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  1. GOProud defends Willow Palin's slurs
  2. Let's get Ron's TSA bill on Drudge Report
  3. Texas A&M Students Protest Tuition Break for Illegal Immigrants
  4. NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW: Column about airport security by Ann Coulter
  5. Ron Paul about to speak on C-SPAN
  6. PPP presidential poll of Montana
  7. NY Times: You Fix the Budget
  8. Vote for Ron Paul in this PPP presidential poll
  9. 12 in 2012 Poll
  10. George Soros Tells Progressives: Prepare to Bail on Obama
  11. CBS:81% American Public Love Naked Body Scanners & MSNBC Interview With TSA Head
  12. Enough Is Enough!!! Ron Paul schooling on House floor!
  13. Video: Janet Napolitano Refuses To Say If Muslims Will Be Subjected To TSA measures
  14. Freedom Watch having a Ron Paul...
  15. Is anybody willing to defend the porno scans and body gropes?
  16. Freedom Watch 11/17/10
  17. TSA to do Prison-style strip searches soon
  18. American Idle
  19. Senator Rockefeller [VIDEO]: The FCC should take Fox News and MS-NBC off the Airwaves
  20. Gitmo Detainee Acquitted of Most Terror Charges
  21. California DA Vows to Prosecute Airport Screeners Who Touch Travelers Inappropriately
  22. Hammer the Senate! - Final Vote on Food Safety Bill Imminent
  23. Dem. Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri calls TSA groping "love pats".
  24. Pilot Suing the TSA: "They Wanted To See My Penis"
  25. John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan - Similarities and Observations
  26. Obama’s Commission proposes trashing Constitution with 6.5% National Sales Tax!
  27. Man arrested after punching TSA screener in Indy
  28. I think Ron Pauls new TSA bill should be law for ALL GOVT AGENCIES
  29. Children's Book about TSA Searches!
  30. Which one am I?
  31. concentrate on open primary states
  32. 33 Chilean Women shut themselves in a mine as protest
  33. Reddit: Ron Paul introduces the Travel With Dignity Act.
  34. Who wants to see Jeff Flake and Ron Paul discuss earmarks?
  35. The TSA is out of control! (EXCELLENT MUST-WATCH VIDEO)
  36. Warren Buffett Thanks Government "I would be having Thanksgiving in McDonald's"
  37. New Freedom Watch Segment: Cousin Janet Watch!! LMAO!
  38. Soros Tells Progressive Donors Obama Might Not Be The Best Investment
  39. ACTION ALERT! - Ron Paul's bill
  40. Sweeden seeks to detain Assange in rape case
  41. Interesting; I guess this is the Miller camp's argument in Alaska re: vote count
  42. Ron Paul on drudge
  43. Huh: CBS Poll Says 81% Of Americans Agree With Naked Body Scans
  44. Orlando Sanford International Airport to opt out of TSA screening
  45. Libertarians on the Shrink's couch; and why Libertarians are needed today
  46. Bill Gates is worried that US will cut foreign aid
  47. George Soros Explains His Anti-Capitalist, Pro-Marxist Tactics
  48. Bill Gates wants every birth recorded on a cell phone and every newborn vaccinated
  49. Is TSA abuse intentional? Yes, to propose the 'solution': biometric nat'l ID
  50. Get Ron Paul's anti-TSA Bill on The Blaze!
  51. Help Me To Help Gary Franchi
  52. A Message From Transport Canada
  53. Sarah Palin Takes on the Fed in WSJ Letter
  54. HR6416 - Cosponsors! Get your cosponsors!!
  55. Government conducts raids on farms and co-ops using your tax dollars
  56. Who is Chertoff? (video)
  57. What now? Tea party movement supports Sarah Palin?!
  58. Ron Paul's Golden Opportunity
  59. *King of the Liberty Ring* 2nd Round Matchups
  60. Will Rep Rangel keep his job?
