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  1. Demint could crush Palin's hopes
  2. October surprise coming?
  3. Jack Hunter live NOW with Michael Savage - 9/28/10 8:20EST - link included
  4. Grayson Under Fire for Taking Opponent's Quotes Out of Context
  5. Heroic Lakota Activist and Libertarian Russell Means to SUE Senator John Thune!
  6. Courage, Liberty, Guns and Weed
  7. VOTEMERCED - Policy Recommendation: Court and Legal Reform
  8. G. Edward Griffin: Should We Support Russell Means and the Lakota Indians?
  9. Video: Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (D) Supporter Assaults Cameraman With Hot Coffee
  10. a reminder for the $ thing tonight
  11. Hilarious Anti-Murkowski Ad: "Princess Lisa"
  12. George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice
  13. Congressional Races: Tipping the Balance in November
  14. Senate to vote on internet censorship bill
  15. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill): Taxpayers Have an 'Obligation' to Fund Abortions
  16. SSSSHHHH! (i haz a secret)
  17. Public Policy Polling Drops Ron Paul?
  18. Lieberman Says Peace Only Possible Through Expulsion of Arabs
  19. Poll: Grayson Trails Webster by Seven Points
  20. Waking up: Recession not over, Ppl realizing government lying
  21. One Of The Most Important Videos You And Your Friends Can See!
  22. Uncle Jay Explains our Political system
  23. Buck 51% Bennett 43%
  24. Avoidance Will Not Work
  25. Beware of Governments Trumpeting Terror Threats
  26. How Can OUR President Campaign For ONLY Dems?
  27. Who does this Ron Paul guy think he is?
  28. Being Empowered and Envisioned to Listen
  29. [Video] Daniel Hannan on Your World w/ Neil Cavuto (Mentions Ron Paul)
  30. [VIDEO] ~ "Building sand castles on Florida’s beaches is illegal"
  31. ** My Quick Notes Of Chairman Steele's Interview On The Rand Paul Moneybomb Telethon
  32. Constitutionalists Under Siege
  33. Pennsylvania Senate Race:National Security at Issue
  34. Judge Napolitano Podcasts
  35. Europe riots / strikes against EU cash machine with anti-austerity marches
  36. THE great Buck 51% low life dem bennet 43%
  37. Out-of-Control City Councilwoman Bullies, Intimidates
  38. GOP senators lash out at Jim DeMint
  39. Fox News vs. Glenn Beck
  40. I want to make a Ron Paul 2012 shirt
  41. CNN/Time Poll: Murkowski deadlocked with Miller in Alaska
  42. [Video] John McCain debates his opponents (Including David Nolan, Founder of LP)
  43. "Firing Squad" for Pennsylvania Homeland Security Director
  44. UN Millennium Development Goals Conference Issues Report
  45. Dallas, Texas: Libertarian or Neoconservative?
  46. Politics Camp for Kids - Training the Next Generation of Censors (HILARIOUS VIDEO)
  47. Doug Wead - Democrats, Republicans and Ron Paul
  48. Former Housekeeper: Whitman Knew She Was Illegal Immigrant Source: Ex-Maid: Whitman
  49. Confession Video: US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Afghans
  50. Nigerian "TSA" goons laugh at nudie pictures
  51. A random craigslist rant.
  52. **** Donation Thread - Rand Paul - Justin Amash - BJ Lawson - Glen Bradley ****
  53. Liberty Action Agenda for OCTOBER 2010 - Pending Legislation for Congress
  54. Fox Business News Today: Ron Paul on Eliminating the Fed
  55. We can save America within a generation.
  56. H-Post partners up with Pollster...WTH!
  57. The global elite have one card left to play
  58. Public School Indoctrination
  59. [TUBE] Ron Paul on FOX Business News 09/29/10
  60. [PROTECTIONISM FAIL] House Passes China Currency Bill >:(
  61. Help me ask Harry Reid and Sharron Angle if they will Audit the Fed live on TV!
  62. Polar Bear Hunting in Champaign, IL
  63. StudentCam, People!
  64. Federal Reserve To Disclose Emergency Lending Details By December 1
  65. UPDATE - Motorcyclist wins taping case against state police
  66. Dennis for Congress "Nancy Pelosi, Wicked Witch of the West"
  67. US History Questions-
  68. Matt Taibbi - "Tea Party is full of @#$%"
  69. TSA sets up roadside checkpoint outside Atlanta GA
  70. McDonald's may drop health care for 30,000 employees due to new law.
  71. Cops convicted of assualt avoid jail time
  72. is Bob Gates calling for a military draft?
