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  1. Gabriel Giffords is looking good and due to be released from the hospital soon
  2. Did Rand Paul get a higher percentage of minority votes than other Republicans?
  3. Ron Paul gets blunt in his June 13 'Straight Talk'
  4. Contest: Make a banner/logo for the Decepti-Cons.com site - Prize: Banner Ad For A Month
  5. Exclusive: The Fed's $600 Billion Stealth Bailout Of Foreign Banks Continues At The Expens
  6. Work crews, journalists hustle to prepare for debate
  7. Deficit Hawks for Peace
  8. [Video] Jack Hunter / Southern Avenger: SA@TAC- Who's an 'Isolationist?'
  9. Awareness of Bilderberg Cabal Explodes in 2011
  10. Lindsey Graham: Attack Syria!
  11. Who is going to be at the NH debates Monday night?
  12. The New Republic says Ron Paul is not winning the Youtube primary; TNR doesn't know how 2
  13. From Ron Paul to Obama? WTF?
  14. Bilderberg group 2011: Full official attendee list
  15. Pitbull attacks old man in Florida; idiots want to ban all pit bulls
  16. Texas Senate debate!
  17. **Going to the NH Debates Tonight? Want to go?**
  18. Please "Like" RonPaulRides on facebook!!
  19. FBI expands agents’ investigative power
  20. Redditor? Need an upvote for Decepti-cons link.
  21. Shep Smith (Fox News) is now anti-war
  22. CNBC Poll
  23. Iowa Bus Tour Revives 'Gold Standard' Debate
  24. Convicted B.A.R.T cop in Oakland shooting already out of jail
  25. Diver Vows to Find OBL's Corpse in Arabian Sea
  26. CNN debate ad has Ron Paul's pic dead center...
  27. 11 Storm Emergency Room in Long Island Hospital
  28. HR 459 Audit the Fed bill now has 155 co-sponsors!
  29. Project Gunrunner Oversight Panel Hearings Begin June 13th (Today, 1:00 PM Est)
  30. New Fox News Poll
  31. FL-Witnesses - Man shot, beat, and withheld from medical treatment for running from cops.
  32. Why is Ron Paul not on the Iowa Tea Party Tour ?
  33. Time Magazine on SF Circumcision Ballot Measure
  34. Mexican Cartels Kidnapping People and Making Them Fight to The Death Gladiator Style
  35. John Hospers, Libertarian Party's 1st nominated presidential candidate, died Sun, age 93
  36. Ron Paul: Mainstream America Supports My Foreign Policy
  37. Ron Paul says appeal to independent voters gives him an edge
  38. Bumper Sticker: Get Rich, Ron Paul 2012
  39. FCC to Officially Scrap Fairness Doctrine
  40. Just 26% Favor Continued Military Action in Libya
  41. GOP Hopefuls on Iowa Bus Tour to Promote Return to Gold Standard
  42. "Michelle Bachmann Reads Von Mises" featured on Hardball
  43. Anyone else get Trevor Lymans latest email?
  44. Ron Paul Receives More Key Iowa Endorsements (6-13)
  45. Lupe Fiasco, Hip-Hop, and Libertarianism
  46. Help keep Ron's Likes up at WMUR
  47. Debate Predictions
  48. Official Debate Thread (I don't see anything else up yet)
  49. Live stream debate
  50. Worst Debate Format Ever!
  51. uh uh uh uh
  52. Thank You everyone I won Adam Kokesh's video contest tonight!
  53. I need a buzz-word bathroom break...
  54. CNN Debate POLL
  55. Herman Cain Creeps Me Out
  56. [live stream] Ron Paul on CNN post-debate
  57. Faux Noise poll about pulling out of Afghanistan