  61. Emmett Tyrell at Town Hall loves the TSA groping
  62. U.S. Senate Panel Crack Down On Piracy
  63. FOX's GOP Poll
  64. How much do we save a day if gvmt shuts down Dec 3rd?
  65. Rand Paul Featured on Jon Stewart's GOP - Adult Conversation Segment
  66. Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange in Rape Investigation
  67. China may seek to 'control the internet', US report on web hijack warns
  68. With 2012 coming, is the media ignoring RP again??
  69. House Republican Steering Committee Members are currently being selected
  70. Another Series of Writs
  71. George Soros, Michael Chertoff - Getting Rich from the TSA Naked Body Scanners
  72. GOP's 'old white guy' rule means Mitt Romney in 2012, says James Carville
  73. TSA Poll: You know the drill!
  74. Ron Paul to TSA: Enough is enough!
  75. Our Homeland Security and TSA Rulers Demand Gratitude for Groping Us
  76. Tea Party backed recall of NJ Senator blocked
  77. Governemnt Motors new CEO
  78. Love working in cubilcles? Thank Uncle Sam
  79. VIDEO - Get back to your flat panel TVs slaves
  80. [Tube] Ron Paul on Cavuto 11/18/10
  81. Cops bust seven men playing chess in upper Manhattan park
  82. Should the government have a monopoly on police and national defense?
  83. Burma needs rule of law but so does U.S.
  84. 'The vindication of Ron Paul' - Baltimore Sun
  85. "500 Dollar Silver" #2 on Google Trends
  86. E-Mail Bomb Congress! - Support Ron Paul's anti-TSA Bill
  87. Ron Paul on Cavuto 11/18 re: TSA
  88. Senator Mike Johanns assaulted by TSA
  89. Why are most fiscal conservatives also socially conservates?
  90. Only 2 Congressmen have signed on to the Dignity Act
  91. McCain now against DREAM act?
  92. You knew it was coming..."Bomb" found on inbound German flight.
  93. A proposal for a group (TSA screenings)
  94. Facebook causes health issues...
  95. The TSA authority
  96. Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screenings
  97. Fox news 12 in 2012 no Ron Paul Vote "Other"
  98. Obama On Upcoming Cover Of Newsweek As Shiva The Destroyer
  99. If Ron Paul doesnt run, who would you look at voting for?
  100. Ron Paul Would Like to Give You Back Your Dignity
  101. If Ron Paul doesnt run, who would you look at voting for?
  102. Vote the bastards out.
  103. 1964: Last time DNC won white vote
  104. New graphic for anti invasive TSA activism & story on Ron's bill
  105. Freedom Watch 11/18 - Glenn Beck regrets support of P. Act, slams TSA, praises Ron
  106. Length of US Code
  107. SCOTUS Will Soon Issue a Landmark Decision on the Validity of the Constitution
  108. NYC Legislators Seek Ban On Full Body Scanners In New York
  109. Sarah's Internet Army... F***
  110. [VIDEO] Laura Ingraham Interviews CAIR's Zahra Billoo On TSA Procedures 11/18/10
  111. Lisa Murkowski: Sarah Palin Lacks "Intellectual Curiosity" to be President
  112. Drudge:Cop gets $185 speeding ticket -- after paralyzing 14-year-old
  113. TSA - "Service with a smile"
  114. Presidential poll: PPP polls Virginia
  115. Sarah Palin's Alaska! Preview
  116. Yal: Some highlights from fall 2010 at uc-san diego
  117. Democratic Underground on Senator Rockefeller Eliminating MSNBC, Fox News
  118. Counter-terrorism exercise features pot growers setting off bombs, seizing California
  119. Military leader Tony Perkins threatens left: if DADT repealed, then need a draft
  120. 1 in 5 Americans (45 Million) had mental illness in 2009 - US government researchers
  121. "Don't Touch My Junk" - Even Charles Krauthammer "gets it".
