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  1. Helen Thomas: When do I get my apology from Obama?
  2. Ron Paul: "Next week is gonna be BIG!"
  3. DOJ to White male bullying victims: Tough luck
  4. Vatican praises EU decision on crucifixes in class
  5. More USG Psy-Ops -- pays contractor $2.76m for social media ops
  6. Radiation alarms go off at O'Hare airport in Chicago.
  7. 3 states seek to kick habit of raising cig taxes
  8. Creator of the Liberty Dollar Found Guilty
  9. US Dollar spot index plunges to a 52 week low
  10. Dennis Kucinich On Obama Libya Action: "It's Not Up To The President"
  11. Obama: Oh, by the way, we’re going to war in Libya
  12. Dennis Kucinich On U.S. Military Involvement In Libya: It's Not Up To The President...
  13. John Bolton on Libya:
  14. Wisconsin S.C. race
  15. FBN: Stossel March 17, 2011
  16. Should Obama fire Mideast envoy Mitchell who freq visited sex offender Epstein's residence
  17. Time - Why Are We Going to War with Libya?
  18. Ron Paul: Where does the President get authority to attack Libya?
  19. The Sum of All Fears [By: Michael Scheuer]
  20. [Video] Freedom Watch : 3/18/2011 - Cooking The Books
  21. EFF Lets the Sunshine In
  22. Beck Upset Obama Didn’t Act On Libya -- Then, 20 Seconds Later, Upset That He Did
  23. Is GDP a ponzi measurement?
  24. Why is the Fed the most important issue for you?
  25. Radiation Good for you?
  26. Liberty Dollar founder convicted of counterfeiting; U.S. attorney calls him a terrorist
  27. Political Correctness: Genes, Homogeneity, Culture-Why Japanese Don't Loot
  28. Facebook working with feds to monitor and report "bullying"
  29. Just A Friendly Reminder: Please Shut The Hell Up
  30. Helen Thomas: White House in pockets of the Israeli lobbies
  31. Remaining Workers at the Fukushima Plant bid farewell to their families.
  32. Mods are asleep: Post Mitt Romney!
  33. Anonymous
  34. Former Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, dead at 85
  35. Trevor Lyman to help Phil Moffett
  36. Federal Reserve, I hate every inch of you... (song)
  37. My friend thinks Donald Trump would make a great President
  38. Shock & Awe II
  39. Democrats Freak Out Over New Hampshire's anti-UN, anti-NAFTA Bills
  40. Video of Libyan Warplane Getting Owned
  41. Southern Poverty Law Center and the Department of Homeland Security
  42. New Amazing Tsunami Footage
  43. Snitch Neighbor: To stoop or not to stoop
  44. Don't political campaigns destroy productivity?
  45. First tomahawks fired....
  46. Tennessee Governor Signs Health Care Freedom Into Law
  47. Ron to be on Huckabee tonight
  48. Three states look to buck the trend and actually CUT taxes on cigarettes [NH, NJ and RI]
  49. Obama attacks Libya and starts a new war
  50. No Fly Zone An Idea Whose Time Has Come, Back In The 1990s
  51. Brazil's violent welcome for the Obama family
  52. 110 Tomahawk Missels Launched. Each one costs app. $500,000!