  58. #1 Thing I have taken away from the debate. Lip Service versus Reality
  59. FOX: You Decide: Viewers Say Who Won Tuesday Night's GOP Presidential Debate
  60. Cnn loves Ron Paul...
  61. iPhone -vs- Blackberry
  62. MSNBC Debate Poll!
  63. MSNBC Debate Poll
  64. Fox Debate Poll
  65. Lets fund 1 Iowa Project today! Donate MiniBomb for RP!
  66. Patriot Action Network's Post NH GOP debate poll blocks Ron Paul
  67. Other Debate Polls
  68. Sen. Graham: 'Very Close' to Time to Attack Syria
  69. Complete Ron Paul CNN New Hampshire Debate Questions And Answers
  70. When Will Ron Paul "Find It" and Take the Gloves Off?
  71. Why all the props for Romney's debate performance...
  72. Calling all Twitter hackers!
  73. [June 13 Debate] Great pro-Ron Paul article out of Texas
  74. [Video] 6/13 New Hampshire GOP Debate
  75. What a difference 4 years makes....Romney Answers Like Ron Paul on Debt Ceiling
  76. I want the Romney clip - "To turn the country over to the Taliban military"
  77. Ron Paul in his own words on the IRS, TSA, marriage, abortion
  78. Salt Lake City NBC Station Refuses To Air 'The Playboy Club'
  79. Yahoo! News: Can't get over its "fringe candidate" meme....
  80. Government Failures in Puerto Rico. Libertarian Solutions?
  81. Mitt Romney Still Smirks At Ron Paul...Even After Stealing His Talking Points
  82. GOP Debate Caption Contest
  83. [video] Ron Gives Short Speech at Debate After-Party
  84. Debate Transcript
  85. China seeks to build a city and economic zone in the state of Idaho
  86. I am voting Libertarian
  87. Herman Cain: My Support For TARP Could Be A Problem
  88. The Comments on the Yahoo Article Give me Hope...
  89. Going out in a blaze of glory.
  90. Netanyahu rejects right of return, declares Jerusalem eternal Jewish capital
  91. I'm Winning!
  92. Debate: Republicans Take It Easy on Romney, Bash Obama
  93. Facebook Poll
  94. Ron Paul's Economic Wisdom
  95. WTF!?! Dailypaul is running Michele Bachman for President ads
  96. Boehner: Bachmann and "Rand Paul" have a good chance [Mod note: reporter error]
  97. Treasury - Audit of Gold in Fort Knox Would Cost $15 Million
  98. GOP Debate—Who Won?
  99. What You Missed While Not Watching the New Hampshire GOP Debate (funny line or 2)
  100. Do You Support Affirmative Action? ... in Sports?
  101. Interesting WNYC.org write up of the CNN debate
  102. Time to break out the video of CNN's fake Gulf War coverage !!
  103. Ron Paul ends Romney's bid. "I am the Commander in Chief"
  104. Intentionally misrepresenting RP? or are they just stupid?
  105. Remember: According to The MSM, Ron Paul Has NEVER Won a Single Debate (Nor Will He Ever)
  106. Rasmussen: Only 49% Think U.S. Still Needs to Belong to NATO
  107. National Review Post Debate Poll (Losing)
  108. Foxnews promoting Bilderberg cadidate Perry again
  109. Freedomworks Facebook poll...We are losing!
  110. Poll at Nationalreview.com - Vote for Ron Paul!
  111. Politico: Why Ron Paul hesitated on his “Blackberry” answer
  112. epic article title
  113. How will we communicate when the internet is shut down?
  114. Petition to Apply Affirmative Action to Basketball Team (vid exposing leftists)