  73. Ron Paul at IU Bloomington | Oct 25th 2010! Make Plans!
  74. Random Pat-Downs Turn PATCO Into Police State
  75. Stossel says some people are too stupid to vote
  76. Found a place to set up a libertarian paradise...
  77. Global Cooling and the New World Order
  78. Climate change lies are exposed
  79. Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'
  80. CONSPIRACY THEORIES on Penn & Teller: Bullshit
  81. Charlie Crist vs Marco Rubio
  82. Time Magazine, 1 month out from the election-"SECRET WORLD OF EXTREME MILITIAS"
  83. Doug Wead: Democrats, Republicans and Ron Paul
  84. New Poll Has Murkowski up Double Digits in Alaska Senate Race
  85. Liberty Forest wiki now showing up other places?
  86. 10 Questions Separating Liberty Candidates From Counterfeits
  87. Bipartisianship: Senate Moves To Block Obama's Recess Appointments
  88. In Speech to Bankers, Warren Minces No Words
  89. Tea Party hosted townhall with Senator Lindsey Graham
  90. Gallup: Ron Paul draws 7% in GOP Presidential Primary; Romney ahead with 19%
  91. County Sues Farmer, Cites Too Many Crops
  92. New York Post Endorses Joe DioGuardi
  93. Levi Johnston Interview
  94. In Colo. Gov., GOP becoming third party (Constitution party: 34%, Republican: 15%)
  95. Military faces strains after decade of war: Gates
  96. Stealth Socialism: The EPA Takes Aim At Home Appliances
  97. Mother Jones thinks John Dennis won't beat Pelosi; writes surprisingly nice article
  98. The Search for Federal Immigration Authority
  99. Obama's Attorneys: President Can Legally Kill Any American
  100. Libertarian Cato Institute Grades 2012 Contenders
  101. Republican Ron Johnson now leads incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold
  102. after summers, emmanuel resigns
  103. Congress Adjourns Leaving Much for the Lame Duck Session
  104. Lawson: 47, Price: 46
  105. Tech Tickers: Gold still a buy
  106. UN Fact-Finding Mission: Israeli Killing Of US Citizen Was "Execution"
  107. 'Feds radiating Americans'? Mobile X-ray vans hit US streets
  108. Avigdor Lieberman urged Israeli S.C. to ban Arab MP's "terrorists" from elections
  109. Tommy Chong will be on the next 'Freedom Watch"
  110. Teamsters President: Our Members "HAVE" TO GO to One Nation Rally
  111. Scott Brown Channels Michael Jordan's 'Flu Game' In Epic 'Pneumonia Speech' (VIDEO)
  112. Interview With Two Zombies.
  113. 165. Schiff: Gold, Not Paper
  114. Poll: Should people have to pay to vote? (i.e. election tax)
  115. The Secret World of Extreme Militias
  116. Prop 19 favored 52% to 41%
  117. FaceCrime
  118. Smithsonian Museums In DC?
  119. Another 250,000 signs the country is finished.
  120. Nassim Taleb: The Federal Reserve will Not Exist in 25 Years!!!!
  121. CNN Uses von Brunn Once Again To Demonize Militias, Conservatives, Gun Owners, Ect
  122. 10 PM EST. BJ Lawson Mini-Money Bomb! Who is in?
  123. Obama's Wars
  124. Anyone ever heard of a RIPO?
  125. Rupert Murdoch wants amnesty for illegals.
  126. Joe Sobran -- 1946-2010 RIP
  127. Government Fundamentalists
  128. School Curriculum
  129. Only Rich Will Eat Beef in 2050
  130. Alan Grayson: Hates Children, Hates Seniors, Loves Satan
  131. What does a Strong Dollar Policy Mean?
  132. NJ student's suicide illustrates Internet dangers
  133. The anti-Alan Grayson ad that wrote itself.
  134. Another Confederate Flag dispute here in SC
  135. Contribute your efforts to reduce global warming or be vaporized
  136. Nero's Guests: P Sainath covers debt induced farmer suicides
  137. Oakland Police shoot and kill family labrador
  138. Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch supports amnesty
  139. TARP to cost less than expected?
  140. Introduction to Illegal Alien Terrorism
  141. Best Video To Show To Your Friends And Family!
  142. Ft. Hood soldiers being forced to report their privately owned guns
  143. Democrats funding Libertarians and Constitutionalists
  144. MUST SEE! "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"
  145. Shocker: Obama Supports Stewart's "Million Moderates March"
  146. Rick Scott 49% Alex Stink 43%
  147. Gutcheck - is the R(evol)ution succeeding or failing?
  148. Dozens of NATO oil tankers attacked in Pakistan
  149. Submitted for your purview
  150. HHS Sebelius apologizes to Guatamala
  151. First World War officially ends
  152. Jim Forsythe's Birthday
  153. Florida Representative Alan Grayson (D) Digs Himself a Hole
  154. Schwarzenegger decriminalizes marijuana
  155. Story about Postal Service that will piss you off!
  156. Where your tax dollars are going!
  157. this is crazy ( EcoFacists)
  158. Computer program will identify "troubled individuals".. scary stuff
  159. Daily Caller Op-Ed: Gov Gary Johnson's message to Congress
  160. [VIDEO] ~ Faux News Claiming Osama Bin Laden Behind Europe Terror Threat...