  53. Anti-American Extremists Among Libyan Rebels U.S. Has Vowed To Protect
  54. Nearly Half of GOP Support Impeaching Obama
  55. The Dice Man Takes Aim at Sheen
  56. MSNBC - Banksters & Government Exposed FINALLY by Mainstream News!
  57. Ron Paul on Mike Huckabee's Show Tonight at 8 PM
  58. National Review Article Argues That The President Can't Go To War Without Congress
  59. Brennan: Libyan Terrorists May Attack U.S., focus on WMD mustard gas
  60. New Boss SAME as the Old Boss eh?
  61. Libya, The Constitution and Ron Paul
  62. Black Flag on Margaret Thatcher
  63. TX Rep. Poe politicized death of soldier
  64. Ralp Nader at ANSWER war protest march today, March 19th: impeach Obama
  65. Outrage as Judge Blocks Wisconsin Union Law
  66. Letter to Rep Poe about Politicizing Death
  67. Tea Party group invited GOP prez candidates but snubs Bachmann
  68. Hot Sarah Palin in New Delhi, India: Watch the Q & A - Isnt She Awesome?
  69. Listen to the lyrics: Pop & Lock
  70. The wayseer manifesto
  71. Obama gets ripped...
  72. Hillary Clinton Reiterates, Obama Doesn't Need Congress For Libya War Actions
  73. ARRESTED for not showing ID
  74. Before TMI, or Chernobyl, or Fukushima, there was Kyshtym, and CIA covered it up.
  75. Warren Christopher died (Clinton SoS)
  76. Obama: "We cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people there will be no mercy."
  77. Bombs dropped near Kadhafi's Tripoli bunker
  78. Obama (2007): "The President does not have power under the Constitution to..."
  79. U.S. Launches attack against Libya
  80. 24% less packaging! - ROTGLMAO!
  81. Atlas Shrugged Movie Review
  82. Things that really matter - Shogun vs Jones
  83. Today in the news....
  84. Russia's Vladimir Zhirinovsky Urges Muslim World to Unite and Support Gaddafi
  85. New Oil Spill
  86. Thanks to Obama's war on Libya...Ron Paul will no doubt run now..FK yeah!
  87. The claim that Japan's building codes helped
  88. French part in the American revolution
  89. Politico: Liberal Democrats in an Uproar Over Libya Action
  90. Farrakhan to Obama: 'Be Careful, Brother. Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?'
  91. 27 Signs That the Nuclear Crisis in Japan Is Much Worse
  92. Libya intervention comes too late for some
  93. Which level of government will have the most impact in the long run?
  94. Our True Enemy, The Federal Reserve Video
  95. Common talking point: International treaties supersede the Constitution
  96. Libya: The Cost of a No-Fly Zone
  97. Why did Obama name it "Odyssey Dawn"?
  98. Arab League criticizes Western military strikes
  99. Libyans form human shield at Gaddafi’s compound
  100. Arab League WIthdraws Support For Libyan Action
  101. John Kerry supports military intervention in Libya
  102. Libya and Bahrain: Neutering the Constitution, heading for disaster
  103. African Union demands 'immediate' halt to Libya attacks
  104. Kentucky Nullifying EPA & FDA and Eliminating income taxes?
  105. It is sad, but President Obama is an arrogant, racist interventionist
  106. No Coverage Zone: Media Ignores Brutal Crackdowns By US Allies Bahrain And Yemen
  107. Barack-A-Lujah! I Have Seen The Light! (Cindy Sheehan)
  108. Kucinich: Obama Should Be Impeached
  109. Wes Clark Sr. in 2001:"Seven countries in five years"
  110. Men accused of assaulting man who tried to snap a mohawk photo
  111. Stalemate warning as Gaddafi defiant
  112. Julian Assange: The man who leaked the world
  113. Eli Lake's "The 9/14 Presidency"
  114. Libya and the familiar patterns of war
  115. Hoping Rand Paul
  116. David Prosser erupts, calls State’s First Female Justice A ‘Bitch.’
  117. Did Britain try to assassinate Lenin?
  118. Arab rulers who supported Libya bombing now worried about blowback
  119. Does one group of humans have more value than another?
  120. Saudis take to the streets to demand the release of prisoners held without trial
  121. Is there a way for congress to authorize a no-fly zone without declaring all-out war?
  122. Pete King on Libya: "Pres. Has Constitutional Power To Take Military Action"
  123. Washington Times Editorial: "Obama's Illegal War"
  124. Arab League, African Union and more...
  125. William Kristol calls for U.S. ground forces in Libya
  126. Fill In The Blank Game
  127. Can / Should Khadaffi stay in power?
  128. BBC World Service to sign funding deal with US state department
  129. "The Donald" campaign commercial in the works.
