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  1. Ron and rand can score points by condemning TSA body scanners
  2. Post Tea Party Nation (Dave Fr*m)
  3. [RON PAUL] What if???
  4. Objective book about the FED?
  5. Did Murkowski already switch parties?
  6. What's your stance on TSA security?
  7. Guy tells TSA agent "if you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested." (with video)
  8. Screwupistan in action - satire on the inherent dysfunctionality of government
  9. Huckabee is GWB Part 2
  10. Look how bad deregulation is!
  11. Bashing america, gore vidal and lib talker opine: Wouldn‘t it be better if lincoln di
  12. Feedback help: What do YOU want to see in a constituent services website?
  13. NPR: Reagan recorded a pro-Gold Standard political ad
  14. Barfable? - TARP 'Most Successful US Program Ever'
  15. Clarence Page Praises Tea Party for Not being a Whites-Only Movement
  16. 9/11 "BuildingWhat?" makes it to mainstream- Geraldo At Large on FOX News
  17. November 24, 2010 is NATIONAL OPT-OUT DAY!
  18. Government in our pants by Steve Chapman
  19. Bush says “I would have endorsed Obama if they had asked me”
  20. Do You Really Think The X-Ray Machines Will Go Away?
  21. DeMint: Maybe it’s time to consider a new RNC chairman
  22. The TSA's War on Americans
  23. Kim Kardashian gets TSA inspection
  24. Pat Buchanan: The Fed Trashes the Dollar
  25. Antiwar Radio: The Fourth Amendment is Dead James Bamford on the NSA out of control
  26. Senator Graham says "stunned" at Karzai comments
  27. Who have you contacted about the TSA?
  28. Daily News: "Sarah Palin's Alaska, a welfare state"
  29. Sarah Palin's letter to the new Congress
  30. Reading suggestions
  31. Eric Cantor commits felony (even by his own standards)
  32. A mail campaign to Sarah Palin
  33. 2012 Moneybomb Combined????
  34. Adam Kokesh Silver Rounds
  35. Tea Party UK
  36. Need quick help : find graphic "Capitalism/Socialism/Dictatorship" etc.
  37. Government Plans to Fire Critical Salvo in the War on Internet Freedom!!!
  38. QE2: The Fed's Last Stand? Ron Paul
  39. CampaignforLiberty.com
  40. Poll: Are new security screenings affecting your decision to fly?
  41. RonPaulLibrary... gone?!
  42. If corporatism can be funny, this is it:
  43. Krugman: Death Panels for Elderly & National Sales Tax Will Solve Debt Crisis
  44. Jim DeMint: I'm not too far-right to be President
  45. The Economics of Prisons: Daniel D'Amico
  46. Liberty: The Soul of New York
  47. Jacob Hornberger of FFF, weekly Freedom Oasis
  48. NPR - Social Security "Trust Fund" is a lie
  49. ABC suddenly realizes: Travelers dislike new invasive airport security techniques
  50. Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget
  51. Forbes: Full Frontal Nudity Doesn’t Make Us Safer: Abolish the TSA
  52. Ron Paul: Reality or a Bad Dream?
  53. Corporation Says It Will Run for Congress
  54. Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget - New York Times
  55. Cantor is surprisingly vulnerable
  56. Republicans Launch Fresh Attack on The Fed for QE2 in Letter to WSJ and NYT
  57. Ron Paul's Anti-Fed Crusade is Rooted in a Theocratic Reading of the Bible
  58. Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk Nov. 15: QE2: The Fed's Last Stand