  115. Who won the GOP debate? The audience thought Ron Paul did
  116. US Congress votes against Libya funding
  117. Hacktivists targeting Bernanke
  118. Glenn Beck pushing Rick Perry on his show right now?
  119. Glenn Beck mocks John King (CNN debate moderator)
  120. Fox Debate Poll
  121. New BBCode for breaking links: [break]
  122. DNC Response to GOP Debate Last Night
  123. Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore Defend Sarah Palin
  124. Louisville Man Shoots Teen With Shotgun For Doorbell Prank
  125. Stossel on O'Reilly RIGHT NOW making the case for Ron Paul
  126. One of my favorite parts of the debate
  127. What are the Irish missing in their caption on this picture of a 'Mitt Romney supporter'?
  128. Wisconsin Supreme Court Overrules Lower Court: Wisconsin Public Union Law To Take Effect
  129. chris Christie on Piers Morgan now
  130. Social Security makes $6.5B in overpayments
  131. Allen West disrespects flag on flag day
  132. QOTD Poll: Whats next on your list to donate to?
  133. Colonel/Rep Allen West (R-FL) Congressional Representation or Repression? How It All Works
  134. Hotair Poll
  135. [Video] Bill O'Reilly Bashes Ron Paul As Does Coulter, Uses Poll Of 54 Voters To Do It
  136. School cops - You must think of yourself as soldiers in a war...
  137. We are being conditioned for the collapse
  138. Marine, survivalist, militia leader, subject of Montana manhunt after taking a shot at cop
  139. Decoded: Bohemian Grove
  140. Rapist dies of heart attack while raping woman
  141. Mitt Romney WILL NOT cut the defense budget.... or will he?
  142. Fred Karger alleges that Mitt Romney committed voter fraud in voting in Mass for Brown
  143. The National Review "Insiders" Who Voted Paul at 0% as a Debate Winnner Are...
  144. Frank Luntz: now he is pushing Bachmann
  145. Report: Document reveals Nakba Day clashes planned by Syria government
  146. Calling in the troops. Bad article/bad comments - HuffPost
  147. The Boston Herald names winners and losers of the NH debate: Ron Paul is a winner
  148. The Field Copycating Ron = Biggest Opportunity (Talking Points)
  149. Ok, I'll do it. I'll be Ron Paul's debate coach
  150. Freedom Watch 6.14; Judge endorses Ron Paul
  151. Walter Wiliams: Our Moral Dilemma
  152. Bill O'Reilly gets introduced to Keynesian Economics
  153. Bachman is splitting the Palin vote
  154. The Hill GOP12: New Quinnipiac Survey Shows Mitt Romney Ahead In Pennsylvania, RP In 5th
  155. So I get the feeling my econ prof. doesn't like our guy....
  156. Prodigy of Mobb Deep defends Lupe Fiasco on his Comments about Obama
  157. Michele Bachmann: On the Beach, I Bring von Mises
  158. Revolution of the Indignants
  159. The word is "Impunity" - Will Grigg on the Jose Guerena murder
  160. Famed aquatic treasure hunter now searching for Bin Laden's body
  161. Klout.com - Online Influence Barameter, let's Ron Paulize it
  162. [VIDEO] Tom Woods - The Trouble with Herman Cain
  163. VOTE: in O'Reilly Poll -- votes needed!
  164. Bipartisan Group of Senators Pushing for Major Afghanistan Withdrawal
  165. 'America, This is Just Too Much'
