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  1. Looks like Bildeberger Slick Rick Perry is inching closer to running
  2. Is this the next 'official' Moneybomb?
  3. Pwned: "Do you have a degree in economics?"
  4. Paging Dr. Ron Paul (new video)
  5. A 2002 TSA story by a man who was defending his molested wife
  6. 20 Signs the Fabric of Society is Coming Apart At the Seams
  7. 4-yr-old killed by hit-and-run driver. Driver gets 6 months, mother gets 3 years.
  8. NJ - More victims of the unintended consequences of laws named after dead people
  9. WI - City and cops shut down another kid's lemonade stand.
  10. FL - Prosecutor lied during Casey Anthony trial
  11. How We Celebrated the Ron Paul Ready Ames Moneybomb (videos)
  12. Heirs Lose Fight With Gov't to Keep Rare Gold Coins
  13. Obama to meet with GOP leaders as debt deadline looms
  14. [vid] Obama: What are you doing with $181 Billion Dollars if you're not paying our bills?
  15. Ready Ames Fire Media Blackout???
  16. Ron Paul will be on Cavuto's show on Fox Business (6 pm ET)
  17. 53% Support Automatic Drug Testing For Welfare Applicants
  18. Must see video: This will blow your mind: Guerrilla Psychonautics
  19. Paul Watch: Ron Paul says talk of the debt ceiling is meant “to frighten people”
  20. [WOW] Newt Gingrich spend $800,000 on Website
  21. The Ron Paul Campaign has hired Jack Hunter?
  22. Into the Beast: The Federal Reserve and its Control of Economic Education
  23. Do we Really Need a Minimum Wage?
  24. Shocker! not really-6 seconds go missing from video of Bakerfield shooting
  25. Discover declares “The End of Morality”
  26. Cenk quits MSNBC, thinks White House is putting political pressure on the network
  27. Mia Mai found not guilty
  28. Twitter Bans Conservative Group "Empower Texans"
  29. The Liberty Minute is back!
  30. Chris Christie allows New Jersey medical marijuana program to move forward
  31. Ron Paul’s Dilemma in Iowa
  32. Fed. App. Ct: Call for Obama’s assassination ruled Free Speech
  33. When aliens breed with sheep and jackasses
  34. Rachel Madcow Contact Now and Set The Record Straight ASAP!!
  35. New poll carries warning signs for Obama in 2012
  36. Keiser Report: Ideas for Revolution
  37. Ron Paul takes 3rd in Washington Post / ABC News poll
  38. Rand Paul to make Waterloo, IA visit
  39. Please start promoting the next moneybomb today and do it every day!
  40. The Fed Audit
  41. Support for Ron Paul runs high among members of the military
  42. SkyNet Coming to the Atlanta
  43. Sued for Farting? What a Country!
  44. Ron Paul polls second best against Obama of all GOP
  45. Is this for real?? In less than 3 years... "Fed gave $16-trillion in emergency loans"
  46. Epic facepalm moments
  47. Massive Resistance Mounting in House Against McConnell Plan
  48. Cenk leaves MSNBC: Turns out the folks at MSNBC are lapdogs for the regime (who knew?/s)
  49. NC family awarded $10 million from Taser Corp for kid's death
  50. DRUDGE: DHS VIDEO: White middle-class Americans 'most likely terrorists'...
  51. If you need some motivation watch this
  52. Anonymous & Lulz Security Statement
  53. Taxpayers Lose $1.3 Billion in Chrysler Bailout
  54. Cop Threatens CCW Holder During Traffic Stop: “I could blast you in the mouth right now!”
  55. Ron Paul Schedules Hearing with Kansas City Fed's Thomas Hoenig
  56. Rupert Murdoch's Fox News ran 'black ops' department, former executive claims
  57. [Audio] Ron Paul on Lou Dobbs Radio 7/21/11
  58. Audit: Fed gave $16 trillion in emergency loans
  59. If Ron Paul were President
  60. Rep. Mel Watt (D-NC) Seeks To Slash Outside (Independent) Ethics Office Budget