  130. Helen Thomas featured in PLAYBOY Magazine!!!
  131. Michael Moore rips Obama over Libya
  132. Bumper stickers?
  133. Is the stage already set for WWIII?
  134. Ron Paul: Libya and Unintended Consequences - Mar 20, 2011
  135. If Ron Paul was President and did away with the federal welfare state which I support coul
  136. Most People Like Obama as a Person
  137. Daniel Elsburg got arrested at Protest for Bradley Manning
  138. did we help gaddafi for the last decade or not?
  139. 29% of Americans (1000 polled by Newsweek) can't identify Vice President
  140. How come when tax rates were over 90% or 70% how come the Rich people did not become poor
  141. Louis Farrakhan on Libya, 22 years ago.
  142. War Powers Act
  143. Ron Paul for President 2012
  144. Michael Scheuer On FOX: Air Power Wins You Nothing
  145. Campaign For Liberty Is HUGE!
  146. A war without end
  147. Photos Afghanistan - before US imposed jihadism there
  148. Der Spiegel publishes photos of U.S. soldiers posing with killed Afghans
  149. US government now funding BBC
  150. States considering delaying 2012 primaries
  151. Weird Global Warming and Nuclear Science
  152. Anyone know about this 'global water coordinator' etc, and plan? 1st I'd seen.
  153. Senator Obama 2007 vs. President Obama 2011
  154. Identity Thieves Filing Victims' Taxes?
  155. What is going on here?
  156. GOP Insiders Push for Planned Parenthood Funding
  157. WOW - just had to say 'no' to interview on Cavuto today
  158. Did Sharia Law Just Work It's Way Into a Florida Court?
  159. HR 459 (Audit the Fed) Over 100 co-sponsors!!!
  160. Anyone notice the media blackout over State Legislation even when it is historical?
  161. Pelosi hospitalized in Rome
  162. Todd Young is not a liberty republican!
  163. Rand Paul on the Intellectual Bankruptcy of the GOP
  164. Virginia Tea Party Candidate Criticizes Obama for Not Getting Congressional Vote on Libya
  165. Obama Bombs Libya - Music Video
  166. February 2008: Obama Defends His Nuclear Leak/Contamination Bill & Illinois Exelon Corp.
  167. So I just called the office of the Speaker...
  168. Top army commanders in Yemen side with protesters
  169. Libyan Tribal Map: Network of loyalties that will determine Gaddafi's fate 22/02/2011 By
  170. Are you on the "Bigot" Twitter list?
  171. Farrakhan to Obama "Who the hell do you think you are"?
  172. Slate: The Few, the Proud, the Anti-Libya NFZ Republicans
  173. Barney Frank ‘Disappointed’ by Obama Policy in Libya
  174. Key dates in U.S. presidential campaign - Pawlenty to announce PEC today
  175. Missouri Lawmakers Propose Ban on Islamic Law in Court
  176. Reason: Remember the Antiwar Movement?
  177. Supreme Court Lets Fed Bailout Records Release Stand
  178. War Powers Resolution
  179. Libya Was About to Unveil a Hugely Successful Project Built W/Out the International Banks
  180. FBI Announces Creation of Biometric Database
  181. Do you support U.S. involvement against Libya's Gadhafi? (vote)
  182. Didya EVER WONDER......?
  183. Republic of Missouri, The CHANGE Your Founders Believed In
  184. U.N. Charter, Article 2
  185. One ISP To Rule Them All...
  186. Alter: Obama a Reluctant Warrior As Opposed to Cowboy Like Bush
  187. City to hold "Traffic Safety Checkpoint" tommorow
  188. Ron Paul Coin Minter, Pot Priest, Faces 15 Years in Prison
  189. Rand: 'Only decision I've made is that I won't run against my Dad'
  190. Scottish Politician, Author and Broadcaster George Galloway On Libya
  191. Chilean President Talks New International Order, Calls For Full Americas Integration
  192. Strikes In Libya Divides GOP, Puts Boehner In A Bind
  193. Kansas Residents: Have you called your representatives about Libya?
  194. 4000 more death trophy pictures?
