Contain Cane Sugar? Why Do We Get HFCS?
  222. Molyneux on Keiser Report [VIDEO]
  223. Bank Activity Required for Voting?
  224. Chaffetz voted No on Boehner Bill - Another reason to support him over Hatch in 2012
  225. PETITION: Ron Paul's petition against Debt Ceiling Betrayal
  226. Conyers calls out Obama as being the one to ask for Social Security cuts in budget package
  227. How can it be denied that Ron Paul is a FRONTRUNNER for the nomination? VIDEO PROOF!
  228. Everyone is focussed on spending and debt, no one is worried about Al Qaeda 2.0 ?
  229. Debt limit failure would be 'totally devastating' to military, vets
  230. Mainstream Media Works With Military Complex To Brainwash Americans
  231. My experience with the TSA
  232. Rahm Emanuel vows no tax hikes in Chicago
  233. N.J. state trooper suspended without pay for a year after she was caught drinking, driving
  234. GOProud and Birchers ousted as CPAC co-sponsors (David Horowitz survives vote)
  235. My Pet Goat - W explains his reaction on 9/11
  236. "Who is Ron Paul?" the correct question on today's Jeopardy
  237. Forbes: President Obama Is No Longer Tethered To Reality
  238. Australia's High Minimum Wage Pricing Low-Skilled Workers Out of The Labor Market? [Video]
  239. Facebook's marketing director (Zuckerberg's sister) calls for an end to online anonymity
  240. --===FREE Ron Paul Campaign Materials===--
  241. Rich people are scared of global unrest
  242. Charles Krauthammer is a vile, disgusting individual
  243. Republican presidents have added more debt than Democrats; 6 trillion more
  244. Ohio GOP plotting to resdistrict out Jim Jordan
  245. The "conservative whiz kid" Paul Ryan shows his true colors again.
  246. Fantastic new video! - Ron Paul Road To Iowa
  247. Myth vs. Facts: John Birch Society called President Dwight Eisenhower a Communist
  248. Another: Las Vegas Cops Under Fire For Beating & Arresting Videographer VIDEO
  249. Why Those Opposed To More Debt Are Correct
  250. Kucinich Raises the Issue of the Constitutional Authority to Generate Credit