  122. Adam Kokesh radio show (Adam vs. The Man)
  123. Vote in this reuter poll about whether you will fly
  124. Gerald Celente on Alex Jones TV: America is Turning Into One Gigantic Hellhole!
  125. *King of the Liberty Ring* Round 2 Polls are now open ! *************.com*
  126. Incredible Hulk Joins Arpaios Anti Illegal Posse
  127. Body scanners and pat downs the catalyst to RFID chips?
  128. Rick Perry wants to invade Mexico
  129. Call to Action: Start organizing now!!
  130. Poll - Ron Paul vs Lew Rockwell?
  131. Rick Santelli tells talkingheads on CNBC about "The Creature from Jekyll Island"
  132. Don't Touch My Junk (the TSA Hustle) song + video by Mike Adams
  133. Humor me with a favor...
  134. Top 10 Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories - Southern Poverty Law Center
  135. Jim Babb on MSNBC
  136. What Is A Country?I Want To found A Hard Money Country
  137. Federal law allows airports to opt for screeners from the private sector
  138. Six times stunned, hearing imparied Homer SILES LAWSUIT.
  139. Committees.....Did Ron make Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Subcommittee?
  140. Brian Aitken Clemency Petition
  141. David Boaz Makes the Case for Libertarianism
  142. Lame-Duck Session: Original Intent and Reality
  143. Hell is for Children
  144. Nov 20: Houston, Texas - End the Fed Rally; Monetary Revolution
  145. Ron Paul vs Lew Rockwell *************.com
  146. George Carlin Rant on America
  147. Need ideas for a shirt...
  148. Maybe Politics Does Matter
  149. Attending an Opt-Out event. Watch this video...
  150. The vindication of Ron Paul [in the Baltimore Sun]
  151. airports consider congressmans ditch tsa
  152. The only things worse than Porno Scans/Pat Downs...
  153. It gets cold and lonely standing and waiting at a street corner
  154. Judge Napolitano vs Tom Woods *************.com*
  155. Don't mutilate my junk!
  156. UN Official Admits Cap and Trade Is Wealth Redistribution
  157. Pilots Now Exempt from Some Physical Checks by TSA
  158. Looking for the complete history of the world...
  159. Tea Party and Campaign for Liberty Protest Richmond Federal Reserve Today!
  160. Gary Johnson visits FSU
  161. Woman says her Lambert (St. Louis) security screening was sexual assault
  162. when the dollar collapses will UN forces be brought in?
  163. Enhanced pat down leaves Grand Rapids airline passenger in tears
  164. Funny 9/11 Videos
  165. Federal Reserve: May You Rot and Burn in Hell...
  166. Wow - The Medal of Honor is a "pussy" award,not enough killing for Jesus or something
  167. Where is Jack Hunter?
  168. A Perfect Example Of The Neocon Mantality At Breitbart
  169. Airport Jurisdiction
  170. I have to fly tomorrow to see an ill family member
  171. Why the TSA Gets to Grope Us
  172. Texas: State Board of Education Move to Nullify Federal Education?
  173. All Major MSM covering: Huckabee To Tout Family Values in Major Iowa Speech
  174. Pelosi: Unlike John Boehner, I only cry about important things
  175. TIME's Alex Altman sez: "a whiff of government overreach"
  176. 6yo Boy Molested By TSA Thugs. Stops Father From Comforting Child.
  177. Omaha Mayor about to be Recalled
  178. serious prositution question
  179. Ron Paul Debates TSA Screenings - CNN 11/19/10
  180. Freedom Watch 11/19/10 Perry Tells Lies..Geraldo Talks About Truth
  181. Did Ron Paul Misspeak on the number of members in Congress who voted against the DHS?
  182. Geithner warns "Republicans" against "politicizing the FED."
  183. 12 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind: Federal Employees & Members Of Congress Riches
  184. "Sovereigns" are terrorists! Law enforcement beware!