  166. Ron Paul's Greatest Strength
  167. Is character important?
  168. oepration Empire state rebellion
  169. Young People and Music -- LIBERTY METAL?
  170. NYC Bicyclist ridicules Bike Lane Tickets
  171. Nearly 200 of Obama's biggest donors land plum govt jobs or advisory posts
  172. Debate: One hawk, one dove, and five neodoves
  173. TX Sen. Expresses Outrage Over Spanish-Language Testimony Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
  174. PPP - Massachusetts GOP Presidential Primary Poll
  175. The State Column says Ron's campaign web page is on p2 of google search like itsagoodthing
  176. The Judge gives his thoughts on the Republican Debate (pro Ron Paul)
  177. Beck's show today is on the UN's Agenda 21
  178. Ron Paul sold stock in gold mining
  179. Dennis Kucinich: Obama Can Tell It To A Judge!
  180. Dr. Gold Hedges His Bets
  181. John Stossel Debate Bill Oreilly On The Republican Debate
  182. Site Idea (KnowBeforeYouVote)
  183. RAND Paul will be on King tonight with Kucinich, discussing Libya
  184. Chris Matthews just did a wonderful segment with Rep. Johnson and Pat Buchanon on Dove GOP
  185. Would you support the following tax reform legislation?
  186. There is a worldwide Revolution in progress.........
  187. Did you guys hear the story about ATF selling guns to Mexican
  188. (R) Rep. Tim Johnson On Hardball About Obama Libya Lawsuit, Talks Ron Paul
  189. [VIDEO] Ron Paul in Conan clip, Conan: Republican Nominees Obsessed With Children
  190. Obama says: "The law does not apply to me"
  191. Ron Paul's equity portfolio
  192. Don't taze My Granny! Video Here
  193. Special Report with Brett Baier's "All Star Panel" discusses "isolationist trend"
  194. Ask a Libertarian Day at Reason gives some great soundbites including Ron Paul love.....
  195. NBC News / Wall Street Journal National GOP Primary Poll
  196. Greek police caught cold in FALSE FLAG ATTACKS (2008)
  197. [Video] Rand Paul & Dennis Kucinich Talk About Obama Libya Lawsuit On CNN
  198. Texan v. Texan: Rep. Ron Paul elbows Gov. Rick Perry
  199. The GOP evolution: From hawks to bean counters
  200. Free State Project in the News: What happens if 20,000 libertarians move to New Hampshire?
  201. poll: would you vote for Ron Paul for president with Bachmann as VP or for Obama?
  202. China's "Born in the USA" Frenzy
  203. Oh, by the way...
  204. NH paper tweaks 'high-falutin' Romney
  205. Politico is forced to talk about the gold standard --
  206. BBC news compares books written by GOP candidates for President - likes Ron's classy cover
  207. Guardian: WH Holding Secret Meetings To Negotiate U.S. Staying In Afghanistan For Decades!
  208. Federal judge demolishes RightHaven's copyright lawsuit scheme.
  209. PA - FBI SWAT raid over drugs, raids home that target of raid left months before.
  210. CIA website goes down, hackers claim responsibility
  211. [NEW VIDEO] - Ron Paul: Bold Economic Leadership
  212. Did you guys see Timothy Johnson on Chris Matthews?
  213. The bestest review ever of the CNN debate...EVAAR!
  214. Psychopaths make the perfect politicians!
  215. Obama's unauthorized war on Libya costs $9,421,000 a day: you getting your money's worth?
  216. Obama: 'We don't have enough engineers'
  217. Ann Couter: Get Rid of Government -- But First Make Me President!
  218. Paul coming up on Fox and friends [video added]
  219. Choose Freedom
  220. How Did the 'Project Gunrunner' Hearing on Capitol Hill Go?
  221. Personal Liberty Digest Poll...
  222. CNN: Weiner will resign
  223. Some wierd Rasmussen polling results for Paul
  224. Video:luntz focus group on nh debate
  225. Stimulus Check
  226. Obama: ATMs Contribute To Unemployment
  227. Storming Parliament by Greece Protestors. Serious Riots
  228. New 450 Million Jobs and 225 New Wal-Marts
  229. PPP - National GOP Presidential Primary Poll
  230. [VIDEO] Perfect Ron Paul Propaganda Video to send to Progressives!
  231. Texas smackdown: Ron Paul says Rick Perry is ‘status quo’ presidential contender who would
  232. Rasmussen Fraud Report: 732-776-9777
  233. Partiot Act: Know Your Customer. Bank Threatens To Shut Down My Accounts
  234. Alex Jones delivers keynote speech at Talker's Magazine conference
  235. O-Bomb-ya: Missiles and drones do not constitute "hostilities".
  236. New Video! Ron Paul - 2012 - REVOLUTION!
  237. Liberty candidate for special election in NY to replace Rep. Weiner?
  238. Political quiz?
  239. Why are we surprised that the Dems are backing Obama in Libya?
  240. New York and California come out at the bottom of individual freedoms study
  241. Yes, Those People Are Literally Kissing, On The Ground, In The Street, Amid A Riot
  242. Possible Al-Qaida Hit List Targets Specific Americans
  243. Pentagon: Cyberattack an Act of War
  244. Photo of the day........
  245. Losing A Poll? By a lot, too!
  246. [Video] jim Rogers On The Ratigan Show, Tells Viewers To Get Ready To Protect Themselves
  247. Neil Cavuto Invites Ron Paul to swing at all the Johnny come lately 'Ron Paul' clones
  248. Neocon Buffoons Argue: "Give War a Chance"
  249. Pelosi's wealth grows by 62 percent
  250. TX Gov Rick Perry REFUSES To Fight TSA