  61. Newark Cop: "I can do whatever the hell I want!"
  62. LIVE CATO Institute Debate: Libertarianism vs. Conservatism and Participation
  63. TX-Man sent to prison for "resisting" in his own home after being mistaken for burglar
  64. History Works Against Ron Paul (video from thestreet.com)
  65. KY - Sick Puppy: Cop Buries Dog Alive After Beating It
  66. Palm reader in Vegas, Crazy Poly sci professor, or senile aunt who tries to kiss you?
  67. Freedom Fest Re-Cap 2011
  68. The Debt Ceiling Issue EXPLAINED by Bob Murphy, Austrian Economist [CFL Video]
  69. [Video] Jack Hunter / Southern Avenger : SA@TAC - Government Doesn't Work
  70. Reasonable Cop Interacts With Concealed Carrier in Oceanside California
  71. Fed Audit Reveals 16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts - Help Get this on Reddit!
  72. "Circumcision rights" are Municipal, State or Federal issue?
  73. The Freedom Loving Absolute Monarchs of Qatar Send Munitions For The War Effort In Libya
  74. [Sasn Diego] Building 'Taj Mahals' with Taxpayer Money
  75. Florida Selling Resident Drivers License Data to Research Services
  76. Jury Acquits Citizens of Illegally Filming Police
  77. Total bailout cost so far?
  78. RonPaul2012 store
  79. Smoking Ban Debate in a Bar (Video)
  80. Former FOX BIZ' Cody Willard of HAPPY HOUR Tweets Off On Beck/Establishment/FOX NEWS CORP
  81. TODAY Blue Republican on Iowa Radio!
  82. If You Were King (amazing animated video by Larken Rose)
  83. Diction question: Is there another term for 'raising revenues through tax reform?'
  84. USA Today: Ron Paul's supporters form super PAC
  85. Ron Paul was right, and the Fed audit proves it
  86. What is the GOP's Problem???
  87. Explosion Rocks the center of Oslo Norway
  88. Colorado Ron Paul 2012 Sign Wave July 30th Denver Marriott!!!!!
  89. Wage Limits & Student Loans For All
  90. At The Edge of Self-Destruction by Bruce Fein (HuffPo)
  91. On Drudge now...
  92. MA - Cops to roll out license plate scanners linked to central databases.
  93. RASMUSSEN SHOCK POLL: Barack Obama 41% Ron Paul 37%... developing...
  94. Default Now, or Suffer a More Expensive Crisis Later: Ron Paul
  95. Ron Paul is catching on
  96. Phone Baking Success: Need Your Help
  98. No One Will Dump US Treasuries [CFL Video]
  99. U.S. Government, HANDS OFF MY BACON!
  100. Cody Willard Backing Ron Paul
  101. Ron Paul competitive against Obama in a new poll
  102. Texas man executed for killing store clerk during 9/11 'revenge' shooting spree
  103. Promote Ron Paul at the Next Gun Show
  104. Why the Government Refuses to tell You the Truth About Inflation
  105. Awesome video but makes me very very sad
  106. LA Times: Ron Paul polls just 4 points below Obama if the two ran head-to-head
  107. The Case for Ron Paul
  108. As true supporters, we have our eyes on the white house...
  109. Solve Debt Crisis by Legalizing Marijuana
  110. "This Is A Plot By The Republicans To Damage The U.S. Economy To Take Down This President!
  111. Parent Complains After Children Were Searched at Pool - for Pooping their Pants!
  112. Wars on You!
  113. New Iowa Endorsement
  114. Thomas Woods on John Stossel
  115. DID YOU KNOW? Nelson Rockefeller LITERALLY came within 6 inches of becoming President?
  116. Ron Paul will be on Fox News with Neil Cavuto at 11AM ET, Saturday July 23rd
  117. Cato: Map of botched police raids
  118. FAA shut drop, travel tax ends
  119. Creationists lose in Texas Education Board fight
  120. 'Blue Republicans' on Iowa Radio, podcast here:
  121. Met some Marines last night... they tried to sell me on Ron Paul :)
  122. [Video] Ron Paul Interview With Cavuto This Morning About Debt Ceiling Debate