  59. Sen. DeMint: "I am a Recovering Earmarker"
  60. Howie Kurtz @ Daily Beast: Keith Olbermann's Civil War with MSNBC
  61. Two 13yr old hold bake sale @ Park: City Councilman calls the cops (no permit)
  62. Harry Reid Makes DREAM Act First Priority
  63. Brave Cops kill father of 2 for not wearing a seatbelt
  64. Texas: 10th Amendment Resolutions Introduced | Nullification
  65. Cops bullets kill dog...yep..another one..
  66. Thoughts on this? ~ "THE PLOT TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES"
  67. DHS' Napolitano Op-Ed: 'Scanners Are Safe, Pat-Downs Discreet'
  68. TSA Feels Up Nun...
  69. Peter Schiff confirmed for Boston Tea Party 2010!!!
  70. Will fire collapse this building?
  71. Need advice on entering/leaving Amerika
  72. Forbes Magazine: Abolish the TSA
  73. New johnny cash song: San quentin/federal reserve protest song
  74. Rep. Heath Shuler Will Challenge Nancy Pelosi for Minority Leader Role
  75. Buckley says Boehner should resign!
  76. McConnell endorses earmark ban (AP)
  77. Just now - Obsenity is outside the first amendment
  78. ************.com King of the Liberty Ring 1st round results posted
  79. Local news TSA poll. help.
  80. [VID] Commanding Heights: The Battle For The World Economy
  81. Do you agree more with Rand or Ron about earmarks?
  82. Hey Schumer, take your class warfare compromise and shove it!
  83. Crash JP Morgan
  84. 12 Ridiculous Government Regulations That Are Almost Too Bizarre To Believe
  85. Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget
  86. OathKeeper Sheriff in TN slashs coffee and condiments from jail - saves $110k
  87. ***FREEDOM WATCH*** tonight 8pm eastern
  88. TSA releases new logo
  89. Earmark Ban To Be Voted On This Week
  90. Object to Sexual Assault? Boycott the Airlines!
  91. Texas: Health Care Freedom Act Introduced | Nullification
  92. Eco fascists bashing Rick Scott in FL, think EPA should do 'its job'
  93. Message to the TSA
  94. Red light cameras now off in Houston...city sues camera vendor
  95. Terror War Psychologist Subject of Complaint
  96. Last chance to fight amnesty
  97. Oy vei... How sad is this? Military Funeral turns into propagandafest...
  98. UK Government to compensate ex-Guantanamo Bay detainees
  99. NJ Senate and Assembly calling to end TSA screening
  100. California Supreme Court makes ruling on illegal alien's tuition payments.
  101. PPP releases more presidential polls on monday without Paul
  102. Stupidest Lawsuit Ever Has Us Suing Ourselves:
  103. [Video] Sarah Palin takes on Fed on FreedomWatch; excited about Ron's chairmanship