  161. US Navy bombs Guam with drugged mice
  162. Ohio: Robert Owens Files Ethics Complaint Against Democrat AG Richard Cordray
  163. GOP Unknown within Striking Range of Frank
  164. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill): Only Extreme Republican 'Tenthers' Quote the Constitution
  165. One in 28 US kids has a parent in prison: study
  166. [VIDEO] "If you don't believe in Global Warming, then we will kill you."
  167. Military Veterans Hang Enormous Banner in D.C.: "Mr. Obama: End These Fucking Wars!"
  168. Question about the legalization of weed...
  169. College Speech Topic
  170. IPR Gubernatorial Rankings
  171. The Real Costs of the Wars
  172. Help me get the info out, Subscribe (post your subscribables too)
  173. CNN's Rick Sanchez Fired for Making Comments About Jews/John Stewart
  174. Ron Paul Raps Interviews In NY, CT, GA & RI
  175. C4L's "I Am Campaign for Liberty" Competition
  176. Most popular conservative websites
  177. Maybe blowing up is too extreme, how about some amputations?
  178. show about Islam on NBC
  179. Pat Buchanan: The tea party versus neoconservatives?
  180. Canada : the Documentry
  181. Let's stop the madness! We need to Get Lawson into Congress..
  182. Limbaugh does full episode of Family Guy
  183. FL Congressman sends out mailer to 10,000 with his opponent's Social Security number
  184. US apologizes for '40s syphilis study in Guatemala
  185. Beware the Cyberscare
  186. Made the 6:00 p.m. news
  187. Rupert Murdoch destroys Maxine Waters questions
  188. Why some fear China and India are on the road to war
  189. iCaucus 'open letter' to Obama: Jobs & Stimulus
  190. Banned from RedState
  191. Rebellious Tea Party Unnerving the Neos
  192. How can libertarians NOT support Noam Chomsky?
  193. Obama hates Churchill, does Rouse hate FDR?
  194. [VIDEO] ~ 52nd Congressional District race debate... Benoit & Lutz
  195. Tancredo favoring prop 60 and 61
  196. Under presure, EA removes the Taliban from multiplayer in new Medal of Honor.
  197. The Empty Suit in the White House
  198. The Ultimate Drug War Ridiculousness?
  199. White House Science Czar wishes to de-develop the U.S.
  200. Supreme Court gets case against 'putative' President
  201. HOT! The Empty Suit in the White House
  202. Robert Gates: "We're Not Ever Leaving" Afghanistan
  203. John Bolton is considering run for President, claims to be a "Goldwater conservative"
  204. S. 510: 12 Reasons Why the Food Safety Bill From Hell Could Be Very Dangerous
  205. [Video] Freedom Watch 10/2 - With Alberto Gonzalez, Daniel Hannan, CARL, Lew Rockwell
  206. Lefties rally at the capital
  207. Rep Issa on Gvmt spending and taxation
  208. The new war Obama is starting!
  209. Scott Horton Interviews The Other Scott Horton
  210. Expert on small and beginning farming
  211. I think Farrakhan has been watching some Ron Paul...
  212. GOP challenger to Barney Frank raised $400,000 Last Month
  213. </Sanchez jew rant> ... <propaganda!>
  214. Ron Paul Working With... Dan Maes?
  215. For those who doubt- we MUST support Rand Paul - Ron Paul's 2012 run depends on it!
  216. Federal judge tosses out Montana's firearms freedom act lawsuit
  217. Never Forget Our Matchless Constitution: Cornerstone of the Republic
  218. The American Conservative: What is Left? What is Right? A symposium.
  219. I want to show you our poster
  220. Creating a better society, nature vs nurture
  221. Could someone reference me some Social Security reform articles?
  222. Red State calls progressives cannibals
  223. Obama vs GOP Leadership Poll Question!!
  224. The Pentagon's Missing Trillion Dollars
  225. Mike Gravel: Fiscal House Of Horrors [video]
  226. The New Road To Serfdom
  227. Mon. Oct. 18th, the premier of "The Peter Schiff Radio Show"
  228. Did you know? There is a major problem in America
  229. Thousands of democrats gather for 'One Nation' rally in D.C.
  230. Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Crashes Obama Rally
  231. 3 years of no TV until last night
  232. How I feel about Ron Paul in 2012.....
  233. Libertarian solution to public littering?
  234. Creedism
  235. Alan Grayson: My opponent is a Taliban that wants to rape your wife
  236. Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul - A Comparison!
  237. CA Senate debate rebroa\dcast today noon EST
  238. Ahmadinejad calls for US leaders to be 'buried'
  239. Rasmussen: Feingold Down By 12 Points
  240. One Nation Rally: Proud Socialists on the March in D.C.
  241. Rush Limbaugh: Those who voted for Obama deserve to be in Misery and Unemployed
  242. US issues a travel alert to all Americans in Europe.
  244. Artist/Musician/Thinker/RP Supporter
  245. No More Federal Government, But Washington Government
  246. Rhetorical Device: Competition in Currency as Open-Source Currency
  247. The Meaning of Gold in the News
  248. The National Bureau of Economic Research says recession over
  249. CNN Finally Covers Rick Sanchez Firing
  250. Which is the best way to fight for freedom?