  123. New Poll: Americans Becoming More Libertarian
  124. Some Irony in the way we fund Ron Paul's campaign
  125. 2005 - Bernanke: There's No Housing Bubble to Go Bust
  126. Ron Paul speech in Crown Royal Hotel Nashua NH 7/23/11
  127. Republicanism is the best hope for humanity
  128. Just saw new Ron Paul ad on Fox in Des Moines!
  129. PA Mayor to Nick Gillepsie" Wanna Take It Outside?
  130. Jeb Bush softens stance on 2012 'You never say never'....
  131. "Big Brother" driver database planned for MA
  132. A "Be Wary of Perry" ad in Texas would be classic
  133. Government Trying to Rent Out Foreclosed Homes.
  134. Bilderberg Perry: "Gay marraige states right." Sound familiar?
  135. Politifact rates true Ron's getting more than 2ce >OtherGOP military donations &>Obama 2
  136. Free Speech Can Get More Prison Time Than Murder
  137. Was This Political Commercial Banned?
  138. Police State Insanity: Teens Arrested While Waiting for Parents in OKC Curfew Sweep
  139. I have the manufacturer's certificate of origin for my car
  140. E-mail from Kane (Glenn Jacobs)
  141. Cross Tab Data from Rasmussen Shock Poll (HIGHLIGHTS)
  142. Police: Alleged Norwegian mass murderer faces just 21 years in prison
  143. What Ron Paul is up against.
  144. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul Do Best Against Obama in New Poll
  145. Democrat Congressman accused of unwanted sexual encounter
  146. Obama's new unconstitutional Super Congress
  147. GOP Elite Revolts Against Tea Party on Debt Ceiling
  148. Photo Protest Proves Photography Is Not A Crime
  149. This Is It.
  150. Light Bulb Update 7/23/2011
  151. Obama forgets the date of his birthday
  152. Oslo terror suspect has stopped talking, should he be waterboarded/enhanced interrogated?
  153. Valley's rural areas will face fire fee - Fresno Bee
  154. More Loophole Lobbyists, Please
  155. Flood the House!!!!
  156. "The money supply is not increasing" ...Am I living in the Twighlight zone?
  157. RED ALERT!!!!! 'Super Congress' on the way!!
  158. Jammie Thomas judgment lowered from $1.5 million to $54,000
  159. Quick List of Legislative Achievements in New Hampshire
  160. Ron Paul hit piece. What is this?)
  161. Multiculturalism in Europe. The Norwegian "Awakening"
  162. Ron Paul on the proper powers of the presidency
  163. MotherJones Staff Writer Stalks Ron Paul
  164. NPR: "Norway suspect wanted a Revolution."
  165. The children he massacred had held a pro-Palestinian rally the day before.
  166. Oslo terror suspect's Manifesto, his following of Pam Geller's writings
  167. Boehner's original bill raised revenue (taxes) by $800 billion
  168. George H.W. Bush Praises RNC’s Priebus
  169. Could Ron and/or Rand use this method to effectivly bring congress to a halt?
  170. Ron Paul “We Don’t Have To Cut Medicare Or Social Security To Get Our House In Order”
  171. Something unique about Oslo
  172. Captain America: Most Anti-Liberty Movie of the Year?
  173. NYT - Take a walk inside the mind of "true believer" in the nanny state.
  174. Patriot Brandon Neely Speaks about David Hicks and Guantanamo
  175. Norquist won't let Republicans out of anti tax pledge to support Boehner $800 B. tax hikes
  176. Ron Paul needs some back up!
  177. I think Paul is running for congress again if he fails to get the presidency
  178. Twiter: Ried to announce plan to break the "impasse"
  179. Obama’s Fair Deal: Violate Your Tax Pledge So I Can Keep My Pledge to Reform Entitlements
  180. National Journal tweets on Ried vs. Boehner budget
  181. Five Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor
  182. 3 Major Reason to Have a Home Garden in 2011 and 2012!
  183. seeking rpf opinions on fear article "What if the government defaults?"