  104. CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride (In Infants...soon Adults)
  105. Stop the TSA
  106. No, of course Ron Paul isn't a choice for POTUS on this poll. Why do you ask?
  107. Ron Paul Speaks to Westwood Elementary Students on Veterans Day (11/11/2010)
  108. stupid councilman closes kids bake sale
  109. Looks Like The TSA Has A Sense Of Humor
  110. NYTIMES - Zeleny and Rutenberg - doesn't even mention Paul as a 2012 GOP possibility
  111. A Free Market in Air Security.
  112. TSA- Dangerous Slippery Slope for Americans
  114. I have a new meme idea
  115. Former Asst TSA Administrator: checkpoints violate 4th amendment
  116. Create or Take a Quiz...there's one on Kucinich
  117. TSA Reports Of Genitals Being Fondled More Than They Should Be For A Regular Screenin
  118. Music in politics - the M.T.A. song
  119. Rangel ditches ethics hearing - walks out over 'unfair' proceedings
  120. TSA Senate Oversight Hearing Wed.?
  121. Printing money at whim
  122. North American Union – “U.S. Super Spy Center” Uncovered in Mexico
  123. Tea Party’s Winning Hand By Patrick J. Buchanan
  124. Billionaire Soros wins Globalist of the Year award *Not a Joke*
  125. [video]Sen. McConnell meets with Rand Paul and 12 other GOP freshmen
  126. Portuguese Foreign Minister Says Country May Need To Leave Euro
  127. Freshman GOPer: Hey, Where's My Health Care?
  128. Former Redskins QB Heath Shuler: I'll Challenge Pelosi for Democratic Leader
  129. TSA to investigate body scan resister
  130. Stossel - Affirmative Action
  131. Big Ag's S 510 (Food "Safety") up for a vote this Wed., Nov 17
  132. Texas: Firearms Freedom Act Introduced | Nullification
  133. Guilty until fondled innocent - what to expect at the airport
  134. BSC! McCain slams the Pauls for "Isolationism"
  135. Obama is a Tea Party conservative. He just didn't communicate this well enough.
  136. Virginia: Bills Stopping the EPA and Cap and Trade | Nullification
  137. Romney 2012...reallly????
  138. Incoming New Mexico governor vows to revoke licenses issued to illegal aliens
  139. People who deserve neither liberty nor safety
  140. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) Found Guilty | Ethics Violations
  141. Did Palin lie during the Judge's interview?
  142. One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans
  143. Maybe this security crackdown by the TSA has nothing to do with Muslims
  144. Secretary Ray LaHood: All Your Car Are Belong to Us
  145. Some Pigs are More Equal than Others - Health Care Waivers Increase
  146. Is this a joke? Please tell me it's a joke
  147. Breaking: Ron Paul will NOT join the Tea Party Caucus
  148. TSA careers......in case you want a job
  149. Quick! We must ban everything people might smoke!
  150. Farmington, New Mexico Resists Board's Effort to Impose "Cap and Trade"
  151. Gallup: Ron Paul in 5th place with 6% for 2012 GOP Race
  152. FDA expected to ban alcoholic energy drinks
  153. Paul Krugman "death panels and a VAT"
  154. Thomas Sowell: Deficit Reduction
  155. Drudge Report: TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers' Pants
  156. [VIDEO] Fox News host (Shepard Smith) to TSA.."Touch my junk and I'll sue you"