  185. Why Have Parties When We're Ruled By A Single Document? (The Constitution)
  186. Ron Paul TSA clip featured on Anderson Cooper
  187. Ron Paul: We should be able to sue TSA screeners for touching our junk
  188. Cancer surviving flight attendant forced to remove prosthetic breast during pat-down
  189. A website has been made to crash jpmorgan
  190. Pilot with 18yo daughter-TSA agent "I've got a cutie for you" before porno scan.
  191. TSA agents whining and complaining about being bitched at:"we're just doing our job"
  192. Biden: Obama-Palin matchup likely, and Obama will win
  193. plz commend Rep. John Duncan, Jr for also coming out against TSA
  194. Adam Kokesh Live NOW. Tune in via UStream
  195. Director of Charlotte-Douglas Int'l Airport Wants the T.S.A. to get O.U.T.!!!
  196. Alex Jones: The Coming Border Wars
  197. Thomas Woods' New Book! - Rollback: The Battleplan Against Big Government
  198. Winning elections
  199. Was Venturas Show Conspiracy Theory Made To Discredit Legit Theories?
  200. Joe Scarborough suspended by MSNBC for GOP political donations
  201. Fox News - Airport scanners can reveal circumcisions
  202. Poll: New Fox Internet presidential poll
  203. Life Insurers Mine Web to Profile Customers
  204. Ron Paul on Wesley Snipes
  205. Boehner: Republicans must be "adults" about raising debt ceiling.
  206. Linda McMahon may run again in 2012
  207. Daily Show: George Soros Plans to Overthrow America - The Manchurian Lunatic
  208. Gary Johnson asks: Why do we have a TSA?
  209. Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile
  210. RON PAUL refuses to join the TEA PARTY CAUCUS?
  211. YourTravelVoice.org - TSA Feedback
  212. Ron Paul Interviews - 11/19/2010
  213. Food Safety on Washington Journal NOW
  214. New America????
  215. Ron should bring up dogs when questioned on TSA
  216. Will Sen. Mike Lee be the next Champion of the Constitution? Could be!
  217. 2010 Boston Tea Party on Dec. 12th
  218. "Broke" by Glenn Beck
  219. You won't believe this TSA scan!!!
  220. Beck warns of Chinese threat
  221. Balancing the budget is simple...
  222. Who are the Domestic Terrorists In The United States??
  223. Video: Ron Paul Touts anti-TSA measure at Arizona State Univ. Nov 19th
  224. How Can Bush Open A Library When His Papers Remain Secret?
  225. Protesters Say George Bush Library Should be a Pile of Rubble by Medea Benjamin
  226. $11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs
  227. Code Pink protests Bush's new Decision Points book
  228. Another Sign the GOP Isn't That Serious About Cutting Spending
  229. Fed chief: Congress needs to spend more to jumpstart economy
  230. Dream Act would have a 3.6 Trillion $ impact on economy
  231. Never aired Sharron Angle campaign ad
  232. Thomas Woods: Books Are Good, But People Watch Movies
  233. Ron Paul Heads List of 2010 Charity Awards
  234. Allred: Hey, I actually enjoyed my TSA patdown
  235. Barbara Bush: I hope Palin stays in Alaska
  236. Two new voting machines found in race that republican is leading
  237. Only 8% of Afghans know what 9/11 was
  238. The NWO doesn't stand a chance against this group...
  239. Favorite Reporters From Mainstream Press?
  240. Huckabee offers to debate Democrat candidates on the “Fair Tax“!
  241. 16 of the Dumbest Things Americans Believe -- And the Right-Wing Lies Behind Them
  242. Ron Paul ASU Tempe Arizona Speech youtubes
  243. The Government Sucks
  244. CFL's Becky Akers -Standing Up to the TSA
  245. Where are Louis McFadden's decendants??
  246. Mike Huckabee sounding like Ron Paul?
  247. TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine
  248. Millionaires to Obama: Tax us
  249. [Video]Young Boy strip searched by TSA
  250. U.S. (Obama administration) bars Palestinian statehood moves in U.N. agencies