  184. $2,568 Trillion Revenue. But No Money
  185. Trolling is Most Important Occupation in World
  186. Did the Bush Crime Family steal Ohio in 04?
  187. Does this scare anyone else?
  188. Who is on the live call with Ron Paul?
  189. [Video] Jack Hunter / Southern Avenger : SA@TAC - Wikileaks Revisited
  190. Bill Maher calls for a draft
  191. Ron Paul Poised to Shake Up Republican Primaries
  192. Occupy Wallstreet?
  193. Vermont Senator Wants Obama to Face Primary Challenger
  194. Football Player Chad Ochocinco Angers Fans When He Tweets About Reading Glenn Beck’s Book
  195. #f*ckyouwashington goes viral on Twitter. Can the R3volution make a dent?
  196. Is Spenditol Right For You?
  197. Sustainability in All Things except Rational Thinking
  198. Risk Off, Risk On, Which Is It?
  199. LibertyFest NYC 9/10/11 w/ Tom Woods, Peter Schiff, Sheriff Mack & more
  200. Plan B after 2016??
  201. Tyranny Enforcement (police brutality compilation)
  202. Death Toll in Norway massively overcounted
  203. What is Compromise?
  204. The Judge is back, makes his debut on "The Five" today
  205. Which would you choose?
  206. Ron Paul just picked up a MAJOR endorsement!
  207. Older Japanese cleaning up heavily radiated areas, so young won't have to.
  208. CA - Cops - "or we do this the hard way, we come back with a warrant and shoot your dog"
  209. CNN: Far right domestic terrorism on par with foreign threat
  210. Obama Will Use U.S. Military to Police U.S. Citizens
  211. [video]FOX: Ron Paul Is A Real Threat To Win Ames Straw Poll !
  212. PolitiFact: when Republicans were in power, they expanded government role in health care
  213. Is Obama worse than Carter?
  214. AT&T-Mobile Ad Parody Tells the Truth
  215. Local broadcasters and NAB stepping up the fight over available spectrum
  216. Obama to give a live address about the debt ceiling at 9 PM EST 7/25
  217. KS - This is why you don't form lynch mobs the second someone says "child abuse".
  218. Spanish political ads?
  219. Kucinich Asks A.G. Eric Holder Why Justice Department Is Investigating Antiwar Activists?
  220. A Default is the VERY BEST thing that could happen - if you support small government!
  221. Ron Paul endorsement picked up by Drudge
  222. Is the "Super Congress" Committee unconstitutional?
  223. [Video] Top Libertarians and Conservatives on Twitter
  224. Obama Debt Ceiling Speech 7/25
  225. Ron Paul Video Diary 2008 for free?
  226. Ron Paul's hearing tomorrow will be on how monetary policy impacts the economy...
  227. NYT - The Master’s as the New Bachelor’s
  228. Paul on the debt: Moody’s ‘misleading,’ Aug. 2 fears ‘artificial’
  229. Ron Paul mentioned in Glenn Beck article on Yahoo
  230. HUGE upcoming independent grassroots campaign!!!
  231. Ron Paul: The Pesky Neighbor and the Debt Ceiling
  232. USA Today: Ron Paul believes Aug. 2 debt deadline is 'artificial'
  233. There are NO "Fringe Leftists" posting at DU - lol
  234. After Grover kills Boehner's 800 billion in "New Revenue," he's getting bomb threats
  235. What is really going on? Further Questions about the Federal Reserve
  236. Yahoo News : Census Numbers Say Whites Wealth Grow While Minorities Wealth Shrink
  237. The State Column: Ron Paul Slams Debt Ceiling, Compares U.S. Gov. to a ‘Pesky Neighbor’
  238. The Default Delusion
  239. Property Rights
  240. How to win support from the pissed off left
  241. As the American Empire Spread Abroad, it Becomes a Police state at Home
  242. This pretty much sums up why I think Ron Paul will be president (Kinda long)
  243. GOP Leadership and Obama are Failures ,if they raise debt ceiling!!!!
  244. Religious Groups PRAY for Debt Compromise
  245. Gold: Independent Money [important video]
  247. WaPo has a REALLY STUPID graphic of which GOP presidential candidates 'voted for deficit'
  248. WaPo has a REALLY STUPID graphic of which GOP presidential candidates 'voted for deficit'
  249. Bachmann 2012 everything that needs to be said and hasn't!!!
  250. Business Insider/WAPO: Meet The Mexican Romneys