  157. Murkowski leads by 1,706 - 7,601 ballots challenged by Miller
  158. Bob (of "Drinkingwithbob") Finally Loses It!
  159. I need some backup help discussing the Federal Reserve
  160. Welcome Home Obama
  161. California Prop 19 failed: analysis
  162. Journalist disappointed that W. Bush plagiarized his work
  163. My Newspaper Column on the Banning of Caffeinated Alcohol Drinks
  164. One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans
  165. Oregon Congressman STILL Doesn't Fully Understand Why Democrats Lost
  166. Bond Market Tells Hellicopter Ben to "EAT IT"
  167. In case you missed it: Phil Hare, the congressman who said "I Don’t Worry About the
  168. Senate Republicans Vote in Favor of Earmark Ban
  169. Thoughts on the body scanners
  170. Airports NOT required to have TSA screeners - Time to Opt-Out!
  171. Target, the dog who survived Afghan war and melted hearts on Oprah, mistakenly put do
  172. S Bill 5.10 Does this sound about right
  173. What day should Ron Paul announce?
  174. Obama administration - Child soldiers OK, as long as they are fighting terrorism.
  175. Wear a kilt to opt-out day!
  176. Murkowski's lead more than 10,000 votes (It's Over)
  177. I’m the man. I’m the man. I’m the man. Greene’s the man.
  178. Allen West: "We have to get away from occupation, nation-building"
  179. [VIDEO] Ron Paul says 'Bernanke is a Monetary Dictator
  180. Penn Jillette Calls The Cops On The TSA (From 2002)
  181. Calling all Virginians
  182. Anyone from New Jersey?
  183. Joe Lieberman: Back to a Bipartisan Foreign Policy
  184. Mississippi and Lousianna
  185. Songs to use for making RP 2012 videos
  186. A cop's advice on dealing with cops
  187. Conservatives bump up against their own "Poll spamming scandal"
  188. The Virtue of Voluntarism and Plight of Being Stuck in the Middle
  189. Trashing of John Tyner | Don't Touch My Junk
  190. BAFTE Has decided pistol grip shotguns are not shotguns
  191. NYT- balance the federal budget
  192. Should passengers be allowed to carry Tasers on planes?
  193. Muslims Exempt From TSA Security Measures
  194. Former TSA security director:No one likes Fourth Amendment violations, but we do them
  195. Lets Turn it up a Notch :: Stage 1 - initial contact
  196. The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Trailer
  197. Who here was it that knows a lot about Columbine?
  198. We want your soul
  199. Protestors arrested in NH for chalking a public courthouse sidewalk - video
  200. Jesse Jackson: Let’s Start The Draft So We Can Send Rich People to War
  201. John Stossel columns at TownHall.com
  202. Ron Paul is Crazy Bottom Line!
  203. [VIDEO] TSA Administrator John Pistole speaks with CNN's Anderson Cooper
  204. TSA: Wash Times Editorial
  205. [Video] Judge Napolitano takes on the TSA on Fox News
  206. Obama Meets with Hispanic Caucus About Immigration Reform | DREAM Act
  207. Kids bake sale busted for no permit
  208. US Chamber of Commerce: Pro-Obama, Pro-Bernanke, Pro-Quantitative Easing (QE)
  209. Professor tells students they have "blood on their hands" for rejecting GW theories.
  210. New Jersey Legislators Take on TSA
  211. ROn Paul up next on MSNBC
  212. GOP's Boehner files brief in federal court challenge to Obama healthcare,
  213. I was banned from resistnet.com for standing against the coopting of the Tea Party
  214. START treaty and the nuclear complex
  215. TSA sees sanitary napkins in naked body scans
  216. Thanks to Ron Paul and that QE2 Vid, The Federal Reserve is Being Exposed
  217. Alex Jones "Big Sis Caught Lying To American People"
  218. Chris Christie, Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  219. George Soros is a major investor in porno scanners
  220. Incoming Congressman, Andy Harris (R-MD) irate over his health plan
  221. Ron Paul to introduce legislation addressing TSA abuses. C-SPAN between 5-6 PM EST.
  222. George Soros Touts China as Leader of New World Order
  223. David Axlerod leaving White House for Obama re-election campaign.
  224. The New Republic tries to drive a wedge between Paulites and Palinites
  225. Incoming false flag to justify TSA?
  226. Furious RyanAir passengers refuse to get off plane: brought to wrong country
  227. Fearing ugly exit, GOP officials trying to quietly remove Steele
  228. The NEXT Boston Tea Party - Dec 12, 2010
  229. Revealing Unlikely Terrorists
  230. New Goal: Obama Poised to Announce 2014 ‘Target’ for Afghan Transition
  231. Joe Miller Just On Savage Show
  232. Ron Paul’s Moment--WOW! A postivie mainstream media piece. A genuine must-read
  233. Henry Thoreau: American libertarian. Anti-Slavery, Anti-War, Anti-Tax.
  234. Gary Johnson on Freedom Watch 11.16.10
  235. The Fed May Hesitate on More Easing After Critics Question Mandate
  236. Michael Bloomberg - Joe Scarborough 2012?
  237. THE bitch is back - Pelosi wins re-election
  238. Republicans "UNANIMOUSLY" elected John "Bailout" Boehner to be speaker!
  239. Postal Service Announces $8.5 Billion Loss
  240. A Theory: New TSA rules meant to thwart impending attack
  241. The Neo-Con Wing is losing control of the GOP - Big Time!
  242. New speed camera also checks insurance status, tailgating, seat belt,
  243. Poll: Will "Love Pat" Ground You?
  244. Ron Paul vs Lew Rockwell *************.com*
  245. Defense Professional website's take on cutting military spending - Pauls mentioned
  246. Texas lawmaker files bill to require Presidential candidates to show birth certificat
  247. Ron Paul: Introducing the American Traveler Dignity Act
  248. F*ck: Palin tells ABC she can beat Obama in 2012
  249. Bailout Buffet and George H.W. Bush to receive Medal of Freedom from Obama
  250. voter districts - maps ?