  195. Economic Jeopardy
  196. Bolton Criticizes Arab League For ‘Grumbling’ About Civilian Deaths In Libya
  197. Obama claims Gadhafi is a danger to U.S.
  198. Dave Chappelle Show Predicted The Obama Presidency?
  199. Suprising Fox News Poll About the no-fly zone in Libya
  200. United Nations Trumps Constitution, Congress, in President's Undeclared War on Libya
  201. Afghan photos fallout: Has criticism of Palin crossed the line?
  202. Daniel Ellsberg Among 35 Arrested Defending Bradley Manning
  203. 2/3 of Privacy Caucus Leadership Votes For the Patriot Act
  204. Nic Robertson CNN Libya: Furious with Faux News Lies
  205. Video - Ron Paul Interview On CNN's The Arena: Talks Libya
  206. Beck: "Media cheerleads Obama's war for oil"
  207. Lindsey Williams Being Proved Correct?
  208. Muammer Gaddafi, the Gold Bug
  209. New Jersey Gov. Christie Forces Public Unions to Propose Concessions
  210. BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Fed Must Release All Bailout Data
  211. Which Label Fits you Best?
  212. Sing along everyone!
  213. Ron Paul coming on CNN's Anderson NOW (Live Audio and Video links inside)
  214. Which label best fits you?
  215. Did Obama lose Congress on Libya?
  216. NYTimes: [Libya] Attack Renews Debate Over Congressional Consent
  217. Freedom Watch [03/21/2011]
  218. 1994 Article -- Attacking Islam -- Why Islam Is The Next Target On The Agenda
  219. Video - Ron Paul Interview On CNN's Anderson Cooper 360: Talks Libya
  220. Almost 8400 guests visited RonPaulForums.com today! Join us!! :)
  221. #57 Way to Exasperate a Liberal: When Innocent Civilians are Butchered, the Revelation is
  222. More Republicans doubt Obama’s Libya action (Reuters)
  223. Union Of South American Nations Comes Into Force, Selects Socialist Leaders
  224. Marching to War Requires Two Feet
  225. US debt commercial lol
  226. Richard Falk endorses IJ theory, interviewed in his official UN capacity
  227. So Mrs. Cass Sunstein is the major architecht of Obama's Libya war policy
  228. What intervention in Libya tells us about the neocon-liberal alliance
  229. Battle: Los Angeles (MOVIE)...
  230. Fake serial killer appealing conviction - interesting First Amendment case
  231. Departing Google CEO Eric Schmidt To Be Appointed Commerce Secretary
  232. CIA's 'Facebook' Program Dramatically Cut Agency's Costs [satire]
  233. The Great Con
  234. The Stupidest Comment on the Budget in History!
  235. Drudge: Rand is testing the waters in SC...
  236. Radley Balko leaving Reason Magazine to work for Huffington Post
  237. Activists Bring "Nullification Now" Tour to New Hampshire
  238. Friday: Beck doing hour-long special on the Federal Reserve with G. Edward Griffin
  239. 120 Tomahawk Missiles and Japan Tragedy
  240. BE GONE Republicans!!!!!!!
  241. Unions, Community Groups, Lawmakers and Students to Take Down US Capitalism
  242. US fighter jet crashes in Libya
  243. 'Against Our War in Libya' -- good write up
  244. Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan & Crash The Stock Market
  245. The manipulative pro-war argument in Libya (Glenn Greenwald)
  246. Question for RP
  247. Karzai announces Afghan forces ready to take over some provinces -- Good comes from Libya?
  248. Ron Paul sets congressional hearing on U.S. Mint gold, silver, pgm bullion programs
  249. Texas Federal Reserve Chair: At this rate "we will become insolvent, the question is when"
  250. Phil Moffett moneyb0mb website is up [nullifytheFDA.COM]